The Exeter Advocate, 1923-11-8, Page 2Particular Peopie
sr:C 1E1
The west delicious blend procur ►rbie§
Tangled Trails
"Change and decay in all around I
see." The law of life is the law of
constant alteration. The world you
behold today is noi the one that you
(Copyright, Thomas Allen.) saw yesterday. The house where you
lived when you were a boy was razed
( ) •• . pacts to buy some fancy stock at the years ago. The tree you planted
His left arm hung limp. I irby's yards al ey 18 right inthean of progresoses. s dwindled because the roots of it were
quick eyes noticed it: ! starved, and it was cut down. The
"`You've hurt yourself," Lane said. Art Jelks and Brad 112oselgr:eturned street was invaded by stores, and the
"Yes," admitted James. "ar bees days' Dian in enver ttheacapital. A after a three
ole residents were pushed out into
caught w the top stepenol 1 started to time was had by both- You want to strange outskirts of the .town. ' The
walk down, I've. wrenched my arm
badly, Maybe I've broken it." i watch them, girls. The boys are both market square has filled with . alien
a" warm I hope not," Rose said quickly, in -
live scars Olson spent a few days in facesdustres,d unfamiliar
vhose n ames. s s Great
l ke
young voice.ce" y in her armvib's
Denver this week. Oscar owns a place $
ori "A broken axm's� no three miles out of town on the Spring gold against the sundown, line the
fun. I find it an awful nuisance, banks of the stream where you fished
Creek road.
The janitor of the Paradox came and swam. When you were little, ani-
Japaneseout and them. He was. a little Casually Kirby gathered informs-;
joinedemate and inanimate alike were im-
well on steward middle life, tion. e t learned that Jim Harkins • mortal. Nothingcould die. Nothing
a small -featured man with small neat was the town constable and not inter -i
, n a ested in land; that Lupton was a very 'would grow up, Your mother's cheek
feet. "You feelum all right yes now?" prosperous cattleman whose ranch' would ]lever fade, nor your father's
he asked, directing his slant, oval eves was nowhere near the district pro -1 hand and`foot grow less decisive. You
My WAY OF CURING MEAT. (signs of fermenting during the cur ng toward Cunningham. I meted by Cunningham; and that Jelks fellows more,
l •might turn the key en all your tree
definition far bad luck is to have
process, When this occurs, it must beor
"Yes, I've got over the nausea, and Ms connected with oseley were he garage.The sures in Time's cabinet, and come
drained off, boiled, cooled, and poured thanks, S'hibo. James turned to the editor knew Olson onlyslightly. back when you would, and find them
the pork spoil that I cured during the
back on the meat again..
'others. "Shibo .was at the foot of the ", , __ (there intact. You have learned bat -
winter. It is one of the heart -breaking g I stairs when I caught heel. He got s a in that big, f an fake of ter now. You have seen that there is
I let the bacon stay in the brine g my
tragedies that most farm homemakers from four to six weeks, the lighter gathered up the pieces. I guess I was Hull and Cunningham. Don't know. a difference between a day and a day.
have once, and some of us don't get hams and shoulders from six to eight all in, wasn't T, Shibo?"1 what he was coin' in Denver," the I You have learned that the world of
off so easily. The Japanese nodded agreement ` sense is forever mutable, and that
weeks and the heavier ones eight' "you hes sick for minute " ( newspaperman said.
Of course, there is no logical excuse weeks When taken .out, every piece jai
"I've been worrying a good deal Lane decided that he would see 01 -
for failure when one has good recipes. washed thoroughly in warn] water 1 about this business of Uncle James, dentallyon and have a talk with ahll
the IDry
All there is to do then is to follow Then the meat is hung, suspended I suppose. Anyhow, I've had two or Vhen meant to been
all Dry
thele. My troubles came while I was from cords er twine, so that no nee three dizzy spells lately. Nothing at theley men who had been in Denver
to discover the right methods pieces touch, in the smokehouse to ty.1 serious, though" at
hetothers he sime aw only to eham was lilmlin-
and proportions to use. The results Then it is smoked. i I don't wonder, You sit at a desk ate them from suspicion. One glance
of this .adventure I am passing on to Smoking Meat—I consider the: too much, James. What you need is
you, hoping all our readers will avoid exercise, If you'd get in the saddle at each of them was enough to give
the mistakes I made. smoking process of great importance; a couple o' hours a day an' do some them a clean bill so far as the mystery
are what i call the high lights the main precaution to heed is that stiff ridin' you'd quit havin' dizzy about it went. They knew nothing whatever
of Hererpork, the "do'sh high
nd lights of not having too much fire. The ,and' spells. Sorry you're hurt, old man. Lane rode to Olson's place and
of wood also needs consideration, for. I'll trail along with you to a doctor s, , found him burning brush. The cattle -
that bring success: it influences the flavor. I like green! � "Not necessary III be all right. man explained that he was from Wy-
1. Follow directions carefully. hickory or maple smothered in srtw-;Its only a few blocks to his office. and
2. Cool the meat thoroughly, or let dust best but corncobs a few of which' Pact is, I'ni feeling quite myself terendgI3erefordwanted to sell some regis-
it thaw if frozen, before placing it in
even what seems solid ground under
your feet dissolves like the• cloud over-
head when met by the pulse of the
What is Enduring?
What is there that remains? The
friends that we cherished, on whom
we leaned for judgment and for sym-
pathy, have passed on into the world
that is "a wonder stili." We rear a
memorial in a public place, or in the
unforgetting grateful heart, and our
lives are fed by the expectation of
' ' a sin," meeting them once more and giving
are moistened so they will not burn g ( Olson looked over his dry, parched an account of our stewardship for bet-
1VeIl if it re sur Prob i
Have a packet in your
pocket for ever.ready
Aids digestion.
Allays thirst.
Soothes the throat.
For Quality, Flavor and
the Sealed Packago,
Which Way?
Teacher (opening second object -les-
son on the eat)—""Can you tell me to
what family the cat belongs, Jones?"
Jones (after a little .hesitation.) -=--9
think it belongs to the family next
We pay weekly and offer steads employment sellIna1
our complete and exclusive lines of whole -root.: fresh-'
dua-to-order trees and plants. Best stock and sender,
We teach and equip you free. A money -magma
3. Keep every piece submerged in
the brine all the time.'
quickly,: or wood chips make good sub-' only sprained your arm. By the way, crops with sardonic bitterness. "Do I
stitutes. 1 I'd kinda like to go over Uncle's apart- look ?" Ike I could buy.registered
In the winter I keep fire constantly, • ment again. Mind if I do? I don't , he askea sourly,
5. Smoke porkslowly
t the
4. Dry eo e s a fire so the meat will not cool too much.' reckon the police missed anything, but,revan,
lhnan off. He said that the a remark that ecrops
producing as much smoke and as littlefFrozen neat cannot be smoked satis-' You can never tell."t< ' looked as though they needed water.
factorily, consequently it must be; James hesitated. I promised the Inside of flue minutes he had heard
heat as possible. thawed out before a fire is built under Chief of Police not to let anybody else the story of the Dry Valley irrigation
6. Cool the meat before storing it. it. In the summer or late spring, in. Tell you what I'll do. I'll see him swindle. Olson was not a foreigner.
7. Wrap every piece in paper, cover about it and get a permit for you. He had been born in Minnesota and
with a heavy muslin bag, and apply a when there is danger of getting the Say, Kirby, I've been thinking one of attended the public schools. He spoke
pork heated too much, I let the fire die dielus ought to go up to Dry Valley and
ut an
thin coat of yellow wash "' out every other day. Too much heat, check things up there. We might find accnent. The man ,was na tall:d ho aunt
The equipment required for coxitis, dries out the meat, especially -on the out who wrote that note to Uncle. gaunt,
meat is not elaborate. I use hard -broad -shouldered Scandinavian of
wood barrels for holdingthe brine; outside, and the smoke cannot pens» Maybe some -one has been making more than average intelligence,
trate inside. !threats in public. We could see who i The death of Cunningham had not
large earthen jars also are fine for The smoking is continued until the was in town from there last week, apparently assuaged his intense hat.
this purpose. They are, however, more meat is of a uniform light brown ° iCn bald you go? To -day? Train leaves i red of the man or the bitterness which
expensive. Either a new barrel or one in half an hour."
color. Of course the length of timewelled outof him toward Hull.
that has held molasses will serve the required for the process varies some -Kirby could and would. He left, "CunninghamCngot' his! Suits me
purpose; but if the latter is chosen, what with individual taste, two days Rosearto talk rtmth the tenants dotor fine! Now all I ask is that they hang
it must be scalded and washed thor-Y Paradox Apartments, entrained for Hull for it!" he cried vindictively.
oughly before the meat ispacked in it. being the shortest, and a week or two Dry Valley at once, and by noon was: "Seems to be some doubt whether
g Y being better, winding over the hilltops far up in ;Hull did it," suggested Kirby, to draw
Vinegar barrels may be utilized in Aftebut they must, r .this part of the curing is the Rockies • him on,
becasbue rn anf emergency,
e s de,yalnd washed and, complete, the ventilators of the smoke -
town which was He left the lthe centre n at sof activia ? ! `shat so? Mebbe there's evidence
scalded with great care to destroy en . house are opened, and the meat is ties for Dry Valley. Here the farm- come out in you' don't know about."The words had
traces of sourness. Scales for weigh- left
hangiineg untilol. Then I ape s, wrap ers bought their supplies and here 1 at Kirby tense y and breate heat of hlessly. s01-
Ing the meat and other ingredients every p p they marketed their buttdr and eggs. son `looked at the man on the horse
are essential place it in a stout muslin bag. If it In the fail they drove in their cattle and Lane could see caution grow on
Salt, sugar or molasses, and salt -
is to be kept for summer use, I apply and loaded them far Denver at the him. A film of suspicion spread over
a thin coating of yellow wash to the chutes in the railroad yard. I the pupils beneath the heavy, rag ed
peter are the preservatives used, Salt outside of the bags to make certain There had been times in the past
is an astringent; consequently, it hasthat there will be no trouble with when Summit ebbed and flowed with a
a tendency to harder, muscle fibres and irip-roaring tide of turbulent life. This
to extract the juices. Fortunately, had been after the round -ups in the
sugar and molasses have the opposite A PRACTICAL PLAY DRESS FOR golden
• buy yesterday
r had been occuwhen pied bherr
effect; that is, they make the muscles Y
tender and soft, and help to retain TINY TOTS.
the moisture. For this reason it is
important that salt and sugar or
molasses be used together and in the
proper proportions. Saltpeter has but
one purpose, than of retaining the red-
dish meat color; but, since it is not
healthful, I use it sparingly.
In my home the hams, shoulders and
bacon are sugar -cured, the fat -backs
are pickled, the trimmings are made
into lard and sausage, and the loins
and spareribs are eaten fresh and
canned by the cold -pack method. Many
folks prefer to give the fat -backs the
dry cure, but I find it requires the ex-
penditure of more time and effort than
when the pork is pickled. Moreover,
my family likes the particular flavor
of the pickled slices when dipped in
corn meal and browned.
Trimming off all the corners and'
4507. Comfort and freedom are ex
ragged edges from the different pieces
for sausage and lard making is an
economical practice. These have to
be removed eventually, I have found,
pressed in the style here illustrated.
The model is good for gingham, seer-
sucker, repp, pongee and kindergarten
eyebrows. "I ain't sayin' so. All I'm
dead sure of is that Hull did it."
Kirby fired a shot point-blank at
him. "Nobody can be dead sure of
that unless he saw him do it."
"Mebbe some one saw him do it.
saloon and t e rattle of chips lasted Folks don't tell all they know." Olson
far into the small hours of night. Now looked across the desert beyond the
Colorado was dry and the roulette palpitating heat waves to the moun-
wheel had gone to join memories of tains in the distance.
the past. Summit was quiet as a Sun- 1 "No. That's tough sometimes on
day afternoon on a farm. Its busiest innocent. people, too."
inhabitant was a dog which lay in � "Meanin' this nephew of old Cilia -
the sun and lazily poked over its own nir 1iam. He'll get out all right."
� ^ to f flW
ill he? There's a girl uncle
phcxon, too. She had no more o
false front the word Hotel- This don
a my ox was . to d _
Kirby registered at the office of the
frame building which carried on its , it than I had, but h to
e, get into mighty sei:ious trouble just
he wandered down to the shack which th "
Enterprise." The owner of the paper,' about any girl," Olsonganswerhe ed sul-
who was also editor, reporter, press- • lenly.
man, business .manager, and circula- I "No, it hasn't got to the papers yet.
tor, chanced to be in printing some .'But it will. It's up to every man who
dodgers announcing a dance at Odd. knows anything about this to come
Fellows' Hall. He desisted from his clean!.
e same.
bore the inscription, "Dry Valley "I ain't read an thin in t
ter or for worse. But they are not
here. What precious thing have we
that we can keep secure against all
that would "creep and intrude and
climb into the fold?"
The only things we can keep with
us surely to the end of days are the
things that never had a market value.
It is not the wood and stone of the
houses made with hands or of the
monoliths and pyramids that endure.
We can keep and hand down to those
who come after us a creed of kindli-
ness and charity, a sense of honor, a
delicate regard for the individuality
of others, an affectionate loyalty in
friendship, a serene and modest self-
reliance. These are not to die when
at Iast the frame that holds them shall
mingle with the dust. These shall out-
live the evanescent phenomena that
filled our little day on earth between
the morning star and eventide. These
shall bring true the dreams whose ful-
fillment was denied us, and these shall
be the heritage on which time has no
The earth is 92,800,000 miles from
the sun. •
labors to chat with the stranger. 1 "Is it?" The farmer looked bleakly
The editor was a fat, talkative lit- i at his visitor, "Seems to me you take
tle man. Kirby found it no trouble . a lot of interest in this. Who are you,
at all to set him going on the subject anyhow?"
"My name is Kirby Lane."
"Nephew of the old man?"
lockedOlson gave a snort of dry, splenetic
all tongues. Cunningham and
laughter. "And you're out here sellin'
because they soak up too much brine. cloth. The bib and pocket, also the his mysterious death were absorbing registered Herefords."
cuff,may be omitted. j topics. The man was hated by scores "I have some for sale. But that's
Among my favorite recipes for curingThe Pattern is cut in 3 Sizes:6 who had been brought close to ruin by why I came to see you"
pork are these: months, 1 year and 2 years. A 1 -year; his chicancery. Dry Valley rejoiced ( "Why did you come then?" asked
Sugar -Cured Pork—The thoroughly size requires 1?% yards of 36 -inch openly in the retribution that had fat- the Scandinavian, his blue eyes hard
cooled hams, shoulders, and bacon are 1 len upon him. I'
rubbed with salt and left in a cool ,material. I `"Who killed him?" the editor asked i and awanted to have a look at the man
place overnight. I have a large work' Pattern mailed to any address on rhetorically, ':Well, sir, I'll be dawg� who wrote the note to James Gunning
table that is mighty convenient for receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by ed if T know.. But if I was guessi11 ham threatenin' to dry -gulch him if'
use in this way; a layer of salt is the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 -West I d say it was this fellow Hull, the he ever came to Dry Valley again."
placed on the table, topand the salted Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow two slicker that helped him put through It was a centre: shat. Kirby was
weeks for receipt of pattern. the Dry Valley steal. Course might.. sure of it. He read it in the man's
meat is stacked on it. The next day, ---- 'a' been the Jap, or it might 'ala been face before anger began to gather
of James Cunningham, Senior. In
fact, during his stay in the valley the
Wyoming man could always use that
name as an "Open Sesame." It : un -
This Weather,
automatically fore-
casts weather 8 to 24
7"x °'tai` rvM"'I ,hours ahead. Children
S'x > ";' `. s$ i. come out for fair weath-
4' r? . l Cfl _r , cr. Witch comes out' in
advance of rain Or snow.
Christmas Gift
Former price
Scientificalrymadeofhard- $1.50 Now
wood, Swiss cottage style .sent postpaid
with thermometer, elk's on receipt of
head, etc Guessers d Reliable.
KEYDEL CO., Dept 1, Walkerville, .Ontario.
outwear all others
-- r
Just Swing a
Feeiileeperfect balance and the
,hand comfort of the Smart made
Axe.—Ilardened.tou*hened and
tempered by men who ktaowhow
to build double life and double
value into every axe iheyinake
Single Bit-Doubfe Bit •
AnyShape Any Weight
%I //CANADA Fot a irs & FORGING$
the heavy hams are packed in the bot -
ton] of the barrel, the shoulders on tops y
it was Hull: We know that cuss (To be continued.)
WHEN THE CLOCK BALKS. , the nephew from Wyoming, but I'll in it
and then the bacon. Then the brine,' a When something seems to ail the Hull up here: He's one bad package,
so it will be gtlite cool, is added. with kerosene and place it in the bot- hale held out on him, an' he laid. for A French scientist has predicted
i the old crook an got him. Don t that that in a few hundred.yeas the world
For every hundred pounds of meat, tom of the case, .Never oil the works loo,: reasonable •to you? It sure does will be in the grip of another ice age,
ten pounds of salt, two and one-half with a cheap, Heavy oil. to me. Put a rope round Hull's neck which will come • about because the
pounds of brown sugar, and two l
which leas been made the day before,' clock, try moistening absorbent cotton that man is, believe me. Cunning- I
an' you'll hang the man that killedearth is using up its 'supply of ;car -
ounces of saltpeter are used. The salt,. CARE IN PLANNING. old J. C.,r (bonic acid gas faster than it is menu-
sugar, and saltpeter are mixed to -'1 Things to remember' when planning' Lane put in an hour making. him=; factored. '
gather with special care to pulverize self persona grata, then read the hat i I
the saltpeter finely, This mixture is mealst est issue of the "Enterprise" while the i
1 I`ied foods should be used sparing- editor-pu11 doff the rest of'the clod -I Ladybirds are bred in Italy and
dissolved in four gallons of boiling ly especially where there are children. gess. In the local news column he France to produce the:. larvae which
water. When cool, this brine is pour -1 . The iron requirement of children found several items that interested destroy insect pests of the vines. •
ed over the meat. If there is not,
o , and greater tll.,n. far men. him. These were.
enough to cover,add more water, -r.:
-eine Harking is down in Denver on The highest hotel in Europe is now
Weight the meat down with' a heavy! f1fhar't's LIniment toe Dandruff }business and won't•be home till. Mon-' being built near the suYnmit of the
wooden block, taking care that no 1 — '—"t'• A Std day. Have a good time, Jim..
Study in He. edify,,
i Jungfrauin the Swiss Alps,' at an
piece projects out of the brine at any y T J.Ltipton is enjoying a few days altitude of 11,300 feet.
time. • An Irishman was seated 111 a train r1Cation in the Queen City,. He ex-
Occasiol.all', the bride may show beside a Pompous :individualwho was
'• accompanied by a dog.
- M1.mocd' a Liniment Heals Cuts
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