Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-10-07, Page 5.mow►-�_�� - � Pig 4 - IsPckinSvY. Sentinel Wednesday, October 7p 2009 -r • P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com Publisher, Advertising Manager: Pat Livingston lucksentads@bowesnet.com Editor: Garit Reid lucksented@bowesnet.com Office Administrator: Ruth Dobrensky lucksent@bowesnet.com On leave: Sara Bender Subscription Rater advance: Regular $30.00 plus GST Senior $28.00 plus GST PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40064683 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7656 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT. P.O. Box 400 , Lucknow, ON, NOG 2H0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns, please call 519-528-2822. e-mail: lucksent@bowesnet.com "We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs." Canada -adeppcna opc esikCP OUEBECOR MEDIA Changes of address, orders,for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical emir, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. The Sentinel is available on micmfilm at: Goderich Library, 52 Montreal Street Goderich, N7A 1M3 (from 1875) Goderichlibrary Ohumnoounty.ca and Kincardine Library, 727 Queen Street, Kincardine N2Z 1Z9 (fivm 1875 to 1900 & 1935 to 1959) 1 New cellphone law Ontario's new Hiles prohibiting cell- phone use while driving will go into effect .Oct. 26, the government announced 'last week and I for one am happy for that. It's hard enough to text and walls, let alone drive a motor vehicle. Fines won't be given out until February, which will give drivers ' a three month grace period to learn the new law. I know from personal expe- rience, when I bought my first cellphone about five years ago I learned to text for the first time. I have to admit that I did it a few times while driving and that would be the last toric I did it because I almost got into two accidents. People should have enough time in the day that they can wait a few minutes and leave their phones alone while they is good 0 r Ontario are driving. It's a lot easier to text or call someone when you are outside of your vehicle, trust me. Now that I have an iPhone, I wouldn't even think of texting or calling someone while driving; for anyone who has an iPhone knows that they keyboard is on the touch screen. You pretty much have to look at every key you press to get it right, Another thing with cell phones these -: days is the screens on most of them are really Wight. If anyone is trying to text and. :drive at night, it's like they are shining a flashlight in their face. I'm glad the provincial government has implemented this law because nobody needs to be talking or texting on phones while driving. • ving their Goderich Livery :offers great film experience Dear Editor, I read with interest Garit Reid's piece (Sept 16) about longing to attend T.W.F (the Toronto International Film Festival) some day. There is a lot of buzz sur- D the rounding the festival and the stars who attend, but most folks go for the chance to seeing interesting movies. And if it's the movies you care about, then I would remind your . readers that many of these films which screen at TIFF do come to our area through the Goderich Livery Film Group. In co- operation with the Film Circuit, a division of TIFF, the circuit acts as an alternate distribution network for movies across the country. Their man- date is to bring great international films to small towns like ours. The Goderich Film Group ttOr screens films at the Park tars Theatre in Goderich once a month and hosts a two day film festival in early April every year. On occasion, . the group has had gala screenings with the director present to take questions from the audience. Bottom line is that you can get a taste of the 'TIFF experience right here at home. People should be informed about vaccine Dear Editor This is in response to the Public Health article in last week's paper, entitled, HPV vaccine beingO the offered to Grade 8 girls. 'While it may be true that two of the four strains of HPV pre- vented by the vaccine cause about 70 per cent of all cervical cancers, a reg- ular pap smear is still the best defence. I checked out the August 2009 Journal of the American Medical Association, which Public Health ref- erenced, but was unable to find any- thing which could be described as an excellent safety record. What I did find was reports of thousands of adverse events, including at least 32 deaths ! Some of the articles also ques- tioned the effectiveness of Gardasil in fulfilling its stated purpose, that of preventing cervical cancer. EditorLet's not , forget we are talkingabout girls in Grade 8, and that abstinence is the best way to avoid the . sexu- ally transmitted disease, HPV. I would encourage the parents of girls in Grade 8 to check out the (Aug. 19) article on the JAMA website, and related articles, there, and also those on - the website, www.judicialwatch.org. Gardasil is not just another routine vaccination for your daughter. Be informed! Jean Hedley, Director, Region 2 Alliance for Life Ontario seThoirs 10 years ago - Oct. 61999 - A Lucknow family welcomed teenage exchange student Chloe Durand, 14, of Montpellier, France. She will spend three months with Dayle and Jeff Taylor and their three daughters, Sarah, Melissa and Megan. Chloe arrived Aug. 8, 1999 where she attended FE Madill Secondary School in September with. the family's oldest daughter, Sarah,who is also 14 - Former Port Albert resident, Don McKenzie was unknow- ingly on: his path to becoming the Senior of the Year ,1999 wh6 the MacKay Centre for Seniors board of directors sat down with a list of names of people to nominate for the award sponsored by the Ontario Government. McKenzie was a unan imous decision. 20 years ago - Oct. 4. 1989 ▪ Lucknow canines, Jake and:Benjie, along with their mas- ters, Nancy Becker and Isobel Shepherd raised $1340 for Canine Vision dada during the annual walk-a-dog-a-thon on Oct. 1, 1989. Mrs: Viola irvvnxt cel ebrated-her 90th birthday, with a fam- ily - dinner'heeld in her honour, at the home of her daughter, Ruth Hastings. Born on Sept: 11, 1899, the. former Viola Jamieson is a daughter of the late John Jamieson and Isabella :Gaunt. She .: and her husband, Roy, farmed in West Wawauosh Twp: before. retiring to Lucknow in 1968.: 50 years ago OcL 7, 1959 _,$ Paul H n -is scheduled. to report in Hamilton on -Friday for a tryout at- .the. Detroit ,Red Wings junior hockey . school.. The players reporting will be sized up as Junior 'A' or `B' material. Paul is just 16,, but a free -skating lad with goal coring ability He is the -son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Henderson. A skunk, which nipped Mrs.- William M. MacDonald on the ankle last Wednesday, has been proven to be rabid. This *ill require Mrs. MacDonald to commence taking anti -rabies • inoculations. Mrs. MacDonald dispatched the 'skunk with a gun after it bit her on the ankle. Clio' Staehli, left, of Nevchatel, Switzerland, is stayed with Ruth Montgomery, right, of Lueltnow, on a three-month school exh- cange program in 2004. (File photo)