Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-08, Page 5.-'i.s:. ri....i `s": .1 �: .1:• �:-- Z'.F.Si.' �>y.►•s't:•.ti..C_:S-4--a: X. s.F.. .y+.<_'... .. +-"•-+...+.i►'•••:�F.w r.••••.• ...N V.-. a...�4 •V..•+-.rte+i....r ..rw..••+..•t.• The trials and tribulations of technology can be a wonder or just a big old pain Dear Mark, Well, you'll never guess what your Ma and I did the other day. We went into the city and bought a brand new computer! We thought it was time to join the rest of the world in this new-fangled fad and get with ,it, so to speak. When we got to the store, we noticed that the clerks were all the same age -twelve! One pimply- faced young fellow cleared his throat and asked if he could help us. At first I didn't know whether to talk to him or burp him, but Ma reminded me that we were in a hurry because "Murder She Wrote" was playin' four hack -to - back episodes. He asked us what kind of computer we were looking for and of course we didn't know, so he showed us what he had avail- able: Talk about yer choices! Well, we set- tled on one with the windows - I remem- ber that it was sofnething "xp" because I thought that probably meant "X-Perimental" and I. knew there would be a lot of experimenting with it as far as I was concerned. (On a side note, Mark, you were right -these stores in the city really aren't interested' in bartering or even. taking things "on trade." That's fine with me. I really would have missed my "Elvis Lives" commemora- tive plate collection. Well, we brought the computer home and started to to use it. What a wehad! try. tune First of all, when we hooked everything together it took about seven . • miles of extension cords. This was no problem, as I have been fixing old cords and saving them since ' 1979. The first thing we tried to do was print a letter to you. We got it all written up but would you believe the stupid thing said that it couldn't find its own printer? It was sitting right there beside it! It couldn't be any closer! I tried everything and never did get it to look the : right direction. Now I understand that we can get a small tv camera to fit into the system, so our next pur- chase will be a camera to mount somewhere and point right directly at the darned printer. I hope that works, I've trued everything else. I don't know how the ordinary people get along with these things, because I kind of pride myself on being techni- cal -wise. Why, I was the first one down the fourth line to install The Clapper to the ignition of my pick up truck and I'm the only one I know, who can repair an 8 -track tape with a wink and some bub- ble gum. { Anyway, that is what is happening here, so thought I'd give you a heads -up. I hope to write your next Jet - ter using this machine, but I need a bit more luck than what I've been having. Keep smiling, and when I fig- ure this out Y will teach you, if you want. Yours truly, Papa Thrice. Mark Thrice is our nationallysyndicated humor y columnist. His Pa is not. • es To the: Editor: As world leaders gather in England to discuss the economic crisis, expectations are low. This is to be expected as they look to solve a new problem using old assumptions. The present "recession" is not like reces- sions of the past. Traditional economics is based on expansion. Today, little room remains on our finite planet for continuous growth. Long-term well-being will not be secured through the econom- ics of expansion.` On a subtle 'level, we all know this. We entered this downturn following the potent "one, two" expe- rience of awakening. to the issue of climate change, followed by high oil prices - highlighting the dinun- answers? ishing nature of that resource. Both : these issues reflect real limits and the need for an approach to mutual provision (the economy) that acknowledges such limits. Recognition that the human family man has : grown up, and that it is time to adopt a made approach to providing for our needs, is necessary to assure a future for the grandchildren. If the G-20 fathomed this change, they could be more hopeful about finding effective solutions. Mike =Nickerson Lanark, Ontario Huron County to get help from Canadian Government for community-based projects Ben Lobb, Member of Parliament for Huron -Bruce, on behalf of the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for FedNor, recently announced that • a Government of Canada invest- ment in community-based projects and business services will help grow the economy of Huron County. With the Government of Canada's investment, through FedNor's Community Future's program, the Huron Business Development Corporation • will offer business services, access to capital for small and .medium- sized businesses, and • support community development projects for a one year period. "The Government of Canada; through FedNor, is committed to supporting the growth and pros- perity of small businesses across the region," said Lobb. "This announcement will ensure the Huron Business Development Corporation can continue to pro- vide management counselling, administer business loans and pro- vide support for community proj- ects that will strengthen our local economy." "We are very excited about the positive impact this funding will have on our ability to support local entrepreneurs in achieving their business goals," said Pam Stanley, chair of the Huron Business Development Corporation. "The Huron Business Development Corporation iscommitted to play- ing a stronger role in the develop - mein of the regional economy and we look forward to continuing to service the ever-increasing needs of our clients." • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - Page 5 Photo by Garit Reid The Royal ' Canadian ` Legion on ` Branch 309 president resident D Taylor (left) is presenting a cheque of $500 to Don Irwin of Lucknow Minor Hockey Association to match he total: raped by L M1HA during ...the Fab. 21 spaghetd dinner during Hockey Day to Canada at the Loglon.To the right is ftst of Legion Branch 309,;Art Clark. 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