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Huron Expositor, 2009-07-08, Page 26
tf Neeff tiM l- s ?1; viiim . Pry 26 The Huron Expositor • July 8, 2009 Correspondence Rain doesn't dampen sprit's"�a'� After a nice day on Thursday we in Winthrop are back to cool and damp weather. Maybe we will have warm weather in October and November. quill.. On the way up they visited As reported last week, the Cavan ` friends in Cookstown. The camp is United Church service with Rev. owned and run by Joan (Dodds) and John was the picnic in the park. Brooks and spans over July and Au - However, the weather didn't cooper- gust. Camp Northway is for girls and ate and the service and brunch were Camp Wendigo is the boys camp. It held in the church.' It didn't dampen is a 10 -minute ride on water to the the spirits of the large number who campsite. attended. Maja was kept busy the first day It has been reported the Cavan- washing dishes and Don helped re- Northside Pastoral Charge will have Pair the barge. Weather was similar a new minister starting the first of to ours. September. More details will follow. The fireworks in Seaforth were en - Don and Maja Dodds have returned joyed by. many. The finale was quite from a ten-day trip to the Algon- spectacular. IC IC The new house in Winthrop is pro- gressing = the roof is finished and the windows are in. Now that school dren are out and about more, so take care when driving. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Growl all day and you'll end up dog tired. Ruth C mPbell CathoIic churches have new mass schedule Newly -baptized to the St. Dublin they received a bless - James Roman Catholic Church ing by Father Chris, then parish community are Cody they went for brunch at Ben - Lane Cowan, son of Jeff and Denise; Abigail miller Inn followed by a reception at the home Charlotte Anne McNichol, daughter of Dan of their eldest daughter Carolyn and Scott Bell and Lynn; and Damien John Wammes, son in Goderich. By Dorothy Dillon of Brian and Andrea. They were baptized on June 28 at St. James parish in Seaforth.. Mark and Jessica Mahon (nee Finlayson) were married at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church on June 27. During the first weekend of August, St.. Pat- rick's Church, Dublin, will have the 5 p.m. mass Saturday and the 9 a.m. mass on Sunday. St. - James Church, Sea - forth, will have the Sunday 11 a.m. mass. The schedule will last for six months. On Sunday July 5, family mem- bers from Goder- ich, Kemptville, London, Missis- sauga; St. Thom- as, and Stratford gathered to cel-. ebrate the 40th Wedding . Anni- versary of Helen and Larry Cook. Following rases at St. Patrick's .h111CL dot) SO(IMD FULL D) SERVICE Book youR RECEprioNs, BUCk & DOES-E_ARIy! JokN McLeod Cli.rot 9-482-9984 Seaforth Optimist Club TRAVEL THE WORLD & CASH LOTTERY JULY WINNERS $1250 CASH Ron Driscoll $100 Consolation Jim Dawe Sandy and Darlene Marshall. THANKS TO SUN -NORTH SYSTEMS LTD. for the generous donation of their Elimination Draw winnings to the Seaforth Lions Park & Pool Fund 1; • St rat ford i Cinemas 1 1 1 41111F • 551 Huron St. 1 • 273-6780 ....• Show Schedule for July 10th - July 16th The Proposal Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15, Sat/SunlTues matinee at 2pm My Sisters Keeper Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15, Sat/Sunfrues matinee at 2pm Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Nighty at 7:00 & 9:15, Sat/Sun/Tiies matinee at 2pm 1 1 1 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Nighty at 7:00, Sat SunfTtias matinee at 2pm *Last NightTwsday July 14th The Hangover ' Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15, Sat/Sun/7nel" matinee at 2orn Starting July 1501 Harry Pottier and the Hall Blood Pdrie• • 1* 1.":.r4*4 NI tit at 7:0 m 4/.7 • • • . • 4 • * ♦ • • * • . • f -Hailey Eva Maxwell ':' iffk • S♦ !. Pr• *A: . i: w • a• Love Mum, is out, chil- STARTING LY 15 HARRY POTTER end The Hall Blood Prince Gates Open 8:15 PM / Show 9:30 PM www.starlitedriveintheatre.com • 519-238-8344 GODERICH 524-7811 July 10 -16 Fri - Tue 8:00 Nightly Sat & Sun Mat 2:00 veins` ECMct>a•.r. ions: s .1 ' ' : COOLEST COMEDY e. 5 •.,.y.... -.r •y8 yp • v s w r.: 8., • Fri & Sat 6:45 & 9:15 . Sun - Thur 8:00 Sat & Sun Mat 2:00 Starts Wed July 15 8:00 Nightly F ©ticones ' 3 i1N Tile 11 • I♦f° 8190070 j: NCe www.movielinks.ca long distance'1-800-265-3438 a l , ran I ma, randpa,6. • •` - Aunt Nancy, Alie, and Jade.Jidiarfmt :644.0infair - ".111111111.111111—ONI ES L ERE AND HIS FAMOUS STATESIDER S MONDAY, OCTOBER 19/09 =1PM CENTENNIAL HALL - LONDON Tickets available at The Centennial Hall Box Office. Charge by Phone 519-672-1967 www.centen n ialhal I.london.ca BX93 1.1 VI:. IN C.:,CJNC:t.l2'1 _ "two -fist knoCk0tt R.Reid,The he 'Teri Johns g, Janet Amos 1't .t t`VtTerry Manz() CANADIAN THEATRE BL H F 'STINAL qptblack Orator 0,00 by Ted Johns "...Part play, part...lecture... (The Bootblack Orator) is chock full of information and ideas, satirical and home- spun lore...Johns as Bootblack is in his element - a sharp, busy mind delving into the controversial and tossing it out with raised brow and tongue in cheek..." B.Gropp, North Huron Citizen Together, Ted Johns & Janet Amos are the heart and soul of the Blyth Festival - Don't miss their return in The Bootblack Orator playing *in repertory until August 15. www.bl thfestival.com 519-523-9300