Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-11-18, Page 1Lurgan Beach rnan took in D -Day invasion • • • . PRO HAWK Theatre puts on Christmas play... 4-H Beef Club hand out Fall Fair awards . . . Morning Smiles Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. Charles Schulz The Lucknow • November18,2009 Week 47 — Vol. 136 $1 gst included Publications Mail Registration No. 07656 Bringing Together Huron & Bruce www.lucknowsentinel.com Photo by Gorit Reid Lest VVe Foret... A iarge gathering of people e out onWednesday to give their respect to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in war at the Lucknow Cenotaph Remembrance Day ceremony.There was a moment of silence at 11 a.m. followed by a prayer by Rev. Peggy Kinsman and then the laying of the wreaths. It ended with a procession Of Legion members, veterans, the Lucknow Legion Pipe Band, Cubs,Beavers, Sparks, Girl Guides, Brownies and Pathfinders that made Its way to the Legion Branch 309. (Below)Veteran Don Ross had the proud opportunity to bring forward the Dominion wreath during the Cenotaph ceremony on Remembrance Day in Lucknow. Bruce Power is BY PAX IIMPIN • Special to the Sentinel Bruce Power has revised the target for •Bruce A Units 1 and 2 return to service to 2011 - more than a year behind sched- u1e, TransCanada Corp - a partner in Bruce Power - put that date in its recent quarterly report to share- holders, . Bruce - "...Power spokesperson• Ross Lamont told county coun- cil in a presentation Nov 5. "TransCanada is a pub- licly traded company. They need to inform their shareholders of how their investments are going, and •so .they have put in the dates of 2011 for the in service because it is a dis- closeable item with their shareholders." The date isn't out of line with Bruce Power's 'recent statements. The company has been admitting for months that the Bruce A restart is behind schedule by slight- ly more than a year. "It's been well known that we've had some diffi- culties with the first -of -a - kind technical changes that are part of the refur- bishment program," Lamont told Bruce county councilors, But most of the remain- ing work on the restart project is more conven- tional in nature, he said. Meanwhile skills learned on Units 1 and 2 can be applied in future refurbish- ' • • . - .. - ments, • Bruce Power expects Units 1 and 2 to come on line in mid and la,te 201.1. Grant changes Five Bruce county municipalities stand to • lose a total of $2,000,000 next year if the province goes ahead with 4utting the Municipal Partnership Fund. • South Bruce alone will lose nearly $270;000 in revenue, said mayor and Bruce County Warden Bill Goetz. "That's big money for •us. It will end up with a 12 to 13 per cent twc increase without even looking at the budget," he said. • South Bruce is spear- heading a campaign that so far has Huron-Kinioss, Kincardine and Arran- Elderslie supporting a •request that the province • phase in changes to the • Ontario • Municipal Partnership Fund. "If they would come across with a Farm Tax Rebate we could easy han- dle this," Goetz said about the proposedchange in revenue. "But so far they seem to be reluctant." The municipal partner- ship grant loss is most acute for municipalities with a large rural and agri- cultural base. The province Icnows a problem is on the horizon, Goetz said, but so far hasn't taken any steps to fix it. Continued on page 8