Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-03-04, Page 20Page 20 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday? March 4, 2009 Brussels Livestock Total receipts at Brussels Livestock Market for the week ending Feb. 27 were 1,881 head of cattle and 539 lambs and goats. On Tuesday, fed steers and heifers sold on a good steady market. Choice steers and heifers sold 96.00 - 100.00 with sales to 105.25. Second cut sold 92.00 - 96.00. Cows sold on a steady market. On Thursday, Holstein veal sold . $5 -'$10 lower. Beef veal sold $5 - _ .$7 lower. Lambs sold on a strong active market. Sheep and goats sold on. a strong market. On Friday,' calves sold $4 $5 higher and year- lings sold fully on a strong demand. There were 167 steers on offer. There were 109 heifers on offer. There were 222 coWs on offer. Export . type sold 52.00 - 56.00 with sales to 77.50; Beef cows sold 48.00 - 56.00 with sales to 59.50; Di & D2, 41.00 - 48.00; D3, 29.00 41.00; D4, 25.:00 - 29.00. There were seven bulls on offer selling 56.50 - 58.00 with sales to 63.50. There were 208 head of veal on offer. Beef sold 90.00 - 120.00 with sales to 139.00; good . Holstein, 75.00 - 85.00 with sales to 91.00; medium Holstein, 65.00 - 75.00; plain Holstein, 55.00 - 65.00; good heavy Holstein, a75.00 - 85.00. Lambs 50 - 65 lbs., 180.00 - 257.00; 65 - 80 lbs., 169.00 - 222.00; 80 - 95 lbs., 160.00 - 191.00; 95 - 110 lbs., 155.00 - 171.00; 110 lbs and over, 157.00 - 160.00. Sheep sold 40.00 - 65.00 with sales to 70.00. Kid goats sold 57.00 - 142.00; nannie goats, 60.00 - 100.00; billie goats, 100.00 250.00. Top Quality Stocker Steers uder 400 lbs., 105.00 129.00; 400 - 500 lbs., 105.00 - 131.50; 500 - - • 600 lbs., 102.00 - 125.00; 600 - 700 lbs., 103.50 - 120.75; 700 - 800 lbs., 98.50 115.50; 800 900 lbs., 95.00 109.25;: 900 1,000 lbs., 95.00 - 107.25; over 1,000 lbs., 96.75 104.00. Top Quality . Stocker Heifers under : 300 lbs., 98.00 - 120.00; 300 400. lbs., 94.00 - 150.00; 400 - 500 lbs., 101.00.- 118.00 500 - 600 lbs., 101.00 112.500; 600 - 700 lbs., 99.00 109.50; 700 . 800 lbs., 87.50 108.00; 800 900 lbs., 97.00 ' ► 105.00; over 900 lbs., 96.75 - 105.75. PIA* by Garit Reid Seen here enjoying the free skate after ,the Samantha Mayer celebration night are Anne; and Cliff Mann. Sympathy goes out to the Keil family Sympathy from the community goes out to the family of Frances Keil. At knotv one time, Frances owned the Log Cabin restaurant in town and was a wonderful artist. A successful pancake and sausage supper was held at the St. Peter's Anglican Church Parish Hall in honour of Shrove Tuesday. Drop in shoot winners for Feb. 23 were Norma Raynard, Caroline Menary, Bruce Raynard and Harold Elliott. Most 1gg. ids shoots were Lenore Glenn and Allan Ili I. Ritchie. Lucky draw winners were Mary McIntosh, Frank Alton and John Harris. ers for Feb. 27 were Caroline Menary,, Nancy Radke, John Harris and Mary McIntosh. Lucky draw winners were Ute Koebel and Gerald Wagner. ERVICES /VW u.: 9UXF'd jSVVIN S PREM1UM • Building SupOlies • Contracting • New. Construction • Renovations • Free Estimates Over 30 Years of Quality Woi'kmanship eld Service Centre RR 7 Lucknow Repairs to all Makes & Models • Heavy Duty Drive Clean Emission Testing *Air Conditioning Service CAU. TONY M. MILTENBURG 51e-5297784 Heating Specialists: Geothermal Heat Pumps Infloor Plumbing Pumps Water Treatment Ventilation Central Vac ask BusinQsS SiMc ►mplete Bookkeeping Tax Services Income Tax and Bookkeeping Personal, Small Business & Farm Lucknow 519-528-3537 °meta RR 2 Lucknow MACHINE SHOP LTD. We build the best and repair the rest RR 2, AUBURN 519-529-7212 Fax 519-529-3277 vom • New Construction • Home Additions/Renovations Including Kitchens, Bathrooms etc. Hardwood Floor • Ceramic Tile • Windows/Doors • Siding • Soffit • Facia Stephen MacPherson 519-528-3514 Email: ttotrietownbuilder@hurontel.on:ca Fax 5194284901 onald A. Andre Accounting Tax Returns & Bookkeeping Services for Personal, Farm, Business & Investments aec- ISTERED E -FILE AGENT Donald A. Andrew, B.S.(Agr)P.Ag. 296 Ross Street, Lucknow Ph: 519-528-3019 Fax: 519-528-2506 dandrew • t21.com f YD COLLINS CONSTRIJCII • Residential, commercial & IbAcuilural Heavy Equipment Services • Licenced Septi System Installer Chad & .Ialie Magus 455 Wolfe Street, AR 2 Teeswater • 5193573015 •519b29-7082 • F'eot5183574252 • t •