Huron Expositor, 2007-05-23, Page 28Page 28 The Huron Expositor • May 23, 2007 News Susan Hundertmark photo Courtney Higenell, Alanna Beuermann and Sam Henderson, all Grade 5 students at Seaforth Public School, are engrossed in their engineering skills during a Discovery Western workshop last Thursday where students were challenged to build a sturdy truss bridge and then test it by climbing through it while it was suspended between two tables. June 16 walk is Habitat for Humanity's major fundraiser Habitat for Humanity Huron County is putting on its third annu- al "Walk for Hope" on June 16 in Exeter. The walk is a major fundraiser for Habitat's work in Huron County . The event is taking place on June 16 in Exeter ons-tMorrison Trail. A registration package can be requested by filling out an online request form at:http://www.habi- tathuroncounty.ca/events.htm. Walkers can also call the event organizer, Chuck Mallette, at 519- 262-3117 if you have any questions. High school students can partici- pate in order to help fulfill the 40 hours of community service required for graduation. *LBERT STREET DENTURE CLINIC Denture Specialist Dean R. McTaggart DD •Complete and Partial Dentures •Denture Repairs with same day service •Relines •Additions Clinton Hours: Mon - Thur 9 am - 5 pm 50 Albert Street, Clinton 519-482-1195 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL HURON TO REGULATE WIND ENERGY FACILITIES TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Huron will hold a public meeting on Saturday, June 16, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. in the Holmesville Community Centre, 180 Community Centre Dr., Holmesville, to consider a proposed zoning by-law amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make writ- ten or verbal representation either in support or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment. IF A PERSON or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Huron in respect to the proposed zoning by-law amendment does not make oral sub- missions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Huron before the pro- posed zoning by-law amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law amend- ment is available for inspection during regular office hours at the Municipality of Central Huron Municipal Office (23 Albert St. Clinton) (519) 482-3997. Dated at the Municipality of Central Huron this 16th day of May, 2007 Richard Harding, Clerk Administrator, Municipality of Central Huron Box 400 Clinton, ON, NOM 1L0 PURPOSE AND EFFECT The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to introduce regulations governing the siting of wind energy facilities (wind turbines) within the Municipality. The types of facilities are defined and the setbacks are established. Setbacks are also established for the construction of sensitive land uses in proximity to wind energy facilities. Commercial scale wind energy facilities (capacity greater than 500kW) are permitted in agricultural zones, subject to a rezoning and site plan control application. Commercial scale wind energy facilities are required to be setback a minimum of 600 metres from urban, recreational and institutional land uses. Small scale wind energy facilities (capacity of 500kW or Tess) are permitted in the agricultural zones as an accessory use, subject to siting requirements. Small scale wind energy facilities (capacity of 50kW or less) are permitted in defined urban zones as an acces- sory use, subject to siting requirements. This by-law amends the following three zoning by-laws: 1. By-law 7-1985 of the former Town of Clinton 2. By-law 16-1987 of the former Township of Hullett 3. By-law 6-1984 of the former Township of Goderich All of these former municipalities are part of the Corporation of the Municipality of Central Huron. This by-law applies to all lands within the Municipality of Central Huron as shown on Schedule A SCHEDULE •A' LOCATION MAP MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL HURON '4, ittkis-#A. ii Al yib KIM -'1,1241;:-••1* ''&.':'° - , '4•.:;•;/:',;:iy 4•,-,, * ii: IN11111nn111i..,, li 2gi:,//,�I,/�• ,-,4, .0PrI I/j/j/ Ispl_mplepropme,/, Lel, ' i ,_:� � r.eh;• ; %� ,� s=� s?;: // / ter♦ I/ .�ISZEZZLIMMME119.1 40'Wilifig irsiiiral