Huron Expositor, 2017-04-12, Page 1212 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Canada's 150th anniversary front and centre at Conservation Dinner
Feature artist Iveculture Inc. creates Canadian- in his toast, the importance of the
themed ice sculpture at centre stage of 28th Battle of Vimy Ridge. Lobb noted the
100th anniversary of that milestone
gala charitable auction fundraiser in support battle was only days away - on April
of community projects in watershed 9. That date is the 100th anniversary
of four divisions of Canadian infantry
The bold red of the maple leaf was Ben Lobb, Member of Parliament having stormed Vi my Ridge, i n
visible as four hundred people filled for Huron -Bruce, was one of four northern France, during the First
the South Huron Recreation Centre volunteer auctioneers at the charity World War. The Canadian infantry
on April 6, 2017. A giant flag of Can- event. He made the toast to Canada advanced, under heavy fire from
ada and a finely -detailed 14 -foot- to begin an evening where linen ser- machine guns, even when officers
wide ice sculpture, with a Canadian viettes on the table were bright red in were killed. The battle has been
theme, greeted the crowd at the 28th colour and the Canadian flag was on called a "defining moment" in Cana -
Conservation Dinner The impressive, centre stage, as other Canada flags dian history. 'We're so close to April 9
intricate ice sculpture, with artistic were beside the stage and at the back ... the 100th anniversary of the Battle
representations of maple leaves and of the room, and small flags and pins of Vimy Ridge," Lobb said. "So close
logs etched into the design, was cre- of the Canada flag were on the tables. to April 9, in our 150th year, what a
ated by this year's feature artist, Ice- The guests toasted the 150th anni- truly fitting tribute," he continued.
culture Inc. Red -iced cupcakes were versary of Canadian Confederation "There is no other country like this
incorporated into the ice sculpture. with Ontario wine, from Dark I -corse one, no other country with the natu-
South Huron District High School Estate Winery Inc., in shot glasses ral beauty ... the only thing I feel that
students, directed by Kate Milner made of ice, courtesy of Iceculture. surpasses the beautyof the country is
and Isaac Moore, sang 0 Canada. The Huron -Bruce MP mentioned, the people who live in this country.
Bin Rental
Construction projects
Roofing debris
Estate clean-ups
Competitive rates
Greg Taylor
ea orthhuronex'
That is what makes this country Can- business has served markets all over
ada and what makes it the best coun- Europe, the Middle East, and Asia
try to live in, bar none. God bless and has completed projects in South
Canada and God bless all of you." Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and
There were other anniversaries to Japan. Iceculture's world-wide
celebrate as well at the Conservation impact has been shared in 58 coun-
Dinner. Exeter Lions Club President tries either through the artistic
Craig Hebert noted that Lions Clubs expression of its ice sculptures or
International is celebrating its 100th through specialized machinery,
anniversary in 2017. Lions Clubs equipment, and expertise.
International is described as the "This year we have a spectacular
world's largest service club organiza- ice sculpture behind us, said Bob
tion with more than 1.4 million mem- Radtke, Chairman of the Ausable
bers and more than 46,000 clubs. The Bayfield Conservation Foundation,
Exeter Lions Club, chartered in 1937, as he welcomed guests to the Dinner.
is celebrating its 80th anniversary of Conservation Dinner Co -Chair Janet
community service, said Hebert. The Clarke thanked all the donors and
Conservation Dinner and the projects sponsors, guests, artists, and volun-
it supports help to create the same teers who make the fundraiser possi-
"sense of community" that Exeter ble. She also thanked the feature art -
Lions Club members foster with their ist. "We are honoured to have
other efforts, as per their motto, 'we lceculture as our featured artist, she
serve.' "Thank you very much from said.
the Lions Club of Exeter," he told the Iceculture founder Julian Bayley
crowd. The Exeter Lions' President thanked the Conservation Dinner
made the club's service work in the committee for having chosen his
community more personal by firm as the 2017 Feature Artist. "To
recounting the story of a student be chosen by the Committee is an
whose eye condition prevented him honour," he said. "Thank you for giv-
from fully taking part in classroom ing us the opportunity to showcase
learning. "There was a piece of equip- Iceculture and tell you a little bit
ment that would allow him to partici- about our business" He said Icecul-
pate in his lessons," I Iebert recalled. ture's craftsmanship is a little differ -
The Lions bought this piece of equip- ent than the art of some other fea-
ment The boy's parents came back to ture artists selected by the Dinner
a meeting a little later and "they were Committee over the event's 28 -year -
so happy their son could participate history. He noted that the firm's
in the classroom activities every day" work "doesn't hang on walls" and
He said examples like this show "what that an artistic creation at Iceculture
we're all about" at the Lions Club. is the product of the work of many
The auction event on April 6 was people. Accordingly, he recognized
also an opportunity to congratulate the talented and hard-working staff
Hensall's Iceculture as a Canadian of lceculture whose ice art makes a
success story- an international suc- lasting impression around the
cess story, in fact. The family-owned world.