Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-07-22, Page 4r 1 r r • Page 4 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 22, 2009 • 1 • 1 $ • • v • • • Y • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • 1 ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • •I I ' . I • r I t f :• P.O Box 400, 619 Campbell Street, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com 164. Publisher, Advertising Manager: Pat Livingston lucksentads@bowesnet.com -: Editor: t lucksented@bowesnet.com Office Administrator: r Ruth Dobreiisky lucksent@bowesnet.com On leave: Sara Bender Subscription Rates advance: Regular $30.00 plus GST Senior $28.00 plus GST PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT No 40064683 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7656 RETURN UNDELIVERA13LE CANADIAN ES TO CIRCUL A TON DEFT. P.p. Box 400 ,`Laden% ON, NOG 2.110 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns, please call 519-528-2822. e-mail: lucksent@bowesnet.com he iPhone is the ultimate gadget Following up on my last column I ` was really interested (more _ like salivating) in an iPhone. I, of course, gave in and bought one, A lot of people have buyer's remorse after they buy something they have high expectations for and I have . to say I didn't, because it's a :technologic marvel. I have a laptop at home and I have always gott n a lot of use out of it. I download music, watch You'I1ube all the :=time, check my Facebook, chat on MSN messenger, but I can do all of these -things on the !Pone I have hardly touched my laptop since I bought my iPhone. The iPhone is :basically a mini lap- top that you call carry: around in your pocket and I haven't : mentioned that it's aP hone as well! I might be paying a slightly higher phone, bill than most cell` hone users, but when you think of all the things the phone can do, it's mind boggling. On a regular cell phone . all it really does is have the ability to dial and Sentinel receive phone calls and text, where an iPhone has a internet browser, thousands of applications, the iTunes store where you can buy music, videos and even rent the latestmovie releases. This might sound like a review, ` but it's : a product] that 1 really enjoy and right now no other phone cando what the iPhone does, It's just that. simple. .:just I have . contemplated cancelling my internet at home because if 1 can get :everythingfrom the iibione than _why a :. for some-: thin! I hardlyuse. � I'ra : not saying go r out an buy an iPhone because. it's not ,foreveryone. I.�sea know `a lot of:people who. u one for-texting and calling, but if you'r.e a gadget nerd.�hke��e, it's the only :phone you should -have. 1:40 know that :1.probably don't: . need to know whats going on in my Facebook, or have the sport "scores at a moments notice, but in this age of . instant information , I'm doing as the Romans do. AQ years ago - job, 21, 1999 Thanks the fabulous .three" soccer fields Lucknow now boasts, the North Hunan soccer championship tuna- t win be hosted here Aug. ` ,12 tb 14,1999. It is .the first time for Lucknow to host this year end toumainent and it's a result of field project s _ eaded b the Lucknow and .ct the soccer . PmJect �earh y Kinsmen. - Ratepayer hi the Township of Huron.- Kinloss will see a drop -Kinloss" council its 1999 budg- xn their takes after Huron et on lune 21. , -: winner recently annou d as the. . Ciodench was y g P Canada s Micke s -Hometown contest. n Poi aide.: of Walt Disney . .... . y The parade, corning f from Disneyland in California, was in Goderich on Saturday, July 24, 1999., "We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), towand our mauling costs." DIXIIECOR MEDIA Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied. by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: Goderich Library, 52 Montreal Street Goderich, N7A 1M3 (from 1875) Gode:ichlibra ryL huroncounty.ca and Library, 727 Queen Street, Kincardine N2Z 1Z9 (from 1875 to 1900 & 1935 to 1959) CHEERS to the construction workers on Clyde Street. They have worked long days with no coffee breaks ' and no standing around. They : are nice young men doing a lot of hard work!. We love our street! Cheers •a Here are : the rules: 1. Drop your written copy in person at The Lucknow ;;Sentinel, or after hours use the mail ` slot beside the door. 2. Keep it brief. 3. Don't be offended if we don't use your submission. 4. Please no names. If you would like to thank individuals, please use our thank you notes in the 'classifieds. (Opinions expressed in this column. are not neces- sarily: those of this newspaper.): Zgye ►- 19, 1989 - v �ll literally :threw it all away�over r+es�dent; Joh: y a lace . weekend 1 and � in doing so earned ...., third place .. t . Royal Canadian Legion's Provincial Track and Fieldcompetition - held nn.Tarouto on. July 15, 1989.hill,the dauDuncan of and Eleanor Campbell, tossed a seven :foot, 600 gram � 3132metres to establish a personal best duringthe event. avehn 3�Z � Members of the Lucknow Village council failed to name a replacementretiring for re tring Reeve Herb Clark during their regular monthly !netting last Thesday. Mr. Clark tendered his resignation effective June 30, 1989. - -July 25, 1989 marks the beginning :.of Canada's annual. Farm Safety Week, The theme of this year's event is "Chldr n on the Farm. Keep Them Safe" which is aimed at fanrn families keep- ing their vvoikplace safe' 5Qyears asp - jut), 2.2. 1919 Construction of a MuniciiPal Office building was again infor- mally nfor- mally" discussed at the July meetingg-of the Lucknow village coup- cil. The subject had pieviously been : raised earlier in the year upon expiry of the rental lease. - Mrs. 11 Upton of London has joined the : staff of the Brice. County Children's Aid Society. She'll be in chalBe of welfare :weer in the townships of Kinloss, Culross, .etc. .ernember whe ••• •� 1 Chidren Are Special having yard sale The Bruce Children are Special Foundation (BCAS) is having a Yard Sale on July 25 .and 26 raise funds. The sale will be held at the office of the Children's Aid Society of the County of Bruce (5 McGivern St. West, Walkerton), rain or shine. "It' is a chance for all the yard sale lovers to come out and have a great time and at the same time raise funds for a great cause," said Cherie Borho, administrator of the BCAS. "The money raised will go towards families 'es who are in need in our community for things such as Summer Camp. Without: our program, these children would • not have the opportunity to attend." This summer alone, the BCAS has been able to send 61 children to a summer camp of their choice. "We are extremely thankful for all our donors, we couldn't do it without you," said Borho. "The Yard Sale is just another way we can raise funds to keep running the great programs for i the children n our community and give a child a hand.up," For more information, please con- tact 1-888-807-7773 ext. 262. • Phillip Bradley and Charlene Burgess gave area youth and par. ents a little taste of what to expect in their ju Jitsu martial arts class. Bradley shows the audience one of several defensive moves that he teaches in his classes. (File photo)