Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-23, Page 4Page 4 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 23, 2009 P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com • Publisher, Advertising Manager: Pat Livingston, lucksentads@bowesnet.com • Editor: Garit Reid''. lucksented@bowesnet.corn Office Administrator: Ruth Dob ensky lucksent@bowesnet.com On lea*: Sara Bender Subscription Rates advance: Regular $30.00 plus GST Senior $28.00 plus GST PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40064683 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7656 REI1JRN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT. P.O. Box 400 , Lucknow, ON, NOG 2H0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns, please call 519-528-2822. e-mail: lucksent@bowesnet.com, "We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs." aa Al Dam opc e f's Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: Goderich Library, 52 Montreal Street Gode rich, N7A 1M3 (farm 1875) Goderidilibrary@hurc000unty.ca and Kincardine Library, 727 Queen Street, Kincardine N2Z 1Z9 (from 1875 to 1900 do 1935 to 1959) • The Lucknow Fall Fair was a fun time I attended my first Lucknow Fall Fair this weekend and I ran into numerous people enjoying the weekend festivities. I really enjoyed the Settlers Creek Band and the tasty treats that were available all weekend from the food booths to the fair breakfast. It was nice to see the kids from.around the area enjoying the rides on the midway: Small town fairs really showcase the type of commu- nity one has and for Lucknow, it's evident that it's a down to earth kind of place, but at the same time, the people here know how to have fun. I've only been to one other fall fair and that's the Owen Sound one and the Lucknow one was a just as fun. I especially got a kick out of the soap box derby. Watching the kids zoom down the hill in their derby cars was amusing, but at the same time, I was amazed at how well driven they were. This may be my first and last Lucknow Fall Fair, since I'll be leaving the. Sentinel this winter, but the fair left me With some good expe- riences. Who knows, I may just come back next fall fair to check out all the. great events. The weather isettin a little l� g colder for the fall months and this will probably be one of the last out- door events until next year, so it was good to enjoy one last weekend of fun without all the snow that will be inevitable this upcoming winter. It was nice to see everyone enjoy.the - weekend and how well it was put together by the Lucknow Agricultural Society. Mailboxes eing vandalised in area Dear Editor, I am writing this letter pirf to the teens or young - o the adults who keep vandal- izing our mailboxes in the Zion Rd. St. Helens, IBelgrave area Although this letter r presents my thoughts and my opiniim, there are many other : neighbours whose mailboxes have been vandalized as well. Personally we have gone through seven mailboxes in less than the three years I have lived here. It would have been more, but some were still usable after the damage and like many others we just kept using the banged up, trashy looking mail boxes until they were destroyed completely. We had to take our hard earned money and instead of buying the kids a treat or taking them on an outing we had to purchase yet another mailbox because you have nothing better to do then ruin other peoples property with no regards to our feelings. This latest attack took place on Thursday, Sept. 4 after dark. We bought a. vandal proof mailbox this time so after bashing it a couple times with a baseball bat and realiz- ing it really wasn't a sufficient amount of damage you decided to rip the top part off and leave the post that wasn't removable because of the cement. For some stupid rea- son you decided, to then itor drop it along with other mailboxes off at a neigh- bour's house, (many thanks to this neighbour for taking the trouble to drive around and find out who these mailboxes belonged to). You were spotted that night and we have the make and model of your white/silver truck. We have installed a video f camera so all we need is for you to come vandalize it one : more timeso we can collect the last piece of the puz- zle to give to the police, so they can finally` convict you. Our bill to you is over $500. Multiply that by the number of people you have vandal- ized and it sure adds up. Come on guys or gals we have better things tospend our time and money on then having to replace mailboxes. Please note that this .letter is intended for the small group of peo- ple that committed this crime. I have had the pleasure to meet some of the most wonderful, caring peo- ple, kids, teens, and young adults in this community and realize this is just a small group that is trying to get some sort of thrill or kick from doing this. Sentinel • emoirs iO nears ago - SepL 221999 - Huron -Kinloss road name changes were completed at council's Sept. 13, 1999 meeting. Because the 911 emer- gency service doesn't allow duplicated names in a township,, Campbell Street in Point Clark was changed to Clemett Street. Council said it was best to change Point Clark's street name because Campbell Street in Lucknow, is their main street. : - A 16 -year-old Huron, 'Nix youth and a :16 -year-old sardine youth have been charged with theft under $5,000 and possession of stolen property. The charges relate to the thefts of property from vehicles at Aintree Trailer Park and Boiler Beach Road•between Aug. 20 and: 23, 1999. ,Nyco two - Sept. 20. 1989 - This Septemberember as students ,in the Huron County public Ft tY , school system once ain face the prospect of 10 months in the classroom; the Board of Education is looking to keep theni all year round. The issue of 12 monthschool ... year is due overcrowding and the need to get the maximum: use out of too g _ the buildings. • Janet Lane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lane, w crowned the Holstein Dairy Princess for Bruce County at the Formosa Community Centre. Janet will complete her reign at the 1990 CNE, the provincial competition.` D the morning of Sept. 15, 1989 members of the OPP from the Kincardine detachment, Wingham detachment and Mount Forest Crime Unit raided a house in Kinloss Township. Seized in the raid was a large quantity of marijua- na with a street value of over $35,000. 59yEtwv 5 - The death of Mrs. Alexander McKinnon, a former Lucknovvite,' occurred at her late residence, 5 Fairmount Crescent, Toronto, on Tuesday, Sept. 15. Mrs. McKinnon was in her 95th year and was present at the Centennial in Lucknow in 1958, where she had the distinction of being the Oldest in attendance. • Helen Small, Lucknow Remember when... '"14;0670: 4 a� Staffand students at Brookside Public School showed their sup- port for Fox as they held a71w+r�►1�4�1ot Run at the school in �nber 2005. Everyone pMrtlpabod by running around the bides (File Photo)