The Wingham Times, 1914-01-29, Page 6I_ I Kidney Trouble lalr. John re, Purnfroy, Farmer, Viceroy, Sask., writes:— "I think it is ray duty to let you know the benefits I have obtained from, the, use a Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. For years 1 suf- fered from weak kidneys. The twine was etanty, thick and wee accempanied by burning sensations. The trouble grew worse until there was 6 totpl etoppagc of urine and I suffered most excruciat- ing pain'. Pestdes private treatment by medical men I was twice operated on rt a hospital in Oxford, England. "Solna niter canting to this country the trouble returned with great severity, and the druggist to whom I went recommended. Dr. Chase'.; Kidney -Liver Pills, for which 1 ain very thankful. I am now enjoying excellent health and I am positive this is due to the use of Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. The water is clear and nO difficulty in passing it. I am making this statement volunterily so that others may know of this medicine which has given such wonderful results." This case gives you some idea of the splendid work being a;:complished by this great raedkine of the famous Receipt Book author, A. W. Chase, M.D. You can use Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills with positive assurance that they will awaken the action of the liver, kidneys and bowels and thereby cure such ailments as biliousness, constipation, indigestion, backache and kidney derange- ments. 25 cents a box, 5 for MOO, all dealers or Edman - son, Bates & Co:, Limited, Toronto. A sample box will be mailed free if you mention this paper. rsa. 411 A WORD TO THE WISE. [New York Mail.] If, faireat Helen, I refrain From speaking of my adoration, Let it, I pray, not give you pain — 'Tis not from lack of inclination. Believe me, I would rather breathe into your shell-like ear my passion; About your head an aureole wreathe Of winged words, R. Browning fashion, Than, in a few cold printed staves, Explain the feelings that imbule me. Alas, my tongue and I are slaves! Yet, though I doubt not censure's due me. Pray, on my luckless pate don't pound With words of wrath decending sledge -wise - 1 can' t speak, for, when you're around, I cannot get a word in edgewise. Knew His Business. (Selected.) A temperance lecturer was enthus- iastically denouncing the use or all in- toxicants. "I wish all the beer, all the wine, all the whiskey in the world was at the bottom of the ocean," he said, Hastily Pat arose to his feet. "Sure and so do I sor," he shouted. "1 wish every bit of it was at the bot- tom of the sea." As they were leaving the hall the lecturer encountered Pat. "I certainly am proud of you," he said. "It was a brave thing for you to rise and say what you did, Are you a teetotaler?" "No, indeed sorr," answered Pat, "I'm a diver." This Lady Kws How io KeBp Yid! Sim always koops Sin Pills in tlic es. e Electricity For Heating. An article in Consevation estimates electrical energy at one and one-fifth cents per kilowatt hour as being eqiva- lent to gas at 60c. per thousand feet for heating purposes, Coal at $8 per ton is equal to electricity for heating purposes even when the latter is sup- plied as low as nine -tenths of one cent per kilowatt hour. Since the cost of electricity is around 8c. per kilowatt hour, even in the cities in this Province, when supplied in small volume, it is evident that either coal must become much dearer or electricite much cheap- er before there is a substitution of the two agents for heating purposes. In some English cities, however, electri- city is supplied for heating at a cant per kilowatt hour, and in Sweden it goes as low as half a cent. With the increasing development of water power in Ontario, and the adoption of improv- ed methods of applying the energy, we may some day expect to see our water- falls use d for heating our houses. Ch:Ildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST.ORIA Things to Think About. It is estimated that a day of darkness in London caused by fog costs the in- habitants $25,0e0 for gas, as well as a large sum of electric light. Mount Pleasant in Florida probably is the smallest mountain, as well as the least in eveIation, in this country. It is Only 301 feet above sea level. The patent office has reported a part list of nearly 50o patents to negoes, among them 27 to Granville T. Words, nO New York, for electrical devices. Among eertain tribes of the West African coast any stranger who des in a town is buried on the road by which he entered it so that his spirit may eas- ily find the way back to his home. The Norwegian Government has granted Roald Antundeen,ehe explorer and discoverer of the South Pole, per - ti mission to eetablish a postoffice on board the 1 ram during his comieg trip : e through the arctic seas. Garenterat, Mew, "I think IN PILLS are the finest theme: fer the kidneve. When firet to Canada, I etiffered with dread- ; ta, iat atv itee".•, that made Inc • ib. Aire:nit pee nie six of your Glee 11rt4s snd after I had taken one e, I felt lc,- paia. I then got ;myself a aas. beeei e half of it was gone, X /aml I .01 the backache. It did seem, a le, at te be rid of the pain, ftl!y one tells me, o hat a pain they Irate> tit their beta, I eay "You should try PILLS." 1Tns. J. Plana -la'', Take Are. advice awl take %AN PII4I. They will eure you 'of every trace of Backache, Kideesr Trouble or Rheriniatii m. sec. herr, 6 for Sstat, .- ace on reeeipt of price if your dealer dee) it utudie than. Money back if MN PILLS do not -give prompt relict Sample free if you Mention thfs pope. rational Detig and Chentiettl •Co, of Con;itler Liit Toronto. Mange -Toile Illood and IsTerve Tablets tot feet Female Troubles end make pure, -Mb blood. eoc. A box, 206 Capital punisliment was abc,lished in Italy in 1875. Since then murders have increased 12 per cent. New Mexico nearly doubled the value of its mineral out pus last year over the figures of the year before. Geologists have estimated that the great German deposits of potash salts, practically the only important ones in the world will last at the present rate of extiloitation 600,0110 years.g Natural gas onsumption in the Un- ited States in 1142 was 562,00,00, 0 cubic feet, at an average price of 15,04 cents a thousand. The first railroad in Prussia to use electric traction on a large scale obtained much of its equipment from the United Statess. Rev. Dr. JAIL Dickson has resigned he pastorate of Central Presbyterian Church, Galt, after a term of thirty- four years. He will remain as paetor emeritus, residing in the manse, on a retiring allowance. Mayor W.J. Barrett of Thesealoti was tinteetedies he owed the teevn $57.40 Lor tares. WINGIIAifl TIMES, JANUARY 29 1914 UP AT HUDSON BAY, toentors of Townsite Tell of an Inter- esting Trip, Members of the Dominion Govern- ment hydrographic survey party sent to locate a harbor at Port Nelson, the future terminus of the Hutisou E Railway, have brought back to eivill- eation interesting tales of a winter spent in that outpost of eivilizatiou. beavieg Winnipeg on June 10, 1912, the overland party, consisting of four engineers, six half-breeds and six In- dians, went by foot as far as Norway House. From here the journey was b canoe down the Hayee River to York Factory, —hide was reached early in the month of July. Port Nei - eon, the final destination, lay acmes the mouth of the river, some fifteen or sixteen miles from York Factory, The locality chosen as ti • site of a future town and terminus Is rather l0s. and swampy, and p'resented a de- solate appearance, with the marshy ground covered with patchy growths of small spruce and tamarac. Mos- quitoes yard black flies abounded, and added their quota to the discomforts of the party. The first few days, of course, were spout in the erection of a summer camp, tents being pitched and provisions stored for the fall, Early in October several log shanties were constructed, anu into the com- parative comfort of these the men moved during that 'swath. Tb 3 winter sets in early in latitude 67 degrees north, and the working day soon contracted to the period be- tween 8.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. The sounding was coalineed throughout the winter, the channel being frozen over for a distance of twelve or thir- teen miles from shore. Each morn- ing the party left the comfortable log but headquarters and proceeded to the epot set out for the day's opera- tions. Here a tent was generahy pitched on the ice and a bole broken, through which the apparatus could be lowered into the water. If far from headquarters the members of the party ate their lamb In the tent, and thus saved a mid-day trip to the s',ore. In this way the channel was sounded directly out to the or' i wat- er during a winter where the average temperature was 23 degrees below zero. But what of the nights? Several miles away was York Factory, with Its handful of souls—the factor and his family, the minister and his wife and a few traders. York Factory of- fered little in the way of social en- joyment. The result was that the party spent the long evenings at heat% tarters, amusing themselves with cards or reading the small lib- rary brought in under coneiderable hardship. One hundred and fifty re- cords and a phonograph chased away boredom for awhile, but records can become stale even at Port Nelson, and the "canned" mum gave way to the rather less stilted performances of a three-piece string orchestra, Once or twice in the long winter the monotony was broken by calls from transients, who arranged to pass a night with the "boys," the Mounted Police patrol making several such visits. Then, of course, there was Christmas Day, when several fancy touches were given the menu card and when two engineers dropped in from the neighborhood of Split Lake to enjoy the festivities of the day. Every second Sunday during the win- ter season the minister from York Factory appeared at headquarters, bringing with him his two -by -two hand organ, and the day was observ- ed with due decorum. Communication with "tire outside" was practically cut off for several months, the first naail after October arriving by dog -train about Jan. 12. In the summer it came in by canoe from Norway House. This isolation was rendered less serious by the abundance of good food in the cook's larder, During the entire season fresh raeat was daily on the table, the par- ty finding plenty of game, such as caribou, wild geese and ducks, and ptarmigan. This supply of fresh and appetizing food no doubt contributed much to the health of the men. Though a doctor was among their number till the month of April, 1918, practically not a case of a serious na- ture demanded his attention—Toron- to Saturday Globe. A Reminiscence of 13. D. Osier. A will containing a bequest to the Sisters of Charity of 'Hamilton, an Order of Nues, was contested by the heirs on the ground that the Sisters of Charity had never been incorporat- ed, and therefore had no legal exist- ence. The lawyer on the other hand, con- tended that the Sisters of Charity were well known and easily distin- guished from the publie by their dress and other ways. "As far as I remember," remarked Mr. 13. 13. Osier, the opposing counsel, "Charity has but two Sisters, 'Faith' and 'Hope,' and I think the court will bear me out it saying they were never heard of in Hamilton," PIMPLES Are an "EYE SORE." Pimples art caused by the blood being Out of order. Those little festering sores appear on the forehead, on the nose, on the chin and other parts of the body, and although they are not a dangerous trouble they are very unsightly to both you and your friends. There is only one way to get rid of them, and that is to purify the blood. Burdock Blood Bittets is without a doubt the best remedy on the market for this purpose. Wm. F. Donohue, Jr., Hamilton, Ont., writes:—"About six months ago my little son's face was literally Covered with pimples. I tried every preparation was told of by tny fricads, but to no avail. Soon I thought I could not have them fixed up, awl would have to wait, and let hint grow out of them, but thin& to Burdock Blood Bitters they are all gone, and X gladly recommend it to anyone." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufae- tured solely by The T. Milburn Coo Limited, Toronto, Ont. ON SEKTENCF DAY. Anerding of Penalties iror Crime is n Orlin Affair. Were you ever in a penitentiary— not, of cottese, to stay longer than you woulO :day at a friend's house when paying an informal visit, or, at tbe most, not longer than, you would alt lo a theatre to wituese a tragedy to its thrilling close? If you have been there you have some idea of how Lard is the way of the teensgressor, And it conies IT with peculiar viv- idness am!, pathos as ..one sits In a eroulnal court on sentence day, and listens to the representative of organ- ized soelety order it en and sometimes women. too, to these places. of con - (1 emetic and p- is anent. In the criminal careers of e(VM mete the fleet step may have been imeen years before, and when it was taken iit le dia the guilty one thinl. the goal of crime would be reached. On sentence day the goal is brought. within ,sight—the grim walls, the armed guards, the solitary cells, the dusty stone heap, the days of mono- tonous and boiselese toil. They all looni up and cast their dark shadows over court, and ..audience and pris- oners. That shadow rested upon the Court of King's Bench recently, says a writ- er in The Montreal Standar., when ten men received the reward of crime, That crime does not pay ha: often bcen demonstrated. The truth was realized by thoee men when the: received their wages for wrong tieing —years -within the grim walls with other criminals for associates end the men N,ith the loaded rifles far keepers. With few exceptions, -.hese wretch- ed men had never efore stood in too dock as convicted les inals. For some it was the cons lqueace or their first dabbling in crime, It was the tragedy of their lives, and no wonder they stead there with trembling lips and blanched cheeks, and wi't streaming syes, too, before they step- ped from the dock and began their journey to the penitentiary. "Eacli was given a &ranee to speak. To each thc Clerk of the Court repeated the question, asking if he had anythiag to say why son tence shouts. not be passe... upon him according to law. With few excep- tions each spoke a few words—ram- bling words, intended to suggest ex- tenuating circumstances and to plead foe mercy. Some began with fore -d calmness, but most broke down, and their last worth; were drowned in SCbS. Tar S streamer.", ,dotaxt the cheeks o' sense, but unavailing tears, lecause they could not wash gap,: the past. These men came too late to a realization of the immutable t•uth taat sin is a toor paymaster. Two men stood at the bar, who bad stood there before — convicti from the penitentiary, who had com- mitted crime white undergoing pun- ishment for other—showed no emo- tion, and little concern, altbdugh Lln.,y went back with prolonged terms to the dreary place they knew ,so They were dressed in prison gart —rough suits, one-half blue and one- half a rusty brown. Both were miser- able looking specimens of humanity of low Intelligence, brutal, even rem eious. In the dock one of these mis- erable ereaturee betrayed his accom- pliee. They bad aasaulted a prison guard; and, when asked if they had anything to say before being sentenc- ed, one charged the other with being the instigator. Partaers in crime, one was traitor to tire other when both otood at the judgment bar. Singly or in, couples, the prisoners came to the dock, and then turned away with the weight of their sen- tences upon them. Before them lay the- short journey that ends at the iron -bound gate in the grim stone- wall. Dr. Sproule's French. It may be a bit irreverent, but alr, Speaker Sproule does not meat it that vt•tty. The forme.- Grand Matter el the Orange Order, after a careful tutelage, glibly offers the prayers of tee lIouee of Commons an Francais, Ihi trete that the honorable gentle- parlem-vots with an accent oZ ais own, and no asattrance has been that heaven understand. But Parliament las the assurance t f ‘Viart(1 Laurit,. and Hon. F. D. 'Irak that he hart acne himaelf ere - :la Nevertheless, it le difficult for .IR Fre.neb -Canadian members to orthodox. zoleinnity ot the oven:lion when Mr. Speaker un- .1,.?stsltes tile beginning of the Lassie: `'rnyer. It is the preelding eremite- eeeent. He has not yet been title to tio.to Letween the were eseeee," wbieh .he Initiated tell %19 for "pall" or "Wicket" fie 'eietely langlish toague, and -deux," .aieh being translated, meaneth ths 1.,,vorr. As a coneequence, who gene doctor tieee tlie "eceett'' ie- . -et -el of ties "cieux" in the optnifle. aeasal bie, daily chant, it 15 a so - tet ori the detorum of the lin- . .1..13 in Parlieeient. Bit :dr. Spiether says it so solemn - 'e timi.lia savee the ratuation. Vegetables. In Arctic.. d'he iniormation brought to Ottawa isy 7!.r. 1.:n ry A. Conroy, Inspector of tat.en agenelee in the north, reper1 1.w splendid crops of "eget eenern within the Arctic .eirele, lam to a deeision by the Ontario Vega- ' atem Croveera' Areociation to reel.e tr. tat of eeed predattiOn 'in Diet :on, Mr, W. J. Kerr, secretary of the Oeltiele V getable Growers' Aesocia- r on, state i recently that for next ee miner samples of higheciaes onto-. 1, pee. et bbege and early meet corn 5e0.1. will be forwarded to Fort Vort flimir-on, Fort Provi- deece, Fort Chippewe, Fort Good Dope, alert Norman, Smoky River ant Steie at o o n Laii e. Tie Necessary Other Fellow. lion. IL A. Powell of New Ilter:b.e wee: telle a etory of a ease UM,' In it, vourt in Diet pre' teei a fleet eamed Johnson e.: Co. „sine tee Meintiffe. A rior the jury retired 10 eete4etaer %hoz r ver.lae, one of OP 1. })' 1 eie deie hey foie 1 tr".1. • ?” ... a kvA. t tie a4a.‘,.1....ies "1 .3,41 ,01 FREE OF ALL THREE DISEASES °Frult-a-tives" Brought Him Perfect Health AvoN, OT., May zeith. nee. 44/ ani younger since I have been taking "Fruit-a-tives". X was troubled very badly with Piles, Constipation and Stomach Disorder, but I found "Fruit- a-tivee" was the panacea for the whole three. Now T am free of all these diseases and enjoying perfect health, and able to work whenever I like. Five years ago, started taking "Fruit-a-tives". took two every night and they worked wonders for me. No other 'medicine I could get was so good and I took lots of different reme- dies before I fonad out how good "Fruit- a-tives" were. X keep "Fruit-a-tivee" on hand all the time, and am never without them. even take them with me when 1 etc/ motoring, so I can have then: handy. "Fruit-a-tives" are worthy of every good word I can say about them. The fact that they cured me of Piles, was some- thing to be everlastingly thaukful for" GEORGE 141/12., pc a box, 6 for peso, trial size, 25e, At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. - Wingham Club WINGHAM, ONT. NOW OPEN FOR MEMBERSHIP Club to be opened on or about January 1st Will have facilities for all Out- door and Indoor Sports Will also have Literary Department The Club has applied for in- corporation with the following provisional directors N. I. inclair, W. 1-1. Gurney. A. 11. Wilford, A. L. Posilff, G. R. Smith, W. A. Campbell, Dr. A. J. Irwin, J. Ritchie, R. A. Currie, E. 8, Walker, H. C. McLean, Dr, G. H. Ross, Dr. H. J. Adams, J. W. McKibbon, L. Kennede, W. A. Miller, R. Brookes, G. Jacques. The Membership Fee is $2 initiation and $5 annually. Application for membership ma e be made to any of the above mentioned provisional directors, The Club will meet the wants of all classes. DE SURE AND JOIN IT. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line -Cunard Line Donaldson Lines, Canadian Northern Lines" Ocean Steamships Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ,CAST,ORIA Hardwood sawdust, dried and steriliz- ed by intense heat is coming into use in Germany for dressing wounds. Rubber plantations cover 94,268 acres in Straits Settlements. The oldest ocean going vessel in the world, having been build in 1548, was broken up but recently at the Canary Islands, Recently deciphered inscriptions on Egyptian nomu ments irldicatethatarte- sian wells were bored as fur back as 1,400 13. C. Ninety thousand pers ons are employed in Scotland's fishing industry. Nests of the white atit have been found to have value as fertilizer. Natoli YGlif Liver. If 11 is Lazy, Sio:v or Torpid ,Inv U Up By the Use of rt74"giNsr,n-n's Laxa-Liver rii lazy, slow or t,, ,I liver is a terrible e'..eseme as it holds feed: the bile, which 'el requited ti movn the bowels, and lets ,t into Cm leeel homed, thus causing Censtimatioe, Ceierth t f the Stomach, Hee.lcel 0, Lee:sour, Pain under the 'dein silmeleen Mr. Wesley Pvtabred. lefidgie Sta- tism, II, ler:toe- -"Per ecveral years Mel been troubkil with mans in the lir en 1 Lava had tnedicifte from several dcouire, but woe r illy relies ed for a time oe ee I then tried Milburn'a Xeixes Li -a Y1,eml 7hide had to trouble tny liver rince. 2 can honestly recommend them to every eerson *Ito has liver trouble." Mithunt's Lai:ft-Liver Pills are 25c e vial, or 5 vials. for $1.00, at all elealere, or mailed direct on reeeipt of price by The T. Milhurn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. LEAVING TOWN 7,000 Stock Of Watches, 'Clocks, Jewell- ery, Silverware, Cut, Glass Leather Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas, Stationery, Wallpapers, Windowshades, Fancy Goods, etc., to be sold at and below cost. 074 As -owner is Leaving Town Everything Must be Sold Sale is Now On. I'Phone 65 Opposite National Hotel Amossuaravessons111101111111=111111111111k. A. M. KNOX I According to an English parliament- ary committee, the production of all of London's electric power in a few large stations would save six million tons of coal a year and. greatly lessen the smoke nuisance. The cable between the United States and Honolulu cost$20,000,000. The two stations could be connected by wireless for $500,000. A wheeled foot rest, to be hinged to a rocking chair, has been patented by a Michigan man to lessen the labor of rocking. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA PRINTING AND . STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS B UTTE R PA PER PAPETEItIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the hest stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonalble prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order- with us whey, in need of LETTER HEADS j: NOTE HEADS BILI. HEADS:. , STATEMENTS .,,ENVELOPESD- WEDIDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS 1';FOSTERS CIRCULARS 1,1 CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line, Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magalines. The Times Office SiONE BLOCK Winghain, Ont.