Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-02-18, Page 6...•••••••••••••..••••••,-, • • • • . r • 1 Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 18, 2009 • • • V I • . • Ii / / e ,. / I J • v • i e • • Lucknow Minor Hockey Board looking to make changes BY GAM' REID Sentinel Staff The Lucknow Minor Hockey Board is looking to bring in new ideas and make a few changes. They are looking to make some changes to the end of the sea- son banquet, mar- ket a new clothing line for all the teams and new jer- seys to all players. However, one of the biggest changes will see tryouts beginning in the first two weeks of April. The LMIJB is try- ing this out to get players into . hock- ey shape and bond- ed with their fellow teammates at an earlier stage, so they can start their season ready to go. The L' MHB feels they are a step behind other com- munities who start their tryouts earli- er. They just want to be at the same 4,, • 6 `t tet EnYOU SON 171k s tong distance 71-8 0 0 -2 6 5- 3 4 3 8 4 • APPRECIATION NIGHT.' for Samantha Mayer Friday, Feb. 27, $ p.m. Lucknow Sports Complex Presentation at 8 p.m.- followed by free skating SPONSORED BY LUCKNOW & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF .COMMERCE Come out and support our QI m is Athle#• • • • LUCKNOW & DISTRICT JOINT RECREATION DEPARTMENT Rgistration • Soccer • Baseball • March Break Program February 17 and 19, 6 -to 9 p.m. & February 21, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lucknow and District Spotty Complex Multi -Purpose Room March Break Programs March 16 to 20 Pay Camp: Daily from 9 to 4, for ages 4 to 11 years. Games, crafts, skating and more Fees: $25 dally, $100 weekly Recreation Opportunities • Shuffleboard - Wednesday 2 to 3 p.m. • Fitness Class - Monday and Thursday 7 to 8 -p.m. • Yoga - Friday 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. • Early Years - Thursday 9:30 to 11 a.m. • Adult and Tots Skating Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 to 11 a.m. .44;6#•6.r•..:a*al Is I4,.4616 . 4 -,i,4-tali./ 0011 point as the teams dle of October," they face through- said Tracey out the hockey sea- Simpson, secretary son. of the LMHB. We It will also get thought we would coaches assembled try it for one year quicker and give and see how it them a chance to goes. If we can get know their team teams and coaches and the . players to in place and have get ' comfortable • them bond over the with their coach. suminer it might "We just. feel benefit them. other towns are on Getting the early the ice in the mid- registration done is dle of September also mice." and are bonded and LMHB is look- ready to go. By the ing to get the play- time our tryouts are ers from every done, it's the mid- team to be proud of Sadle Scott February 22, 1999 - 10 years old Madeline Collins February 22, 2 7 years old s,.Lucas Peter Angst February 24 2000 s9 years old Photo by Garit Reid Seen here from left to right are Bob Zubel and Mark Hackett who are posing with the new Lucknow Minor Hockey clothing line, which is being offered for: anyone Who wants ` to show off -their hometown hockey ` pride. where they play revamped the on board," said hockey and this is logo," said Simpson. Lucknow the idea of .the Simpson. We want is usually on board clothing line that is the players who to support things available to pur- play here to show like this." chase. With the they play hockey in The hockey ban - help of Chris Lucknow." quet, which has Hackett- and Presto The jersey on the normally been a sit: Crest . they have other hand will be down roast beef designed this line something the dinner will now be-. of clothing. The L1V1B will be giv- turned into a baroe- clothing available ing to all of the cue on April 26 includes wind players of from 12-2 p.m. at suits, sweatshirts, Lucknow Minor the community toques, ties, prac- Hockey. They want centre. The : awards tice jerseys and players to look banquet will begin q g hocke bags. sbarp as they repre- at 2 p.m. The -e LIMB sent their village. ` "Normally _wants to keep their Simpson said it we've gone with a players in, will cost about Friday evening full Lucknow and out- $35,000 to outfit course dinner. We fitting them in all minorhockey just found over the these clothes, they teams with two sets years that when think it's a step in of new jerseys, but you bring over 200 the right direction. she is : optimistic kids into an event, "We just wanted the money will be they just don't to promote raised and the ,ler- want to sit down seys will be ready for that length of for : next year's time," said hockey season. Simpson. Minor One of the things hockey is having a being done to raise sunday afternoon money for the jer- barbecue instead. seys is the Hockey. As soon as they go Day in Canada in the building they happening on Feb. sit down and they 21at the Legion. can get their There will be a $5 award. It's nice and spaghetti dinner quick, but still served at 3, 5 and 7 good for every - p.m., while every- one." one gets to watch There are a lot of the NHL games on changes coming to the big screen. Lucknow Minor "Everyone will Hockey next sea - have a bright new son and for the jersey, home and LMHB they' hope away we are hop- the changes will ing. • We have benefit everyone solicited people including the play - from the rec board, ers, coaches, par - reunion committee, ents and anyone and • individual else who is sponsors to jump involved. Lucknow Minor Hockey. We are losing a lot of play- ers to AAA hockey. We want to bring hometown hockey back, s� we've Lucknow Lions 2009 Sweetheart • Draw Winners • Shannon Hogan, fleece shirt donated by Snobelen Farms • Marj Humphrey, $25 gift certificate from Hodgins Home Hardware • Danielle Sutton $25 gift certificate donated by Rona • Marlene MacDonald, $25 gift certificate donated by Huron Landscaping • Dylan Wick, Seaforth, 60 L of fuel donated by Hamilton Fuels - • Betty Stanley, $100 of fuel donated by Edward Fuels, Goderich • Jackie Scott, Ripley, $100 gift certificate donated by Lucknow Co-op • Lynn McDonagh, $500 shopping spree donated by Knechtel's Foodland and the Lucknow Lions . Many thanks to all those businesses who donated prizes and to those who purchased ticketsl e.. 1