Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-11-04, Page 4Request to change SOCAN policy
Sentinel Staff
At the Oct. 19 Huron -
Kinloss Twp. council meet-
ing, council endorsed the
resolution of the town of
Minto and in I doing so
requested that the Society of
Composers and Authors and
Music Publishers of Canaria
(SOCAN) adjust its fee for-
mula to be based on atten-
dance at events rather than
the capacity of the venue.
SOCAN's policy is to
charge fees to . municipali-
ties whenever music is
played at an event such as
public skating, hall rentals,
wedding receptions,
anniversaries, etc.
Council pointed out that
many small municipalities
have a multi -use facility
with a capacity of 500 or
more. Most functions held
at these facilities don't
reacli full capacity.
Many of the functions-
lief at these facilities a are
sers for minor sps
'-`iurckgroups. The ►e v
leen: system proposed by
SOCAN will . make . such
fundraisers less profitable
fbr local sports and non-
profit organizations.
Council also supported A
that the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs . and
Housing,* the Ontario'
Recreation Facilities
Association, the
Association of
Municipalities of Ontario,
the Association of
Municipal. Managers Clerks
and Treasurers and the
Ontario Municipal .
Administrators' Association
work with SOCAN. to
develop a reasonable annual
fee for various sized munic-
ipalities to include - all
SOCAN charges in a single
annual fee based on the pre-
vious attendance at such
Allocation update
Huron -Kinloss 'Fwp. state
Kinloss Twp. treasurer Jodi
MacArthur, since then
Huron -Kinloss Twp.: has
written to the Minister to
request reconsideration of
the 2010 funding. The letter
was copied to MPP Carol.
Mitchell and Huron -Kinloss
Mayor Mitch Twolari has
also, followed up with
Mitchell to reinforce the:
. • .
township's •
A number of propenes.
were improperly classed as
residential on the 2009
returned roll. These proper-
ties had complied.with the
regulations to meet ;farm-
land classification criteria,
but were reverted back to
full residential taxation for
2009. The Municipal
Property Assessment
Corporation has indicated
recently reported to council that these assessments will
that the Ministry of Finance be revised through- an
Dwight Duncan is propos- amended propeity • assess•
ing to : eliminate the special inent notice.
assistance pided- to Converting residential
municipalities fiat experi assessment to farmland
enced a loss in funding would result in a 75 per cent
when ; the , Ccomuttity eduction the amo ` t of
Reinv;4stment . Fwnd , as ,itaxes'collec,t0.,ThisitivoOld
replac6d with the Ontario result in a write off oft ver
Municipal Partnership Fund $14,000.
In a report by Huron-
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - Page 3
Continued on page
Photo by Gar+t Reid
Lucknow Legion Branch 309 members Eugene McGee and Tony Wartnaby were on a
mission Saturday afternoon as they took part in the annual Legion Poppy. Drive.They
were welcomed with a smile at the first house they visited as Dave Gillespie received
his poppy.
Huron County Health Unit
519-482-3416 or 1-877-837-6143 HURON
www.huroncounty.calhealth COUNTY
• Residents with a chronic medical
condition 6 months - 64 years old
(diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, liver
disease, conditions that weaken your
immune system)
• Household contacts and care providers of:
- Infants under 6 months of age
- People with weakened immune systems
• Healthy children 6 months to 4 years old
• All pregnant women with pre-existing
health conditions
• Healthy pregnant women in the second
half of their pregnancy (20+ weeks)
• Health care workers
CLINTON Beside Huron County Health Unit,
77722D London Road
Wednesday, November 4 from 2:00.7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 6 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
LUCKNOW Brookside Public School, 36937 Belgrave Rd
Tuesday, November 3 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
GORRIE Howick Central Public School,
45010 Harriston .Road
Thursday, November 5 from 6:00.8:00 p.m.
SEAFORTH Seaforth and District Community Centre,
122 Duke Street
Saturday, November 7 from 10:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m.
Please come prepared to wait, possibly outside.
Bring snacks, toys for children, camp stool if
standing is difficult.
Multiple clinics for all other residents expected to start in mid-November.
For the latest information on H1N1 www.huroncounty.calhealth
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