Huron Expositor, 2009-07-29, Page 8Pose 8 The Huron Expositor • July 29, 2009
Crime Stoppers training more volunteers with
$12,000 grant from Ontario Trillium Fund
Dan Schwab a safer place to live."
Huron . County Crime Stoppers
will be able to better assist police
in bringing criminals to justice af-
ter receiving a $12,000 grant from
the Ontario Trillium Foundation,
the local chair of the organization
said last week.
Don Armstrong says the money,
which was awarded in March, will
enable Huron County Crime Stop-
pers to train new volunteers and
develop a strategic plan, which he
expects will be finalized this fall.
"Training comes into it in a big,
big way," Armstrong said. "This
grant provides us with tools that
we need to make our communities
Huron -Bruce MPP Carol Mitchell
and Kathleen Pletsch, the Ontario
Trillium Foundation local grant re-
view team chair, visited the Huron
County Crime Stoppers office in
Seaforth on July 22.
"Until you are actually involved
in a situation where Crime Stop-
pers could come in somewhere, you
don't realize how valuable a service
you are providing," Pletsch told
Armstrong and his wife Rosemary,
who also volunteers with the orga-
nization. "We're really -pleased to
be able to strengthen your organi-
zation and to plan strategically for
the future." .
Shawn McFalls, police co-ordina-
tor for Huron County Crime Stop -
pers, said most
of the grant was
used for board
training of volun-
teers, who mostly
have less than
three years' expe-
rience. The grant
paid to send them
to a provincial
conference . in
Barrie in June,
where they re-
ceived three days
of formal training
on Crime Stop-
pers' procedures.
"Hopefully because they know
more, they will last longer on the
board," McFalls said, adding that
the organiza-
tion is always
looking for more
"Right now
we're at 13
board members
and it'd be nice
Huron County
Crime Stoppers
Don Armstrong
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance wants to hear from yore!
The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance is moving forward with the planning of a new service delivery model to meet
the changing healthcare needs of patients and families.
Our Vision 2013 plan reflects our commitment to ensure that a wide range of services continues to be available
within the service area of the Alliance, that all members of our healthcare team are able to use their skills and
expertise to the fullest extent possible and that each hospital remains an important part of the local healthcare
system. We want to get your feedback on our plans and gather your ideas for building stronger hospital-based
healthcare. We invite you to register to participate in one of our Community Workshops and/or to complete a
survey. Broader community meetings will also be held later this year, as an important part of our community
engagement activities.
OM t•
Participants are required to pre -register by Monday, August 10*
Each facilitated workshop will take place from 7-9 pm,
Participation is limited to 20 people per workshop.
to register for a workshop, please visit our website at or call 519-272-8210 Ext.
Your participation will be confirmed by telephone -.:r
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DATE • '
Tuesday, August18.
Wednesday, August 19
ut day,. V.4,4 ;
Tuesday, August 25
Seaforth Community Centre - 122 Duke Street : 4`..
Clinton REACH Centre --- 169 Beech Street
Milverton & District Royal Canadian Legion . 24 Te � iagl.
Bayfield Lions Building - 6 Municipal Road
August 26 Mitchell Arena, Howie Morenz Ftm- 185 Wellington Street
Thursday, August 27 Stratford Optimist Club — 72 Water Street
...t .. , August 31 St. Marys Legion Hall — 66 Church Street North
Tuesday, September 1 Tavistock Memorial Hall 3 Adam Street
Our Survey is available on-line at and throughout the four Alliance hospitals. If you would like to
request acopy of the survey, please call 519-272-8210 Ext. 2737
Please take the time to provide your feedback. Your views are important to us.
Leslie Showers, Board Chair
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance
Please be assured that the information provided will be protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,
and will be used for internal purposes only and not shared with externa/ agencies.
to get a couple
more," he said.
"The more volun-
teers we have, the
lighter the work-
load is for each
serving member."
McFalls said
Crime Stoppers is
on par with last
year as far as tips
received and the
cash rewards it
has supplied.
He says the or-
ganization now offers anonymous
tipsters the chance to email their
information via the Crime Stop-
pers website at
Huron County Crime Stoppers
became incorporated in 1988 as a
not-for-profit, charitable organiza-
Cash rewards of a maximum of
$2,000 are offered to tipsters whose
information helps lead to the suc-
cessful conclusion of an investiga-
Shawn McFalls
Falhaven Farm & Nursery
79217 Orchard Line
RR#2 Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3X8
July 31st and August 1st
From 10:OOam - 4:00 pm
Other times by appointment only
Daylilies, Iris and Lilies available for sale
and tour the Hybridizing Fields
of Michael and Marguerite Falconer
Come see the daylilies
in bloom !!!