The Wingham Times, 1914-01-22, Page 2110..r TIIE WINGHAM TIMES, JANUARY p 1911 SANOL An effective remedy' for the re- moval of Kidney and Gall Stones, Kidney and Bladder troubles, Gravel, Rheumatic Pains, ailments of Vric Acid origin; endorsed by physicians and surgeons, PRICE $1.60 Correspondence invited. Free literature and testimonials from THE SANOL MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. WINNIPEG, MAN. For Sale by J. W. McKIBBON, Druggist Wingham, Ontario Dominion in the financial mai ket. I Greater regard naust be paid to the in- vestor than is always shown to him."' This admonition is timely, comirg after the last Canadian loan of $20,000,-1 000 at 4 per cent issued at 97 of which ! $7 per cent was left on the hands of t underwriters, and which was described in the British press as the most specti - cuter failure on the financial market for many years. It was the failure of this loan wnich led the London Post to criti- cise Hon. Mr. White's financial metbcdi as calculated to hide from the investors Canada's real financial position. The result of the Borden Govern- ment's neglect of Lord Strathcona's advice is that Canada's rate of interest has gone up from 31 per cent to nearly 4i per cent. Where the last Fielding loan at 31 per cent stood six points above corresponding Western Australia stock, now Western Australia 4 per I cent recently issued at 97, stand at a , sreasium of 2, while an exactly similar Canadian loan is at 1 discount. Canada badly needs the experienced hands of a Fielding to take care of her finances before they become wrecked by the in- cautious experiments of Hon. Mr. White, and the extravagance of his colleagues. Grand Trunk Railway System Town Ticket Office We can issue through tickets via popular routes, to any point in America -East, West, South, Northwest, Mani- toba, Pacific Coast. etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will be make pleasant and free from annoyance. Tourist and return tickets to above points also on sale at lowest figures, and with all prevailing advantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business wili be ap- preciated, be your trip a short or a long one. We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all lading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. - TO ADVERTISERS - - Notice of changes mustbe left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. lialainama.••••• ,STA111,1bal Tn WINfillAM TIMES, A CHANGED MAN. In laying down his Halifax platform on August 21st, 1907, Mr. Borden said: "Shall our advent to power mean no more than a mere party triumph? Are the experiences of the past ten years to be repeated in all their degrading de- tails of broken pledges, opportunist policy, stolen elections, indecent public pointments, and robbing of public assets? Those who know me best, know how little I have desired a public career; and if I thought such an out- come possible I would turn with unspeak- able aversion from the task before me." E. B. EL,LTO PT PUBLISHER AND PROPIETOR THURSDAY, JANUARY 22. 1914 FARMERS ARE INDIGNANT. Yet this same Mr. Borden as Premier has neglected every pledge he made in that Halifax platform. He has coun- tenanced the opportunist policy which dictated the secret alliance of the Imperialist Tories arid the Quebec Nationalists; he has approved of such The thaw on Sunday destroyed our stolen elections as Macdonald, Chat- sleighing, and wheeled vehicles have eauguay and Hochelaga; he has approved been in use since. the scramble to dismiss every possible Messrs. Cornyn Bros. have settled Liberal from the Civil Service and fill with the insurance companies, and Mr. them with Conservatives; he approved T. E. Cornyn has opened out a large such "indecent public appointments" as stock of furniture in one of the stores that of the Hon. A. B. Morine to the in Macdonald's block. Chairmanship of the Public Enquiry Commission. which was so bad that on Rev. H McQuarrie, late of Wingham, the publication of Mr. Morine's record was inducted on Thursday, January 4th, he was compelled to resign. As to into the Pastoral charge of the congre- "robbing of the public assets" Mr.gations of North Bruce and St. Andrew's Saugeen, in the Presbytery of Bruce. Borden has defended the Prince Albert LI GHTIIES5',1,1Sli FOR BRIGHTNESS AND DIAC KNIGHT A PASTE I No DUST NOWASTE I THE EE DALLEY GI LTD. HAMILTON. ONT.1 No RUST YOUR READING MATTER Int: Times to January 1 t, 1915 for - $1.00 T,:nes and Toronto Daily Globe to subscribers on rura ,outs, 1 ear for - - 3.50 Tim s and Toronto D ily Globe to.subscribers t on r irjl outt S, I year for - - 4.50 imes and Satu,day Globe to January ist, r915 1.90 Timt s and Toronto Ma 1 and Empire at same rates as above. Timms and Family Herald and Wee'Aly Stir to January tst, 1915 for - - 1.85 Times and Weekly Sun to January rst. 1915 - 1.70 We can giv you low clubbing rates on any news - p per or migazine. Your order will receive prompt atttntion. If it is anything in the reading matter lint consult us. THE TIMES OFFICE WINGHAM, ONTARIO .0110110101011••••••0- -^, To ArN 011tEOPORY. BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. G, Vic- tor Collins, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets Monday evenings 8 p. m. W, D, Pringle, S. S. Superintendent. METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ns. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League every Monday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meetingon Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S. S. Superintendent. S. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev. E. H. Croly, B. A., Rector. Alex, Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL. -Service at 11 a.m., 3 pm. and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. There will be special music provided in the Sunday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast- er. WINGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO From the TIMES of Jan. 19, 1894 LOCAL NEWS. Amongst the resolutions considered by the Grain Growers' convention at Brandon, Man., this week was this - 'That this convention views with alarm, the increasing corruption in elections, both Federal and Provinsiai, and hereby express their indignation and son- demnation of such practi ses, and demand that the law bearing upon elections be so changed that the parties proved gailty can be adequately punished." It is evident that these Manitoba farmers had in mind the Macdonald infamies and the Gimli corruption. More than two years after Premier Borden came to offise these grain growers have found such a resolution necessary. Mr. Borden made it a main plank of his Halifax platform, to put an immediate end to electoral corruption, and appoint a public prosesutor to punish election wrongdoing,. Premier Borden has been aerfectly content to profit by any electoral corruption that will win ridings for this party, and in- stead of appointing a public prosecutor, has countenanced the engaging of coun- cel to defend the election crooks who worked for his party. STRATHCONA'S ADVICE. In his annual message to Canada, Lord Strathcona advised caution all round' of the veteran. arid said, "Canadians should be more land deal, which robbed the public domain of $350,00, the Dorval military site deal, which took nearly $100,000 out of the public, the Gimli land sale which gave to a party friend land worth $15,- 000 for $750 and a host of similar tran- sactions. Premier Borden has yet to show any "unspeakable aversion" for the task before him, even vvith such allies as Hon. Robert Rogers' Hon. D. Reid and Hon. L.P. Pelletier. EDITORIAL NOTES Col. Hon, Sam Hughes returned this week to Ottawa from spending the holi- days at Victoria, B.C. The Colonel re- marked that he had a most enjoyable trip which waz "partly private and partly official." This is a pretty fair The county L. O. L., of North Huron met in Wingham on Tuesday of last week. The annual election of officers took place and resulted as follows: T. E. Cornyn, D. M.; J. Casemore, D. D. M.; W. T. Johnston, chap; J. Golley, V. S., rec-sec. ; Geo. Caldbick, D. of 0.; J. J. MeMannus, lecturer. Messrs Sherk & Co., have opened a livery in the barn lately occupied by Messrs. Lott & Sturdy, Josephine street. The annual meeting of the Turnberry Agricultural Society was held in Swarts' hotel, Wingham, on Thursday llth inst. There were paid out during the year, in prizes, $33'7.35; on the grounds and buildings, $450, and other expenses, $160.91. The election of officers was the next order of business, when the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year: Chas. Henderson, description of most of the joy -riding President, W. F. Brockenshire, Vice - the ministers have enjoyed during the President; Wm. Maxwell, D. McKinley, past six months at the country's Geo. Moffatt, John Diment, Amos Tip - expense. ling, II Deacon, C. W. Taylor, John The Ottawa Citizen (Cons.) says: "It Elston and J. Bridges. Peter Fowler, is universally regretted as unfortunate jr., and R. Elliott, Auditors. i that Hon. Geo. E. Foster will again be absent from Ottawa during the present Mr. A, H. Musgrove has purchased session of Parliament." Is is manifest the house and lot at the corner of John that this "universally" does not include and Shuter streets, opposite Mr. W. T. Premier Borden, Hon. Robert Rogers, J. Homuth's, from M R. McIndoo, for and the rest of the ministers who so in. '5850. Mr. Musgrove moved into his BORN dustriously got Hon. Mr. Foster away new home on Saturday last. Nicholson In Zetland, on Jan, 16th, from ParliaMent during nearly all of The call to the Rev. D. Perrie, of the wife of Mr. Kenneth Nichulson; a last session, and out of Canada during caesiey, from the Wingham Presby- daughter almost the entire year. The young terian congregation has been very Coultes In Mori's, on Jan. llth, the bloods evidently fear the caustic tongue t largely signed, there being urards of wife of Mr. John Coultes; a daughter. ! 440 names of members and adherents Ion it, showing general unanimity on ti e Good Advice to Farmers. ; part of this congregation. The call was Speir-In Morris, onJan. 9th, William "The swarm of United States drovers unamously sustained by the Piesbytery third son of the hats Gilbert Speir, aged which overran Ontario and Quebec' of Maitland, last Tuesday, and we 38 years, 3 months and 21 days. when the duty on cattle was removed -a was not an unmixed evil from the ' tisW 447/114417111tikillt standpoint of the dairy industry," de- ' clared Mr. Ruddick, at the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's convention in Corn- wall last week. . saiLsest,,6, "They are welcome to our worn-out and discreditad cows, which were pick- ; ! i ed up in tether large numbers. This 1 is a better ts ay for the progressive , farmer to dispose of his unprofitable ' ,A animals than to sell them to his neigh- 1 --PAA bens. The only regret we may have over this export of cattle is for the THE young, untried heifers, which unpreced- ,OLD ented prices induced some farmers toi WAY part with. There need be no fear of lost Opportunity in this matter. The arpftland theumatism are kindred diseases. Bet]; the same eause-impure blOod-but Went pride of cattle in this continent irinat differently in different people. rule high for some years to come if the , LIQUID SULPHUR REMOVES THE CAUSE law of supply and demand is to hold ' SMITH BROTHERS good." understand that there is a very fair pro- spect that Mr. Perrie will accept the call. Mr. J. R. Reynolds will open out a grocery store in one of the small stores in Macdonald's block, as soon as it isfl- ted up. Mr. J. A. Morton, the chairman of the Public School Board for 1894, enter- tained the members of the Board and several others to oysters, at Mr. R. Hill's restaurant, after the adjournment of the board meeting, on Wednesday evening. Our enterprising townsman, Mr. Geo. McKenzie, has opened a pork packing establishment in town to be known as the Wingham Porkpacking House. Mrs. Jas. Melsauchlin and Mrs. R. Elliott spent a few days in Listowel, vis;ting friends. The Council met at 7.30 p. m. Mem- bers all present. The Mayor in the chair. The Striking Committee reported the following as the Standing Committees for the year: Public Works -Messrs. Thos. Gregory, D. McKinley, R. Tennant, Peter Deane. Property and Cemetery John A. Mc- Lean, C. J. Reading, R. Herdsman, W. A. Johns, D. McKinley. Court of Revision -Peter Deans, C. J. Reading, Thos. Gregory, J. A. Mel' Lean, D. McKinley. Executive Committee -John Hanna, R. C. Sperling, Wm. Holmes, Thos. Gregory, J. A. McLean. Finance Committee - R. C. Sperling R. Tennant, D. McKinley, P. Deans, J. W. Inglis. Fire, Water and Light -Wm. Holmes, J. A. McLean, Richard Arscott, R. Ten- nant. On motion, the report, as read, was adopted. 12875ABLIsED X872, THE WING110 TIMES. P LIMAS/SIM EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office Stone Block. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, TaatSe Or rim useatMom-41.00 per annum in advanoe, $1.60 if not so paid. No paper disoon. tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher, ostuntiviaaadfrioarrisoomBenatliroa. --perLiieognapl raineiliinostoerr first insertion, Go per Line for each subsequent iLnoleisviieiporentri,seeneents for first i wertion, and 6 mute per line for meth subsequeut ineertion. la looal 0 damns are oharged Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and aimilar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 aunts f or molt subsequent in• 4eOrt0111R, litamm-The following table shows oar rates for the inaertion of advertisements for specified periods :- SPAM!. 1 yu. 8 mo. 8 Ito. Imo rael&oluralumnn- - - 40.00 26.00 15.00 8.0 870.00 240.00 $22.60 $8.00 QuerterColumn- - 20.00 12.60 7.50 8.00 One Inch 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 Advertiasments without speoillo directiona will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertieemente must be paid for In advance. TEM JOB DIP4.10rganT atooked with an exteneive assortment of all requisites for print. big, affording !unities not squalled in the oountyfor turning out first ohm work. Large type and appropriate out for all styles of Post. ars, Hand Bills, mt., and the latest styles of ohoice fanoy type for the liner clams of print Ina. PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon fr an 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss R. Brown, lib- rarian. TOWN COUNCIL -C. G. VanStone, Mayor; J. W. McKibbon Reeve; J. A Mills, George Spotton, 1Wm. Isbister, W. J. Boyce, A. Young and D. Bell, Councillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD -Frank Buchan- an, (Chairman), R. Vanstone, Theo. Ball, C. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. McLean, W. F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, Secretary. A. Cosens, treasurer. Board meets second Mon- day in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.- A. Tipling, (Chairman), Alex Ross, J. L. Awde, Dr. A. J. Irwin, Robt. Allen, Wm. Moore.H.E.Isard,Dudley Holmes Secretary-Treas. ,John F. Groves;Meet- ings second Tesday evening in each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A., Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E. Anderson, First Form. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OE' HEALTH.-C.G.VanStone, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. careful than ever of the position of the HIS BLADDER WAS TERRIBLY INFLAMED 6IN PILLS Brought Relief Larder Lake, Ont., March 26th. "I had been suffering for some time with my Kidneys and Urine. I was constantly passing water, which was very scanty, sometimes as many as thirty times a day. Each time the pain was something *wful, and no rest at night. I he ird. of your GIN PILLS arid decided to give them a trial at once. I sent my chum 60 miles to get theirs and am plea.ed to inform you that in les4 tit tn six hours, I felt telief. In two days, the pain had left trie entirely. / took about half a box and today I feel sa well as ever and my kidneys are acting quite natural again." 8:1) CASTLEMAN. GIN PILLS sorelte the irritatea bladder -hest the siek. . painful ktdneys-es.dstrengtheit both these vitt orgaas. Money bac if they fail. aoe. a hoc, 6 for f aao. 'Sample free If you wqie National Drug and Oliendeal Co., of Caned*, Limited, Torouto, 179 °inn. "77u2 wur na bodios sr &mai, thins its oor nither ate,' nur or ahitst sno. Ma mithor and her lnither afore hot- an' a' ma (gilder not SUL° PHUR and MBA CL.S. Aye I no dost prevontion oar case was better than cure." LIQUID SULPHUR (IT Is NOT A PATENT MR111011111), Cures Eczema and Rheumatkiii by 11411 Purifying the Blood N Nene genuine vrittiout tbN eisstationt. Prirr, 60 cents a bottle, For rale b7 all dpg4sti If Voir cirtggist does not cart0 it remit Rev. Dr. Thomas Crosby, pioneer r.1.11',11,,Prig",1'1,,''YV,Yr1;,,1112`1 ' triethodiet home missionary, died sud- denly at Vancouver, aged seventy-three ULPH UR PROptiCT8 years six months. i..• .1* ea, a• a .gair . Dr. R. F. Parker, D.B.O.A., F.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Eye Specialist Food Scientist Acute and Chronic Diseases Treated. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m. to Wednesday 10.30 a.m., Main St. (over Christie's Store). J. A. FOX, D. C. -GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR Chiropractic is successful in such difficult cases as insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheuma- tism, Heodaches, Constipation, Ch^onic Stool. aoh, Liver and Bowel Tronble,Female Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. There are eighteen trade unionist per 1,000 inhabitants in Canada. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of H. B. IILLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Orricars-Corner Patrick and Centre Ste. Puotnis: Offices 48 Residence, Dr. Kennedy a48 Residence, Dr, Calder 161 FARMERS Dr. Kennedy speoializes in Sargery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis• eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ryes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. HOMO. REDMOND, M. R.C.8. (Brig) L. R. 0. P. London. PHYSKHAN and SURGRON. Ofiloe, with Dr. Chieholm. DR. H. .T. ADAMS Late Member Haase Staff Toronto General Hospital. Post Graduate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. T. It AgneW. Office Macdonald Block. and anyone having live stook or other artioles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Timm. Our large oirottlation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the artiole or stook than it Is worth. Send your advertisement to the Timms and try this plan of disposine warm stook and other artioles OUTSIDE ADVERTISING w. R. Hambly, B.Sc., M.D. C.M. Wingliam, Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children, having taken post graduate work in Surgery, Bartcriology and &dentine Medicine. office in the Kerr residence, between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 64. P. 0. Box 118. Orders for the ineertion of advertisements such m teachers wanted, business chromes, mechanics wanted, artioles for sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the Timms °Moe. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the tremble of remitting for and forwarding advertiaements. Lowest rates will be quoted on applioation. Leave or send your next work of this kind to the TIKES OFFICE. Winghnoin OVER WS YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS, TRADE MARKO Dunne_ COPYRIdiffit IRO. Anyone sending a biota and description ms7 quItkiy itsoertain onr opinion free whether an sent tree. west agency for_secertne..patetts. invention rolatblypate/aeb e. omactunIce.. ttonestriet confidential. tiAno800 candidate Pointe ten through moan it w., MOM Orem MEW. without loam% mita. Sdelltifie ilitieriCall. 41 bandsoreety inestreted weekly. Lersest eft. tatioilitlt 1n7 10)508150 lowest. Terme for r ..,A, 'Posies' Totrid. Sold by in Ed Cp$311tssivity, Newyork _ as V lit..Slisbuketoo.D.D. ; Dr. J. R. Macdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. D VANSTONR, .Lb • BARRISTRIL SOLICITOR, STO Private and Company fund to loan at lowest rate of interest, mortgages, town and farm property bought and mold. Qfftoe. Beaver Bloc*, Whistle= 62 r A. MORTON, • BARRISTBR, &o. Winghara, Ont. DUDLEY HOLI1ES Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. "STAR BOARDERS" BANE OF DAIRYMEN •••••••••••,, It is the profitless cow that keeps the price of milk 50 per cent or more below the price it should be compared with any other standard food product, writes L. V. Lighty In the National Stockman. Pure and unadulterated Ignorance and stubbornness compel tunny dairymen to work hard 305 days! • per year for nothing. . The first step for betterment is to find the poor producers, the star boarders, and get them off the place. prejudices, contracts and bay stacks to the contrary notwithstanding. Stop keeping cows and make the cows keep you. Those poor, unprofitable eQ1V14 will forever keep you between the shafts like a cart horse, they on the cart and yob pulling them along. Get balky. The second step is to get rid of that scrub bull. . He may have the lop.._ color of a pure bred. and some o 0- told you he was as good as a put. bred. but unless he Is registered and can show good ancestry he is a scrub for the 'impose you want him. In this day when good pure bred regis- tered bulls can be bought for $100 or less about 'old enough for service a scrub bull is a sort of walking adver- tisement of e scrub farmer. Those ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D 8. Dootor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania D sal College and LicenSiats of the Royal of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 025oe onald Stook, Wingham, oe closed every 'Wednesday afternoon from Meg let to Oot. 1st. H. DOSS, D. D. S., L. D. S. Honor gtnaduate of the Royal College of Dental Summons of Ontario and Honor gradu- ate of the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. Office over H. E. Isard & Co'., store, Wing - ham, Oat. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to Oct. 1st. Wingham General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RATES FOR pATIENTS-which include beard and nursing), $4.90 to $15, per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. B. C. l iuxton, a Vermont farmer, gives (hi' following reasons for con- sidering Holsteins the best breed of dalry ca ttle: First. the Holsteins hold all records for production of millc and butter: second, they stand the cold weather better than most of the breeds; third, they are largo and Ft) ng and seem to throw off diseac-c.. and keep healthier thart- nt,cet ot et ds. Sume people will elaitti that the milk is too poor in butter tut, and It is a fact that the average of the breed is only 3.40 per cent. However, they are being bred up to a greater per cent of fat. The Holstein bull pictured was grand champion at the Iowa state fair last year, OM/ same farmers allow some advertising agent to daub their buildings with to- bacco or whisky advertisements, and their own products are unadvertised and go begging for a market. Wa,k,t up! Study your businesis mid push it! The nian wItli nearly unlimited cap- ital can buy a good herd, but all others must build up the herd from a few carefully selected foundation animals. Good cows are very scarce now and sell at almost fabulous prices when compared with prices ten, years dgo. Buy a few registered heifer calves, and while you learn how to build up with grades you get ready to handle pure bred stock. and by the time you bare learned the business of breeding cattle you will have some pure bred stock ready to work witb. To care for :1 pure bred herd requires only a little more muscular labor than for serubs. but if you would get the best out of a pure bred herd you can bring into play all the intellect you happen to be possessed of. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TatraK RAILWAY SYSTilllt. trialtte LIAVI 00/1 London . 6.85 a.m. 8.80p.in, Toronto is Basil 1-.00 it.m ... 6.45 Kan- 3.80p.. 111 .eardine..11.159 a.m... 2.8d p.m.- 0.15 v.m. Atiterrli mow kin .srditie -0.80 1.80 1. nlon 11.54 eon-. 1.85 p.m. Pelmet ston 11,24 cra. Toronto & 1.00 1.15 p.m. W. W. 13L'../IIMAN' Alrents Wingham C itatADIAN PA013110 MAILV7A7. TRAINS LAMM 1014 Toronto and 6.40 a.m.. 1.05 p.m. Toeswater 1,00 p.m.. ...1L22 Astatine 518018 Tbeenvider...- e.h 641..6•40 ilsnkf 1.05 p.m, Toronto odd East- 50 p.m...1032 p.m. J. H. B111041121 Aeonionstkont • Pure Bred Versus Scrub Rams. The University of Missouri has pub- lished a circular giving results of a test in whin pure bred rams were compared with scrub rams as prnduc- ere of Iambs. Tbe average gain of lambs sired by a pare bred ram was over two and one -hair pounds more nt three months of age than the gain of lambs sired by n scrub ram at four mouths of age. And the scrub Iambs ole 59 per cent more grain than the lambs from n pure bred sire. Ou the market the better bred lambs brought $7.35 per bundredweight, while the scrubs brmight $4.50 per hundred- weight. The use of pure bred sires has been, ad vovii tea for so long and the eeonotny of using sueh rams luis been O repentedly dettionstrated that i would seem that such tests were 2(0 lomror necessary. But still many sheep raisers deliberately (amain possible in - ponies from their floeks by tising cheap rams -anything that can get Iambs. Care of Brood Sows. Ott many farms the matrons of the hog herd are the most profitable. They must have good care nud a sairiety ef food to supply their wants. They should be fed liberally and never leti go hungry, They are twice as value.' 1( ble when producing trim littera of good pigs eadh year as when they produce only one. This dart be accomplished by giving them care and attention at the right time. Three days after wean- ing their litters they will mate if the feed has been increased, and they are In a thriving condition. From this tirne On to farts:ming they abould he fed nitrogenous foOd, which will noun ish the unborn successfully. The Milking Machine. The results of machine milking cons - pared 'with hand milking are at all times interesting. The milking machine trota a mechttaical standpoint has been Made thoroughly practical. It will do the work and do it well. There is now no apparent reason why milking' libould not be done by the machine if the dairyM suEdently Urge to PAW tht *SEW -41.1itaa. Tusji„,46‘0,11,14