Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-23, Page 12Arromati44.44411V-11111-114.4*...........,,t-,*' " • "b 4.4 4 * 4 v r r 4 * 4 4 te4.i,..'114 tf "4 1 4 I Page 12 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Septembei 23, 2009 Huron -Kinloss native has earned a third overall provincial title BY ELYSE DEWAR •Kincardine News Staff After only two years of compet- ing, a seven-year- old Huron -Kinloss BMXer has earned himself a third overall provincial title. Landon Hunter, son of Mike Hunter and Paulette Lippert, is a Grade 3 stu- dent at St. Anthony's School in Kincardine, who has found a new love - BMXing. "I like biking and going fast," he said. 1 Hunter belongs to the Saugeen Shores BMX club in Port Elgin, where he races every Sunday afternoon. Aside from these, Hunter competes in four Ontario Cup Competitions in the eight-year-old novice division. His first 'race was in Chatam, second in Milton, third in Port Elgin and fourth in Kingston. Once all his standings were tallied, his overall standing was third in the province. "1 feel, very proud of myself," said Hunter. He, along witil two friends from St. Anthony's School, eight- year-old John Travale and seven-year-old Anthony Travale all compete together. Because both John and Anthony have been compet- ing longer, they are in the interme- diate division. Both boys were unavailable for comment because of their busy schedules. _ Hunter became involved in BMXing because of his buddy John, who introduced him to the sport. "I knew John had started BMXing and I thought I was • pretty fast and I could do it too," said Hunter. Hunter didn't compete provin- cially last year, he just battled it out in Port Elgin each Sunday. He want- ed to become more familiar with his bike first. He said he now knows the differ- ence between a BMX bike and a regular street bike. "Well, the tires on a BMX bike are softer; there is no kick stand, no reflectors or a front brake and it's made of •alu- minum,". said Hunter. He also men- tioned it's very important to have full equipment on to prevent injuries, such as 1a full ,face helmet, BMX, gloves, chest protector and knee pads. • Although he has had a .few spills, Hunter hasn't suf- fered any major injuries. "I wiped out once or twice, but it was no big deal,!' Landon. "I got right back up again." During each race, riders are faced with a vari- ety of obstacles like jumps, big hills, berms (banked turn made of dirt), step ups, doubles, triples and rollers.' "My favourite •part are the rollers. They're .a bunch of little bumps all in a row," he said. Each summer, Aunter heads to camp at the Port Elgin track, where he can advance his BMX skills. Now that BMX has come to an end this season, Hunter said he's going to stay active by playing minor hockey in Ripley. However, he plans on returning for.a third year of •BMXing next spring. Photo by Elyse Dewar Seven-year-old Landon floater of lituron-Kiniels won third over- ...allin the recent BMX Ontario Provincial. --Cup Competition. Hunter is the son 'of the Mike Hunter and Paulette Uppert and has only :been riding a BMX for two.ye0: Black BlackHorse mixed seniors on Sept. 14 was nine holes team play' With Net Stableford scor- ing. The first place team with,.a record orse mixed seniors results low of 26 points was Gladys Hamilton, Tom Pegg, Miro Tadla, and • George Armstrong. High individual points went 'to Hamilton with 16 points and Pegg with 23 points. Longest putt on numberthree was Richard Papineau and Stan Grant on number seven. BlackHorse senior men on ail) id !if 4*.4,•04, • •viri-Nowircie )4-6: 7: r; 3.1 ,-;)4 ,c • ••••, .; . • e,, Sept. 17 was a 747 game with three- man teams from the blues. That's seven .boles on a scramble, four par fives on elimina- tion and seven holes on best ball (best score). There were two teams tied for first.. Don Bone, John Wood, Jim Seip with Tom Kennedy, Walter Arnold, and Glen Matthews. Now Richard's way of deciding it was a • "chip -off". Chip to the 18th green from the club- house, closest -to - the -cup wins. Our fearless leader, Walter Arnold, picked his favorite club and after hit- ting the ball still remained in the ro -.Don:Bone loft it six feet from • the cup and won the big bucks for his team. Closest-to-the- Pip- on the second shot On number one was Bone. He, must have been revving Up for the chip -off. Closest - to -the -pin on number two was Kennedy and on number 13 was Dave O'Donnell, Year-end ban- quet for senior men and mixed seniors combined, will - be Oct. 1, playing 18, holes at 1 p.m followed by; the .banquet. Please show up by noon on Oct.l. .This will allow us time to organize the teams. The consensus for the banquet dinner is roast beef for $15, a.