The Wingham Times, 1914-01-01, Page 8MINOR LOCALS. f THE WINGHAN TIMES, JANUARY 1 1911 Subacribe for the TIMES, —3eottish concert in the cpera house on Friday evening, January 9th. .—Hear Jessie Maclacblan in the opera house on Friday evening, January Oth. —You can secure elubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine at the 1111/41US office. —Seni the Taus to the absentee member of your family for 1914 as a New Year gift. —Plan of hall for Scottish concert will open at McKibbon's drug store on Fri- day of this week. —Wingham merchauts report a good Christmas trade. The sleighing helped ta bring larger crowds to town. —Owing to the extra amount of ad- vertising matter this week, several budgets of news are crowded out. --The furniture factories will resume operations on Mcnday after being closed down for ten da s for the holidays. — Dr. Montgomery, who has practictd in Fordwich for some tiine, has sold his Practice to Dr. Workman, of Kingston, who is now is charge —The annual meeting of the Turn - berry Agricultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday afternoon, January 20th. —East Huron Farmers' Institute will hold a series of public meetings during January. See advt in another colurhn for dates and full particulars. —The Christmas holiday passed off quietly in Wingham. There were num- erous happy family re -unions. There was ideal weather for the holiday. —Provincial Constable Phippen visit- ed Lucknow one day last week and seized two gallons and seventeen bottles bottles of whiskey at a private house in that village. —Mr. Geo. Zilliax, an old Listowel boy, died in Toronto last week in his 39th year. He was well-known in Western Ontario and was for a number of years manager of the Queen's hotel at Orangeville. —Mr. Harold Hutton, formerly cd Turnberry, was married in Windsor on Wednesday to Miss Lottie Leatherdale of that city. Mr. Hutton's sister, Mrs. W. J. Campbell, of Turnberry, and his brother, Mr. John Hutton, attended the wedding. . —A Bruce Tp. farmer was complain- ing about how much it cost him to pay his taxes this year:—"Why it does not cost as much as it did ten years ago," said a neighbor. "This year I can pay my taxes with one steer. Ten years ago, it would have taken three steers." —Mr. John Fryfogle died at his home in Marquet, Mich., on Saturday last. Mr. Fryfogle formerly lived at Belmore and had been in Michigan for over thirty years. Two years ago he spent a few weeks in town visiting his broth- ers M essrs. Dan and W. A. irylogie. —A large circle of friends will hear with regret that our esteemed towns- man, Mr. Wm. Bone has been confined to his bed for some days through illness. An operation was performed on Mon- day and we are pleased to report that Mi. Bone is recovering. —No date has yet been fixed by the Postoffice Department for the inaugur- ation of the parcel post system. It is hoped to have it in operation towards the end of January, but it may be well on into February before arrangements with the railway companies are com- pleted. — George McEwen, ex-M.P. or South Huron, died in Clinton Hospital on Sun- day as the result of apoplexy, in his 65th year. He was Reeye of Hay town- ship for a number of years and was an ex -Warden of the county. Mr. McEwen was unmarried and had resided in Hen- sel! for 25 years. —The TIMES has received a letter from an old friend, Mr. Robt. Collier, who was a member of the Advance staff some twenty years ago. Mr. Collier was made good in his home eitv of Medicine Hat, Alta., and was recent- ly elected an Alderman for two year term, baying polled nearly as many votes as his two opponents put together. —Almost every trade and profession has is newspaper or jotarnal looking after its special interestki. There are several farm papers, bttt only one that can truly be called pte Farmer's Busi- ness Paper. Thatotaper is The Weekly Sun. Every farRier should subscribe for The Sun. It will be found very helpful and pay for itself many times over. Cedar Poles Warttzd Sou ndt gMen, straight, timber, 30, 354o and 45 feet long, with 6 inch to 8 inch tops. Appy to Campbell NA -DRU -CO COD LIVER OIL1 Noma Is one of the best Lung Builders A guaranteed cure or prevention for Coughs and Colds TRY IT Put up in two sizes 5oc. and $1.00 • J. J. DAVI Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Central Bakery and Confectionery The Bakery Of Quality ,rwm•masemass Suceessful business for over 30 years is sufficient guarantee of the excellence of Nicholl's Bread and Cakes Wedding Cakes and Ornamenting a Specialty Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Yours Sincerely, A. J. NICHOLLS Your vote and jiifluence solicited fqr thOvelection of Dr. A ;1 IRWIN .as Mayor Vote f, J. A. MILLS for Mayor 1914 "Your Influence Solicited" VOTE FOR, McKIBBON For 4 Second Term as REEVE Your vote and inflnence solicited on behalrof Simon Mitchell for Reeve Your vote and infl nce solicited for re-ele fon of D. L as Councillor Your vote and influence respectfully solicited by L. F. aiNICLEY for Your vote and Ifluence • for W. J. ,t YCE for re -Cr ction as Councillor W. A. CURRIE Solicits your vote and in- fluence to secure,his elec- tion as Councillor 1-1. B. ELLIOTT Will appreciate your vote and ipfluence to se- cure his election as Gouncilior Your vote and iniyttience respectfully soltc/ifed JOHNy, I1ANNA -sts Councillor for 1914 Vote for Wm. II4BISTER to represent you as Councillor for 1914 D. E. McDONALD Solicits tho vt';ies of all electors in i4 candidature for the 1914 Council Vote for ' W. 6. PATTERSON The Great Watch Doctor for Councillor f ,r 1914 Your vote and influence requested for relection for 19 14 of / A. yOUNG as Councillor KING EIROSi We Wish You All I Iappy And Prosperous New Year 11110111=12111•1111101101111111111•11Maill • !NG BROS., 1 ,111•43•1111•••••11.11111411! STRAY HEIFER. Clearing Auction Sale. There strayed from my premises, lot 37, con. 12, East Wawanosh, about the 15th of November, a two-year old heifer. Heifer was pure red in color with small spot of white on forehead and was not dehorned. Any person giving inform- ation which will lead to her recovery will be awarded. HERB SHIELL, phone 619-2.. R. R. No. 3,*Wingham, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. Centre half lot 42 con. 7, East Wawa - nosh, 100—acres 85 cleared—all under grass, well -underclrained, 4 acres orchard mostly winter fruit, 1.3i story frame house, kitchen and woodshed Barn 60X70 with stonestabling, cement floors, .windmill and water in house and stable, 1M.miles from post offiA school and church. A bargain for quick sale. Apply to WM. WIGHTMAN, Lot 35, con 10 or_Belgrave j). 0. Sale of Shorthorn Bulls. Broadview Shorthorns— Herd Headed by "Favorite Character." (Imp.) For sale are eight bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and be will sold reasonably. I am also offering a few good cows and heifers. All are bred to the Imp. bull some due to calve in December. If You need any- thing write me or give us a call. J. G. FM, Wingham, Ont. (Farm 11,‘ miles south of Wingham.) TENDERS. Sealed tenders will be received until the 8th day of Januaay, 1914, for the eretion of n new church and stables on the site of the present Melville church, Brussels. All tenders to be addressed to Malcolm Black, Esq, Secretary of the Building Committee. Plans, speci- fications, details, etc., can be seen at Fox's Drug Store. The loweat or any other tender not riecessarily accepted. Separate and joint tenders will be re- eeived for the stables. J. Lnuxtg, Chairman. M. BLACK, Seey, BrusselS, Dec. lSth, 1911 1 1 Mr. Wm. E. Mitchell, of let 22, con. .12, Turnberry, will hold a clearing sale of farm stock and implements on Wed- nesday, January 7th. Everything is to be sold without reserve as Mr. Mitchell is giving up farming owing to poor health. The farm will also he offered for sale on the same date. John Purvis will be the auctioneer. Shoe Shine Parlor In store next to Haugh's shoe store bave opened a Shoe Shine Parlor for both ladies and gentlemen. Tan or white shoes dyed to stay black. All work guaranteed. Give me a call. GEORGE NiOIR, Coal That is Dirt Cheap May be Dirt aut Never CHEAP! The best is always the cheapest. So why waste time and money experimenting with cheap coal, when you can get genuine D.B. & W., SCRANTON The best of the beat by actual test trilmorplaiicar.iirmikelowe A Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR to all our Customers and Friends is the Wish of IWILLIS & CO. J. A. McLEAN 1 THE SHOE STORE Sole agents zreeek For Ladies affael iLaftwrirs4/44,11.?...z.sietk,_•t-sAtArtiorirs4-44,4ames41644,s,si,,s,a4 81. ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••,.• y••••••••••••••••Ww..a••••ka.So..os.d.••••••••.. 11 Wishing you all a Happy aand Prosperous New Year • Oh AN MILLS PHONE 89. WINGRA1Y1) ONT. Successor to T. A. Mills