Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-12-16, Page 12Page 12 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 ♦r �• ,vr t � } N We'd like to extend our sincere appreciation to our many valued customers. We Wish you a happy, healthy and memorable' holiday season. Amanda McClenaghan Sales Representative 519-528-3129 Paul Zinn Broker 519-528-2411 al NI MI I TEE • .* 1 1ea1 Tr, r. In this season of merri- ment and mirth, We pray for joy and peace on earth — And add a special prayer for you That all your hopes and dreams conte Wel Merry Chti t *nd thanks to*a l ofoqr clients for our Wilms_ and friendship Christmas Story sends a great message BY REV. PEGGY KINSMAN Lucknow and South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches There was once a Christmas pageant at a small church and the people had gathered to hear the Christmas story once more. The part of the innkeeper was played by one of the teenagers. He was a quiet and polite boy, tall and thin. In size and social • skills, . in his manner in . general, he was what we might call awkward. While his peers liked him well enough, he was the sort .of person who was easy to overlook. You'd never find him at the center of things. When Mary and Joseph appeared at the inn, he stood awk- wardly in the doorway, as : they made their request for lodging. With ease he -recited his one line... "No room in the inn tonight," he said. But as Mary and Joseph turned and ` walked wearily away toward the animal manger where they were to spend , the night, the SK1LCP boy continued to watch them. His eyes filled with compas- sion. Suddenly he responded to a grace which, though not part of the script, fined the moment. He startled everyone including him- self by caihng out... "Hey wait a minute. Don't go! You can have my room." When allis said and done those Christmas pageants acted out in the churches and community halls and most often by children, per- haps capture the Christmas story best. They are like the story told in the gospel of Luke, pictures of what happens to unremarkable people in a dark world when sud- denly and in, ways they do not fully understand, the glory of the Lord shines upon them. Like the characters in Luke, the players in these pageants do not pretend to express the light; they only try to reflect it. Those who play the P roles of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the angels are ordi- nary people from our ordinary everyday world. In their ordinari- ness they :embody the truth of the angel's promise - Unto you is born this day a Saviour. There's your own nephew wear- ing a foil covered crown and car- rying his precious box of fankin- cense. There's your youngest daughter adjusting her wire halo as she says something about her soul praising God. And we're there too, trying to get close enough to l see that tiny baby born in a manger. Our voices are unsteady but we do . our - best to sing... 0 come let us adore Him, 0 come let us adore Him, Christ the e Lord. At Christmas we're invited each one of us to be a part of the cast of the Christmas story. The awkward innkeeper surprised everyone with his compassion_ and brave invitation. May we be as . compas- sionate and gracious. This Christmas season may we be as open and able to say, "Hey, wait a minute. Don't go! You can have my room. You can have my heart for your birth." Maythe blessings of Christ` ;ill your hearts and your homes: ave lots of questions for Santa Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I .would like Lego. From; Tyler Hallam SK1 LCPS' Dear :Santa, How are you Santa? I will leave yo cookies and milk. Can I have some make. up? P.S. Ilove you! Your friend, Terri Bateman SKI LCPS Dear Santa, I am going to leave you cookies. How is Mrs.. Claus? I would like a .Hannah Montana Barbie. From, Mikayla Havens SK1 MPS Dear Santa, I will leave you a snack on Christmas Eve: 1 want a princess doll. Dear Santa, 1 like Rudolph. I want to go on his back. I want a race car. Your friend, Kealan Conley SKiLCF..S From, Tyler Falconer SK1 LOPS Dear Santa, For Christmas named Minty. would like a My Little Pony Sincerely, Lily McDermid SK1 LCPS... Dear Santa, How are the •reindeer? May 1have a PSP? Sincerely, Brody MacAdam SK1 LCPS Continued on page 13 Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!" To all our good friends, neighbours and customers, far and near, Goes this message of joy and cheer. One thing that we know is clear Is that you have brightened up our year! Allan and Lucy Miller Holyrood Store, Post owe and Auction Service