Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-09, Page 9Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 2009 - Page 9 H1N1 flu virus health clinics to be held in fall BY SUSAN HUNDERMARK Huron Expositor As local health- care professionals prepare for the expected H1N1 pandemic this fall, the Huron County Health Unit is plan- ning two rounds of flu clinics. "Thisis a different flu season with two different shots for different kinds of flu. This season more than ever, it's important to get a flu shot," said Huron County's medical officer of health, Dr. Nancy Cameron. The first flu clin- ics will start in mid- October for the annual seasonal influenza shot and the second would likely start just before Christmas for the H1N1 vaccine, says Cameron. And, since two shots will likely be necessary for H1N1, Cameron says the H1N1 clinics will probably be held before tom, and after Christmas. Cameron says the health unit and local healthcare profes- sionals have been busy all summer with pandemic plan- ning. g She says the health unit will be meeting with local school boards soon discussing, .:ways to encourage more infection control. "We'll be dis- cussing how impor- tant it is to be wash- ing hands more and coughing and sneez- ing into our sleeves, asking the school boards to possibly put more of that information into the curriculum," she says, adding that posters will be offeredto reinforce the message. M well, she says school boards will be asked if it's possi- ble : to enhance sur- veillance in the schools, providing information on the numbers of students absent and what their symptoms include.. Currently, schools report to the health unit if more than 10 per cent of the school popula- tion is absent. With weekly tele- conferences with the Ministry of Health around the H1N1 pandemic, Cameron says the federal gov- ernment has ordered vaccines and the province has ordered a supply for county health units. Still undecided are the priority groups fir the H1N1 vaccine but Cameron expects they will include younger people who. have no immunity to the virus and people with underlying medical conditions. "It may not be older people because they seem to have immunity based on earlier out- breaks in 1957 of a similar virus," she said. Cameron says health officials are closely watching the southern hemi- sphere and Australia in particular as they go through their winter flu season right now and are encouraged . that while H1N1 is the p edo nt flu strain being seen, the cases are rela- tively mild: "Maybe 20 per cent of the people have been ill, much less than the 30-35 per cent that has been predicted dur- ing . pandemic plan- ning for the lalt sev- eral years," she says. "Hopefully, we have the same thing here. But, we're certainly continuing planning and we are pre- pared," she said. Cameron says local hospitals are also developing their pandemic plans and are in con- stant communica- tion with the health unit. "We don't want to be caught off guard," she said. Cameron says she's hoping to see a resurgence of inter- est in the flu shot this year,h for theseasonal influen- za and the H1N1 vaccines. IN MEMORY TASHA Feb. 4, 1997 - Sept . 2, 2009 You were,never ungrateful or treacherous. You didn't know evil or jealousy or discontent. You only asked for a little food, your water bowl and the nearness of your family. In return, you gave unconditional love. We miss the waging little tail; We miss the plaintive, pleading wail; We miss the wistful, loving glance; We miss the circling dance. We will miss you Tasha. and Win LUCKN4W FALL FAIR SEPTEMBER 18, 19AND 20 `Subs fitted photo Brittany Fry , is served a Heather McKee and Fran McQuail's Heirloom Tomatoes with C'est Bon Goat's Milk Feta from St. Mary's and : cold pressed Pristine Gourmet Canola Oil salad by Melina Powers at the Taste of Huron Gala . dinner. Attendees where served an elegant five - course dinner .emphasizing the quality and taste of locally reduced in redi- . g Good Selection Qf Used 4 x 4 SUVs & Trucks starting at $9995! . • That represents a savings of $27 off the counter price. SaIeprlceln:etfect ONLY • at the Lucknow Sentinel office Sept14to18 • Friday, Sept: 18 at tair (evening) • Saturday, Sept 19 (atter parade) at:fal Phone calls accepted with MC or VISA it,