Lakeshore Advance, 2013-01-16, Page 8Wednesday, January 16, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Office of Ombudsman finds the Oversight
Committee was a breach of the Municipal Act
Lynda A.o�
Lakeshore Advance
In 2012 The Office of the Ontario
Ombudsman investigated complaints
from 1ambton Shores residents regard-
ing eight different circumstances. 'They
continue to investigate the November
lath meeting that resulted in the dis-
missal ()ICAO John Byrne. In a report to
V council Monday, Carol McKenzie,
municipal clerk mapped out the details
of the Ombudsman findings.
Municipalities are required to pass
by-laws setting out the procedure for
holding meetings, and the "Municipal
Act" requires that all meetings he open
to the public unless they meet the lim-
ited exceptions. The exceptions are
stated in Section 239(2) of the Munici-
pal Act.
Any person may request an investiga-
tion into whether a municipality or local
board has complied with the open
meeting requirements or the procedural
by-law relating to any meeting or part of
a meeting that was closed to the public.
All municipalities were required to
appoint a "Closed Meeting Investigator"
who would review inquiries pertaining
to violations of the open meeting provi-
sions, and the Municipality of l.ambton
Shores appointed the Ontario Ombuds-
nlan for this role. If a complaint is
received by the Ombudsman, typically
an "Early Resolution Officer" is
appointed, who will contact the Clerk
for the background information, which
when provided, is reviewed to deter-
mine if a full investigation is necessary.
If a formal investigation is undertaken,
the Clerk provides all the requested
information, and once a decision is ren-
dered by the Ombudsman's office, the
municipality is required to report the
decision in open Council.
These requests take a significant
amount of time to respond to, and in the
past year, the Clerk has dealt with H
issues that have been referred to the
Ombudsman for investigation, which
1. 'I he July 6, 2011 preliminary discus-
sion that was held with staff, consult-
ants and several members of Council to
ensure that the consultants were pre-
pared to respond to the issues raised by
residents regarding the GBS'I'P at the
next Grand Bend Sewage Board Meet--
ing. The Ombudsman's office con-
cluded that the open meeting require-
ments of the Municipal Act were not
2. Grand Bend Sewage Board Meet-
ing November 8, 2011 and Lambton
Council meeting November 21, 2011.
The issue with the November 21, 2011
meeting was that there was no detailed
notice in advance regarding the "in
camera" portion of
the November 21 meeting. The
response from the 11n1buds- 5. Oversight Committee
mail stated that 1t I5 not it A complaint was received
statutory requirement for the that the Oversight Commit -
details the "in camera" dis- tee may have held closed
('us5ion to he provided in meetings. information was
advance to the public, requested on the mandate of
although it is encouraged. the Committee, and details
Also, it was suggested that on the meetings. The ruling
Section 239(2)(f ) of the from the Closed Meeting
Municipal Act (advice that is investigation, dated Decent -
subject to solicitor client ber 21, 2012, is attached to
privilege) be used as the this report, and notes that
rationale for closing meet- the Oversight Committee
ings when possible litigious failed to follow the open
!natters art' discussed, as meeting re'quireme'nts of the
opposed to 239(2)e) - litiga- Municipal Act and the con -
tion or potential litigation. sultaut preparing the min -
3. Notice for the January utes from the July 6, 2012
30th meeting, and February meeting was a breach of sec -
2, 2012 meetings of Council. tion 14 of the Procedural by -
The information on the law and the Municipal Act.
municipal procedures and (NOTE: As a result of the
those used to notify the pub- comments in the letter from
lic of these meetings were the Closed Melting lnvesti-
provided to the early resolu- gator, staff will be preparing
tion officer. 'the decision was a report 00 recommended
that these were not closed changes to the Committee
meetings; therefore, it was procedures to ensure coin -
not within the Ombudsman's pliancy with the Municipal
jurisdiction to investigate Act and the Procedural
4. PVI3 Settlement discus- By-law)
Mon-- the rationale for dos- 6. Community Information
ing the meeting was 239(2) Meeting - October 4, 2012 -
(e) of the Municipal Act -1iti- Information was requested
gation or potential litigation. on the pre - consultation
The Ombudsman's office's meeting held the 4th of Oc'to-
analysis was that this section her with the area community
accurately reflected the sub- groups to review the material
stance of the (discussion on that would be presented at
the matter, the (('toper I 1 Pi(: sleeting.
North 1 ambton Secondary School
(:rade 7 & 8 Parent Night
Thursday, January 24, 201;
at 6:00 p.m.
For parents of students considering
enrollment at N.l..S.S. for the school years
2013-2014 Oit 2014-2015.
Learn about school programs, graduation
requirements and tour the facility.
Parents and students are welcome.
Registration materials will he available for
students who are not currently registered in a
1 ambton Kent District School Board
elementary school.
Any questions', please call 786-2166
The report from the closed sleeting notice and that no sleeting minutes
investigator (Ombudsman) 00 this mat- were publicly available. Sin' also said
ter is also Dart of the December 21, 21)12 there was 00 terms of reference for this
letter, and concludes that the October 4 committee. In reviewing the bac k -
meeting was not a "meeting of council" ground of this committee, the ( )mhuds-
and therefore was not subject to the Iran found that there was no general
open meeting requirements. 1)nblie' notice Of the meetings, meaning
7. Fire Hoard Meetings Information that not all the members of the public
was requested on the lire Hoard's neem- could know they were taking place. A
hership and mandate, and the by-law meeting without public notice is not
establishing the Board. The Olnbuds- considered "open to the public" and
man's office has advised there will not contravenes the Act. As these meetings
be a review of this issue, as the meeting were not open to the public, the Com -
dates are posted on the annual calendar mittee also breached the Act by failing
on the website, and there was no e'vi- to pass a public resolution to proceed in
deuce of a closed meeting of the lire c'amera.'Ihe Office of the Ombudstllan
Board. also said the meetings did not qualify
8. November 13, 2012 - CA() matter for closed meeting consideration under
discussed i11 Closed Session. Copies of any of the exceptions to the open meet -
all ing requirements. "Finally," said l leggie
minutes from c'lose'd and open sett- the record of the July 6, 2012 meeting
skins dealing with this matter were was prepared by a consultant (rather
requested. 'the office is still working on than a municipal employee) and no
this file and a response has not yet been record of the August 28th 2012 sleeting
received. was kept, contrary to the Procedural By -
In their letter to council regarding the law and the Act.
Oversight Committee, Yvonne Veggie, "We understand that, although ilot
Early Resolution officer of the Open formally disbanded, the Oversight Com -
Meeting Law Enforcement team said mince is no longer active. However the
there was a complaint alleged that the municipality should be cautious in
Municipality's Oversight Committee future to ensure that meetings of any
was established to oversee and consider body that falls within the Municipal
cost effective alternatives to the pro- Act's definition of a committee respects
posed waste water treatment facility the requirements of the Act and the
was holding meetings without public municipal Procedural By -Law.
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