Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-07-01, Page 21, • •wiagwwwwilwimeelp•1104 "NOW 11. wiww.-.•••••••••• wwww•ww. • LE. • !' • • '" • • •••,,c t • • • • • * • 1' 2 • • , 1•• i •-•• 7 1 ,` • * * ..,Cv*tte • ...- • -4,- • UC OW • kill 2009 Week 27 Vol. 136 gst included Publications Mail Registration No. 07656 no • oar Bringing. Together Huron & Bruce . • •.e •"..• • • - • . BY GAM' REM thie sentinel staff 'I'm not 100 per - cent 1 ers on happy the team, but thr�ugh the selection process, every player that made the team deserved it," said Hare. Every player I. believe will give something to the There was one major issue at. the Lucknow Minor_ Hockey Board .(LMHB) general annual meeting on June 22, that-, being the number of kids chosen for , the atom rep team. 'Ile total number of players picked for the team was 16andfor some number is too re all of the.tids laying time. al decision by Is to keep 'the team the way it is as it's not fair to send players who made the rep team back to the local league at this point. Don.Murray, council,' for Huron -Kinloss attended the Meet- itig as a 'concerned parent and wanted tb know whythe team didn't jo with 14 kids, *which is what he ought the board set as a policy last year. Murray wanted to *how the real reason that 16 kids were chosen, giving reasons like the 'twin situation'. The unique situation of having four sets of twins try out for the team made the board tome to a deci • sion last, year that if one twin didn't. makethe rep team, than' both of them would play local league. A lot of parents, includ- ing Murray, didn't ' feel this rule was followed. Head coach of the atom rep team Steve Hare inferred that he didn't make his decision based _ on the 'twin situation'', but rather he believed every player he chime: has a chance tovcontribute to • Garit Reid MaMads roc Sum Matt Mays had the cknow arenatedds* on Fr as it was.p$4 of the Luclatow Strativbeney-Siiiiiiiiiterfait plate success with a beautiful sun,* day on Smith Sunday. See more pictures from Strawberry Summe =men concert, was a a corn. little bit of rain on i.lOandlI. ▪ s • • # / / o.• tt. ) otits, I team.'!-- Thrcee.: board ..membpts have resigned over the. issue and it's apparent that the board is split down the middle on this issue, but., what they do agree �n is that •this issue shouldn't be bigger than the play- . ees enjoyment of • -;the' game. IA1)03 member Brad liumphrey, -who chaired the meeting, said the board lias had itS-proti- lems., but wanted . people to address their .issues directly to the entire LM1113. .. Humphrey and the board also expressed that the LWOW is a volun- teer _ and •it's thankless job and pi:ents and meniOets have to work with each other to . make the :game fun ...fpr everyone ' involved. "If people haire. prob- lems • they should approach the whole board and not just individual members," said Humphrey, "In 'the end we just want to do what's best - for the kids and I feel our decision was the right one, just not the commu- nication of it." There was also the point made by member Lynn Murray that kids playing on the local league would- n't be able to affiliate up with the rep team because the team has 16 players. ,Continued_on page 2 •