Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-01-14, Page 1• Weigellas Jamiyfl2OO9 ISI • N Week 3 Vol. 136 $1.00 gst"included Publications Mail Registration No. 07656 Bringing Together Huron & Bruce Challenge of a BY Garr REID Sentinel Staff The 23 -year-old former Lucknow F411 Fait aiiibas- sador, now riur)ae and Kinloss native, Ashley Husk is heading offs to Uganda, Africa to volunteer her time and expertise to help the less fortunate. She .hopes it will be a life chang- ing .e • and give her a broader perspective on the world. The volunteer placement, starting March 26 and; end- ing on April 22, in Jinja, Uganda will have Husk tak- ing part in various health care roles, such as patient examinations, providing pre -natal care, vaccinating children, assisting at the children's clinic, dispensing pharmaceuticals, coun- selling . patients and making referrals to the regional hos- pital. The majority of her time will be helping patients with HIV and AIDS. She will be going to orphanages providing health ; teaching and :immunizations. "I think that this will be one .of the most rewarding parts of my work there because I have a special interest in working with children.:_.`' have been told that they are very*;: - accepting ' and love meeting new people who will play y and interact with them," said Husk. `~ Continued on page 2 Photo by ,Garit :Reid The Lucknow'La cera exacted a little revenge from a previous shootout loss earlier in ,the season to the Ripley Wohres.They beat the Wolves 3-1 on Friday Join. 9 in WOAA Senior A hockey league pal. ouncillors wonder miieagerates haven't dropped BY PAT HALPIN Special to the Sentinel The mileage formula could be lagging on actual gas price changes, said Clerk -treasur- er Bettyanne Cobean. Still, she echoed the,. Brice county councillors are wondering surprise of councillors that the rate hasn't why their mileage rate hasn't dropped. come down since gas prices dipped several County 'councillors and staff are collect- weeks ago. .: ing the same mileage rate that they got "We have this formula to. go by and that's when gas cost nearly $1.39 a litre. what it calls for so I guess fo the time being Warden Bill Goetz expected : the 55.5 we have to live with it," Goetz said.. cents per km to drop with the decrease in The 55.5 cents per km rate means a "pro - gas prices, but so far it hasn't. hibitive" cost to the budget, °Bagnato said. "I guess the gas is only a small part of it "If you check around anywhere else but still it's less half (the price per litre) than you're not going to find any higher that I what it was previous," he said. ''M`'r" .know of," he said. Bruce' County's , mileage rate is set by a The mileage rate is an issue for munici- federal formula that's monitored by the palities as they search for ways to trim county's human resources department. budgets for this year.. The formula includes vehicle cost, main- "I certainly want to look at it municipally. tenance and insurance. We are at 48 (cents a km) right now acid we "I never understood the formula," said were thinking it should he dropping from councillor and Brockton Mayor Charlie 48," Bagnato said. Baggy. Urn ., _ I; l &J.? 4 % 4) s ► i 1 1 3,. ' gonthwocan, page Submitted photo On behalf of the PWU (Power Workers Union) Bruce Site Equity Committee, Larry Aiderdice presented a cheque for $ 12,000 to the Bruce Children hre Special Foundation on Monday Jan. 5, 2009. The Equity Committee makes equity disbursements on behalf of the Bruce Power PWU members. In the picture: Larry Alderdlce and Cherie Borho (Administrator, Bruce Children Are Special Foundation). 11'10 i1!: ;•i", tit 1I I J 1 1 1