Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-09-09, Page 14•••• w.-. ..♦ -J...._ t...�� «.�,:....+..�...+w�.r+►.+.►r --Icrr ..s...4.0 tt`•---sem....-.�.+• • 1 i • • ti• t. 6. :t- • rt r • 1 • f(• • • i 1 1 . 1 X % . % 1 1.-•••••••rr. \ • 1 Bridges up for discussion at ACW council.. . 4.1.1 • iv Week 37 � Vol. 136 $1 .°° gst included Publications Mail Registration No. 07656 Bringing Together Huron & Bruce Elphick Municipal Drain still an issu ale cele 60th wedding anniversary... 4age Luc is home away from: home for Beros family. . woe Morning Smiles e only ty in life is a bad attitude. ~Sc Back to school! Submitted photo Students at Lucknow Central Public School were welcomed back on Tuesday, Septa 8 to begin classes. Colleen Stutzman was one of the staff members ready to greet the children coming through the doors including Tyler Jones who is entering Grade 3, Nick Humphrey who will be starting Senior Kindergarten and Trey Bender who is new to the school as he will be in junior Kindergarten. Willoughby St. fire update After further investi- gation. of the fire Sunday, Aug. 30 at 472 Willoughby. Street by members from the Lucknow and District Fire Department and fire investigators, it has been determined there is nothing to indicate the fire wasn't anything other than accidental. The fire started in the wiring, in an upper bd- room, which contained electronics, tanning bed, stereo equipment, etc. All of the- -equip- ment was fed by a power distribution box. Fire dropped down the upper floor wall to the lower floor wall and as a result damaged both levels of the structure. For the ti a being the Stewart family has been staying in a recreational vehicle (RV) in their backyard and the family still doesn't know: the exact cost of the fire damage to the house. neigh BY CART REID Sentinel Staff Huron -Kinloss Twp. council had the Elphick Municipal Drain issue presented to them once again at a special council meeting held on Aug. 24 by residents who have been appealing the peti- tion by Ken and Joyce Elphick for a municipal drain. The appealing ppealing members include Laura Jarvis, Steven . Hare, Brian and Linda Johnston, Jeff and Kristi Gammie, Linda Sharpin, and Steve Moran of Lucknow. The engineer is John IKuntze, K. Smart Associates Ltd. who was hired by Grant Collins, the Huron -Kinloss drainage superintendent. The appeal process has been exhausted and there is no other option; than to proceed with the drain, said Kuntze. He said it would just cost more money if it went into liti- gation. H -K Twp. council approved the bylaw dur- ing the meeting. Background On Nov. 1, 2007 the engineer -delivered his drain report, with recom- mendations for drainage works in response to the Elphicks' petition. The report included an assess- ment of who would bear the costs of the drainage works. All eight appeals were heard at the March 31, 2008 tribunal in Ripley. Sonya Watson, clerk of Huron -Kinloss Twp., per- formed the duties of clerk of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.Appeals ours. Tribunal. Before the hearing, all landowners assessed or compensated in the drainage report, were made parties to the appeal. Watson filed a declaration of service at the start of the hearing proving ,the notice of the hearing was served on all parties. The Elphicks, the Johnstons, . Hare, Jeff Gammie and Sharpin attended and took part in the appeal hearing. The Elphicks have lived in the former Village of Lucknow, . now the: Township, for 13 Years. Their immediate neigh- bour to the south is Hare. Their immediate neigh- bour to the north is Gammie and the immedi- ate neighbour to the west is Johnston. Moran and Sharpin are. .neighbours` but to the south of Hare. Between . the May 2006 petition and the delivery of the drainage report, ownership of the Johnston, Hare and Gammie • properties changed. Johnston, Gammie and Hare are referred to since they are the current landowners The drainage report identified a . small area needing drainage. That area is confined to part of the Elphicks' back yard. The entire watershed or drainage area is .56 hectares. Kuntze testified at the tribunal that in 30 years of professional practice this was the smallest municipal drain project for which he had ever prepared a report. Continued on page 3