Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-02-11, Page 61 Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Februaiy 11, 2009 Ratepayers to BY CHERYL HEATH Clinton News --Record Staff The levy is set. • Thanks to a motion passed by Huron County council Feb. 4, ratepayers will see a 1.79 per cent levy increase on the county portion of their property taxes for 2009. The relatively Happy lOth Blrthday Dad -Bev McN Feb. 11 see 1.79 per cent increase on property taxes small increase was made possible, reports Warden Ken Oke (South Huron), thanks to a special day -long committee -level meeting, Jan. 9, designed to hash out all of the fig- ures. Indeed, coun- t.y-department managers were directed to start at a zero increase and justify anything over that. "We spent the whop day," said Oke.\ "We hacked • through it pretty good." The hike, origi- nally set at 2.1 per cent, was approved. after some debate by councillors on whether a :late - breaking $97,000 - plus provincial allocation for Emergency Services should be applied against the levy. Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron East) said he'd rather see the increase stay at 21 per cent since the county treasurer says a three to four per cent annual levy increase each year will ensure county operations can :be maintained into perpetuity. While the eco- nomic climate is tough, MacLellan. says he'd rather see gradual increases each year as opposed to mini- mal hikes followed up by a 20 per cent emergency increase in the years to come. "We were happy with the 2.1 per cent," he said. Coun. Deb Shewfe:.1.-t (Goderich) says council would be acting in ".good • faith" to use =E - the allocation against the budget now. Meanwhile Coun. Neil V ncent (North:Huron) -says ,though-.:.:' the levy . hike. seenis low, it- is misleading since` a property owners tax bill is basedort assessment. Coun. John Grace (Goderich) says it would be in council's best inter- ests to , keep any increase below two:. _per cent, a notion. Coun. Dave Johnston (Bluewater) sup- ported. "In tough eco- nomic limes, any- thing: we can do to lessen the tax bur- den to our residents is important," says Johnston. In a follow-up question from the .. warden, council learned approving the lower figure would " mean ratepayers will be paying an addition- al $19.34 per year dditional$19.34peryear based on a $100,000 residen- tial assessment as opposed to $21.34 with the 2.1 per cent figure. In again support- ing the lower rate, Grace says it isn't necessarily the amount of dollars Rintoul (Ashfield Colborne Wawanosil), Vincent, Dorothy Kelly (Morris -Turnberry),. Johnston, Grace, Max Demaray (Howick), Ben Van D iepenbeek (ACW), Bill D o w s o n (Bluewater), Shewfelt and Tim Collyer : (Central Huron) voted in favour, Coun. Joseph : Seili (Huron[; East) was absent, Count Dowson paid tribute to county staff : for its work on the budg- but the "optics" that call out for restraint. In a recorded vote of 15 to four, council opposed the 2.1 per cent proposal. Then, in a 15-4 vote, council endorsed the 1.79 per cent increase, Councillors John Bezaire (Central Bert (Central Bill (Huron d Jim (South Huron) opposed the motion while MacLellan, Murray. Scott (North Huron), George Robertson (South Huron), Oke, James Fergusson (l3luewater), Neil Huron), Dykstra Huron), Siemon East) Dietrich Hockey Day in Canada on :#he BIG :screen Saturday, Feb. 21 "• 3 p.m. Moor Prizes - wear a hockey jersey and you're automatically entered Spaghetti Dinner • $5/plate - sittings at 3,5.817 pm. Students in Huron -Bruce are benefiting from $12,361,292 lin. repairs and renova- tions to improve publicly : funded schools with new windows, boilers androofs, as ,well as upgrades to facilities like sci- ence labs and audi- toriums. Under the fourth ;year of the govern- ment's Good Places to Learn program, am, - local school boards in Huron -Bruce will receive the follow- ing new funding to help them continue to improve school buildings and ensure that san stu- dents have safe and. supportive learning environments: $3,120,036 for the : Avon Maitland d District School. Board - $3,059,919 for the Bluewater ALL PROCEEDS TO THE LUCKNOW MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION This event is hosted by the Lucknow Legion For more info call 519-528-2745 pIeyWinter:Car:eIyi:I February 13, 14 & 15 All activities at the Ripley Huron Community Centre Friday - 7 to 8:30 p.m. Ripley Lions Costume Skate sponsored by Ripley Lion¢ • Saturday = 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pancake break - fest with ham, eggs, toast. Adults ;l0, 12.& under ;R, preschool hee; tangly of 4 $25 aturday, Feb. 14 Fri & Sat 6:45 & 9:15 Sun • Thur 8:00 CLINT EASTWOOD GRAN TORINO www.movielinks.ca • ft • Fri & vat 5:45 & 9:15 Sun - Thur 8:00 Celle Lingukee�•l •1I 1-800-265-3438 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 t./ M $ r I.1 9 a.m. Jr Tykes,,vs Kincardine 10 a.m. Sr Tykes vs Lucknow 10:30 a.m. Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides 11 a.m. Novice LL vs Teeswater 12 p.m. Hockey Skills Competition 1 p.m. lce Painting 1:30 p.m. Euchre Tournament 2 p.m. Family Bingo 3 p.m. Novice Rep vs Teeswater. 4:00 p.m. Figure Skating Club 6 p.m. Free public skating 7 p.m. Wolves vs Shelburne PO Outdoor Flukey Games 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Shinny games 5 p.m. Future Lancers vs Future Wolves 6 to 7 p.m. ;Outdoor Public Skating Sunday, Feb. 15 110 p.m. Ripley Huron Skating Club Presentation Sea Cruise featuring local talent, costumes, and numer- ous choreographed routines 4Pv AO • ••. Saturday 4 - 6 p.m. Meat Draw at the Ripley Legion (Legion Auxuiiiary) Proceeds go towards the Afghanistan Troop Morale Fund District School Board $394,414' for the Bruce -Grey catholic District School : Board - $5,786,923 for the Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board Since 2005, this initiative has been improving the con- dition of schools across the province. Under the first three_ stagesof the pro- gram: The Avon Maitland District School Board received $28,346,182 to undertake three boiler projects, 10 window projects, 39 roof projects and 56 other school improve- ment projects. - The Bluewater District School Board received $28,235,621 • to undertake four boiler projects, 10 window projects, 10 roof projects and 168 other school improve- ment projects. - The Bruce - Grey Catholic. • iw • ...•••...• • • • -. --,». .. et. "That we :`passed a budget at:. 1 o'clock on a coun- cil meeting is histo- ry itself," he said, District School Board received $2,913,698 to undertake one boil- er project, four window projects, two roof projects and 34 other school improve- ment`projects. _ The : Huron - Perth Catholic District School Board received $2,665;847 to undertake two win- dow projects, six roof projects and 112 other school improvement proj- ects. Investing in school infrastruc- ture strengthens the province's econo- my by creating jobs and positioning Ontario's students for success. "Building and improving school facilities creates safe and engaging places for our stu- dents to learn and grow, said Carol Mitchell, MPP, Huron -Bruce. "Every single proj- ect helps to strengthen our communities and support the future • ,of Huron -Bruce."