Lakeshore Advance, 2013-01-16, Page 7..t T 7-,z 6 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Lambton Shores councilor seeks police protection CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 Bonesteel said the people who attended were dis- ruptive. It was suggested maybe their by-law officer could stand by their meetings. Deputy mayor Eliza- beth Davis- Dagg asked if Bonesteel felt this was going to be an on-going issue, " do you see controversy as something that will continue?" she asked. Bonesteel answered, "'this is a business meeting and if it takes the presence of the OPP to make this happen we should do that." 1 le said for "$80-100 they should do this': ('the cost for duty police is $60 per hour with a four- hour minimum.) i le added that tx'ople have an opportunity to make comments at the end of the meetings. (The public may only ask for clarification of agenda items at the end of the meeting- they may not continent as per By- law 37-2(112.) Bonesteel said the December 17th meeting was a disgrace to the municipality and that the mayor should have cleared the room. In the past two years windmill controversy, cell phone tower protests, sewer meetings all had sante or higher levels of public interest with the difference being at this meeting the derision was stressed against different council members. Davis-Dagg said the December 17th meeting was out of control and people should be waned and this issue needs to be seriously addressed. She thought the police officer would be strong treatment for order and decorum. Bonesteel asked if they wanted to risk the safety of the council. Councilor Martin Underwood said there was no violence inside the walls of council 1 le said maybe having a police is overkill-- "but maybe not:' 1 le felt that they should snake it clear disruptive galleries won't be tolerated. In the end, this concern of Scotts- that would have The Municipality of tam LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax, 519-786-2135, Email. administrations@Iambtonshores ca Visit our Web Site at www.Iambtonshores.ca Property Assessment Notice - Taxation Years 2013 to 2016 Property Owners should have received their new Property Assessment Notice from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) in the last couple of weeks. The Municipality has scheduled two (2) days for property owners to meet with MPAC if they would like to discuss their property assessment value. The 2 dates scheduled are: Thursday, January 24/13 at the Grand Bend Municipal Office (lower level) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Thursday, January 31113 at the Shores Complex In Forest (lower level meeting room) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. An APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY to meet with a representative from MPAC. To schedule an appointment, the property owner Is required to call MPAC directly at 1-866-2964722. You must indicate that you are calling to setup an appointment and for which location/date. Please bring your assessment notice to the appointment. Lambton Shores' Residents PLEASE NOTE: lite next budget meeting t\ I►I be e 11 it INSDAY, ,):liiwiry 3 1st at 1:00 p.111 Ali meeting!, ,rr,` ,tt the 1 hotilorti \ Ctt7lrplci Committee of Adjustment ... The Lambton Shores Committee of Adjustment will be considering the following matters at the Thursday, January 24, 2013, meeting. 7:05 p.m. - Steve Seddon, Agent for Tanya Krantz - A-02/2013 Minor Variance - Plan 24, S. Pt. Lot 198, 15 Elmwood Ave., Grand Bond 7:05 p.m. - David Gllcrest, Architect, Agent for Anglican Church- A-0112013 Minor Variance- Plan 3, Lot 5 & Pt. Lots 3 & 4, RP 25R8664 Part 1, 20 Main Street, South, Forest Full copies of the notices for these applications are available on the Municipal Website or can be obtained by calling the Forest office at 786-2335 or 1-877-786-2335. The meetings are held at the Thedford Village Complex, comer of Main and Pearl Streets, Thedford Economic Development Committee The Municipality of Lambton Shores Is seeking individuals interested in serving on the Economic Development Committee to assist in discussions and research geared to business retention and expansion, and to encourage opportunities for employment growth In Lambton Shores and to make recommendations to Council on Economic Development Issues. Council is seeking 6 people who will represent key groups in the community, such as tourism, agriculture, youth, business, seniors, and ensure wide geographic coverage, and with experience In either economic development, marketing, information technology, sociology and/or municipal processes. If you are interested In participating, application forms aro available on the municipal website. www.lambtonshores.ca/local government/ Council. Application forms aro also available by contacting any ono of the Municipal Office. Submission details are available on the form, and applications are to be submitted by February 13, 2013 r - Council member Lone Scott been an emergent issue at the next meet- ing was lost. Mayor Hill Weber said, -11e safely of every council member and the public in general is very important to me. It is unfortunate that in the past two and a half years we have seen many verbal attacks on individuals which have been inappropriate. The most recent distur- bances are no different. i will do my best to maintain proper decorum during council meetings. As Mayor I have no jurisdiction over discus- sions in the parking lot. 'Thick skin and broad shoulders are requirements in politics:' In the question segment of Thursday's meeting' 1 herdfortl resident Sheila' Thomp- son told council the residents need to voice their opinions and that is why they ani' coming to the metings. "People need the opportunity to speak, they want to be heard and if they are not happy with what you are doing, they want more of a say." She suggested maybe they have special meetings so people can speak out. Bob Shaven, (rand Bend was sched- uled to delegate with council Monday regarding public conduct (regarding the Dec. 17th meeting) and Wayne Edlington from Forest was also scheduled to speak alx)ut questions regarding the dismissal of the CAO. Open letter to MP Bev Shipley: F-35 jet You are being overly modest (lake - shore Advance, tan. 2, 2013). What you characterize as "a good deal of discussion" about the purchase of the F-35 jet, is in fact an unmitigated military pn)cumntent and PR disaster for the I lailx'r government. You and your government have lung ridiculed critics who had exprvs ed con- cerns alx)ut the choice and cost of the F-35. Opposition MPs were accused by your government of being uninformed, anti -militaristic and even unpatriotic. Casting doubt, and worse, on the Par- liamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page and Auditor (eneral Michael Ferguson besntitched the reputation of two fine, neutral supervisors of Parliament's han- dling of our money. Your unequivocal assertion that "we have not spent a single tx'nny to acquits new fighter plane's" ignores the $335, (XX), lex) that ('au oda has already contributed towards the tvsearch and development of the }.-35 as per the Memorandum of Understanding (M(RJ), 2(xxi. Uwe con- tinue with the M011, Canada's share of R&D will be at least $550 million. 'that's not getting us a single jet, only an oppor- tunity to he able to buy. Furthermore, the MOI1 arrangements with Canadian industry are only valid if Canada stays in the MOIJ framework and buys the F-35. Hence all "significant industrial benefits" have to be re -negoti- ated with another plane maker if the 1:-35 is not selected. It is a fact that Defence Minister Peter MacKay stated on Feb. 25, 2011 that, "if this procurement is cancelled....so another competition can l)e held, it will cost taxpayers $1 1)111i0n:' Is this how nnuch has leen spent in the first place on the decision to buy the 1:-35? In July, 2010 Public Works Minister Ambrose and Peter MacKay declared that a full review of all options had been made, stealth technology was indispen- sable and that the F-35 was the ONLY fighter that fit the air force's needs. Now the "reset button" is pushed without any acknowledgement that the sole -source prx'urene'nt and withering denigration of critics by your government blinded all government MPs to what proper steps ought to have lx'en taken. Why didn't you and the I lamer govern- ment follow the "seven -step plan" before "this good deal of discussion" took place? No matter how the I larger government twists and turns, what is inescapable is that the government had invested all of their support in the purchase ()Idle F-35. In the face of unrelenting revelations by KPMG and others, you are now contra- dicting statements made earlier by Minis- ters MacKay, Ambrose and Clement. in fact, at the time of the federal 2011 election the 1 larper government knew that the $9 billion %vies not a realistic cost, but chose.' to gloss over; if not outright lie, about the increased cost. Using a 42 year life -cycle cost, is a weak attempt to bring down the average cost per plane.'Ihese planes will not last 42 years. Food for thought for all Canadian citi- zens: "'lb operate the F -35 11.S. Vice Admiral David Venlet, F-35 programme chief, has described as rendering his (American) customers weak in the knees: And by -the -way, your cheap -shot criti- cism of the (:BC is like comparing apples and oranges. You could just as well com- pare the $461)1111011 cost of the F-35 to the cost of all the media advertising and poll- ing done for the I larger government. I low alxnit giving us transparency about those figures as we'll? Sincerely yours, Peter Stanojevic