Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-01, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 5
The best way to feed the kids is to find the
perfect grocery store and buy it all in bulk!
Many fathers wonder how I do it as a dad, espe-
cially in the area of feeding my kids, so I dedicate
this column to them.
My first piece of advice to new fathers is to PICK
CERIES. Good supermarkets know that "Free
Groceries" is the buzz term for parents and that
they would give anything, including one of
their own children (possibly all of them,
depending on the day) to get them.
Secondly, find out what your children eat the
my house, this includes milk, cereal, fruit and
cheese. (The milk and cheese issues have
been solved with the purchase of ourr own
cow.) •
Concerning fruit, I tend to buy it once
it is "past" fresh. I find that it's WAY
cheaper that way and, most times, my kids
won't complain about what they don't see, so smoth-
e ging the bruised fruit in peanut butter works per-
fectly. Just in case, though, I have taught them not
to look at what they eat. This also helps when it is
Brussel-Sprouts-For-Supper time.
Cereal -wise, my kids eat three bowls every day.
This is why I am Captain Bulky Buy. If it ain't in a
family eoono ack, it ain't in my house. The
jumboy P
only bad thing about buying cereal in bulk is that
there are never any cool prizes included. As a kid, I
knew that The Sugar Cereals (cereals 'that were only
advertised during Saturday morning cartoons) like
Cocoa Pebbles, Capin. Crunch. and Cookie Crisp,
always had incredible prizes, includintg- mood rings
and dinky cars. The best we could hope for in the
Thrice household, though, was getting the balloon
out of the Shreddies box -if mom bought the gro-
ceries. If dad bought the groceries, we were stuck
with a five pound bag of puffed wheat. Every kid
knew that puffed wheat was a bad cereal for three
#1 -Cereal in bags never has prizes.
#2 -Puffed wheat repels sugar, so nomatter
how hard you try, you can't change its taste in
any way.
#3 -Due to numbers one and two, a five
pound bag of puffed wheat would last from
when you were three to the day before
you got married.
DATES, especially in the meat sec-
tion. Single people spend half an
hour trying to pick the best package of
ground beef. They pick it up, hold it up
to the light, look at it from every angle and even
sniff it. In the mean time, I am reachingaround
them to grab a four -pack. How do I know it is good?
It, was the closest one. In half an hour, I can pick
and pay for the ground beef and have it home and
Beyond that, remember: the more you feed them,
the more they grow. The more they grow, the more
you feed them. You may want to consider a cheap-
er alternative to groceries such as grass clippings or
tree bark.
Might not be had, smothered in peanut butter.
Mark Thrice is our nationally :.syndicated : tumor. -
columnist and the author of khalfway To Crazy.
Does gover
Dear Editor,
There is the belief among some the saying "that gov-
ernment governs best which governs least"
be followed. That individual decision mak-
ing is to be preferred to regulation.
C banks are now rankedseventh,
eighth, ninth and tenth in North America.
There is "praise, right around the world, of the solid
banking sector that Canada has." How come for why is
stated by Bloomberg News as being "because of tighter
government restrictions on lending and capital require-
In 2006 the present government altered regulations
to allow 40 -year mortgages with no down payment.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty became among those
"sounding alarm bells in recent months about the dan-
gers of 40 -year mortgages" and reversed himself, the
necessity of down payments was reintroduced. In
doing so "the federal government once again stressed it
was concerned about the risk of a U.S.-style housing
ment have too much control?
bubble developing in Canada."
Undeterred by this experiencethe Harper govern-
ment is removing environmental regula-
tions on projects it's funding and has
replaced assessment of projects on naviga-
tion ble waters with ministerial discretion and
the necessity of foreign purchasers of
Canadian owned enters showing the acquisitions
are of value to Canada on any less than $1,000,000 in
value. All without discussion or debate in Parliament.
"Once bitten, twice shy" has clearly been overridden
by belief for, though something definitely went wrong
through removing regulations the first time, the' lesson
has. not been learned "be far more careful the next
The captain from the Lucknow LL. # 1 PeeWee team, Kayla
Murray, skates down the ice 'during a game against Goderich in
the bung Canada Week hodaey tournament, which took place
*tun March 13-Z1. Goderfch just got' Lucknow, 2-1 In the ton-
oblation semi-final on March 21
Joe Hueglin
5838 Mouland Avenue
Niagara Falls
Students take first step to help end poverty
Ending poverty is a daunting task.
However, a group of students and
staff from FE Madill Secondary
School have taken the first step in
this arduous journey. Education is a
crucial tool in breaking the devastat-
ing cycle of poverty, and Madill has
been working diligently- to help
those in the third world better their
lives and the lives of those around
them through education. Through
Free The Children Madill hopes to
raise enough funds to build a school
in a developing country, providing a
safe place for girls and boys to
obtain an education, and hopefully
change their lives. The cost of build-
ing a school through Free the
Children is $8,500.
Many successful fundraisers have
already taken place and Madill
would like to invite the ,comtnunity
to enjoy our next major fundraiser,
Food for Thought. Food for Thought
is a community dinner taking place
on Thesday April 7, from 5 to 7 p.m.
at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
in Wingham. The menu includes
ham, scalloped potatoes, rice, mixed
vegetables, cole slaw, and the choice
of a hot or cold beverage. Desserts
are available .for a separate donation
of $2. Tickets are a minimum dona-
tion of $10 per person, children six
and under $5, or a family rate of $30
and can be purchased from the Gift
Chest in Wingharn or by calling the
school at 519-357-1800 or 519-357-
3493 after school hours. If you wish
to attend this charity event please
purchase or reserve tickets by
Wednesday, April 1.
more at: wwbr•WVal2les,corn.
To solve a Sudoku
puzzle, every number
from 1 to 9 must
appear in:
• Each of the nine
vertical columns
•Each of the nine
horizontal rows
• Each of the nine
3 x 3 boxes
• Remember, no
number can occur
more than once in any
row, column
or box
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