Huron Expositor, 2017-04-19, Page 13Wednesday, April 19, 2017 • Huron Expositor 13
CIIHISIIS. class pairs up with Huron Residential Hospice
Justine Alkema
Clinton News Record
C.H.S.S.'s Communication
Technology program is at it
again, this time brainstorm-
ing for the Central Huron
Residential Hospice.
On Wednesday, April 12,
one class spent all day in the
Libro Community I-lall for
ICE training, which stands
for "innovation, creativity
and entrepreneurship''
ICE training is part of the
Specialist High Skills Major
(SHSM) program; many of
the students in the class that
participated are high skills
majors in information and
communication technology.
Jay McFarlan, co -Chair of
the Huron Residential Hos-
pice Site Development Com-
mittee, got in touch with the
school with the idea to engage
the youth in raising awareness
of the residential hospice.
"It's about communicating
a message," he said. "It's
about getting people to
understand what hospice is
and care about it."
Information and Commu-
nication Technology teacher
Jacqui Vercruyssen said, "He
knew that we had a compre-
hensive communications
program, so in his role, he
was looking for some assis-
tance in those areas - for
communicating information
about the residential hospice
and engaging the youth of
ICE training is meant to
reflect "real world" business
processes. They were given a
challenge question by Avon
Maitland SHSM Support
Lead Ken Bailey which was,
"How can we help
the residential hospice with
fundraising and sharing
The day included coming
up with ideas and working
their way through those,
finding the viability of them,
and at the end of the day,
pitching their refined ideas
to McFarlan.
The class will continue
working with him to bring
these ideas to fruition.
Vercruyssen pointed out
how important it is for the
students to feel engaged and
take ownership for happen-
ings in the community. One
day, if their grandparent is in
the residential hospice, they
will know they were a part of
bringing awareness to it. The
class is also creating material
for the new splash pad, and
Vercruyssen said it's the
same thing; they can go to
the splash pad and know
they were a part of it.
At the end of the process,
McFarlan said they are look-
ing at producing "videos,
social media campaigns, and
all the latest apps that this
generation is using that I
don't even know about. It
gets the youth engaged
through a medium that they
He noted that it's impor-
tant to reach youth for
many reason, including
that if youth are engaged in
something, a lot of other
people take notice and are
more likely to pay attention
to it too. Also, as that gen-
eration grows up over the
next 20-40 years, they will
understand the importance
of hospice and teach their
families about that
St. Anne's at Sears
Drama Festival Regionals
A number of St. Anne's
students were in Cambridge
from April 3-8 for the Sears
Ontario Drama Festival
Regionals. They were able to
attend this event after receiv-
eceiving several awards at the dis-
trict festival in Lis-
towel on March 22-25.
Teacher Crystal Brennan -
Yeo said the student per-
formed their best show to
date. They received an
uproarious standing ovation
and many praises that even-
ing and throughout the rest
of the week on their show.
Their play "It's Not You,
It's Me" is a comedy about
relationships gone wrong.
Only two schools out of 15
advanced to the provincial
showcase. Although St.
Anne's did not make it to the
next level, they did receive
an award of merit; Courtney
Groot received this certifi-
cate for her work directing
this show. The students
spent four days immersed in
the theatre and were blessed
to attend a series of work-
shops based in mask, stage
combat, directing, playwrit-
ing, acting, auditioning,
dance and props creation.
Photos courtesy of Jacqui Vercruyssen
Some students having fun while brainstorming. From left to right are Tristan, Austin, Ethan, Ty and James.
Jay McFarlan, co -Chair of the Huron Residential Hospice Site
Development, stands by while some students work.
Julie and Bryanna work in the Libro Community Hall on April 12.
Photo courtesy of Crystal Brennan -Yeo
The St. Anne's cast and crew of "It's Not You, It's Me" that attend the Sears Ontario Drama Festival Regionals in Cambridge. The
group attended the Butterfly Conservatory while they were there.