Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-04-01, Page 4...r -tiw 1.I .r.I . '.►Y •1 . •..-.J • • . Page 4 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 1, 2009 The Lucknow • e•+. •a as • . • P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com Publisher, Advertising. Manager: Pat Livingston lucksentads@bowesnet.com Editor: Garit Reid lucksented@bowesnet.com Office Administrator: Ruth Dobrenslty. lucksent@bowesnet.com On leave: Sara Bender Subscription Rats advance: Regular $30 plus GST Senior $28.04 plus GST PUBLICATIONS MAIL AG NO. 40064683 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7656 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT. P.O. Box 400 , Lucknow, ON, NOG 2140 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns, please call 519-528-2822. e-mail: lucksent a)bowesnet.eom "We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs." Canada Aocna op. °MECO" MEDIA Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: Goderich Library, 52 Montreal Street Goderich, N7A 1M3 (from 1875) Godes ichlibrary c@hutnncounty.ca and Kincardine Library, 727 Queen Street, Kincardine N2Z 1Z9 (from 1875 to1900Br 19351o1959) • SbNof DIA A Gutfeld has some explaining to do Many Canadians were in an uproar over remarks made by a late night Fox News program, called Red Eye, a cou- ple weeks ago, where host Greg Gutfeld and a panel of guests mocked the Canadian Military for looking to take a break from the Afghan War in 2011. I won't go into the things he said, which were in poor taste. What I would like to focus on is the weak apology given by the Fox host, He sent out an .trail apolo- gizing for his comments, but backed that up by stating that people may have misunder- stood what he was saying. Theywere to use stereo- types just� types and cliches of what -`Americans think our military is like. They were:try- in to be funny and it didn't work: .g They thought the subject matter would be funny to their viewers and they didn't look at the big picture of how their comments might impact the fami- lies of those who have lost loved ones. . They were inappropriate- period and the'rem arks .. were said. off the cuff. `rhe. comments made Americans look bad and it was a half-hearted apology. Gutfeld didn't even have the guts to make an apology on air or even through a phone conversation. Cowardice is always done through written word because then people don't have to face anyone for their misconduct. In his mind he probably thinks he has the veil of comedy to protect what he said. Comedy is one ding, but he was trying to be hurtful, even though probably inan ignorant way, since he knows nothing about Canada. tiring • We . may share a border and peak the ; same language, but there are some big differences in our matures. We have respect for all cultures and we don't take shots at thepeo .leprotecting our freedoms. Canadian soldiersare in Af to help protect the world f from threats and they share_. the same that Americans do. Next time someone. like Gutfeld opens their mouth, they should'realize ' who , they are impacting • with thtit • voids. Search on for next Little Miss Mid West Princess Pageant Dear Editor, The Ontario Little Miss Mid West Princess Pageant represents the five counties of Wellington, Huron, Perth, Grey and Bruce and we are looking for a title holder .to accompany the reigning Queen throughout her While we take pan in many functions the title holder(s) must ,be able to speak in public. We do not believe in the word "beauty" but we do believe in "inner beauty". With inner beauty itor one can be who they wish to be and this component is o the year. We are in search • of girls between the ages of 8 and 12 who live with the five counties men- tioned. The pageant will be held July 18, 2009 at the Walkerton Community Centre. The contestants must be attending school or home schooled and be sponsored by an organization, business or company. The ' contestant does not have to be carrying a title to enter but is permitted to enter if she already holds a title. The recipient of the Little Miss Mid West Princess Pageant will be expected to partici- pate in functions during her reign with the approval of her guardian(s). . Our goal is to give the opportunity -to help the individual promote their commitment to education, career and involvement within the community. t used hough out many pag- eants that believe in the quote. The Ontario Miss Mid West Pageant has been a strong believer of this and over the past 15 years has proven this to be true. The Little Miss contestants will be judged on interviews based on her application, formal wear and on stage impromptu questions based on her application. For ' further information on the Ontario Little Miss Mid West Princess Pageant call 881-0267 or toll free 1- 866-881-0267 or log onto our website at globalweb.ca/►wp. Barb MacArthur, Resident • Ontario Miss Mid West Pageant Canada Pageants Director of the Year 2004 • Sentinel. emoirs 10 yfarr agQ 4farcb 31. 1999 - Only a handful of Bluewater schools will see changes in September because of the board's accommodation review, but trustees say the review of boundaries. is not over. A major recommendation adopted Tuesday, March 30, 1999 calls for lobbying ying of the ministry to modify its school funding formula. The board wants the -province to recognize the geog- raphy and sparse popul.ation of rural areas as well increasing maintenance funding forolder schools. - Ross Lamont, of Saugeen Shores (Port Elgin) will be the Liberal contender in the ,Huron -Bruce .riding•., when' the next provincial' election is called. Lamont gartered, the majority of 341 ballots cast at the noon meeting in Lucknow on March 27,1999. • Members of theLucimow Tourism Association believe "working together,paves the road to success," and their meet-= • ung proved so with 1.1 heads present. Rick McArthur's suggestion that the group spear read a ;lean dayfor the village met withgreat enthusiasm and up .� • Saturday, May 26, 1989' was designated as Lucknow's Spring Cleaning Day. The Lucknow eared themselves a spot hi the rand chanvionship f tris 'With a 7-1 win over' Lions Heb(` Friday, March 24,1989 to takethe series 3-1-. 'Me Lancers now meet Durham in the finals to see who will be champions of the league. 50 years ago - April 1, 1939 ▪ John M. (Mac) MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. " Wm. F. MacDonald, has been awarded an $1,800 scholarship to do post work for his Master's degree in science. Mac, as he is familiarly known here, is completing a four-year course in chemistry and physics at Western University, London:. - Ronald Lome Brown, 20 -year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Venter Brown, was killed in an early morning car accident on Good Friday. His death cast a state of gloom over the Amberley-Pine River area, where he was born and raised. Remember when... • High winds and snowfall on Tuesday, March 25, 2008, caused problems in the area, even knocking out a lightpost on the cor- ner of Campbell and Stauffer Streets, in front of Bell's Pizza. Some roads were also closed in the area due to dangerous con- ditions. (File photo)