Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-05-27, Page 5• Trying to teach your children the art of being cool is always a lose lose situation I feel sorry for my son. He is trying to grow up and learn how to be cool and, unfortunately, has only me to learn from. It's like trying to learn how to be an astronaut by watching the TeleTubbies. The real problem is that I captured my wife by fooling her into thinking I was some sort of stud .muffin and I'm pretty sure that she hasn't caught onto me yet. If I screw this up, she'll know it was all a hoax. So I keep trying to find common ground with the boy but there is very little. For instance, he is as skinny as a rake. So skinny that if he sucked his gut in, you could see his breakfast. When I was in elementary school, "skinny" wasn't the word that was used to describe me. Mind you, I hadlots of skin, but it was mostly for covering lard. So I never really got into Designer Jeans, mostly because I couldn't get "into" Designer Jeans. Back in 19.$2 Jordache Jeans : didn't have a "husky" division. So imagine my anxiety when the boy discovered American Eagle. "American Eagle clothes are' the best! Everyone at school is wearing them!" he told me. "Do they have a husky section?" I asked. "A clothing store is only as good as its husky section." . Our first purchase was an American Eagle ball cap. It was thirty dollars. Our second purchase was anoth- er American Eagle ball cap. Why? The boy gave his first one away to a girl. My Wife: "Just like his father!" Me "Ha ha! (She is STILL fooled!)" Knowing that I was concerned about spending all of our money in one designer store, my son soon reassured me "Now, there's an Aero Postale store as well!" Now i everything my, son (and all his buddies) wehti has either an AE or an AP on it 'somewhere.We are thankful both stores sell underwear and socks... I thought that I count at least help.him in the area of smelling goody You can't go wrong with regular showers and a liberal application of Speed Stick. Again, I was a little out of date. Duncan: "What kind of soap do you use in the shower?" Me: "I don't know." Duncan: "What kind of shampoo?" Me: "Whatever Mommy buys." Duncan: "What kind of body gel?" Me: "Body gel?" Duncan: "What kind of hair treat- ment?" Me: "Umm...not REAL sure what that even is..." Duncan: "I think it's important to smell good." Me: "Great..." Duncan: "The commercial says that when you use Axe, you'll smell great..." Me "Good!" Duncan: "...and the ladies will love your Me: "thmn...Axe? Ladies?" My Wife: "Honey!" Duncan: "Yeah, but you have to use Axe deodorant and Axe body gel and Axe shampoo ` and all other products sold separately:" Me: "Look man, you don't need to spend tons of money to . get any ladies." Duncan: "I don't?" Me "blah: Just watch how I work on your mother." Duncan "I have. I'd rather spend a few bucks and take a chance." The boy is going to get the axe, but not how he expects it. . . Mark . Thrice is our : nationally : syndicated humor columnist. Holmes is taking on new career venture Detachment Commander Paul Holmes of the • are second to none, there are challenges, but overall .South Bruce Detachment is taking on a new venture our communities are safe places to live and work in. after 11 years in Kincardine. Inspector Holmes has decided to extend the three month assignment with the G8 Integrated Security Unit, which. he started on the March 2. He was asked ,to coordinate, establish and operate a Prisoner Processing Centre for the 08 Summit in the Huntsville area from June 25 27, 2010. The ini- tial assignment period was for three months and Inspector Holmes has been asked to continue with the assignment and work with the 68 Integrated Security 'Unit Team for the duration of the project. Inspector Holmes will continue to reside in the Kincardine area and when he retires in the 2012, his goal is to work in the Kincardine/Brockton area. Inspector Holmes said, "because consistency in 'leadership for our officers, and the communities, is of vital importance, I will be vacating my position as the Detachment Corhmander of the South Brpce detachment." The Ontario Provincial Police will be initiating an internal selection process and a compe- tition will be held for the Detachment Commander's position. The Brockton and Kincardine .Police Services Board will also participate in the selection process. "I developed the detachment's Mission Statement, and I believe it is appropriate for the South Bruce Detachment and is being actively pursued and achieved in many ways: "Caring cops create virtual- ly crime -free and collision -free communities," said Holmes "It has been a pleasure to serve you and `your com- munities. The communities and area that we live in • Inspector Paul Holmes Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - Page 5 T Subtnitted photo Casey the killdeer decided to make her home in one of the play areas -Huron Community : School. She gravel is perfect for her nest.The students in the to right are Ryan Hallam, Drew 'hompson, Peter Logan Howe, Tommy Harris, Spencer Russell, Benjamin > Lange and laying down is Mitchel Card. SUDOKU HaNng:* * it * 5 2 . 9 • 9 7 3 More at: vrtww,lovattspuzz)es,cori 7 9 4 8 4 5 8 To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: • Each of the nine vertical columns • Each of the nine horizontal rows • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes • Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box • i This week's puzzle sponsored by: You can Advertise Your Business Here! Call Pat for Information 519-52&2822 See answer on classified pages