Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-30, Page 4.-.•i. ....ts - a «if rs • •t'. r 4 .. -.aft �► Page 4 - Lucknow Sentine P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 tax: (519) 528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com Publ i ^her, Advertising Manager: Pat Livingston lucksentads@bowesnet.com Editor: Garit Reid lucksented@bowesnet.com tore Office Administrator: Ruth Dobrensky lucksent@bowesnet.com On leave Sara Bender Subscription Rates advance Regular $3000 plus GST Senior $28.00 plus CST PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40064683 PAP REGL3TRATION NO. 7656 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT. P.O. Bo* 400 , Lucknow, ON, NOG 2H0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns, please call 519-528-2822. e-mail: lucksent@bowesnet.com "We a o oosvledge the fi„ancial su nrt of the Government of Cames,; through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs." Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the • address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid tit the applicable rates. • The Sentinel is available on microfilm at Goderich Libi zy, 52 Montreal Street Goderich, N7A 1M3 (from 1875) Goderichlihr a@humncounty.ca and ' Kincardine Library, 727 Queen Street, Kincardine N2Z 129 (from 1875 to 1900 & 1935 to 1959) 1 Wednesday, September 30, 20091 I • . n f • * 4.,.j, ...-.. The fall classic is well worth the wait Recently I said autumn is my favourite time of the year, because of the nice cool weather, but there is an even bigger . reason why I enjoy this time of year. It's about baseball and the fall classic. The fall classic of course being the playoffs and the World Series. It is especial ly great when my team, the Boston Red Sox, are in the thick of things.`And knock on -wood they are just a few weeks, away from claimingthe American League wild : card spot. For people who think baseball is boring,they have obviously never experienced the playoffs before. It's do or die in the playoffs. The eight teams that make it, want more than anything to make it to the World Series. Theythrough h played layed , a gruelling 162 game - regular sea- son to give themselves the chance to be world champions. The thing that crakes baseball so exciting is the anticipation for that one big play and when it comes, it is heart pounding and exhilarating. It's especially exciting if it's your team that makes the amazing catch or -its the walk off homerun. This all came full circle for me in 2004 . when after an 86 year. drought, the Red Sox came back from being down 3 - O' in the ALCS to their hated rivals, the New York Yankees. The Sox came back in impressive style stealing the pennant from them and rolling into the World Series with a quick four game sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals. It's a great feeling when your team `: wins it all and it was gravy when they did it again in 2007. I'm hoping for big things in the playoffs from my Red Sox team as I can't wait to see them in the big show. once again. Autumn is also a good thin because it's the start of the season. Speaking about droughts; thy Toronto Maple Leafs haven't won the Stanleysince 1 67 o Cup � and it's about time they : broke through and won it all. However, I'm realistic and it will take them a few. more years under the helm of Brian Burke to become a cup con- tender. For now I'd just like to sge my Leafs make the playoffs. Watershedsan.issue: Dear Editor, We are writing in the hope of warning other TO f�2 property owners on the Sentinel • iviemoirs1 19"Pari ago - Sept x"91999 - For Ju Lamm, singing is a way to expiess herself and share her talent.` And that's just what the. 12 -year-old did as she advanced through the steps leading up to the finals of the Youth.. and Junior Talent Search Ontario competition. Justine went all ' the way to the finals: in London on Sept. 18, 1999 as one of 15 finalists. - A group of 12 bicyclists took part in the Ripley -Huron parade on Sept. 25, 1999. This was no ordinaly group of bikers, they were people on a mission - to raise funds for a medical clinic in Haiti. The riders are part: of Men for Missions International. and area joined in with all of Huron County as volunteers,. craftsn, demonstrators. and visitors to "Hurd Shines in '99" International=Plowing Match held Sept. 21 to Sept. 25, in _ Dashwood. One hundred and seventy-five thousand attended during the five day event. rya ago with property o our property on the Maitland River and to- obtain assurance that our home can 'be replaced if necessary. 'Thus far we have been unsuc- cessful. Any attempt to- meet with our local MPP Carol Mitchell over the past year has met with a dead end. The council of Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh has been very helpful, especially councillor Barry Millian but they have no power over the conservation authorities. We are currently dealing with the Ministry of Natural Resources in an attempt to find a satisfactory solution. We know we are not alone. I strongly advise you to check with your local building inspector to see if the MVCA has first say over any permits which you might need. Then you need to find out what the floodproofing levels are in your area. I can assure you, you will be shocked. ▪ At the regular meeting of Lucknow V council held Sept. 13 1989 following discussion of six names submitted to the `iVl�ig , , vacant Stuart Reavte of Lucknow wasappointed as seat,aPPo 'councillor for the of the GennendingSept.01991. : - The Lucknow District Fire Department :reports that $2,974 was raised during their 1989 annual ' roadside Muscular Dystrophy Drive. In other news, the Lucknow Firs Board took possession of the 1989 fire thick, purchased from Hayter's GMC, Goderich. - David Cayley, son of Gordon and Laura Lee Cayley, enrolled as a pilotin the Canadian Forces and began his basic training course at Canadian Forces officer to School, Cliilliwack, B.C. on Sept. 18, 1989 50 years two --Sept 30. 1959 - Increased: exhibits and a larger attendance were seen at Lucknow's 94th. annual Fall Fair held in the Caledonian Park Thursday, Sept. 24, 1959. A parade from the Lucknow Public School and led by the Hanover Girl's Trumpet Band commenced the Fair. .F . local :river watersheds of changes which were made to the powers of the conservation authori- ties. If you live . in a Natural Environment Zone, this affects you. In 2006, the province passed Bill 164. This gave the conservation authorities new powers to regulate development in or near wetlands, shorelines, watercourses, valley lands and floodplains regardless of what is currently in existence. Property owners were never noti- fied of these new guidelines let alone their impact. It is only as the townships update their bylaws that people maybecome aware of the problems this has created. There is no such thing as being grandfa- thered in - we have Lived here for 15 years and the home has existed here for 37 years. We have been trying to work with the Maitland Valley Conservation authority for the past 1.4 months ,to protect the value of . Left: Corey Arbour and Pat Miltenburg help their St. Anne's Ron and Linda Stewart, Secondary School in Clinton, bring home the gold medal from Clinton the all -Ontario tournament in 2005. (File photo) 0 4