The Wingham Times, 1914-03-19, Page 2....11.1.^.1.1.115171111110111paar=11,••••••.- SA NOL An effective remedy' for the re- moval a Widnes, and. Gall Stones, ILIduey and Bladder troubles, Gravel,Rhetunatio Pains, ailments of Uric Acid origin; entlerSedbg Dlaysicians and surgeona. PRICE OA() Correspondence invited. Free literature and testimoniale from THE SANOL MANUFACTURING Go., LTD. Wriviernre, MAN, For Sale by J. W. McKIBBON, Druggist latinghant, Ontario Grand Inink Ilailway Syste Tau what length the administration might have gone in its attempt to "educate the farmers" with figure of its own doctoring, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. WANTED! Two Commissioners to make a report to the Government which will reflect upon the Con- etruction of the Transcontinental Railway under the Laurier Admin- istration. Will pay for services durieg the first two years as salaries 866,503.43. allow for travelling and other expenses, $11,894.96, and pro- vide a private car, porters, etc., at cost of $17,500; in ether 'stir& incur a total expenditure of $98,888.39. Other rewards may follow. Apply to The Bordon Government. Some such advertisement as this above wOuld sum up the position of the Borden Government with respect to the report of the Transcontinental Investi- m gating Comrnision. The Commission- ' ers, Messrs. Gutelius and Lynch -Staun- ton, were appointed on February 14th, 11812, at a salary of 665per day each and expensee. By a return brought down Ito the House of Commons a short time a m ti e Governa ent stated that for this report they had paid to Mr. F. P. Gutelius $27,465.48, and to Mr. Lynch - Staunton $24,038.02, and for other ex- peases $11,894.90. By referring te the Government reports it will be seen that Mr. Gutelius has also drawn since the first of May last, at which date tie was appointed manager of the L C. R,, a salary at the rate of $2e,600 a year, or to the middle of February; 1914, at which time the return above referred to was made, $14.999.74. Thus for pay and salary allowance alone he has drawn in two years no less than $42,465 42. Mr. Gutelius was also provided with a private car which cost the Government $17,500. Is it any wonder that a report help- ful to the Bordon Government was made? No mention is made in the of- ficial return as to whether any of the expenses of Mr. Lynch -Staunton whan canvassing for the Conservative candi- date in South Bruce last October were charged up in this account. diet Oifice ele. a f ° We caa issue terough tickets via PoPoiar routee, to any poitin titierica - East, West. Soueh, Northwest, Mani- toba, Pacale Coast, ete. Baggetre checked throueli to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will he make pleasant and free fre. arrioyarrie. Tourist and return tieeets to anove points also on sale at lett figures, and with all prevailing advantages. Single tied return tiekets to any point in Ontario Your business wilt be ap- preciated, ue you trip a short or a long one. We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. If it's alone, travel, we have the information etel will* give it to you cheerfully, H. B. ELLIOTT To, 11 Agcrit Times (Ante, Wingham, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes mut be left at this office net later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wedneedav rif each week. WrAtiLit,.ro St. WINfilla TIMES, a. B. ELLIO IT, P11114ttaElEtt AND PaCtPCIRTOm. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1914 dm*. "OFFICAL" STATISTICS. During the discussion of the agricul- tural estimates on the afternoon and evening of February 26th. the Hon. Mr. I3urrell stated that he did not dis- pute that there were inaccuracies in the new Agricultural Gazette published under his authority On being question- ed closely by Mr, Carvell, M, P., for Carleton, he admitted that they were very grave and that the fault Jay en- tirely with his Department. He promis- ed Mr. Carvell that in the March num- ber of the Agricultural Gazette correct- ions would appear, and that in the meantime he would lay upon the table of the House a complete statement of the corrections. He also promised to send to every person who had received a copy of the January number a copy of the correct statement. During the discussion Mr. Sinclair, M. P., regretted that information continued in a Government blue book was not ac- curate. This he stetecl, was the second occa ion this winter where h 3 had found the figures quoted in Government blue books not in accordance with the facts; Up to this year no one had ever thought of questioning the reports of the blue books. Now it was obvious that inac- curacies were creeping in, and the un- fortunate part was that such errors as accurred were of a kind to make the result detrimental to the Liberals and of a nature to boost the Conservatives. But for the vigilance of the Opposi- tion in Parliament in exposing these errors of theinitial number of the Agri- cultural Gazette, it is hard to say to You Can Cure CONSTIPATION By The Use Of MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS, A free motion of the bowels daily should be the rule of every one, for if the bowels do not Move daily constipation is sure to follow and bring in its train nutty other troubles when the bowels become dogged up. You get Headaches, jaundice, Piles, Ileurthurn, Vloating Specks before the Eyes, Catarrh of the Stomach, and those tired weary feelings which follow the wrong action of the livet. Mrs. Elijah A. Ayer, Fawcett 1E11, N.13., writes:—" I was troubled with ton. stipation for many years, and about there vete ago my husband wanted me to try Milburn'a Laxa-Liver Pale as they had cured him. 1 got vial, and took them, and by the time1 had taken three vials T was cured. I always keep them on hand, and When / need a mild laxative T take Milburn's Lant-Liver Pills are 26e. le vial, 6 vials for $1.06, at all dealers, or mailed direct on rteeipt of prite by The t Milburn CO., Linked, TOtOnto, Onto COL. HUGHES AND LAND SCANDALS. ' THE WHAM TUNS, MAUR 19 1914 Rich Indian teas 41-'7111 win navory Ceylons. WINGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO From the TIMES of March 11, 1894 LOCAL NEWS. Iospector Robb paid the Wingham sehools an official visit this week. Mr. G. H. Mooney has severed his connection wit a th Ilip!ey Enquirer, 1 and the paper will Le continued as usu- ! al, with Mr. H P. Chapman as editor and proprietor. • Rev. Robt. McCesh, formerly of this town, has been nominated to fill the reetorehip of Christ's Church', Chatham in succession to the late Archdeacon Sandys. Mr. A. J. Irwin, Dentist, who recent- ly passed his examination in the Dental Coliege at Philadelphia, was in town this week. There is a possibility that he may locate in Wingham. Rev. Mr. Gordon, of Toronto, father of our townsman, Mr. H. F. Gordon, preached very acceptably in the Wing. ham Presbyterian Church on Sunday last, both morning and evening. Mrs. Margaret L. Shepherd, of Tor- onto, adiressed meetings in the town hall, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day evenings of this week, on Roman- :sm. One of tbe worst land scandals i the history of the Dotninion was exposed in the Commons this week. The means whereby public funds have been used to aid political friends in land speculation have been shown up in a manner which reflects seriously upon the Minister of Militia and his Department. The facts as brought out in a House of Commons bebate areas follows: On May 23rd, 19,2, the Minister of Militia passed an Order -in -Council au- thorizing him to spend $180,000 for a Military camp site near Montreal, Ten days later Major Rodden purchased a property known as the McIntyre farm for $36,496 which he added to auother property, the Bel -Air Race Track, which he purchased a year previously for $48, 500, making the total cost of the two properties to Mr. Rodden $84, 996, On June the 17th, nine days later, the Minister of Militia issued a cheque for $180,000 to Megan. Rodden, Fair & Cameron. On June 24th Messrs. Rode den, Fair & Cameron issuel a certificate stating that the titles, on this land were clear. On the sam3 date the deed for the property was issued, and on the 25- th day of June, the day following, the deed was registered. When this land deal was brought to the attention of the public last August, Col. Hughes gave out a statement, part of which reads as follows: "The Age- nts of the Department who chose the property and made the bargain are Col. Labelle and Col. Wilson. Their stand- ing and reputation is a sufficient answer to the allegation of wanton 'araste of public money. I know nothing of the property myself." Col. Hughes knew perfectly well that besore Major Rodden had even purchasd the McIntre property an Order-in-Coun- di had been passed specifying that the price to be paid should be $180,000. Can it be doubted that the word was paaaed to his friends who then proceeded to make the necessary purchases and resell to the Government at the figures specified in Col.Hughes' Order -in -Coun- cil, realizing thereby a profit of $95,000, or over 110 per cent on a tranaaction which took only a few days and iivOlved absolutely no tisk whatever? %e pub - he will form its own opinion of Colonel Hughes and this transaction. M Ayor Hanna is having the old Eng- lish Church pulled down and will erect two fine brick residences on the proper- ty this year. Dr, McDonald, M. P., left for Ottawa on Monday to resume his Parliamentary duties. Mr. Geo. McKenzie is in Goderich this week, having a suit against Mr. Smith, hay dealer of Prescott, Ont, which is being tried this week. Messrs. Wm. Clegg and Bradshaw Kerr, of town, were attending the as- sizes at Goderich this wee, as jury- men. Mr. Jos. 13radwin of the Electric Light Works, has been laid up for a short time, but is again on duty, Sometime ago, when Hon. J. C. Pat- terson, Minister of Militia, was in Wing - ham, Mayor Hanna asked him to pres- ent the town with a couple of cannon to place on our town park. The other day the Mayor received notificadon from Mr. Patterson that one cannon had been shipped from Quebec to his address, for the town. Surrounding towns can now take a back seat. Mayor Hanna is determined Wingham shall be at the head of the procession! Sold Again. For ten long but blissful years they had walked along the path of love; but as yet the lovesick youth had never Mentioned about their getting married. Courtship is very charming; but wheh there do not seem to be altar rails at the end of it girls naturally begin to lose interest in the game. Anyhow, Jane thought it time that the marriage day was fixed, so she threw Out a gentle hint to her lover by Way of erieoruaging him. Encourage. ment Ale- thought, was all the dear, fellow wanted, "Nathaniel," she whispered, coyly , "they're saying we're going to be mar- red soon." "Are they, though?" answered the I stolid swain. "What a jolly sett Wit he for them When they And out we ain't!" 41.411•0, STATE or OHIO, CITY OP TOLEDO LUCAS COUNTY. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and the said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every cise, of Catarrh that g=h be uff e PRANKusa CoffEllaYs. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my present', this Oth day, of December, A.D., 1836. (SMese) A. W GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood slid mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENTEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. DIED. "."--"`9 ,mrarsaag1S.*1. Gallagher -At Belmore, on the 5th, Mrs. Gallagher, aged 87 years. Dulmage-in Howick, on the2.d inst. Robert, son of Mr. Anson Dulmage, aged 18 years. TOWN DiltECtOltY. BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 a. zn. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. tn. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. John Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. I/. meets Monday evenings 8 p. tn, W. D. Pringle, S. S. Superintendent. METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11. a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League every Monday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hilbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. MARRIED Campbell -Hamilton -At the' resi- dence of bride's parents, on March 13th by Rev. D. Petrie, Mr. Archibald Camp- bell, of Morris, to Miss Margaret, eld- est daughter of Mr, Hugh Hamilton of Wingham. Anderson -Henderson -At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on March 14th, by the Rev. D. Perrie, Mr, Dun- can Anderson, of Turnberry, to Migs Annie, daughter of Thomas Henderson, Esq., of Morris. Gillies -Thom -At the residence of the bride's father, on March Oth, by the Rev. A. McKay, Mr. David Gillies, to Janet, second daughter of Mr. Wm. Thom, of West Wawanosh. PRESBYTERIAN Canna—Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting. on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perm, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a. m. and 7, p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. zn. Rev. E. H. Only, B. A., Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL, -Service at 11 a.m., 3 p,m, and7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock aen Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening serviee from 7 to 7.15 PosT OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m, Open to box holders from 7 a. in. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postznast- er. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon fr im 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib- rarian. TOWN COUNCIL -Dr. A. J Irwin, Mayor; J. W. McKibbon, Reeve; H. B. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie, A. Young, W G. Patterson and D, Bell, Councillors; John P. Groves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD -FL E. Isard, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- leyHolmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Robt, alien, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HMI' SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A., Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. Pueeio SCROOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Mise Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F, Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. A Weak (Masted Boy. "My boy Frank seemed weak -chested and took a very severe -cold," writes Mrs. D. Stevens, Ninga, Man "The many medicines used did not seem to benefit him, until we tried Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and found it to be exactly what was wanted to cure hin." No treatment is so thor- ough and effective as a cure for croup and bronchitis. Edwin C. Coulthurst, deputy return- ing officer at Bridgeourg in the recent Canada Temperance Act election in Welland county, was committed for trial on a charge of forgery, .to 401.1 WAYNF, COUNTY, MICHIGAN, WHERE nearly one hundred miles of Concrete Roads have been built in the past six years, during ‘vhich time nearly every method of road construction has been tested, now comes out flat-footed and adopts concrete as the road 0;4 standard. ape' The story is best told in the following pqra- graph which has been taken from the latest report of the Board of County Road Com- missioners of Wayne County, Michigan. "With the completion of Plymouth Road, \ VC have abandoned every other form of con- struction and have adopted concrete as our standard. We feel that our experience of the past six years warrants us in arriving at this det:rmination, based on its general satisfactor- ines; and its annual cost as eomptied with other forms of construction. In addition to tbk: economy in hauling, the pleasure in driving and touring, and the increase in land kakunion, the concrete roads of Wayne County have been the means of bringing tens of thousancts of dollars to tl.i, Concrete roads will benefit any locality proportionately as they have benefited Wayne County, Miehigan. The fullest detailed information about concrete roads will be sent to anyone interested, without cost or obligation. Address: PralIetatle Concrete Ronda Depstrfireenf Canada Cement Company Limited 80S tletald Building, Montilla! RSTA,ULTSED 1815. THE WIN6111$ TIMES. 18 PUBLISERD EVE;RY THURSDAY MQRN1NG -kg- The Times °Mee Stone Stack. VataTtaaratat. CaiVarno. 0.••••••••••••,, Manua or 8eos5eraPTIor4-131.1.10 per etoefun, in advance, 81,50 ir not so paid. No paper disoe ef- Untied till all ar.itetre ere paid, OtAtlut thr option of the publisher . Art viwrielexci 1AT28, "•`• Level Ana uva., easualadvereisemento 100 per No apariel hoe t or first ineetelon, 80 por line ler *soh sabsequeus insertion, Advertissemento le 'offal °Aut.:tem ere emerge'. 10 eta, per line for &rat 1. noortIon, sad 8(..elklba per line for each subsequeut intiertion. advartIseateats of Strayed, Femme for sal, or to Rent, and Muffler, , 01.00 foto first t42 weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent la sertion. Voice Culture and Violin Tuition. Mr. Peter Wilson will receive pupils in the above at his home, Catherine Street, opposite Public School grounds. Tuition in the evenings only. FARMERS CotternAcIT RATIO -The following table „meet • ourratea for the insertion of savertisemaat- for spectified periods: - swots. 1 Yet, 0 foto. 0 Atte. to oneColnran $70.00 620.00 4ee.50 18.00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 0,ed QuarterOolumn-, WM 12.50 7.50 BM One Inch - 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 Advertieements without anteing) direeeione will be inserted till forbid lEnd (Merged anoninl. Transient advertfeemente mud be pe..O for in advenoe. Tint Jon DeleareZtater to stocked witle extensive assortment of all requisites for prin.8. ing, affording facilities not senanea ta. the omenty for turning ont first ohms work. Larg. type and aepropriate onto for a11*t.1,,* of Poet. ere, Hand Bina, eta., and the latest styles el choice fancy type for *he Snot classes of print Ing. and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to diepose of, should adver- tise the oarae for Bate in the Timms. Onr large eirculation tells and it -will be strange indeed 11 roc do riot get as one:tomer. We oan't guarantee that you will sell hemmed you may ask more or the artiole or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Tigris and try- this plan of disposing of yorm stook and other artiolee OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements inch as teachers wanted, business ohanoee, meeker/dos wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt, in nay of the Toronto or ether city papers, may be left at the Tritons office. This work will receive prompt attention end will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest ratee will be quoted on application. Leave Dt- tend your next work of this kind to the T EMMA OF`IFIDINE., Wisartharn Wingham General Hospital (Under Government Inspect)on) Pleasantly situated, Beautifully fur- nish,ed. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RATS6 FOR PATIENTS-Whieh include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15. per week according to Iocatioh of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent I3ox 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWA.Y TIME TABLES. GRA.ND TA-D.11i RA1LWAV 13YSTdM Tiaras rasken eon, London . .„. 6.85 a.m..- 8.80am Coronto 63 (1.45 2.8apan Eineardintr,..11.69 a.m....2.131 pm.... 2,15 p.m artnierii room Sineardine .8.90 Ran -H.00 Ran 2.80 p.m London.. ...-,.- - 11.54 7,85 pan Palmerston... 11.24 Is.M, Wert:Alto 10' East - 2.80 0.15 pan W.F, BURG51-' A gent, Wingbam CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILV7A.1 TILLINS tal.&111 bzt %%route and Beet- 0,40 a.ra . 11,05 p.m, 'reeftwater .. 1,00 p.m.....10,22 pan. Aliavit room Teefivrater- .0.40 A.M.. _.8.05 P.m, 'reroute andatats,.. -.12 60 pan.. -10.22 p.M. J. 11.13111115BR, Anent-W=01M • OVER OS vrAna• EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRAot MARKO DESIGN& 06iotniarra Itt. Anybrie sending a ketch arid deserlptleti Mat Quickly inteertain our oillaion tree entailer an iriventtontpprobeblynnentab ei ,Oommunlea- trona stria confidential. ligiip OK on Patent, tont free. Idea egency‘for meeting patents. PUMA* taken threnda Munn " Cch Melva spectsinetive, Without (Marge. ita be SCICIIIIIIC Binericalt A handeotae/y illustrator! weekly. Urges*, elle intiatien ef stoy acientele journal, Terme for Cellatle, 475 4 Year•Postaga Peal& Sold by i iiii: E. . ni u0,843Broadvity,Nnwprk ._ -1261, flt.• WashIng100. A H. B. BLLIOTT, Proprietor and Publieher DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OMOVI-Clorner Patrick and Centro SM. PTV:WES: Offices 88 Residence, Dr. ICennede e43 Residence, Dr. Ca/cler • 151 Or. Kennedy speoielizes in Surgery. Dr. ()elder devotes special attention to Ms eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Rye e thoroughly tested. Glassee properly fitted. DR. nrocniain 62. PHYSICIAN and SURGRON Office, with Dr. 010E111°1.m (Eng DR. H. J. ADAMS Late Meraber Rouge Staff Toronto General Hospital. • Poet Graduate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. T. R. Agne•it. Office maeaonale Block. W . IL Hanibly, REM., ALM, 0.51, Winghara, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graattate work in Surgery, Barteriology and Scientifie Medicine. Office in the ICerr residence, betWeen the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given carefal attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118, Dr. 1 R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. Dr. R.. Parkar, D.B4O A„ F.S,D OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Eye Specialist Food Scientist Acute and Chronic Diseases Treated. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m. to Wednesday 10.30 a.m., Main St. (over Christie's Store). J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR .---aal,rittft°718411tryt!a1.1911/?...38112all, R(ht.o_fttv,.1". tism, Headaches, Consturacion, uheo ic MOM: ach, Liver and. Bowel Tronble,FentalenTroable. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m, ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. B., t. D 8. Doctor of Dentallenrgery of the Panneylvama *al College and Lteeretiete of Ms itoyal ege of Dental. Summits of Ontario, ortiee msclonnid Blook, Whezhem. r item closed every Wednesdity afternoon front Moy 1st tOob, let. Q H ROSS, D. IX 8,, L. D. S. Honor peeduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeptis of Ontario and Boner gradu- ate of the Tralyersity• of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. ham, Ont. Office over H. E. Teard .5 Co's., store, Wing - Office closed emery Wednesdny afternoon froin May 1st to Oet. 1st W. J. Moon Veterinary Surgeon LATE GOVT. VET. INsr. Office of late Dr. Wilson Residence IV -frighten, Ont. Cor. Prenees and Patriek Sta. Office Phone110. Phone le2 or. VAtIsTala, .141. BOLICITOks tiTt; PriVate and timpani funds to loan at !ewes, rate of intsrast. Stortgages, tweets nod low. property' bought and Hold. Odaorh /3sairsr Blook, Winghara mosToil, • too, *Ingham, Ont. DUDLEY 1-10Lrles Barrister, Saab) Etc. Office: Meyer Sleek, Winghati, The Cook's Delight woi it., quailed by your own when you ii now amen b,a. er fltee to flat •11 g t 14, ,to tit r 1"-1 CUGtOln Grinding 11'e r 'entioo WS brandi t t,a h s 5, We iatlgtap plea fel 11 Ler as try. We fl t+ I t: 1 g 1.0 install ihe town p w r, ls n aleng h our steam rte. er, .v(11 put us in a better positn•n 111-1,1 evor to -1100 v our ell -S- towe -re' wants ,t ail times Of the year, Floor, Peed and all kids f Molls given in exchange for (3, rain, Try a sack of the celebrated Til - Bon's 0 ameal fresh from the mill. EZRA MERKLEY Phone 84, P.O. Box 62 LEHIGH COAL. Any dealers who say I am not selling the genuine Lehigh Hard Coal either do not know what they are talking about or else they are not honest In confirmation of this I hold a certificate in mypossession I also sell the Free - Burning (lannell Anthracite, Cannell and Steam Coal, Wood and Kindling. Full weight. Prices right. R. 3. CANTEL01.1/4T, CENTRAL aka # STRATFORDs ONT. Cadada's best practical Training School. Three departments- Gommercial Shorthand and Telegraphy Courses are thorough and prac- tica). Individual instruction is given by a strong experienced , staff. Our graduates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. MetACHLAN PRINCIPAL. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the e211011/aljakte, Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any thue. LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 17 Vice -Principal H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Canadian Northern Lame* Ocean Steamships. MINIANZIMICIIMMIIIMIIMMONSOMONesmi..of , . pfspLc HOMESEEKERS' E X C UR $ION S TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASICATCIIEWAN Each Tuesday March 5 to October 27,inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - 05.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto, end Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate farts from Stations Eatt of Toren to. Ratite Limit two months. ....a.....-,...,....................-.....—.—,-,..... REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE- WAY SECOND CLASS) EMIll TUESDAY, MARCH ANT) APRIL _„....,_,,,,,,.......„__........___,......„.„._ Settlers travellieg with live stock and effects slimed take SETTLERWSPECIAL TRAIN -which leaves West Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after arriVal regular 10.20 pm. train from Toronto Union Station. ........,...................,..........,......,..a..................... Settler* and families *Mout live stock should liAC REOULAR TRAINS. leaving Toronto 10,20 pan. DAILY. Through Colonist end Tourist Sleepers. , Through trains Toronto to WitnilOg and West. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths. Partieulterefrent Canadian Patine Agentt o write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. Particulars tv ort W A Bawler/oh, Wan *gent phone 47 J. 11 Boomer, statiot Agent, phant 7.