Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-02-18, Page 44 • r - i 1 Page 4 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 18, 2009 LUckt1ow t P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 www.lucknowsentinel.com Publisher, Advertising Manager: Pat Livingston- lucksentads@bowesnet.com Editor: Garit Reid lucksented@ bowesnet.com Office Administrator: Ruth Dobrensky lucksent@bowesnet.com On leave: Sara Bender Subscription Rates advance: Regular $30.00 plus GST Senior $28.00 plusGST ti PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40064683 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7656 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT. P.O. Box 400 , Lucknow, ON, NOG 2H0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns, please call 519-528-2822. e-mail: lucksent@bowesnet.com "We acknowledge the financial support_," of the Government of Canada, through the Pt blications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs." Canada Amnia opc Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. - The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: Goderich Library, 52 Montreal Street Goderich, N7A l M3 (from 1875) Goderichlibrary@huroncounty.ca and * Kincardine Library, 727 Queen Street, Kincardine N2Z 1Z9 (fm►n.l$75 (o 1900 fr Rodriguez has put another big black eye on game of baseball What - are professional baseball pened to players like Mark;. McOwire players doing to their fans? Are -they and Sammy Sosa. They have hall of trying to ruin the spirit of the game? I fame numbers, but they might not for one love baseball and things like make the hall because of their sup - the BALCO case and the Mitchell posed cheating ways. report keep making me second Rodriguez has admitted to guess my love for the sport. using: drug and I guess.he The recent black eye to baseball it will be ` forgotten somewhat is the admittance of Alex x� k: like it was for -former teammates Rodriguez that he took perform- Andy Pettitte and Jason Giambi. - ance enhancing drugs during his This will not be ,forgotten time with the Texas Rangers,_:.._ g g ;, because Rodriguez is base between 2001-2003. The ball's highest profile player. final year of his time in T dont even think New Texas, Rodriguez was _ York Yankee_fans will for - named the AL MVP.• 1 � '� give their:man for taking the Rodriguez is considered the easy Way : out as: far as PEDs best player in the game today and he is now the -poster boy for the steroids era ` just Y .this: will give all of the of Major League baseball. He referred la ers in the p , y league the example:that to the time he t PEDs as the using PEDs is no longer the culture of culture of the time d • that he was baseball. under a lot of pressure to be the great- Thebest player in s the league . got. est. caught and things hopefully can't et He has to be accountable to his fans, any worse. • which he did in his recent interview, , If players .want- their � fans - to � keep p but it's still _under the stain of his loving the arm � + game, will have to betrayal. In the past he ,has stated that start being honest and morally incur- g y he never used PEDs and now that he ru .t. has admitted to it, how is anyone sups Treat the fans with some respect.ct. posed to trust him.. The game qf= baseball is for everyone.one Rodriguez is only a few hundred and it's not about the all mighty dollar homeruns off controversial homerun or cementing one's legacy. - king Barry ponds. Players will never be bi gg thaner t an the game and they have to understand that. If things getany worse they may soon find out that without any fans ` to support them, those dollars will disap- pear and no one will care about who was the greatest. A lot of people still consider Hank Aaron to be homerun king because he did it clean. How will Rodriguez's numbers hold up ` when: he finishes his career? Will they be accepted? `• We have already seen what has hap= :moirsSen ,(Q years ogo - February 17. 1999 - Former clerk treasurer of Lucknow Bertha Whitcroft started work as an assistant to the late Alf Herbert, who was clerk treas- urer in 1977 Prior to her employment by the local municipal government, she worked as office manager at the Lucknow fur- niture factory from 1963 to 1972. From assistant she progressed to deputy clerk and it was dur- ing this time that she obtained her designation from the Association of Municipal :Clerk Treasurers. - Huron -Kinloss Kinloss council had .a special meeting on Monday, Feb. 8 to discuss the a township's plans concerning a nutrient management bylaw.' The bylaw is what some farmers will have to follow when spreading or storing manure. 20 years ago - Fefrragry 15, J9.89 - Once again vandalism has reared its(ugly head in Lucknow - Employees of the Lucknow Post Office and : box holders have ted to a been sub' ' v strong odour in the building � !�the last few weeks. Someone with a sick sense of humour poured ammonia under the large mats in the lobby. - Some Dungannon residents are readyto: love into a pro- posed . pra posed seniors' apartment complex the minute it's built, says the president of the grouphing the project. - The survey being conducted by the Lucknow and District Lions Club, regarding transportation needs of seniors and the physically handicapped, has drawn a poor response. The 1985 census figures for the village recorded 456 residents over the age of 60 To date, 17 replies have been received' by the Lions Club. 50 years 010 - February O. 195$ - At a special meeting of Kinloss _ TownshiP Council on Monday Feb. 16 it Was decided to hold a public meetingit the Iolyrood Township Hall The purpose of the meeting is to learn the wishes of Kinloss 'Township farmers regarding the vaccination of cattle against rabies before they are put out on grass this spring, With the future of the Lucknow and District Branch of the Red Cross at stake; nine persons attended the Thursday Feb. 12 meeting. L.C. Thompson was named chairman of the meeting. g :Ripley and Lucknow Fire Departments were called to a large barn fire on the farm of John McIntosh of Huron Township, Highway 86, west of Lucknow, Friday Jan. 27, 1989. (File Photo)