The Exeter Advocate, 1924-6-5, Page 8r ( [ 6 JUNE 5 19 24 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Oats Barley Eggs Dairy Butter 30 Lard c 18 to 20 1 00 55 1,60 W. R. Goulding Organist and Choirmaster James St Methodist Church. Teacher of Plano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music in the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE -20 pure. bred York pigs, ready no wean June 10, A Van Camp, phone 57r2. CARD OF THANKS Mr• and Mrs, Richard Hill desire to expless their sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their kmanese and CS ympathy during then recent bereavement. GARDEN PARTY. The Ladies' Aid af gain St. Meth- odist Church has ;decided to put on a Garden Party during the latter part of the month. Keep this in view, The aremal meeting of the Women's Institute of South Huron District will be held in Senior's Hall, Exeter, On' Thursday, June 12th, at 2.30 p.m. A full representation. is requested. -Mrs. H. K. Eilber, Secretary pro tem. DURHAM COW FOR SALE -Milk- ing well, will freshen Dee 10, Apply ta R. Skinner, Exe ter. FOR SALE. -Four wagons, two double and two single; rubber tired buggy and flat rack, _Apply to F. W. Bawden, Exeter. FOR SALE -All steel range (Uni- versal) suitable for large kitchen, in perfect order. 11 White Leghorn hens, good win- ter layers. -C. Wares, Ann St., Exeter. CHICKS FOR SALE. Barred Rock, White Leghorns, R.C. Rhode Island Reds, end White Wyan- ON DUTY AGAIN, T. H. Gregg, the tailor, who re- cently had the miseortune to break his leg, har sufficiently recovered as to be back on dune again,. He solicits all kinds of ments tailored work and 'especially ladies work. RANGE FOR SALE. -Home Com- fort in first -clan. shape, price. $20. Apply to Dr. Atkinson, town. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 200 acres pasture farms, Lots 19 and 20, Con. 5, Stephen, the property of the late Fli Snell. Apply to JOHN C. SNELL, Exeter NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY Auto for Hire DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Charges Reasonable Phone 142 A. T. HARNESS - EXETER DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontaritol, and Un- itversity of Taranto. Late District Dental Officer, say District Number one, London, Ont. Main Office -Dickson Block, Main, Phone 34, Exeter. AT ZURICH Tuesday only. Phone 79 Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring • MEN S 'SUITS Cleaned and Pressed Press ed onIV Dyed and Pressed 54.00 Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2,00 Skirts Pressed 50c 'We also Make and Trim Suits with First Class Trimmings for $20.00. 75c I AM 'NOW PREPARED TO GIVE 'YOU A REAL Cartage Service Our Express Service from Lon- don to Exeter is now operating-. Livery in connectioin. H. BAGSHAW. Local Doings Ers.eter Scotch. ,Double Tournament will he held on Wednesday of next w eek. 155 out of 212 emuninipalitles( in On- tario ene to have .,thein hydeo rate re - South Huron Liberals held their an- nual meetine I-lease:II en Wednesday of' this. week. Mr, John Hunkiat has been aWarded the contract for a neW ?bridge! on the 4th. concession of StanleY. Two blacks of the I/lees street pave- ment in Seafarth were roped off 'oh Tuesday evening for a street dance, fined teeher bed (during, the past week is now 'showing signs improvement. Wednesday of this we:ek was the first of the weekly thalf-holielays, when all business ;places were (closed at noon Mr. Gordon Appleton has retnmed to, his duties a> butcher with .Mr. Rivers, after an ebsence •of a few Mr. W. H. Kestlei, who has been in Victoria!' Hospital, London, for some weeks, was able to be brought home on ..elonday, R. Cockburn Hays, junior member of the legal firm of Hays & Jiay.sf, Goderich has been ap,pointed solicitor his father who had served in that cap- acity foe 25 years. Sunday 'stet the Presbyterian Church observed an everyhady-go-to-church day. which proved quite. saccessful, the members and adherents responding in goodly numbers and the servines conducted by Rev. Foote were highly appreciated. Miss ;elarga.ret Strang of Usbarne, nes passed tne second year exams at London University in tne subjects, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, and Zoology, all over 75 per cent., thus securing ber 4ecand year course for B.A., His Lordship Bi'shop I- Oil - don, conducted Confirmation services in the Trivia eIemorial Church on Monday evening, when Confirmation wan administered to 'eleven candidates. The address of the Bishop was of a deeply spiritual character and was lis- tened to with :greait itilterest by a large nongregationt, compiosed of all the local churches. DIED FROM INJURIES. Follo_wing the automobile accidentin Toronto, of which we made mention last week, the death .occurred Friday evening last of Miss Doreen Taman, daughter of Mr. Joseph Taman, for- merly of -Seaforth, and niece of Mr.. W. W. Taman. Exeter, she having never regained consciousness. This week is GINGHAM WEEK at 40c. ginghams at 29C. EGG SETTINGS FOR SALE. -J. S Martin Regal strain White Wyandat- tes -George Hyndman, Exeter. Have you heard that Ithe Silver Band of London. will visit ;Exeten and vicin- ity on June. 14th and 15th, holding sere on Saturday. Watch for bills. 31..tri- day a full day of pervices -in Exeter - 3 p. ne in the Victoria Park : •7 to 8.15 .p. ire. thie, Skating Rink followed by gospel service. Afeet ine there. Gladiolus Bulbs For Sale To Clear at 50c a doz. NOW IS THE TIME 0 PLANT J. G. Stanbury, Sec. Treas. Hort. Soc. Your Stock Wants SALT. It is essential foe best results. We have the best cattle SALT Also. fine for househeld Wise,' butter, cooking. Exeter Salt Works Co.; Ltd. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"The Day of Pentecost!' 7 pm -"The, PossesSion of the )Gift." Rev A. Trumper, Rectos% CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN' CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sun.day School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Service as 'usual. Thames Road. Boy Scouts Meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev, W. E. Donnelly, PenA., Pastor 10.15 -Morning Fellowship. Services as usual. EverYbbdy Welcome Mrs , GeeenMantle has been ill dur- ing the past week tan& cool:Med to her :Tuesday, June 3rd, was .the. King's • birthday, .and a holiday ,l'or the banks and schools. ,Mr, Clyde S.• Heaman oe the Mal - sons Bank staff, has lbee,n, givers leav.e of absence from duty, for six we,eks awing to illness,. in base ball an ;Wednesday of last week: by 7-0. A- number of the Exeter fans saw the game. The committee in charge of the races, is leaving no 'stone unturned fOr one of the best )1.talf day's races in the history of the town, and without a doubt the crowd will hei a large. ane, Some ol. the sports of teem, fancy- ing a reel hunt iatethe big rabbits next winter, got a fine 'thoroughbred Eng- lish greyhoturd ;from a ;Galt dealer last week. It is a fine looking dog and some real fur, is antic6patecte The enterprising citizens of Grand Bend can, now boast far en electric street lighting system, the power ing generated at Mr. Brenner's garage and was Switched ontifor the( first tine on Saturday night last, There are fifty-one large lights installed, and the s,^111age is well setted Cat the capacity af light. It is expected that mare tha,n 450 delegates. exclusive of visitors and interested churchmen, will attend /the 41st annual session tof the Lond,on !Conference to be held at Central 4th to June 10th. The tOital attend- ance at the confie,renee will be more than 1,000, it is iestimated. Rev. Clifford E. Jones, .iar Pasadena, Cal., a ;student at,tSars ;Francisca 'rhea - logical Seminary, has, been awarded the scholarship of the University, which carries with it the isignal honor or a years study at the .University of !Id- inburgle Scotland. Mr. Jones married Elizabeth iM.. Orr, daughter of Mr. and PlIrs, Wm. Orr, formerly 'or Exeter, mew Altadena. Patchen Wines, owned by Sidney Hodgins of Clandeboye, aged . 16 years, sire of several fine Patchett horses, won second. in the 2.15 race at :Mitchell an Wednesday of last week He won. the two first heats in finefarm working like a machine, and making the half mile in 1.04% naid„ 1.05. This is a fine performance considering the ege of the honse and the fact that he has not raced in seven years. Louis Patehen gor second in "the 2.20. There pa,ss.ed away at Niagara Falls, N 'Y., on Saturday, eMay 31st in his 74th year, Mr. Benjamin S. O'Neil, a former well-known nesident of ;Exeter. For many years the deceased conduct- ed a private. thank cirri Exeter„ tbut about twenty years ago he .dtsposed of the business to the now Ateronct 'Sovereign Bank, and Short time efterWards he and the family moved to Tara., eta, where they have since tresided. He" is survived by his wife rand one daughter, Mrs. W. C. Sells. The remains were taken to Lucan for iburial, the fun- eral taking place from Holy Trinity Church to, St. James' Cemetery, near Clandeboye, on Wednesday of this week. Mr. James Handford and daughter returned Monday from a visit In Tor - Mr. and Mrs. John; Jefferson are VIS - Ring with Mr. 'Walter J•Ceddy and other friends. Mrs. Zuefle. and son ;Claire of .Heneall soe,nt the week end 'with Mrs. W. H. Mrs. (Rev.) Trumper zeturned from aa visit in Landon on Wednesday of laet week Mr. Alex Stewart and Mr. Roy liconeh ahd Pon of "Jeondon, were here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs,. B. M, Francis attended the funeral' of Vr.rs.. ;Wallace at Sear forth last week. Rev. Donnelly and Rev. 'Clysdale are attending the Methodist ,Confer- ence Windsor. Mrs. Eli Lawson of Crediton spending a week in town with her sister and brothers. Mr. John Collingwood and ',family( af Port Huron, Miich., visited 'here over Sunday , with relatives. Mrs. H. W. Doerr 'and son", Jack, returned this week from a visit win) her parents at ...Mitchell. Mr. Ed. Harrison -of Detroit -visited his sister, Mrs. Chas. Box of Ste- phen over the week -end. Mr. Arthur Ford and 'wife; and oth- er .relative.s of Detroit, motored here and spent a few days with relatives. eIrs, James Wanless after a few weeks with her mother, 'Mrs. L. I -lardy left for hen home in Duluth, Minn., on Friday -evening. Mrs Lean Treble and 'daughter re- turned to their home in Toronto on Sunday. Mr Ed, Treble motoring them as far as London. Miss Stella Gregory„ who has been visiting her brother in Stratford, fol- lowing her Skinless:, returned to hei home helve cin Monday. Miss S. IIVIeDonell, who has been with het sister, Mrs., Dickson, Goderich, returned last week, and is now visiting in }Jensen. Willianisen, who has .beere with her sister, Mre. S. ,Plitta.n, for sieveral weeks, returned to her home in King- ston,. Nies. Fitton, steadily improv - Thos, -i, Nelso.n, and ,daughter Detroit' spent e few days with . .the :family here, having motored over with relatives who went througlh to Ches- ley, returning con. Sunday. Mr. John •Crocke,r, an Old Exeter .wife and daughter (Of Ifulf,alo niotored.here Monday, accompanied :by Mrs tiddicoett„ and Miss Crocker of London, and were the !guests; of Mrs. Bissette • k. 1 PHONE 3Z JONES & MAY PHONE 32" Smart Suits For Men at $15 $18 $20 and $25 Newest Patterns and Styles. And the Cloths atle xotal. All the new shades, bath !light and dark, Boys' Bloomer Suits A Window of Slippers at $2.75 pair New One -Strap Patent Slippers, all sizes, :values up (tot $5,00 per pair, Don't miss these if 'you! want a •ginod pair af Slippers chea,p cat $2,75. New Shades of Ladles' Silk Hosiery We are ready fox the Summer Weather with the new 'Shades of Silk Hosiery, such as Suneet, !Peach, Nude, Beige, Sand, Dove Grey, Log -cabin Club Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks Ask to see our (s,pecial lines at $1.00 pair, many with ribbed garter We have just received aux Summer Shinn -Sent ,of Club Sags, Trunks and Suit Cases, Prices 4e,re mugh lower on these lines. _Call and look them over. Good Suitcases as low as $1.75 each. Men's Straw Hats The Straw ,Hat season 'ifs, at hand. We have • many Inew styles weaves to choose'frOm at very moderate price.V. , and Monarch Knitting Yarns The new Summer Yarns are now in, etock. We handle the :celebrated Monarch Brand in the new fancy lines and colors!, alsi staple ilin.es in all wool, and silk and AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS JONES & MAY AGENTS FQR HURLBUT SHOES Have you picked. your dandellocns yeti - 'Mr. and MI7S. Swartz, Miss Welsh, and Mr, Fred Brock melted with the latter's mother, Mrs. T. (Brock, during the week. Mr. Thos. Jeckell of Deckerville, Mich. spent Friday last with old friends here. His wife and family spent a few days in London, Mrs jeckell's former home. Mr. Jeckell in the newspaper business in Decker- ville. WANTING INFORMATION ON A SPECIAL SUBJECT? The Advocate has list of, magazinen newspapers, trade journals -hundred in. number -and covering almost every chneeivable subject or trade. We'll be glad to tell yottevirat is available cov- ering ,the subject you, are interested Furthee-we will he glad to place your subscription for any of thesei journals, saving you considerable trouble, without extra cost to you. DECISION RE. NEWSPAPERS. Any person who takes a paper reg- ularly from the post office, whether addressed in his name or anothers, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. If a person orders his paper discon- tinued mu,st pay all arrears, or the publisher may C ointinue to send it until payment is mad,e and then. collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken. or not. The courts have decide,d that refus- ing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post office, or removing them and leaving them unpaid, is prima facie evidence of intention of fraud. LOOK AT THE LABEL. Advocate abels were change,c1 on Feb 7,. We think we haVe every sub- scriber's label right. If you think dif- ferently, let us know. We want to have them all correct. If you haven't is only fair that we should have our money. Otherwise you may be re, - (wired to pay (if some distance in ar- rears) a higher rate than $1.50 a year and costs of collection besides. Reme,mber The Advocate has a newspaper clubbing list that includes any .daily or weekly newspaper or any zonthlY journal. We save you the trouble of sending. for them, and in JAMES W. WATSON Licensted Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock sales a specialty, Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to. Phorne-Kirkton 54r2 Address-Krirkton R. R. No. 1 Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday Main Office,- Hartleib Block,. DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate ar at the Central HotteL Prices reasonable. -Satbfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer far Counties of Huron and IVliddlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- ial Course taken, in Regialtlered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices, Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich6 Oscar Morn', Zurich, Ont. DR. AL E, TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon- McDonelPs Stables, John St,, Bret& (labelioccuoied by Dr, Vining) PINIONS 24w The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made knOilp an application. Stray Anianals-One insertion 50c„ three insertions S1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines', For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found loests 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c, ,per line per insertion." No rnaticie Iess Auction Salm S3 for one insertion and $1.60 for each subsequent in- sertion if udder flve inchies in length. Legal advertising 10c4 and Sc. aline. Farm txr Real Estate far sale 51/g. each insertion fow One month a four Bargains in Furniture THOMAS U. DINNEY . LICENSED EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Business 20w House 201 Bl'Irrister, Solicitor, Etc \-r#' Loans, Investmen<ts Insurance Office, Caling Block, Main' , St. Exeter DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a lar,ge amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN Si ST ANBURY l3arristers, Solicitors, Exeter Officio. Mein Street, Exeter.