The Exeter Advocate, 1924-6-5, Page 4FREED OF RHEUMATISM.
"Be good enough to publish for
the information of Rheumatism
sullener, how "Fruit-a-tines'relieved
my Rheumatism which had at least
Jive years' standing.
"The trouble was in my right hip
and shoulder; the pain almost
unendurable, This kept up until I
Started to take "Fruit-a-tives" After
a continuous treatment for about six
months, x am now in first-class con-
dition. This, I attribute to my
persistent use of "Fruit-a-tives".
This is the letter which :t"ir. James
Dobson of Bronte, Out,, wrote after
trying the wonderful Fruit Treat,
went—":Fruit-a-tives" — •which con-
sists of intensified, fruit juices
combined with tonics,
If you suffer with Rheumatism,
"Fruit-a-tives" will make you well.
and. keep you well.
25e, and 50c. a box—at dealers
or sent by "Fruit-a-tives Limited.
Ottawa, Ont.
he Exeter
Sanders ::i Cr.:e.;h, Proprietors
`subscription Price—In advance, $1 50
roes year in Canada; 52,00 in the
U*,, d States. All subscriptions not
fraid in advance 50,s. • .•, •hanged
THURSDAY, JUNE eth, 1924.
School Report
Sr. IV—Honors, Lillian Baker,
82; Muriel Howald, 82; Vera Moon-
ey, 81; Harry Jennings, 77; Stella
Norte t. 75. P: • Lyle Dinney,
73; Doris, e:a r. , ,Sydney West,
99; Harold ikinue.r, 69; Wanetta
Nelson. 28; Edith Walter, 67; Cath-
erine Woods, 40°°; Anule Simmons, l
Jr IV—honor, Irene Marling, 76.
Pans aide '%T,.Fi.enitia1. 73; Roy Bat-,
ten, fa: Je:..ilc £ arena re:. 68; Mad -
aline Dearing, 68; Geurgena Nelson, '
6.3; Wilma, Kay. 66; Tom Kay, 66;
I'a'thleer, rte i i 61".; err e.t r- Chambers,
64"; Alein lee:su.ers ; Stanley,
Welter, 62; ire een Le. a 5S"; 13a-
de1a i'cv: G il. , \\ ,.,,:, Sanders, '
4.7-Calf'o,,l k.!tt.+:'.1ti :,11, 40"; Jas.
Taylor, eee.
Sr. 111.- ---itc e Gaeta, Hunkin,
Su; Mary Wane, 'al isei ee Penhale,
79; Willie B ' ,.gil, ; 6. Pass, Clar-
ence Boyle. 72; ittu' .11 Snell, 7 0;
Geraldine Burke, 55e.
'" infers mi -sed t- t.".
No. on roll. 89, aver atten. 36.5.
G. S. Howard, teacher.
er.; ,i4 clenot :-. that pupil
nage i ,::, . or mere exams.
Sr. III—Honore, Dorothy Dinney,
SS; Russel Collingwood, 79; Violet
Gambrill, 78; \'s'illie Ellerington, 78.
Pass, Lillian Payne, 78; CIifford
Lampert, 7 t; Nelson Wells, 69; Roy
Sanders, 69; Jeae Walper, 67; Geq.
Andrew, 56; Loretta Little, 60*
Ilaruld alaelani::ald, 56 ; Mabel
nal. t! e; c ineeliFc Loader, 33*
Jr. III—Honors, Itay mond Pryde,
85; Gerald Skinner, .5 2; Jennie Bu-
chanan, 80; Madeline Stewart, 78;
Joe. Creech, 77; Grace Christie, 75;
Jean Sheere, 75. Pass, Rosie Jen-
nings, 74; I-Iaei Bloomfield, 69;
Clads Hutcl insoa, 57; Lois Stat-
ham, ,67; !Lena leeetle, 57; Cecil
Laing, 66;. Ruth 7aikwill, 65; Harry
Cole 0 4; eas. Jaeksou, 64; Verne
:3rjmacoriil„ 63; Ruh Collingwood,
60; Gladys Smith, 59; Grafton Coch-
rane, 55°: ;` Lloyd Freckieton, 52*;
Justin Kuhn, 5 1' ; Kenneth Ward,
49*; Helen Vale, 47; Wallace Sel-
don, 39 Margaret Martin, 32*;
Richard Trumper, 320; Melville,
Simmons, 18*; Claire . Smith, 15*.
No. enrolled 48, aver atten. 39.5.
• J. S. Murray, teacher.
Form III Jr. --honors, Mary^Cann,
87; Muriel Kaye, 79; Helen Stan-
bury, 79; Dorothy Cox, 79; Helen
Heywood, 78 Margueriteuerite Bloom-
field, 77. Pass; Hugh Wolper, 74;
Wm. Nelson, 73; Jack Hedden, 72;
Kenneth Vale, 71; Margaret Eller-
ington, 68; Clayton Batten, 59.
Form II Sr.: honors, Ruby Stone,
95; Dorothy Davis, 89,;s,Stella Little,
88; Jean Penhale, 88 Marion Davis,.
87; Florence Cornish, 84; .Allan
Fraser, 82; Constance Jennings, 82.
Pass, Edith Kestle, 7 6; Helen Salter,
73; Wm. Burke, 64.
Form II Jr.—honors, Chester .Cor-
nish, 9 0; Marguerite Cann 86; Thos.
Ellerington, 85; Jack Stanbury, 84;
Florence Stewart, 81; Viola Hodg-
son, 79; Lois Macdonald, 77. 'Pass,
Allan Quance, 69 ; Eddie Ward, 61;
Elmer Hunkin, 57; Harold Beavers;
No. enrolled 43, aver. atten. 39.
Owing to illness a number of pu
Ails were absent and missed tests. .
Sr. II—Honors, Kenneth Hockey,
84; Howard Kerslake, 83; Jean Ross
83; Ruth Fraser, 82; Dorothy Luker
81; Vera Nestle, 76. Pass, Jean
Pilau, 67.
Jr. ILA—Honors, Edith Clysdalta,
89; Aledine Stone, 81. Pass, Allen
Nelson„ 74; Stanley Ward, 74; Eil-
een Snell, 68; . Teddy Batten, 66;
Mavis Spencer, 65; Billy Walter, 62.
Jr. IIB—Honors, Helen Wolper,
90; Rowe Dinney, 82; Ray Creech,
81; Roy Hutchinson, 77; May
Quante, 76; Seidon Buchanan, 75;
(absent, Helen Trumper, Irene
Mooney, Margaret Taman, Reba Sim-
Promoted to Sr. I—Honors, Grace
Baker, 95; Eileen. Cornish, 89; Edith
Cann, 88; Raymond Freckleton, 84;
Fred Ellerington, . 78; Jack Pryde,
77; May Sims, 73; Harry 'Penhale,
71. Pass, Gerald Bagshaw. Absent,
Patsy Martin, Hazel Clark, Verne
Smith, Clifford Heywood, Charlie
Jr. Ie.—Honors, Harold Ross, S5;
Warren Sanders, 81; absent, Gordon
May, Gordon Appleton, 1.
No. enrolled 44, Av. attend 37.43.
N. Medd, teacher.
01 V=Honors, Harry Beaver, 89;
Vivian Elliott, Elizabeth Foote, 81;
Phyllis Bierling 77; Charlie 'Cox 76;
Verdun Wells, 75.
Cl. IV—Honors, Gladys Stone, 91;
Jean . Stanbury, 89; Norval Jones,
85; Jessie Jennings, 82.
Cl. III—Honors, Charlie Snell 80;
Ray Smith, 77; Annie Cox, 76. Pass,
Ivan Webber, 69.
Cl. II—Honors, Mildred Quanee,
91; Billy Penhale, 84; Robena Hun -
kin, Harry Kestle, 82; Lloyd Stan -
lake, 80; Florence Snell, 69; Walter
Davis, '63; Cecil Smith, 60.
Cl. I—Arranged in order of merit.
Marjorie Foote, Lorne Howey, Wal-
ter Hooper, Violet Luker, Orville
Webber, Eileen Sims, Gerald Corn-
ish, David Kestle.
Number enrolled 44, Aver. Atten 34.
Olive M. Taylor, teacher.
The Municipal Council of the
township of Usborne met at the Tp.
Hall on Saturday, May 31st in its
monthly meeting. All the members
were present with the Reeve in the
chair. The minutes of the meeting
of May 3rd were read and approved
on motion of Skinner—Ballantyne.
Stewart—Hanna: That 100 week-
ly reports be ordered for the use of
the Road Superintendent as required
by the Highways Department. Car-
A Court of Revision on the Mc-
Dougall Drain Assessment was held
as per announcement of By -Law. Al-
most a full representative of the as-
sessed parties being present, the By-
Law was read and fully considered.
Skinner—Hanna: That the 11Ic-
Dougall Drain By -Law being No. 6,
1924, be finally adopted. Carried.
John Rowcliffe on behalf, of the
Trustees of Hensall Union Cemetery,
interviewed the Council re draining
and improving the Usborne-Tucker-
sborne Tucker-
slnith Boundary opposite the Cemet-
ery grounds. Stewart -Hanna: that
the player of the petition be granted
and that this.township bear half the
cost. Carried.
Several complaints having come to
the council from parties whose cows,
wearing legal township tags and run-
ning at large, were being dogged.
The followiz'g action was taken on
motion of Hanna—Stewart: Notice
is hereby given that this Council will
prosecute anyone found guilty of
continuing this practise in the face
of this notice.- Carried.
Ballantyne— Skinner: That the
following bills • be passed and orders
issued for. the payment of same:
Thos. Hunkin, equalization of S.S.
No. 12 (Un.) Ass't $5; Thos. Morley
dragging Bidd. Bdy. our share 1.55;
Jno. W. Stewart and others repairs
to implements, snow work 3.90; Cor-
rugated Pipe Co. 1 steel pipe 18"x-
24' W 1.95, 46.80; Almer Stewart.
tile for Hibb. Bdy. 1.90; Thos. Hun-
kin, grave con. 8, $2; Jas. McElrea,
gray. No. 4, .ext. $5; Thos. Brock,
snow work ext. rd. 8, $2; Chas.
Dobbs, snow work Rd. 4, $5; Muni-
cipal World Assessor's reports, 35c;
Exeter Salt Works, salt for hedge
con. 4, 21.60; Harry Ford work on
Rd. 11, $22.50; Wm. Moodie, work
on Tp. roads for May, 57.20; Garnet
McFalls, engineer grading, 43.05;
Jno. Johns reps. to grader $17; Ross
Taylor Co. bridge lumber Rd 7, 4.55.
Carried .
Council adj. to meet Sat. July, 5th
1924 at 1 p.m.
Henry Strang, Clerk.
� TO
T.1 -LE HALL at
ON TUESDAY, JUNE IOth, at 8 am
When, a PLAY ,hd'
: 3 ACTS
ivill.:be Iguvnn :by the .
entitled ;
CRICK. ` .. .
An Orchestra' will be int .attendance
and will furnish music between acts,:
At the dorsa of the program A
'IANO in good condition will be
offered for sale by ;public auction;,
the property of—the 1Womenee Institute
Admission 25c. and 15c, en aid of
the W. I.
Miss' G. Margate -
Sec'y-Trees H.' Kinsman, teachers' Kr, J -• Watson,' Ail.ationeer, •
Central,aa .
Mrs. Ketely was :,ipn ?St. Thonia,s last
week as delegate tg,�tlaeiW. M, S. con-
vention, held lin Tt+hat'4t4tya
Sunday school an Sunday next will
be held at 10,30, ,aacl the church ser-
vices withdrawn in, the inornlag, The
evening service wall be Laken charge
of by i'Ir, 'Geo. ,Pt,antley of Luear.
Rev Ritely will be ;absent owi,ag to
Conference Week iia Windsor.
ears. Kenit is v.asiiiiing with her
daughter la Stratford this week.
Mr. Chas. Fairhall spent lel few days
Windsor last week, ,
Vers Willert is visiting with friends
in Stratford this week.
Mr, and ,Mrs. L. Mills of Woodham
visited with Mr and Mrs. H. Mille
an Suy, t
\ereddangndabells will soon be ringing
in this vicinity.
Centralia is having a Strawberry
Aestival and Gardena Party on the
afternoon of June •26th -
\,\rilson, nee Florae ?VTcDonell
of Detroit was vusitin,g her co-tyain;
Mrs. John ;t\IcQue,eni, • sr,, and while
here she ;erected a very. fine rluon,•-
ument to her ,parents in .i1LcTaggart's
Mrs. James Horton, who lata quite
sick last week le better again.
`'Marrs Belle Bri,mtntell agent the week
end at her honlle.. •
Glen Broadfoot sof Goderich was
borne for a day:
alas, John Bolton and Mrs. Welling-
ton Kerslake 'entertained the Huron -
dale Women's Jinstitute on Wednesday
Miss Mae Faairburn; spent a i•ew clays
with heraunt, Mrs..Kterslake, .
I have. a full line of Hunt's Choice
Baking Flours; also aa assorted line
of Robinson's chocolate bars.
On Tuesday ,evserii,ng of last week
Mr Robert Sweet, one Of • Credite,',si
highly esteemed residents, passed raway
to the great beyond, lag the age of 84
years and 5 months. The deceased
was born in Cornwall, England, and
when semen years of ;age came with
his parents to this ;country, and settled
on the farm where he lived until the
time of his death. Mr. Sweet was
among the first pioneers, and during
his life he witnessed many. transforrn;-
ations throughout this sectilonv. an
1863 be married Jane Neil, who pre-
deceased him four years. Thereare
left to mourn his doss ,hour daughters
and two sons, Wks,. eVe.j. Meade, Bind -
loss, Alta., .Lars. Louis Towers, Cal-
vin, N.D., Mrs. W. R. Sando, Crystal
City, C\lan., Mrs. Richard Hill, Exeter.
William of Olds' Altai„ Eli of Islay,
Alta The funeral was ::held on Sun-
day from the borne of Mr. Richard 11i11
and was largely attended by; sympath-
izing friends, interment being made; in
the Exeter cemetery. The pall bearers
were Messrs. Geo:, Hirtzel, Geo:, Law --
son, Albert King, ,Eli ,„ Jas. Flynn
and .Noble Scott. Those who attend-
ed the funeral ir••om a distance, were—
Mrs. V. J Meade, Mrs W. F. Sande,
air, and ;Mrs. Geo,. aeennedy, Mr. and
Airs. Frank Kennedy, of Etterick, Mr.
Wm. Neil .an;d family of West Lorne.
Mr. Garnet Sims, our telephone
operator, left for a week's vacation,
spending the 3rd of June an Port
Huron, he also will visit in Mitchell,
Hamilton, Kitchener, Toronto and
New' Hamburg and several other
places during his visit.
The funeral of the late Robt.
Sweet took place from the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Richard Hill, to
the Exeter cemetery on Sunday, the
funeral being largely attended. We
extend our sympathy to the bereav-
Mr. Harrison Holtzman, of Detroit
visited Mrs. H. Holtzman and Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Heist and his mother
for a. few days the past week:
Mr. and Mrs Dyer, of Detroit, vis-
ited in the village over the week-
end. r
We are pleased to report that Mrs.
Chas. Eilber is well enough to re-
turn to her home on Saturday from
St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Rev. D. McTavish is attending
Conference 111 Windsor, this week,
leaving Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Raymond. English, of Kitch-
ener, is visiting at the home of Mr,
J. English for a few days.
Mr. Chris Rau who has- been laid
up for some time is able to be a-
round again with the aid of crutch-
Mr. and' Mrs. H. K. Eilber are at
tetnding the funeral of Mrs. Eilber's
aunt in Lucknow.
Mr. Pl. Eilber, is at present con: -
fined to his bed with rheumatism.
We hope he will soon be around a-
The tool shed on the township lot
has been completed and Mr. G. 3Eil-
, ber is painting it, which will add
muo1i to the improvement.
Mrs. 0. Brown .accompanied by
her son and are daughtervisitingat
h home of Mr. andMrs. H. P. Eil-
bere EI
ber for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber were in
London Saturday on business.
Ford cars still uphold their tradi-
tion'. A well and favorably known
citizen left his car the street one
evening ashort tine ago, while he
went into a business place, and when.
he returned his car has well down
the road for home, after being stop-
ped by a marble -footed young man;
who was able to overtake it. • Our
advice to n'iotoristsis tie 'em up.
BLANSHA.RD—F,ollowine a lengthy
illness Wm. T. Radley of Cara. 11,
dead in 'his .65th year, Besides his
wife he is survived by two sons, Clar-
ence of London, and .Calrltacl, of Blatt: -
shard, and aner daughter, Mrs. C. S.
Elliott;.' Teendoneet ene,
w Clandeboye
The annual rn eting of the; Ladies'
Aid of the tiVeethodi,st Church vas,.
held in the scb,00lrooare on Wed, May
28.' The president, Mrs. Margaret Love
bas • resigned owing to ill-he:al,tl, Tlie
officers" for the year are as 4:allows ;
President Mrs. Hiram Windsor, vice--
president, airs, Thos. Brooks; -•e.c'y,
l4las, E, `Collins,• 'trees,, tliisst•A. Hodg-.
ins : organist, 'Mrs, Wm, Lewis. The
financial report shows a very auccess-
ful year.
The. Hurondale W. I. 'he14 their. ;tau-
nual Meeting on Wednesday ,May 28
at the home of Mrs. J. Balton with
Mies. W. Kerslake as la,ssistinggg
The secretary reported a ;very suc-
cessful year with a membership of 52.
and a average attendance of about 40.
Total receipts $219.5S; expendi-
tur,e, 5153,18.
Goods were purchased -and dresses
made and sent to (thechildren's Shelter
Goderich, a !barrel of fruit was ship-
ped to the Sick Children's Hospital
and $10.00 to the American fund.
Paper towels were bought for the
It was planned that a picnic will take''
the place of the June; meeting;
The following officers were telecte.d
Hon, Pres. Mrs. A. $Cas,e; area,
A. J Ford; 1st wine prase Mrs.
Cudmore; 2nd vice pnea. ;Mrs.:0, Alli -
ton; secy.-trees, Miss N. Reddy;'
assist; secy, Miss J. +Strang; distance
director; rinse H, Keddy; branch dir-
ectors, 'airs. F. Down, Airs. R. Kydd,
Mrs!: S. Mcqueen,; district Irepreseata-
tives, MVLrs Feed, ,Mrs. Cudmore, Mrs,
lrvJ tthell, Mrs'. J. Bolton, Mrs, Welsh;
pianist, Miss. M, Pym,
Fester—Heywood—A very pretty
event took place at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Wellington Skinner, when
Lillie Mae, y ounigest daughter of Mr.
anal sirs Jaynes 1-Ieywood lot Elitnviile,
was united in marriage to Mr. Ernest
5, Foster second son p2 Mr. and 'Mrs,.
John Foster of Granton, :which was
solemnized at high noon on Wednes-
day, June 4th, in (the b>resenc•e of about
75 guests. Rev. E. Livingstone, ,pastor
of Elimville '\iethodist . church, offic-
iated. The bride/ who was given in
marriage by her father, entered the
drawing room to the ;strains of Lohen-
grin bridal chorus, played 'by Mrs.,
Wellington. Skinner, who was gowned
in blue brocaded canton crepe. Thea
bride looked charming in a gown of
ivory brocaded canton; crepe, •^rimmed
with pearls and satin, Her only or-
nament was the groom's gift, a rope
of pearls. She wore the customary
bridal veil caught with orange blos-
soms and pearls on her prettily arrang-
ed hair, She carried a shower bou-
quet at ophelia roses and fern tied
with white. .satin streamers, The .cer-
emony took {place beneath an arch of
white streamers and large white bell,
Mee Heywood and Mrs. Foster, sr.,
received the guests, After congratu-
lations all repaired to the, dinning room
where a dainty wedding dinner was
served by friends of the bride and
groom, The groom's gilt to- 'the,pian-
ist was a white gold bar pin, Mr. Percy
Foster acted as usher. Mr. and Mrs.
Foster left on the :evealdng train far
Toronto, Niagara and points east, the
bride. travelling in a navy 'tailored suit
with hat tamatch. Guests were present
from Londono St, Marys, uldcrton., Lu -
can, Kirkton, Woodham and Granton
School Reports
Thefollowing is the report of S.S.
No. 2 Usborne, for the month of May
arranged in order of standing and
judged on daily work.
Sr. IV—Earl Allen, Alex, Rohde,
Eric Campbell, Charlie Stewart.
Jr. IV—Stewart Campbell, Jack
Gollings, Alvin Cottle.
Sr. III—Kathleen Wiseman, Ivan
Stewart, Tommy Allen.
Jr. III-1liarguerite Rohde, Lyda
Stewart, Jean Russell.
Jr. II—Bernice Gollings, Arthur
Rohde, Isabella Chidley, Pearl Mc-
Nichol, Howard Johns.
Sr. I—Willie Stewart.
Jr. I—Jean Chidley, Bert Borland,
Doreen Campbell, Jessie Monteith.
Sr. • Pr.' --Jean Duncan, Miller
Campbell, Tommy Campbell.
Pr.—Moreen McNieol, Marjorie
Stewart, Mary Johns. Loreen Bor-
The Huron County Social Servjce
Council will hold their Anhual
Convention an Wesley
Church, Clinton,
Tuesday, June 17
of the
cers, the Municipal Chainman and
• will meet at 10 a.m. and
the general session well begin! at 1.30
p,m., when r the •aieig u1ari,•businesee'of: the
Convention will be discussed, prom-
inent among, which will :be pee.paratioir
for the. coming ,glebissche:
Supper will be served uln,the Church
at 6 o'clock, to be gnawed by short
Theevaeaing meeting will 'began at
8 o'clock and be..Ituddres,sed by prom-.
ineaut speakers.
All Ch'urch and Social Service, organ
izations ane urged to 'send large. del- •
J, A, IRWIN, lerasiident
W. H. MILLIS;Secretary
A. T. 'COOPER, Clinton, ,+
, .., ,,eateicaceSe satarea) ,
• F
That this Bank is anxious to assist the agri-
cultural development of Canada is shown
by the fates that two-thirds of our borrowing
customers are farmers.
An application for credit from' you will
be given the most considerate treatment. 586
Capital Paid
Exeter Brenda •
Crediton Branch
Dashwood Branch
Up $20,000,000
Reserve Fund $20,000,000
M. R. Complin, Manager
• G. G. Maynard, Manager
G. G. Maynard, Manager
CAPITAL $4,00D,000
RESERVE $5,000,000
Explain to your wife the convenience of a oh:ecking
s'avisigs account, or perhaps just drop i,n aith dyer at
any blanch of the Molso ns Bank—and let hes .open
an account.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Big Bargains in Furniture
At Gardiner's
O:rectoi of Funeral Services
Day and Night Service.
Business Phone 74w
Mb'ton• and Horse Equi,pm:nt,
Opera House Block.
Night Call 74j
land, Clifford Allen.
No. enrolled 31, aver atten.29.
M. G. Johns, teacher.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 1, Usborne, for the month of Ap-
ril and May.
V Cl.—Mervyn Cudmore, 72;
Pearl Wood, absent.
Sr. IV—Honors, Harold Horton;•
81; Harvey Hyde, 79. Pass, Helen
Mbir, 72; Vernia Oke, 68;, Maurice
Boa, absent.
Jr. IV --Honors, Kathleen Strang,
92; Reta Oke, 88; Archie Ethering-
ton, 88; Jack Horton, 87; Eva Boa,
82; Violet Hyde, 81. Pass, Mervyn
Dunn, 57; Geo. Boa, 56; Joe Moy-
eart, absent.
Sr. III—Honors, Marie Squires,
92; Pearl Moir, 90.
Jr. Iil—Honors, Bernice Horton,
91; Alma Etherington, 89; James
Miller, 85; Gordon Block, 77.
Jr. II—Honors, Lillian Miller, 85.
Sr. I—Honors, Harold Cudmore,
85; Paul Boa, 84; Elmore Dunn, 79.
Jr, I—Honors, Marjorie Oke, 86;
Fern Welsh, 85; Margaret Parsons,
84; RDss Oke, 83; Richard Ethering-
tno, 76; Douglas Stewart, 75.
Pr.—Dorothy Welsh, 70; Everett
Miller, 69; Ray Squires, 68; Edith
Horton, 67.
No. enrolled 36, aver atten. 32.
M. Horton, teacher.
3 STEPHEN, for the !month of May :
Sr. 4—Rosa Dearing 66, Eli Christie 56.
Sr. 3—Ella Dearing 50. Jr. 3—Mar-
garet Penbale 8.4, Earl Christie 75,
Greta Dearing 53, Bernice Sanders: 52.
Sr. 2—Leland Jory 69. Jr. 2—Gladys!
Penhale 84, Willie, Stanlake'60,, "Murray
Scott 53. Sr. 1—Douglas Trie.bner !91
]'r. 1—Ray Jory 94, /Robe Buie 89. Sr.
Pruner—Howard Laverty. Jr, Primer—
Grace Penliale, Percy Willis,
Number on ea11, 17; average; attend-
ance, 16,1,—A. J. Harding, 'reacher.
Just What You've Been Waiting For!
Annual STR. G w" EY
ch t
® •._ ® Excursion
and return,
Leaving Tales
$3.50 round trip
one way
This is an event that comes but once a year—don't miss'itl Take this
restful, balmy lake ride to Detroit—visit the amusements, the great indus-
trial factories; and you can shop there, too. There'll be music, dancing
and appetizing meals aboard. Be on deck withall the home folk.
�... !1.1 mi'
w�! a A� !�i � t 11:1
,-twhiRii. ttlu,l(llllgDER
On Tuesday, June 10, the Steamer
Greyhound will leave Goderich at
9;30 a. m., stopping at Port Huron
1:30: p. m. and arriving Detroit at
5:30 p. m. Remain in Detroit over
Wednesday and returning, leave for
Goderich Thursday, June 12th,
p an.
See Ty Cobb
and BabeRuth
Ru h
The New York Yankees and De
troit Tigers will battle for base ball
honorsat Navin Field, Detroit,on
Wednesday, June 11. This is your
opportunity to see the two greatest
stars of baseball in action -Ty
Cobb and Babe Ruth.
Last trip to Detroit leaves Goderich
Friday.June 13, 9:30 a. m.
out of Goderich
Mon ay, June 9
8:30 p.
Adults 50c Children 25c
Enjoy this delightful three hour
sail on beautiful Lake Huron.
Finzel's dance orchestra aboard.