Huron Expositor, 2017-06-14, Page 22 Huron Expositor • Wednesday. June 14. 2017
Shadowing Ontario Education
Act obligations, Wellness
Feast & Festival reaches
Seaforth soil for the first time
Shaun Gregory Cooperative Team Games
Huron Expositor with staff from Camp Kintail,
Mindfulness with Julie Tal -
Prompting students to bot, and Health Unit Out -
walk a path in life with a pos- reach led by Health Unit staff
itive sense of self, influenced including Michelle Carter,
by the province—last month Liz Higgins and Bonnie
Seaforth Public School chap- Baynham.
eroned a family affair for the Thanks to a dedicated
first time known as the Well- bunch of students each table
ness Feast & Festival. was topped with floral
Following the fundamen- arrangements by Blooms n'
tals of Ontario's Well -Being Rooms in Seaforth.
Strategy for Education, fami- Before chowing down on a
lies were encouraged to full -spread meal, a local
embrace four areas of well- Huron -Perth map was show-
ness with respect to the cased promoting each local
domains farm/grower/business,
of cognitive, physical, men- where specific food items
tal and social. had derived from.
The province sees this "All of the food was pre- Shaun Gregory
not only as a part in parcel pared by the students as Huron Expositor
of a renewed vision for edu- they incorporated safe
cation but it's also some- food handling and prepa- A mother is overflowing
thing they've been "collec- ration skills, along with with an array of emotions
tively" developing for learning about the local stemming from her daugh-
several years. connection of how their ter's kindergarten classmates
A suiting fit for every food has traveled from at Seaforth Public School who
school board in Ontario, "farm to fork" in order to are takinga stand for her inca-
specifically seeing as it has arrive o n their plates," pacities on the playground.
been an obligation through a said vice principal at SPS, Last week the students
revision of the Education Act Kathleen Padfield -Jackson who Amber Feeney calls
back in 2009. through emails. "amazing little humans"
A variety of sessions were "It was a brilliant collabo- wrote a letter to the principal
showcased to a 100 -person ration of students, staff, fam- of SPS requesting that her
audience in SPS's gymna- ilies and the Seaforth School five-year-old daughter Char-
s i um, including Cardio Advisory Committee.... and lie Brown, who is diagnosed
Dance Fitness with Kathy certainly left well-fed and with Dystonic Cerebral
Rivett, Fit Body Boot Camp well-informed about well- Palsy, Epilepsy, and Cortical
with Nadine VandenHeuvel, ness. " Visual Impairment have a
SPS Kindergarten class
take a stand to build swing
for friend with disabilities
Ar little humans"
write a letter
to principal
pleading for a
fellow classmate
to have special
built on the
swing built to suit her physi-
cal needs.
"Reading the letter was
emotional. Happy emotions
of course, I was in awe over
the fact (that) these children
believe in equality," stated
Feeney, 29, June 8 through
Required to use a wheel-
chair --Brown is non-verbal,
unable to sit, stand or walk
independently; Feeney said
during recess time and such,
besides being lugged
around-- there is not much
for her to do.
First, an in-depth evalua-
tion from Brown's in -
school physiotherapist and
occupational therapist must
be completed to move for-
ward and then if a swing
were to be installed seeing as
Brown has limited upper
body control, it would have
to be constructed with
proper supportive seating to
ensure her safety. difficult task to be repeated we get from them, she said.
Ideally, a piece of equip- throughout a school's day. "It is definitely difficult
ment capable of strapping to Recently Feeney was told finding proper equipment
the wheelchair as a whole that a letter has been sent to for Charlie to use. We go
would be the most proficient the Avon Maitland School through a lot of trials before
cited Feeney as transferring in Board "and we (will) have to finding what's best suited to
and out of a swing would be a wait and see what response her needs."
Five-year-old Charlie Brown's classmates at Seaforth Public
School have taken a stand for her, so she can be part of the
playground environment like all the other kids. They recently
wrote a letter to the principal requesting for a special swing to be
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KA laves out Oufdoor 'i vne
friend Charlie likes outsides
• We ore sod Charlie can.}swin5
S nod fn�r �
K dti us. We think if dun. We j��e
5yx, needs� Charlie
lOceS to play +hat) C
We woo Id like a swing Charlie.I
SVie would like feel �o�"'3. going �3ti I
We Couldd ma �' a t ssw
n For e Wo�id help
and push her.
Ref .body
would feel happy
would smile. We like it- w%en
Charlie smiles Ne sv Ji
• would fed happy to
Charlie. .�r
Please can we have a swirl
our criend Charlie ?
-h,K You
Courtesy of Amber Feeney's Facebook
Here is the letter the Seaforth Public School kindergartens
recently wrote to their principal.