Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-22, Page 8r, Page 8 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Community meal program to help people facing the economic crunch BY GARIT REID Sentinel Staff A meal program called Tuesday's Table is coming to Lucknow to help people who are facing the reper- cussions of the economy and find- ing it hard to make ends meet.. The Anglican, Christian Reformed and United churches of Lucknow will be putting the com- munity meal pro- WINGHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAL HIGHLIGHTS "Excellence in Rural Health Care" Phone: 519-357-3210 Fax: 519-357-2931 Website: www.lwhaca DIABE'TES EDUCATION - The next dass will be . held on May 28/09 from 8:45am-3:OOpm in the Terrace Room. A doctor's referral is required. For more information or to register call Karen Cook, RN at ext. 5382. BRING YOUR MEDICATIONS -When you are coming to the ender pricy department or are being to the hospital; please bring all your medications with you, both presaiption and over the counter remedies. This will help us to know exactly what mechcations you are taking and will improve our ab ty to provide the best possible safe care. ONTARIO HEALTH COVERAGE Need a new or roert�et card? The Ministry of Health holds a card replacement clinic at the hospital regc ty. 'An appointment must be booked by ding 1-888-37675197. HIKE FOR HOSPICE - Sunday, May 3, 2009, WiriOam Lions Park - picnic shelter. For Pledge fomes and information contact 519-357-720. Time: 12:30 registration,1:OOp.m. Kick Off for the Hike.Prizes, BBQ, T-shirts. gram together to help provide peo- ple with a hot ineal. One of the organizers of the meal program, Joanne Todd, felt it was something the churches could do to help people who are in need. "This is an eco- nomic challenge for a lot of people; there are people losing their jobs and this is 'a response to see how we can help people out in own community," said Todd. "We thought what was the. best way to do this, and our churches are really good pro- ducers of food, so a community meal program was a great way to do that." The charitable program will take place the first three Tuesdays of May, June and July inclusive. The Anglican church will start things off on May 5 at 5:30 p.m., then the Christian Reformed church will take the fol- lowing Tuesday and then the United Church will take the third Tuesday of the month. "The idea of doing the meal in the evening at 5:30 is it will be geared towards family," said Todd. "And anyone else who is facing economic challenges to come out and join us." The meal is of course free and it's Happy birthday wishes Easter guests with Gard and ;Cathy Dale were Jamie, Brittany'Devon Benninger, of Galli] - TOWNSHIP OF AFIELD..COLBORNE-WAMIANOSH MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL_: NT .TowwsH�P Or- , FOR REPLACEMENTOF RiVER MILL UNE BRIDGE NOTICE OF COMPLETION THE PROJECT: The Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh is planning to replace River Mill Line Bridge (designated as municipal bridge #45), which spans Boundary Creek immediately south of Hawkins Road (as illustrated on the accompanying key plan) Recent engineering inspections of the structure have identified deterioration with several components of this single -lane bridge, including the guiderails and deck.. To resolve these problems, the Township is proposing to replace the bridge with a structure capable of accommodating two lanes of traffic. The approach roads would also be re -graded in conjunction with this work. At this time, it is anticipated that the bridge replacement would be completed during the 2009 construction Season. The affected road section of River Mill linewould be closed during the construction period and traffic would be diverted around the project site onto adjacent roads. Project costs would be partially funded through a grant provided by the Build Canada Fund - Communities Component (BCF -CC). THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING PROCESS: The planning for this project is following the environmental screening process set out for Schedule B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. The screening process has been completed. There were no negative impacts identified with the proposed project that could not be mitigated. Subject to any comments received as a result of this Notice and the receipt of necessary approvals, tl"ie Township of Ashifield-Colborne-Wawancsh intends to pioceed with this project.. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT: For further information on this project, please contact the consulting engineers: 8.M. Ross and Associates, 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (519) 524-2641 Fox (519) 524-4403. Attention: Scott Allen, Planner (e-mail: sallen@bmross.net)._ A Screening Report documenting the environmental assessment process to date is also available for public review at the municipal office (82133 Council Line) during normal hours of operation. If environmental concerns arise regarding the project which cannot be resolved in discussion with the Township, a person or party may request that the Minister of the Environment make an order for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act which addresses individual environmental assessments. Requests must be received by the Minister at the address below within, 30 calendar days of . this Notice: A copy of the request must also be sent to the consulting engineers /It the address above. If there is no request received by May 22, 2009, the project will proceed as planned. Minister of the Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue 10* Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1 P5 This Notice issued April 22, 2009. Brion Von Osch, Public Works Superintendent Township. of Ashfield-Colbome-Wowanosh • Wingham, • Terri Dale, of Kitchener,. and his mother. Shirley Dale, of Blyth. It was a pleasant surprise to: many of us who know him to see HarveyCraig home. Ile was -home something the churches are doing to give back to the community. They would like to get a response from the community about the meal program to gauge how' many people need. this service. "We'll see if this is helping and what the commu- nity is looking for," said Todd. "It doesn't matter who you are, any- one who wants to come out for a good meal and is finding bines tough, just come out and join us." Anyone who wants to donate or help in any way can contact o k of the three churches putting on the meal program. Anything from food to money, to just helping out would be appreci- ated by the church- es. "It's our chits tian response to trying ,to help peo- ple in the commu- nity," said Todd. doing some visiting on Saturday prior to attending the sur- pr‘se birthday party at the Legion for Brian Rantoul.. Calgary. David and Kim Ross, Andrew and Brendon *re sup- per - per guests with his parents Jean Ross. Carl Margaret iicClenaghan returned home on the weekend after spgthewinter months in 'Victoria, Texas. Photo by Guru Reid Residents of Lucknow recently look in u spooky night of murder mystery tfils past Friday night as the jubilee Room' the the LucknowLegion # 309 was transformed Into a haunted mansion. People played suspects and asked quesdons in to find out who killed Sally. Seen in Lha picture are some of the suspects. Back row, from left to right, June Vance (Inn's ), Pat Livingston (gum chewing waitress at the inn), Eric Taylor (Charlie Parks the inn's groundkeeper), Julie Wainright (guest at the Inn) and. Paul Wa (Frankie Sloan Jr. who inherited the inn). In the front row are Harvey Livingston (Frank Sloan Sr., a ghost who left the inn to his son), Ryan Greig (Billy Baker, the bakers' nerdy son) and Delores Sokoloski (Gypsy/soothsayer). (TTtjcknow Central Public School Staff and Students would like to extend a huge ThANK YOU to our many volunteers! Thank you: for helping to make our school such a special place to learn and growl We hope that our volunteers will be able to join` us at'LCPS on: Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00 pm... , ...as we show our appreciation by entertaining you with music, drama, and visual arts at our Spring Arts Night! THANKS SO MUCH AGAIN! VOLUNTEERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE!