The Exeter Advocate, 1923-12-20, Page 2uarantee
is the am e
he asked at Inst abruptly, swinging '.
back in his seat and looking at, his
"No. Why?"
"Golden is the Gretna Green of Den-
ver, you know*. When young people
elope they go to :Golden. ,When a
couple gets married and doesn't want
le known they choose Golden. Very
convenient spot." .
"I'm not figuring on gettin' married
right now,'•+ the cattleman said, smile
S4S8 in "Still yeti might find a visit to the.
place interesting and useful. I was
there on business a couple of weeks
(To be continued.)
He Made the Crew.
"I've made the crew!" cried Frank
Mason as he burst in upon his family.
"That will mean harder training
now," said Frank's pastor, -olio was
calling upon the family.
"Yes," wa,s the eager reply, "it will
be the real thing now. I must be
ready to step into the boat at six
o'clock every morning, and every daY
that the water is fit we must row hard
for an' hour, and if we can't go out
there are rowing machines for us to
'practice on There's other training
too and then early to bed!"
"And your diet?"
"Oh, yes, it's all carefully regu-
lated," said':'Frank.
"Frank," exclaimed the pastor, with
It insures tea that is fresh,
fragrant • and Frare — Try it.
Tangled Trails
(Copyright, Thomas Allen.)
CHAPTER XXIL—(Cont'd.) I couldn't tell what he knew any more
than his cousin could. The part play -
"I'm sure you do. We all want to ed by Rose and Esther Mclean in the
odof lthat. The surest way to get it out story barred him from the luxury of his face shining, "you make rhe jeal-
andour minds is to solve find out who is guilty. That'se swhy truth -telling. Moreover, he had no ous! What splendid enthusiasm row
I want you to tell me a few things to real evidence
a k did nowt know how strback his ong they ing has aroused we should havesn you! if we couldtonlyoin
spire our young people with similar
enthusiasm for Christ's service!,
clear up my mind." restraining influence was.
"But I don't know anything about «i didn't say I was going to 'phone.
it—nothing at all, Why should you I said I'd a jolly good mind to," Cun-
come to me?"
"When did you last see my uncle
"What a dreadful question! It was you one more piece of advice, too.
—let me think—in the afternoon—the Come clean with what you know. I'm
day before—" goin' to find out, anyhow. Make up
"And you parted from him on the your mind to that. I'm goin' through
best of terms?" with this job till it's done."
"Of course." "You'll pull off your Sherlock -
He leaned toward her ever so little, Holmes stuff in jail, then, for I'm go -
his eyes level with hers and steadily ing to ask James to get off your bond,"
fastened upon her. "That's the last Jack retorted vindictively.
time you saw him—until you went to! "As you please about that," Lane
his rooms at the Paradox the night he ; said quietly.
was killed?" "He'll choose between you or me. Many people these days are Pur- dippedin the stain and squeezed out,
She had lifted her hand to pat into I'll be damned if I'll stand for his chasing unfinished furniture and giv- may be wiped over the surface.
a . ing instructions how they wish it to I Whichever method is used, they all
be stained and finished. Many others lead to the same point, so that when
do this at home themselves, just this � the surface is dry it is quite ready
way, they get a lasting polish. l for waxing and oiling, preferably the
Suppose, for example, you purchase' latter, for the top of a dining table.
a table. You give instructions to have These excellent polishers, which
the table stained to an approved tint can be made at home, are worth rem-
and that the legs are to be waxed, but embering. They are entirely satisfac-
tory and less expensive than those you
1. Lime water, raw linseed oil and
turpentine in equal quantities, well
shaken and incorporated together.
2. Sweet oil, methylated spirit and
vinegar in equal proportions.
3. Linseed oil, turpentine and vin-
egar in equal proportions, with the ad-
dition of a little butter of antimony.
The use of these should be followed
by a good rubover with a clean wad
moistened (not soaked) with methy-
lated spirit.
ningham replied sulkily.
"I'd advise you not to start any-
thing you can't finish, Jack. I'll give
The Toronto Hospital +for Incur-
[oleo, in affiliation with Bellevue and
Allied Hospitals, New York CitY-
offers a three years' Course of Train-
ing to young women, having the re-
quired- education. and desiroud of be-
coming nurses, This Hospital has..
adopted the eight-hour aystem, The
• pupils' receive uniforms of the School.
a monthly allowance a.,nd travelling
expenses, to and from New York. For
further information apply to the
Paul seems to have been aroused in a
similar way when he saw'the athletes
of old, He admired their enthusiasm,
their energy and their sacrifices to
will in the Olympic games and gain • EACH DAY'S WORK,
the laurel wreaths that faded so quick-
ly; and he bade his disciples contend
as sincerely and intelligently for
crowns that would not fade. I hope cute little maids doing their work for
you will succeed in holding your seat each day. Once when Betty was won -
in the crew, Frank, and that you fel- dering what to do, I suggested that
lows will sweep the lake! But when every day she do some of the work
you are done and have more time that was intended for that particular
wouldn't you like to help me kindle a day, just as the little girls in the pie -
similar enthusiasm in young people tures were doing.
for the things that are bigger, better
and enduring?'
Frank looked at his pastor thought-
fully. "I think I should," he said at
T anything but a recreation to care for,
their plants, and they can, spend an
hour with them and go back to their
routine work rested and refreshed be-
yond measure. No matter who the
person, or where the home, or under
what conditions they must be grown
there are some flowers that will fit in.
The poorest cottage can be made to
; bloom out in beauty in the darkest
winter days if the right plants are
chosen, and many a woman who takes
in washing for a living has her win-
dows filled with brilliant geraniums
and petunias or other simple, easily
grown flowers.
My little seven-year-old daughter
has a set of those pictures showing
Nothing so strengthens the mind and
enlarges the manhood and widens the
thought as the constant effort to mea-
sure up to a high ideal, to struggle af-
ter that which is beyond us and above
us. It stretches the mind, as it were,
to a larger measure, and touches the
life to finer issues.—O. S. M.
Minard's Liniment for Dandruff.
is then necessary to paper down with
No. 0 glasspaper, after which a rag,
place an escaping tendril of hair. The keeping a man out of jail to try an
hand remained lifted. The dark eyes fasten on me a murder I didn't do."
froze with horror. They stared at him, "I haven't said you did it. What I
as though held by some dreadful fas-; says is that you and Miss Harriman
cination. From her cheeks the color know somethin' and are concealin' it.
ebbed. Kirby thought she was going .What is it? I'm not a fool. I don't
to faint. 'think you killed Uncle any more than
But she did not. A low moan of I did. But you an' Miss Harriman
despair escaped from the ashen lips. have a secret. Why don't you go to
The lifted arm fell heavily to her lap. James an' make a clean breast of it? that the top is to be entirely free of
Then Kirby discovered that the two He'll tell you what to do." French polish, and is to be finished
in the red room had become three. "The devil he will! I tell you we with linseed oil. When your table
Jack Cunningham was standing in the haven't any secret. We weren't in arrives there will be _but a slight pol-
doorway. Uncle's rooms that night." ish on its top. But in due time, with
His glance flashed to Lane accus- "Can you prove an alibi for the our own efforts will come adelight-
ingly. "What's up? What are you whole evening—both of you?" the ful sheen that is proof against the
doing here?" he demanded abruptly. range rider asked curtly.
The Wyoming man rose. "I've been "None of your business. We're not hottest plate and against the minor
asking Miss Harriman a question." in the prisoner's dock. It's you that accidents of the table. To do this,
"A question. What business have is likely to be there," Jack tossed out get a smooth brick, wrap it around
you to ask her questions?" demanded petulantly. with two or three folds of old flannel,
Jack hotly. Phyllis Harriman had flung herself and keep it handy as the table toes
His cousin tried a shot in the dark. down to sob with her head in the pit- polisher. Then, twice a.week, or every
"I was asking her," he said, his voice lows. But Kirby noticed that one da if you have time, give the top a
low and even, "about that visit you small pink ear was in the open to take rub with a few drops of linseed
in the swift sentences passing between
goodthe men. oil on the flannel, and very soon you
"I'm • tendin' to make it in buss- will see good results. Linseed oil gives
and she paid to Uncle James's rooms
the night he was killed."
Kirby knew instantly he had scored
a hit. The insolence, the jaunty con- ness," Lane said, his voice ominously a fine polish, but the process needs
fidence, were stricken from him as by quiet. many applications and hard rubbing.
a buffet in the face. For a moment "You're laying up trouble for your- The final surface, however, is one
body and mind alike were lax and self," Jack warned blackly. "If you which practically nothing can dam-
age, and it is the patinated surface
of genuine untouched antiques.
Now, if you have a piece of furni-
ture, oak or mahogany or walnut, but
its highly -polished surface is badly
marked, a spirit solvent will fix it.
This is brushed on and left for about
five minutes, after which it may be
Mee _. r ath" scra, ed off with an old table knife.
• Jack flushed angrily. "Of course it Cunningham burst out m a gust of The surface should then be wi ed over
shocked her for you to make such a fury. "Don't you meddle with my af- with a clean rag dipped a the spiver
charge against her. It would frighten fairs, unless you want trouble right
any woman. By God, it's an outrage.: ntf the bast I'm not going to have a When dry, rub well with fine glass -
stunned. Then courage flowed back
into his veins. He came forward,
"What do you mean? What visit?
It's a damned lie."
"Is it? Then why is the question
such a knockout to you and Miss Har-
riman? She almost fainted, and it
certainly crumpled you up till you get
want me for an enemy you're going at
this the right way"
"I'm not lookin'for enemies. What
1 want is the truth. You're concealin'
it. We'll see if you can make it stick,"
"We're not concealing a thing."
"Last call for you to show down
your cards, Jack. Are you with me
or against me?" asked Kirby.
"`Against you, you meddling fool!"
You come here and try to browbeat
Miss Harriman when she's alone. You
Cask her impudent questions, as good as
•tell her she—she—"
Kirby's eyes were like a glittering
rapier probing for the weakness of his: forget that, Mr. Lane."
opponent's defence. "I say that she 1 Kirby's steady gaze appraised him
and you were in the rooms of Uncle; coolly. "You're excited an' talkin'
James at 9.50 the evening he was : foolishness. I'm not attackin" any -
killed. I say that you concealed the body's good name. I'm lookin' for the
fact at the inquest. Why?" He shot man who killed Uncle James. I'm ex -
his question at the other man with pectin' to find him. If anybody' stands
the velocity of a bullet. 1 in the way, I'm liable to run against
Cunningham's lip twitched, his eye limowavered. How much did his cousin The man from Twin Buttes bowed
know? How much was he merely toward the black hair and pink ear
guessing? of his hostess. He turned on his heel
"Who told you we were there? How. and walked from the room:
do you know it? I don't propose to
Pauly Pry nosing around and hinting paper. This, of course, will have
slanders about me and Miss Harri- lightened the tone, but it can be dark -
man. What do you think I am? I'll ened as desired, with spirit stain
protect my good name and this lady's (free from varnish), or if the table be
if I have to do it with a gun. Don't of oak, can be stained with vandyke
brown crystals dissolved in water, or
bismarck brown dissolved in hot vin-
egar. The spirit solvent must not be
used where there are gas lights or any
kind of open lights about. After this
process has thoroughly dried, give ih.
a good rubbing with a rag soaked in f}:
linseed oil. Then wipe with another
rag for about ten minutes and the
polish will be lasting.
answer every wild accusation nor to
let Miss Harriman be insulted by you.1
Who are you, anyhow? A man ac -1
cused of lalling my uncle, the man!
who found his valet dead and is sus -1
pected of that crime, too, a fellow
who would be lying behind the bars
now if my brother hadn't put up the
money to save the family from dis-
grace. If we tell all we know, the
police will grab you again double-
quick. Yet you have the nerve to
come here and make insinuations
against the lady who is mourning my
uncle's death. I've a good mind to
phone for the police right now."
"Do," suggested Kirby, smiling.
"Then we'll bath tell what we know
and perhaps things will clear up a
It was a bluff pure and; simple. He
Highest Prices Paid for
Skunk, Coon, Mink, Foy., Deer -
Skins, Elides,• �Calfsli il;s; &e.
Ship. to'
Canadian Hide & Leather Co.,
Ltd., T*rofto, Ont.
It was essential to Kirby's plans
that he should be at liberty. If he
should be locked up in prison even for
a few days the theca s ahe had
She agreed readily and was eager
to begin. So on Monday she washed
out a few small pieces I gave her and
ironed them on Tuesday. Wednesday
she went to see a friend. For her
Thursday's sewing •I cut out a square
of lawn and showed her how to hem
it nicely for a handkerchief, her first
real lesson in needlecraft. Friday she
helped me about my cleaning, really
helped, and on Saturday, cooking day,
I let her prepare a simple dish. On
Sunday she went to Sunday school.
Then she was anxious to begin the
week all over again.
Now this plan of occupation not
only kept her happy and interested.
but really instructed her in all the
branches of household art. Realizing
its possibilities, I am planning to
make this form of play into a real
development.—Alice A. Keen.
Everyone is familiar with the
marks of whitish rings and dull
blotches caused by hot plates and
dishes. If the spot is noticed at once
a simple method is to rub the whole
surface with linseed oil on a rag, with
a . sprinkling of the pumice: powder:
This process' slightly grinds down the
d that polish to an even dullness. The oil, or
begun to untangle from the snarl wax, should be cleared off with tux -
known as -the Cunningham mystery pentine, and then thepiece of furni-
would again be ensnared. He was not ture polished. This may not complete-
sure what action James would take at 1 remove the white rings, but it con
his brother's demand that he' with reino lessens them,
draw from. the bond. But Lane had y
no desire to embarrass him by forcing.' To alter the tone of a piece of furni-
the issue. He set about securing a ture your sell, is easy, too. Remove
new bond. varnish in the way 'described above,
' He was, ten minutes later, .in the piece' " .' Then
and see that is clean
law offices of. Irwin, Foster &; Warren, comes the staining. - First practice on
attorneys who represented -the . cattle a piece of board. The vandyke crys
interests in Wyoming with which tars , (which you may purchase at drug
d t`fi d. Foster ,"a stout
Just the Place
lst Flsh—"Where 'can we get
2nd Fish—"At the sand bars"
4532. Cambric, nainsook, sateen,
crepe and silk are suitable for this
style. The Pattern provides for round
neck outline or camisole tap. Lace .
and .insertion or embroidery will be
suitable for decoration.
The Pattern is cut in 5 Sizes: 6, 8,
10, 12 and 14 years. A. 12 -year size re-
quires 21/s yards of 36 -inch material.
Pattern mailed to any address on
receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by
the Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West
Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow, two
weeks for receipt of pattern.
Obtain a stool with a bracket at-
tachment, such as is used; -at the
counters in many shops. Set this up
with .screws uear the safe or kitchen
cabinet. When preparing vegetables
or washing dishes, it will save much
, wearying standing. With the work
Train young Canadians for successful citizen-
ship, Homo Study Courses are strongly featured.
Write for list and full particulars about any
course in which you are interested.
4 Bioor West. - - Toronto
Estimated production
Kirbrenry was e shops),° will be satisfactory.These
middle-aged man with only a few locks
of gsay hair left, heard what the must be dissolved in a solution.
rough rider had to say. , I' Some people; first brush the furni
j "I'll wire to Caldwell and to Nor-, ture with liquid ammonia mixed with
man as you suggest, :Mr, Lane;": he a water stain,: such as vandyke erys
said. "If they give me instructionstalc. This does very` Well but raise
finished, just a slight push and it can
be swung around out of the way. If
-; you do not know where you can obtain.
a bracket stool of this kind, buy a
bracket at the hardware store and use.
se the seat . of an ,old revolving piano
sondtand back oon of as youpos, 1s11ible•ariange." a n wjthe grain of the wood somewhat. It'. steel
"Will it take long? - I can't afford to
be tied up behind the bars right now.". a
I" "Not' if I can get it accepted. I'll, let iI ,., e
1 Kirby rose. slie had finished hie iii(JUNgit\'‘`"
you know at 'once."
,.,business.. y 1, zenktitiffik /
(`"Just :a inomen t, Mr. Lane." Foster ((t?'� . ��,, ss i" l:li n n
Cleaned back in his swivel -chair ands- 1' !ifl
• looked out of the window. His eyes
did not focus on airy, detail of the of-
fice building opposite. They. had the
}'}far -away look :which denotes a preoc-
l enpied mind.; "Ever ,been to Golden?"
Exclusive designs.
William Juror
332 Yong* St. • 'Toronto,
for 1924 of the Gold
Mines of Ontario.
Investment &
Opportunities describ-
ed in our booklet
"Gold Mines of
and Circular 13, de-
scribing TOUGH -
Private wLres connect all
our offices with Buffalo,
Montreal and ' New York
Nave a packet in your
pocket for - ever4eady
Aids digestion.
Allays thirst.
Soothes the throat.
For Quality, Flavor and
the Sealed Paokago,
get .10 e•
Three-quarters of the cases of ap-
pendicitis arise from gluttonous habits
and could be cured by castor-oil and a
week's fasting.—Dr. Josiah Oldfield.
Minard's Liniment Fteals Cute.
I attribute my extraordinarily good
health at sixty-five not only to being
a teetotaller, but also to being a non-
smoker.—Bishop of London.
We take our blessings too much for
granted.—=Sir H. Rider Haggard.
at the
462 Griller St.
Buffalo, N.Y.
863 beds for the reception
of every known disease.
Affiliated with the University of
Buffalo Medical Department.
3 year registered course, fitting pupils
for Bedside, Public Health and Ad-
ministrative Nursing, 670 hours de.
voted to classes, recitations, demon.
strations and laboratory work in
Dietetics, Home Economics, Bacteri-
ology, Chemistry, Physiology and Gen.
eral Nursing subjects.
Opportunities for selected graduates
to fill paid executive positions or pur-
sue special study courses.
Entrance requirements: 1 year New
York State High School or its equiva-
Salary, $15.00 a month. Food, lodging,
uniforms, laundry and books furnished
Straight eight hour duty. No split
watches. One whole day off every
seven days.
New Class Now Forming.
A Thousand
Cooking' Uses.
For soups, sauces, gravies, savoury
dishes, meat jellies, beef tea, and
restoring the flavor toleft over dialss.
fn tins of 4. 10, SO and I00.
Rememberto ask for
Ed dySi when you order
How a few flowers can brighten up
the home in winter! All of us want
thein, and many are hungry for them
who have so many, cares they think .
'they cannot -;afford to have them.. Tho ,.
help and inspiration they give is. more -
than enough, to balance the 'cost and
care necessary -to` grow -them.
Flower lovers never feel that it: Is
People want Practical Gifts
eke thisan Electrical
re stmas
0TPOINT Servants, the
standard by which all other
electrical appliances are judged,
enable: you to select a suitable
gift for everyone on
your list.
Irons, percolators;
curling irons, chafing
dishes, immersion
heaters, glow logs and
air . heaters, all can.
be obtained from your
Nearest dealer.