Lakeshore Advance, 2013-01-09, Page 8Wednesday, January 9, 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Man and woman charged with murder in death
of missing Sarnia school teacher
SARNIA, ON - Police have
charged two Sarnia residents
with first degree murder in the
death of 27 -year-old Noelle
Michael MacGregor, 19, and
Tanya Bogdanovich, :11, made
a brief appearance in court Fri-
day morning. Both appeared in
court separately.
Both of MacGregor's hands
were wrapped in splints and 0)e'd. Ile was wearing a radio
tion logo t- shirt featuring
artlt Vader. Tall, with a slight
build, MacGregor stood silent
as the murder charge was
A lawyer speaking on his
behalf asked the court to
ensure a detention facility was
made aware of MacGrtegor's
"severe injuries."
Bogdanovich, who stands
about 5' tall, with shoulder -
length, dark brown hair tvith
red flecks, also stood silent aS
site was re111anded into
Both are expected to appear
hack in court on tan. 10.
The pair was arrested with-
out incident in London, late
'1hursday afternoon, ( )PP say.
Bogdanovich is a resident of
267 Cobden Street in Sarnia,
which was cordoned off'Ihurs-
(1ay night by police as a crime
"It's a nice, quiet neighbour-
hood," said neighbour lathes
Another neighbour, who
asked not to be named, told
'Ihe Observer that officers were
scouring the south Sarnia
street all week.
I'Ol1('1' were 0n ag'e'nt' SIOC(' 6
p.m. Thursday night, neigh -
hours said. A forensics van was
also at the scene'Ihursday.
MacGregor is a resident of
120 Proctor Street in Sarnia.
Paquetti's body was found
Wednesday morning around
10:33 a.m. in a woodlot on
Ma1n(latlntin Line, between
Petrolia and Rokeby lines.
That area remains closed as
investigators continue their
She went missing after she
left a New Year's Eve party near
Christina and l.ochie'l streets in
Sarnia after 2 a.m.
An autopsy that began in
London on 'Thursday was con-
tinuing Friday, said LambtOn
( ) P 1'.
1.ambtoll ()PP and Sarnia
police have been working
together on the investigation.
Paquette was a kindergarten
teacher at St. Mathew school in
Sarnia, covering it maternity
leave. Counsellors will be avail-
able at the school for staff and
students when c'lasse's resume
Noelle Paquette
next week, said Carol Bryden, board
of trustees chairperson with the St.
(:lair Catholic District School Board.
Anyone with information about
Paquette's disappearance and death
are asked t0 contact it dedicated tip
line at 855-835-5677.
First Nations deer harvest in Pinery this week
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakehore Advance
The Ministry of Natural
Resources has approved
native (leer hunts over the
years in areas where the ani
bill was considered to he
overpopulated, such as lion -
dealt and Pinery provincial
parks in southwestern
Ontario. First Nations people
approached the I' 1NR with
proposals to cull an overpop-
ulated herd they themselves
had identified In both these
s and this week there is
vest In the finery.
n the Grand Bengt area,
for the residents whose
homes straddle the conser-
vation authority land, the
mail complaint about the
(leer hunt this week is that
they were not informed of it
well in advance by the Pinery
Park or the 11tinist y. At MPP
Monte h1CNaughton's office,
representative John Frazer
said he was shocked to find
out no one knew, even his
office was not aware, and he
began calling people in the
affected area.
One than who called the
Lakeshore Advance wanted
the newspaper to he aware of
his concerns but asked not to
ht' identified dile to the con-
troversial nature (tithe story,
but was concerned about the
people who use the park,
some going in "the hack
way and would not be aware
of the limited signage at the
front of the park.
Deer culling in the Pinery
Park began in 1998. Frazer
said he was sent it release
when he called the Pinery
asking for information and
111e Lakeshore Advance also
received the release last Fri-
day alter calling the Park for
1111' release from the 11ti11-
istry states, "Ontario and the
Chippewas of Kettle and
Stony Point First Nation have
agreed to allow a traditional
Aboriginal (leer hunt in '111t'
Pinery Provincial Park.
The deer hunt will allow
Aboriginal hunters to safely
harvest deer for food. It will
take place from Ian. 7, 2013,
until lan. 11, 2013, within the
boundaries of The Pinery
ih Ovincial 1'ark. I hinters will
use archery equipment and
rifles (luring the harvest. 'the
1111111 will take place daily
Men's Probus Winter Lineup
Gary Pollard
Grand Bend Men's Probus
The Men's Probus club has finalized their winter lineup
of speakers, and they Invite all members and non mem-
bers as well to try on this appealing lineup of speakers.
The January 15 meeting highlights Casey Lessard who will
outline his experiences In Canada's Arctic (just in case It is
not too cold in Grand Bend that day). Our February 20
meeting will waren things up a bit with a most heated and
from one half-hour before
sunrise until noon.
In the interest of public
safety, the park will be closet)
to the general public for the
duration of the hunt. Park
staff will be 011 site at all des-
ignated access points l0
ensure public safety, and will
patrol the boundary perime-
ter and park trails.
1lttnters will be informed
of the safety protocol and
harvest techniques before
the hunt begins."
"'That would have been
nice to know," said a park
user adding there is lots of
warning during the annual
road race and scheduled
burns in the park, „But noth-
ing when native hunters will
he killing deer with cross-
bows and rifles."
controversial topic as Marie Wilson from Ontario Power
Generation joins us to discuss Deep Storage of Nuclear
Waste, In preparation for an early and bright Spring Mr.
David Campbell Executive Director of the Grand Bend
Community Foundation joins us on March 19 to welcome
spring and highlight the bright outlooks that our founda-
tion affords the Grand Bend area.
Please mark your calendar for these events and be
reminded that the Men meet at the Grand Bend Legion
these abovementioned Tuesdays at 10.00 a.m.
Whitetail deer
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