The Exeter Advocate, 1923-10-18, Page 8EXETER .A1]vor,ATE rp UE511AY, EMT. 8 1E123 �.m Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY W heat ,.,. 95 Oats Barley ....,. 55c: Men:,tobees Best Flour .. 3.65 Family Flour , -3,50 Pastry Flour , . 3,20 Feed Flour , ,..4 1.90 Bran, „ . 1.40 Shorts . 1.60 Eggs -Special and Extra ... ;40 Eggs -No. 1 ,.... 27 Eggs No , ..................21 lenges lad Eggs ...... 35 Creamery Butter ...41-4?1 Dairy Butter 35 Lard 18 to 20 Hogs 8.00 W. R. Goulding A. T. C..M. Organist end Choirmaster ,James St. method st Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and 'Theory. Instructor of Music en the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER. The Ladies' Aid, of James St. ,church intend holding a bazaar on Saturday, October 27th, CARD OF MINKS Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Triebner, Hay, wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their many acts of kind- ness and sympathy during the illness and. subsequent death of their child; also Lor the many beautiful floral aril rates, ALBERTA COAL. Baying received a couple cars of Newcastle Coal will sell name at about $14.00 a ton. Place your order at once GEO. MANTLE. APPLES FOR SALE. All kinds at 31.00 per bag. Phone or write to Art. Rumphf, Thedford, "—.7-137—TER—POTATOES----Order—Your Sumter potatoes from J. H. Grieve and get good ones, FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres, two miles from Exeter, two story frame house;, two, bank barna and implement shed. Ten acres of s'harrtvvood bush, about ten acres in avheac; good arable land watered uy creek and wells. Apply to L R. CARLING, Exeter, Ontario Haveng sold my term and proved to ,Exeter, I cam in a position to give better service than ever to fanners and others intending to hold auction sales. My home phone will be install- ed shortly NO. 138. For the. present ring the ?advocate Office,, No. 25. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer RANGES FOR SALE. Imperial Oxford in excellent condi- tion. Apply to I. Armstrong. GIRL WANTED -For general store Apply by letter to Advocate Office !Box U., Exeter. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Weil built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY FOUND. -A place where you can but British American gasoline at 30c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S.. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeon.s of Ontaritai, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milit- ary District ,Number one, London, Ont. Main Office -Dickson Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m, Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zurich Ont., Phione 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. t{a 5 p.m. LET ELLIOTT & JOIdIVS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and wb;will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public. Wood for Sale Wei have a limited quantity of cord wood for sale, Speak quick before is gone. BAGSHAW & EASTON We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R 'N. RO W'E C,+mauctor. ;of Funeral Services '1 erjeame-Besinesse 20w ; Residence 20, Local Doings Whig -ham. municipal elections will be held on ..Dec, 3rd thrls year. • Last reports from \less John Dignan. and Mrs. Janes Grieve, both of whom .are sr hospital an London, state that • [they are• .iosrig very .nicely, BROKE HIS LEG, 'k'ir. Clayton. Facility of the Lake' Rd. Flay Township, met with an unear- iluntte. accident ars Thursday after- noon' He 'with other men was work- ing -in Tluaeford Bros, grave] pit, when a ledge -with tons ,of earth and gravel fell, almost completely burying him. He was gtucldy re.scuedi and, was found to have sustained a compound fracture of the leg. He tivi'1.l, in conseq:ueace, ha laid up for some time. CONVENTION The 13th annual convention of the Exeter and Usbocrne Sunday School Aseociation: met. in cThap es Road Pres, byterian. Church; With the president, 3. W, Skinner in the chair. The del - gates were welcomed by the Pastor, Rev. C, Chidley,' who conducted the opening devotional .exercises. Encour- aging reports were presented by the heads of the,varuous departments and W: Goulding, organist of James Street. Church, Exeter, gave 'en interesting address on "Music and the Sunday School" Rev, .J C. Livingstone spoke on the "Importance of the Teacher's Werk," Rev, A, A. Trumper delivered are ad- dress on "The ;Importance of Relig- ious Education At the evening sess- ion J. G. Stanbury spoke on "The Management of the Sunday School." E.ev. Clyesdnle on ."The Aim of the Sunday School," B•0tbc sessions proved most helpful and inspiring. EXETER FARMER'S CLUB A meeting of the Exeter Ferner's Club will be held in Senior's Hall, on Thursday, October 18th, Large Tulip and Hyacinth bulbs for sale at east. Fall premiums now ready for members of Horticultural Society, at offace of Secretary, 2dr. J. G. Staubury. ONIONS Will commence taking in, onions on Thursday, October 18th, at the Old Temperance House, Station, Na on- ions accepted on Saturday. 3. H, GRIEVE. BROOD SOWS FOR SALE,., Four pure bred brood Yorkshire sows for sale, due to pig Dec. 5th, J. A Vain. Camp, Box 251, Exeter; Phones 5?, R, 2. FOR SALE—A double bowling alley complete regulation length, good condition, has to be removed from building at once. No reason- able offer refused. Write or apply to R. Welsh or W. S. Cole, Exeter, Ont. TAKE NOTICE Parents or guardians quarantined for measles or other contagious disease, are hereby notified that legal action will be taken to prosecute all persons d„regarding the said quarantine by allowing their children to leave their homes and appear on the streets. The precautionary means are taken to pre- vent the spread of disease, and must be observed. C. H. SANDERS Chairman Board of Health DR, H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday Main Office,- Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Servihes ,as usual erect Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting 7 p.m. -Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible CUM.. Cottage titeetihrtgis in North End 'on Tuesday night. T, Hhlibins, Captain. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.- Rev A. A. Tramper-, Rectos; OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. At, Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. ANNIVERSARY Preacher—Rev. J. E. Hogg, B.A., of Clinton. Service at 11 a.m. in Caven Church. Service at 7 p.m. in Trivitt Memorial Church. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR EVERYBODY WELCOME Boy Scouts meet. Friday. evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A.., Pastor Sunday, Oct. 21st 10.15 -Morning- Class, 11.00 am. -Morning. Worship Sub- ject, "The Meaning of Life's Clouds.” 3.00 p.m, -Sunday Schaal. and 3,,,ible Classes 7.00 p.m, -"The Worst- '13arg '.tn"�' a Man ieS :Ma Cl e,, , `' \1'r. Thomas Pry ie 'has, mooed from Albert Street . to .his mew home on V ctot v Street., 1I•.'; S. H. Gi.iley,, who has been, confne•d to his horn. for sotmet vv+eeks, improving: butfslpvvly,-Blytlne Stan The !opportunity will be given to everybody to contribute to the Jap- ary s '.Emergency Fiend at James St. Chure'h next Sunday. W.hen ateturnung from London re- cently Mr, Robert Mawhinney was run into by aaothee 'car and forced into the Glitch, The car was considerably damaged, 7liaksgiv,ng Day thlis year will fall on'Monday Nav 12th. 'rli,e law pro - t -ides. that Thaksgiallig•Day shall be on the Monday of then we le..un wl}ich Armistice Day falls,• The Huron County Collegiate girls' basketball association has been-e-on•e gan&zeel for the fall season. In • the first round the- draw is as. follonvs,- Go,lerich vs. Blyth; Mitchell. vs. iSeaa forth; Clinton vs, Exeter.,' 1Ir, Mark McTaggart and some neigh boss from near Chis.elhurst experienc- ed a motor accident in the fog Tues- day evening of last week,. when they got off the road near the bridge, one mole south of Hesssall. The car turn- ed turtle in the 'ditch and they had to crawl out from ,under. Luckily are One was seriously hurt. MOTHER DEAD. lir. T. R. Ferguson one Friday last was caller: home to Teeswater, owing to the :serious illness of hi,I mother, Mrs. Dougall Ferguson. His wifeend children accompanied hent ba Tee.swa- ter. Word was received on Monday of the death of Mrs, F•erguswp that day, the funeral being held on. Wed- nesday, KILLED IN FALL. Mr. and Mrs, John Jacob and Mrs. Fred Bowden of Exeter motored to Pigeon, Mich., last week "to.attend the funeral of John Link, brother of Mrs, Jacob and Mrs, Bawden, Mr. Link died on October 10th following a fall from a very high building, breaking both arms, one leg, and fracturing his skull,. Mr. Jacob -ways born and raised in, Stephen Township, near Dashwood, arse was a Icon of the: late Jacob Link. ,Miss Jessie Manson of London was home over Sunday. Mr. S G. Baw.den of Goderich was a visitor here last week with relatives. 'T-essrs, Herb. Southcott and Doug- las Stewart motored to :Toronto this week. Mr, Fred Cole has returned from several weeks' stay in the Canadian West, Mrs H. W. Doerr and son Jack are visiting,- with relatives in Mitchell this week. Miss Marguerite Kuntz of London Normal spent the weak end at her home here. .Mr. and Mrs. Rob t, Mawhinney vis- ited their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Brandt at A1vtnston ton Sa day, vtr, and Mrs. Chas. Birney and Mr. and Mrs. Pomfret and.famly spent the week end z,n Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson ,pewit e few days in Toronto with their son Will., during the week. Jiiss Violet Wallis of Marlette, Mich., is visiting relatives here, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Esli'Heywood, Judge L. H. Dickson was in town an Tuesday in connection, with the revision .of the Voters' List. Mr. .and Mrs. Percy Humble of Sar- nia spent a few days last week vis- itin'g a/4::th Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dearing. Mr. and 'Mrs. E. J. Christie land daughter, .Miss Grace, returned Mon- day from a visit in Detroit and Wind- area Air. Chas Carse .of St. Catharines visited at the Moms, of has nephew, Mr. James Jeckell, the latter part of last week. llr, and Mrs. ;Wm. McAllister of Mount-y'Brydge:s agent Sunday \with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Jewell. Mr. Alton. Neil of Dryden and hos mother, of London visited with, the lat- ter's daughter, Mrs. Hubert Jones on Sunday. ,Mr, and Mrs. Sha.dd.ock and Miss Olive, and iv1r. Earl Walls of llderton visited at the. hornet ofc Mrs. S. G., Lara - part on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Boyle and son Clarence spent a few days in London last week Mrs William Treble is quite ill and urs er ,'thee doctor's care. Mrs.: J. Inwood spent a couple days with Mess Vosper and Mass Mary San- ders last week, MiSs Catharine Inwood will cointinue, to visit .",here -for a time; Mr.' and Mrs. Ben Eiulber and sone Frederick, Mrs. W. Schroeder and son Verne, motored from Ubly, Mich.,, to visit over the week end with- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz.' THE WON+DERFwL" HEROINE Word has lust been, recev''ed of a most w;onderflul plcturei which• is being given as a, premeuti to all who setae' scribe to the Family Herald and We ekly Star of Montreal'. This beautiful palating, .eantitlecl. "The Won derful Heroine", in ,the mast delicate colors, is in kee.pin,g, iviitth the aubject. Int size the, pictiaret, is 18 x 24 inches, on rich,. Meavy paper. When one considers theft two doll - secures the Family Herald and Week- ly. Star for a w!holet.y6ar (52 ;sstnes of 72' pages each) ,ancl(rrding this beautiful and inspiring ,pliceure, one wonders how it is done, It -is aealiy a marvel. Each subucrzber, new or renewal, will re cern e theepictaire provided he acts duc;,ckly. The aire:zi ng life story of "Tii4Won derfuf 'Heroine" has ,been printed in booklet form and otir headers may ob- tain a copy freae by sending, a:postal card fox it addressed to the Family Herald :and Wee,kiy Star,. Montreal, No charge of any kiardis, made for this wand er1jul s tory. ES IVIAY PHONE 32. 0 0 0 20 Sets Ladies' rind ce cn 0 0 1 Mens' and Boys' Overcoats at Popular Prices New Styles, New Colors, ana Big Variety to choose from at 317, $20, $25, $28 Boys' Overcoats Big Boy's Croats at $10 alp. .Little Boys' Coats at $7,50 up, Very latest S tyles and Colors. Boys' Bloomer Suits at $7.50 Boys` Goad School S'uicts, sizes 28 to 35, at 37.50. Girls' Sizes 11 to 2 Shoes These cannot be beaten at the money. Gen'ui,ne Goodyear Welts. sizes 11 to 2. Special Black at $3.75. Browns at $3.85. New Suede Slippers Grey or Lag Cab,:n-the newest Oxfords for 'Fall. Will match your new dress or ,'uit, Price $7,50 a pane. Ladies' and Misses' Coats Sete our big Special Range of Ladies' and ,Misses' Coats, at .$25 and less WALL PAPERS AT HALE PRICE. 03 0 CO CD $tr.r P W"pla Vs W mio.0 0 JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES 4 OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER 'Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Aucti;oneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regi lered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate, or at the Central HioteL Prices easonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter �-� Ontario DR A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonnell's Stables, John St., Exetes (lately occupied by Dr, Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Four years experience. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties DI Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone. 138, .Exe ter, Ontario SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 FOR OCTOBER WEATHER WARMER UNDERWEAR HEAVIER HOSIERY COLD RESISTING OUTER GARMENTS. This Store is well 'stocked, and ready to supply you with your needs. Ladies' and Children's Coats Fall Every :'week; finds, new models in Ladies' Coats, at prices that cannot be beaten, Children's Coats' are well assofotecl 111 styles most becoming for the: Growing Girls. Come in and sere theni Winter Underwear and Sox at a Price Men, don't purchase underwear at any price until you have seen SPECIAL ALL WOOL RIBBED• GARMENT of $2.00, Heavy Wool Socks, Hanson make,,nearest to home -lent; at 5gc. + Men's and Boys' Overcoats Our Raine of Overcoats its now of ;its beiTtrand.We can;• assure you of the very smartest and most reasonably' priced garments' in the trade- $18 $2Q $25 $30. sous S;outhcot .Bros,. The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Anianal s-On'e insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50, ' Miscellaneous articles of not more than five limes, For Sale, To Renit, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion Local reading notices, etc., lOc per line per insertion) No reoitice less than 25c. Card of Tha'nk's Sec. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fivje inches in length. Legal advertising IOc. and 5c. a line. Farm pr Real Estate for state 5.0c. each insertion for one month of four irnse,rtsonS, THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUT1t Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Commencing Monday Oct. 1st, Can: uadian National Train 162 will leave Wingham at 6.55 a. 'm, arriving London 9.58 a. m. This will mean its arrival Exeter about '30 or 35 minutes earl-' lace.; r le N. J. DORE ?hoale 46w Ageaot, Erodes I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance!' Office, Caling Block, Main St. Exeter Dr, • G. F. Roulatoe, L. D. S., D. D.111. DENTIST• Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A, R. 'KINSMAN, L. D, S., D. D. S. Honor . Graduate Toronto University Office --over Gladman' & Stsebuxj'6 Office, Main Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN • W,e bare a large, amorist orf :prfva a funds 170 Masi on farm and.. v'i taste' property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANNi7'RT BanMtegi, SolivitiorkEzipii