Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-15, Page 1Week 16 — Vol. 136 $1 .€1° gst included 'Town's communit recycling bins now at Kini�ss landfill There was a lot of dis- cussion at the Huron - Kinloss council -on April 6 a t how the nnplementatiqn of clear bags has been gomg. It has been a trial and error pe od for many of the resi- dents of Lucknow, but the says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. Clarence W. Hall. major concern was the removal of the bms behind the Bank ofNontreal. The bins were put there so people could deposit the special items that couldn't be recycled or put m the garbage. Bruce Area Solid Waste Photo by Moe Roynord Recycling (BASWR) recently took the bins away because people were abusing them. Things such as dirty diapers and regu- lar garbage was being put into. the bins. M •this moment Lucicnow residents don't have a place to deposit the special items such as #2 and #4 bags and #6 -tub containers. 14-K council discussed this and declared some- thing had to be done about the. situation. "It's terrible what's hap- pening to the residents of Lucknow," said councillor Jim Hanna. "We have to do something here, we'll have to make BASWR take the plastic bags." Following the meeting', director of public • works Hugh Nichol, said in the short term there will be bins located at the Kinloss landfill site for the plastic bags. It will be short term due to the fact the site closes for the winter in November. Decisions on Lucknow takes Walk ofWitness... A procession of LucknowItes toot( part in the walk of witness on Good Friday, April 10. They walked silently along Campbell Street stopping at various pokits to sing,' pray and reflect on the story of Christ's Crucifixion.The walk started at Waterworks Park and ended at Lucknow United Church, where Good Friday service was held. Concerns raised about coyotes BY DENNY SCO1T Signal -Star Staff • The council chamber was filled at the most recent meeting of Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh council as res- idents raised concerns about coyotes in the area and the time period resi- dents are allowed to kill the animals for bounty. Glen Baird addressed council about the problem of coyotes in the area and the $50 bounty allowed by the county for a regis- tered kill following the death of livestock. He explained that by the time a hunter receives approval from the county of Huron and Ministry of Natural Resources within a• set radius (from (MNR), the time limit runs out on the bounty. The timing of the situa- tion has become problem- atic. • "Once a livestock has been predated, the live- stock evaluator goes to the farm and fills out a form that says; yes, it was killed by coyotes," Beverly Stevenson of the MNR explained. "The evaluator sends that form to the MNR and the stock owner will have already contacted a hunter or trapper." Once a stock owner has reported a coyote attack, all the appropriate forms haveto filled out and the hunter or trapper has less than a month to hunt five to 10 Ian) from the • attack, kill the animal and bring proof back to be paid the bounty. Coyote numbers are on the rise in Huron County according to Stevenson and are being attracted to farms where dead stock may not have been removed due to high costs for disposal. Farmers who cannot afford to have dead animals removed, are • dumping them in bushes nearby, which attracts coyotes to the property. Animal control officer Bob Trick explained that the .system works on the completion of appropriate forms. Continued on page 3 what do after this are still being discussed by the Township of Huron - Kinloss. 2009 budget and tax rate • The only thing keeping the 2009 Huron -Kinloss budget from passing is set- ting the tax rate. Option A was to deliver a 5.9 per cent increase m the levy which would result in a $16 increase based on a $200,000 The other option, Option. B, the preferred option of staff, was an increase of over six per cent that would see anoth- er $29 on the tax bill based on a $200,000 assessment. The majority of Council agreed to Option B and a draft bylaw will be up for a vote at the April 20 meeting. Mayor Mitch Twolan says this is a re -assess- ment year and not all prop- erties went up at the same rate. - Lucknow Water Jackie Wilson of Lucknow was back at Huron -Kinloss council on April 6 night to. hear what courwil had to say about the sewage that came into her house on the weekend of Dec. 29, 2008. Wilson was appreciative that councillors like Anne Eadie went over every- thing and discussed the matter with her in an extensive manner, but wants Veolia, the company in charge of the Lucknow Water system to be accountable for supposed- ly not maintaining the sys- tem properly on Dec. 29. Continued on page 2 •