Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-08, Page 3• Midget Elite Champs! Photo by. Gait - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - Page 3 MA SSAGE Bobbi Johnston, of Ripley Neck & Headache Relief Knee & Back Pain D Sports Injury Rehabilitation ® Relaxation CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT - WILL BOOK AROUND YOUR SCHEDULE • DAYS • WEEKENDS • EVENINGS 519-395-3937 The Lucknow Midgets won the Midget Elite division championship April 2 with a 5-1 win against TCDMHA. They won the series 2-1. Team members are _trainer Rosie Foran, coach. Ray Stewart, Ryan Scott, Dillon - Stapleton, Justin Atkinson, Brad Van Osch, Sean Martin, Brandon Taylor, Kody Youglau, assistant coach Steve MacPherson, Ryan Van Osch,Wier MacPherson, Brandon Martin, Dan Sioeties and Braden Irwin. OPP looking for any offered information BY DOMINIQUE MIIBURN Signal -Star Staff With little new information trick- ling into the Huron OPP, officers tasked with locat- ing the missing Ashfield - C -o l b o r'n e- Wawanosh man are following up with any new piece of information offered. According to Const. Joanna Van Mierlo, Huron OPP are now working with Canadian border control as well as Hallam's financial institutions in the hopes that some- thing may turn up. A crime unit has been assigned to continue the search for Haslam after he left his Dungannon -area home . and went into the nearby woods at Saratoga Swamp on the morning of March 25. Police say Hallam, an avid hunter, may have been armed at the time. "The missing person investiga- tion is still ongo- ing and the crime unit assigned to the casecontinues to plug away at each lead that conies in," said Van • Mierlo Monday. She reported that tips have been coming in from throughout the county, but so far, none has led to a solid lead. "My understand- ing is that the tips haven't produced any valid informa- tion," said Van Mierlo, "but, all it takes is .one. Hallam has been entered into the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), a computerized sys- tem that provides tactical informa- tion about crines, criminals, and missing persons. Van Mierlo said that this allows police aSencies across the country to share informa- tion quickly. "We have him flagged on CPIC as missing. That i.ieans if he showed up in British Columbia, for example, they'd know that he's been reported missing." The Huron OPP called off their Ronald Hallam extensive ground search on March 27 following two - days of foot, canine and aerial search efforts sur- rounding Hallaxn's property, as well as home -to -home searches of neigh- boring properties. Ronald Hallam is described as 5' 8" tall weighing approximately 200 lbs. He is balding with grey hair. He was last seen wear- ing a red and black lumberjack style jacket, a black ball cap, light coloured work pants, a dark grey t -shirt and work boots. His residence is located near Saratoga Swamp. His direction of travelis unknown although police do. : believe he left his residence on foot. Huron OPP con- tinues to seek fur- ther information., Hallam may be armed, : but police do not believe heis a danger to others. Members of the public . axe. still being asked to contact the Huron OPP immediately at 1-800-310-1122 or CRIME STOP- PERS- 1- 800-222- T.I.P.S. (8477) with any informa- tion in this case or any sightings of Ronald Hallam. •The Lucknow Sentinel will be closed Good Friday, April 10. Deadline for April 15 issue is 9 a.m. April 13 , :. . Crack ..eclat . , . 'g Inspking (_ r, Home =J;vr?fta4 .ii {: d �� at a purchase of ,$15 or more or even take it / .: . home free! •. We have a great Jib/ selection of Easter plants, floral arran ements and 41444404074. _ fresh cut bouquets. S ff�� pp, "� 4lalingJuLc j ? Bunch of 10 15 f 2 Bunches $25 ) Cash & Carry Only 4 r valid April 8 to 11 inclusive, - , . •while quantities last 589 CAMPBELL ST. LUCKNOW • 5.19-528-3312 • 1-888-263-9019 • flowersonmainonline.com • Sale ih effect April 8 to 1 I /09