Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-01-21, Page 6Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 16•AA-_-1. Part of Highway 21 designated as a Veteran's Highway From page 3 Veteran's Highway June Pyette of the Goderich Legion called to invite the Mayor or a representative of council to a recep- tion in honour of the approval to have Highway 21 between Goderich and Kincardine designated a Veteran's Highway. The reception is on Saturday, Jan. 24 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m: at the Goderich Legion. Parks, facilities and recreation The director of facilities and recre- ation is requesting council conside r a proposal for a new Olympia ice resur- facing machine for the Ripley -Huron Arena. The current ice resurfacing machine is 16 years old and buying a new machine is more cost effective. The new Olympia machine will have a total cost of $75,300, which will come out of the reserve money of the Ripley -Huron Arena. Snow blower attachment Snow removal at the Ripley -Huron Community Centre has been quite reg- ular. During heavy weekend snowfall the facility is virtu- ally not accessible, until snow is removed. Mike Fair, direc- tor of facilities and recreation told council that a 54 inch heavy duty blower attachment is available for their mower. The unit is to be stored in the heated Olympia room. The unit is two years old and in great condition. The used price is $2500 compared to the it costing $4000 brand new. Facilities, parks and recreation stakeholde,-rs meeting The bi-annual facilities, parks and Huron County Warden News -record staff Huron County. Warden Ken Oke. (South Huron) wants to do things h a little differently for his one-year term. In his first offi- cial • address to council, Jan. 7, Oke announced plans to stream- line the county's agenda -distribu- tion process in order to save paper and keep things moving along in a timely fashion. "The council booklet is not going to be that thick next month," he said, noting councillors will be given binders so they can review minutes of past sessions, as well as view agendas, rather than the past practice . of receiving a new booklet every month. Another step in a new direction, noted Oke, is, to urge councillors, to pull points of interest . from min- 7- ailibm, • ev, 1811.111111r' GODERICH 524-7811 Fri & Sat 6:45&9:15 Sun - Thur 8:00 rkt MOV t_ 8:00 Nightly www.movielinks.ca long disc.,nce. 91- 3 0 0 -2 0 5- 3 4 3 8 Three 1ove1 sisters, and the babg's turning 50! Happy birthday Doreen from your friends at Holyrood. • (left to right Joyce Thompson, Ruth Gordon and Doreen Mali) w recreation stake- holders meeting will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the municipal office of Ripley. Ripley Winter Carnival The Ripley Winter Carnival will be held Feb. 13, 14 and 15. Volunteers are needed for the 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and the 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. shift. Huron Landfill operations The Ministry Environment has delayed the approval to change the landfill opera- tions at the Huron Landfill from the trench method to above ground, until further infor- mation is obtained4 Staff said a pri- mary concern is the presence of elevated leachate concentrations at observation , well #11. This well is located beside the attendant's shed and: the Ministry believes the place- ment of new waste above the old waste could impact the leachate strength and possi- bly groundwater flow patterns. In other words, they are concerned that leachate could migrate across the southern property line. Canada - Ontario Home Ownership Program A letter was received from` the County of Bruce, social housing division regarding the Canada - Ontario Home Ownership Program. Currently there is funding available to eligi- ble applicants for assistance with the five per cent down payment on a pur- chase of a house. This program ends March 31. For further infor- mation please call the Bruce County Housing Corporation at 519-396-3439 or 1800-265-3022: utes for further discussion. when necessary rather than reviewing committee reports clause by clause. In his first war- den's report, Oke said while his schedule has not been too hectic since earning the. spot in December, he did attend a recent opening at the Goderich Coop. Gailtery. In urging coun- cillors to- visit the site, Oke also wants tl encouraged thein to approach him with any ideas on how w to streamline = p o erations at _ the county J level. Mileage ues- tinted Coun. Max Demaray (Howick) wants to know =1f it is iiec- essary to compen- sate county library staff for travel between branches. County librarian Beth Ross reports it is county policy to reimburse employees for mileage wracked up on county busi- ness. She notes the county treasurer sets mileage com- pensation month- ly. While Demaray questioned the need for the prac- tice, rac-tice, Ross pointed L out the structure of the staffing and the hours branches library- system varying require to share responsibilities. Swidayjanuary25 at the Wawanosh Nature Centre 1:00 P.M. t0 4:00 P.M. Free admission! Bring your skis or snowshoes and hit the trails. Snowshoes available for ages four and over. Rental - $2.50 per pair. Hot chocolate and coffee available. Wawanosh is located south of Whitechurch, travel south on County Road 22, left on Westfield Rd. then left on Nature Centre Rd. Visit 5I9 335-3557 or call 519 335-3557 for information. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Working for Healthy Environment! "We serve coun- ty wide, that's the policy," says Ross. Library -hour change g e a a noun. Dm r Y is also wondering whether a change in library hours is in order. Demaray some constituents in his hone municipality are displeased with the Howick branch library hour changes. County librarian Beth J Ross reports the hour changes arrived on the heels of a county- wide library : serv- ices survey. The warden pledged the issue would be further discussed at the next library board meeting, set . for 9 a.m., Jan. 20. Signs for the times Coun. : Ben Van Diepenbeek reports his home munici alit of PY Ashfield- Colborne- .Wawanosh shfield- Co1borne- .Wawanosh i s interested in pur- chasing some of the county's newly designed signs. Economic development offi- cer Mike Pullen says the county is open to cost shar- ing opportunities for new signage for interested says. • • lower. tiers. Pullen says one obstacle for erect- ing signage a is the county cannot erect signs on rovuacial high- ways p. ways since they do not .have juris- diction. The coun- ty tcan, hovev erect signs. ;in hamlets,like St. Helen's,and along g county�-�.roads.: Van Diepenbeek says he is pleased ACw: can acquire new signs through cost sharing since the municipality has long been talking about new. signage but, the price tag ` proved too high. "This seemed quite affordable,". added Van Diepenbeek. Board expan- sion The county will investigate the possibility"' of increasing the number of Ministry of Health and public appointees to the board of health following a request by Coun. Bert Dykstra (Central Huron). The board of health's provincial representative, Rosemary Rognvaldson, sup- ported Dykstra's plan. Continued on page 7 4 411 ♦ • . • • . ♦ •