Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-08-26, Page 1•n.• ♦ •. N • 44•.► Week 35 --- Vol. 136 • gst included Publications Mail Registration No. 07656 • Bringing Together Huron & Bruce Win, Po er Ong Vancouver 2010... orning Smiles on is not tion for life; education is life its —John t •_4 • •1 sir 44 I46, tg4 1,44;106 • a• arw Aso t .4Alk 1 �. a • f, • 4 a Music in the -FieIds! The inaugural Lucknow's Music :in the Fields was a rousing success as people from the area and all over packed the Lucknow soccer fields this past Saturday,Aug. 22; It's one of the biggest venues -that has come to the area in quite some time as people partied and danced throughout the day ant night. Sen snore pictures on page 10 and .11: 440 • K,.•4,•d*asN ti`•„•,b'y.G1l:••ay1. Rs�ehlg/(•�..y.. - 4. Photo by Garit Reid Inaugural Music in the Fields was rousing success BY GARIT REID Sentinel Staff The inaugural Lucknow's Music in the Fields was a rousing success as . people from the area and all over packed the Lucknow soccer fields this past Saturday. It's one of the biggest venues that has come to the area in quite some time as peo- ple eaple partied and danced throughout the day and night. It was a big venture ' for the Lucknow Kinsmen, but they believed a concert of this nature would do well in this area. Co- chair of the event Rick McMurray, without knowing the actual ticket sales of the day, was confident they had surpassed their break even. point for the days. He was also' im with how everything and everyone came together to make it a fun day for the fans and die artists. He also said it couldn't have been• done without all of the volunteer work from the commu- nity, the solid work TNR produc- tions has done over the past year and just all of . the hard work and advertising that went into making the event a success. "I'm very pleased. It's great to see so many people out enjoying themselves, enjoying the atmos- phere and ultimately enjoying the artists," said McMurray. "Everyone looked like they had fun, all the venues were well attended and all the vendors are busy selling food, which is all great for the community of Lucknow?' People were up dancing from the opening act_ all the way to the exciting end with ' double - platinum selling artist Johnny Reid. The opening act The River Junction Band from Lucan started things off with some solid country flavour and it started the ball rolling fol- lowed with some old time country licks from Mike Lynch. After that the Trailer Park Boys, Randy and Mr. Lahey started their hosting duties with a colourful variety act of funny songs and anecdotes from the show. They also announced all . of the artists before they came on stage. The females were the next to perform as Alex J. Robinson was well received by the crowd and the women followed in succession by Canadian Idol sixth place finisher Tara Oram and singer-song- writer/CMT personality Beverley Mahood: They took to the stage and wowed the crowed with their booming voices and high tempo performances. After that it was the men's time to shine as Juno , nominee George Canyon pleased thecrowd with his deep . and tender voice, which drove the ladies crazy. Doc Walker put on a fast paced show that had people up from their chairs . danc- ing and singing along. It all culmi- nated at the end with Johnny Reid who showed why his new album has went double platinum. He got right down with the crowd and was dancing with them and letting them sing with him as he belted out his tunes. He blew the prover- bial roof off the house. Continued on page 11