The Exeter Advocate, 1923-9-27, Page 7SYMPTOMS OF DEBILITY,Royalty in Hiding'Luis. Philippe, Duke of Orieane, one
of the French Royalists who came
back to London in very indifferent
How to Tell Whether Yqur Blood GOODWIN
Needs Revitalizing. I health as a result of his recent en
, Variation—Godwin.
liedition to Africa, unlike his sister, Racial Origin -Anglo-Saxon,
Queen Amelia of Portugal, and'his
The symptoms of general debilitysource—A given name.
vary according to the cause, but weak- nephew' to b s all ' who are con-
ness is always present, a tendency to scantly to be seen around London, Tilers is no particular distinction in
perspire and fatigue easily, ringing in goes about very little. He is rather being able to trace one's•family name.
the ears, sometimes black spots pass- grieved at being exiled from Franco, back to a Norman-French origin in old.
lug before the eyes, weak back, vele'.though in his young days, you 'einemEngland. Probably a majority of Eng
go, wakefulness caused by inability to `bar, lie more than once insisted on go lisle family names are derived from
ng there, claiming his right as a
stop thinking and unrefreshing sleep. i
Th4cause of the trouble may be some Freachivan to serve as a conscript in Norman sources, which is strange ata
itrain on the system, or it may be men the .army. He used to live at York first thought, considering that at no
Lal or physical overwork, sometimes in- : I -louse, Twickenham—his sister Queen time was the bulk of the population in
Ruiflcient nutrition due to digestive Ameifa was born there—and at one England Norman.
t time I was a frequent visitor to the
disturbance. l house. The grounds are on the banks• I The paradox is explained by the
If You have any or all of these symp of the Thames with the most exquisite fact that the Normans, being for sev-1
toms try building up the blood with bowers of roses; but the chief thing Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, and as the .g seal centuries the rulers of the land, ,
new blood courses through your veins about York House is the big marble dominated it in the matter of language
there should be an increase in your swimming pool specially built by the and mines., though_ numerically weak
appetite, a better digestion and soon' Duke and decorated with the Orleans,` er than the;Anglo-Saxon element, un-
a renewal of strength and vigor. til finally they were absorbed, and fol
We have seen
UfYou can get these pills through any ;
; lowing the political severance with
dealer in medicine or by mail, post-; the Queen of the Netherlands who, their old land, Normandy, drifted will -
illpaid, at 500 a box from the Dr. Wil-' with her Prince Consort and her, ingly into the "melting pot."
hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, 1daughter, the Princess Juliana,. have •} Thus, inning this period of domin-
been here in England for a mouth's ' ance of the French tongue, say
i holiday in the poet Wordsworth's through the twelfth and thirteenth
Private O'Grady's Nerves, country at Grasmere among the lakes ' centuries, the historical records show
Veteran& of the Great War who of Westmoreland. They have had the' a very small minority of the old Anglo-
Ferved in the front-line trenches in quietest of times and their wish for Saxon given names. Anglo-Saxon
France will be able to sympathize with unobtrusiveness has been compiled names, indeed, disappeared for a time
Private O'Grady. Some of them can with. The Prince Consort took his more completely even than Anglo -
remember seeing the posts that held( daughter, Juliana, long climbs in the . Saxon speech.
the barbed wire out in front come to- mountains while the Queen devoted a! But here and there they were to be
getter on a moonlight night and ad-, good deal of her time to water -color found. Among these rare instances
Dance in a stealthy and threatening painting of the lake scenery. The • are several Godwins, spelled variously
manner. They know how they felt as Dutch royal family never came near "Godewin," "Godwyne" and "Godun."
evening came and they prepared to London, really for fear they might get They became familiar names, as did
"stand to." They can understand how engulfed in the gaieties of the season,' other given names, by the addition of
O'Grady felt when after a day of hard The mother of the murdered Czar the termination "sen" or the prefixing
fighting under a blistering Philippine ,lies been staying with her sister, of the Norman "fitz" with the same
Queen Alexandra, mother of the King. meaning, and in the course of time
The two widowed queens are insepar- these again have been dropped.
able. More than once recently when The form Goodwin is explained by
lag beach, and O'Grady's post was at I have sauntered into Hyde Park on a the fact that the "o" in Godwin origin -
the water's edge. As darkness fell sunny afternoon to listen to the band ally was pronounced long, an in "hole,"
and the stars came out he felt weak of the Grenadier Guards I have seen and that the spelling "oo" also at one
and depressed. He glanced at the line their open automobile drawn up under fi
of a fire crested wave and watched it
charge toward the shore. He glanced
Surnames and Their Origin
surf' he was assigned to sentry duty.
The battalion camp was not more
that a quarter of a mile from a curv-
at a flat rock lying some dozen paces
away. What! Did the rock move? It
certainly did!
He looked in the opposite direction.
Another flame -tipped wave was rolling
toward a number of rocks lying a
the trees so they might enjoy the
music. Of but One
yis knows �� �'� O WN TABLETS
who they are, but no one is so bad
mannered as to go near and stare at
them. Queen Alexandra, however, has
always the brightest smile for anyone
who salutes her as the car drives
along, but the Dowager Empress of
e pronunciation.
Variations Oake, Oakbolt, Oakley,
Oakover, Oakshot, Oakslade, Oker,
Racial Origin—English.
Source --A locality.
Here is another group of family
names belonging to the locality alasal
lication'. One and all of those names
apparently sprang' up simultaneously
and 'quite naturally in nearly all parts
of England, at least in. all parts where
oak trees grew. Consequently the pos-
session of this name is no guarantee
of relationship, even a remote one,
with other persons bearing the same
name or ones similar to it.
The original forms of the name, of
course, were nearly always preceded
l by words that show it was at first
merely a descriptive phrase. In the
old records we find the Norman pre -
1 fixes "del" and "de," meaning "of,"
w li it, and also the Anglo-Saxon
"atte" ("at the").
Old spellings of the names include
"dell Oke," "atte Oke," "atte Olt," "del
Okes," ale Okolt," "de Okhoit," "de
Ociee, "de Akelegh," "de Okovere,"
"do Ocslade" and "Oker."
The last of these Is simply "oak-er,"
that is, a contraction of the old
were,' meaning "man," with the word.
An oak "holt" is an oak thicket. An
oak "s ode" is a grass -covered open
space in an oak forest. An oak "ley,"
"lee" or "legh is either a shelter or
pasture near oaks. An "over" is flat
land near the sea or a river. If oaks
grew upon It, the medieval English
called it an "okovere" or "akeovere."
The termination "shot" in the name
Oakshot is simply a contraction of
"halt" to be found in a great many
English place names. The name of
Notes is a contraction of the form
"atten Okes," inwhich the "n" of the
peeilx has been carried over to the
short distance from the water, Those Russia always seems to be wrapped in I "Mr's. Hermadis Chagnon, Ste. Theo -
rocks moved tool Very slowly they sadness—as well she might be.—Sir } dosie, Que., writes•:—"Baby's Own
started to meet the. incoming wave. John Foster Fraser. Tablets have been of great value to
He shouted "Halt!" and brought his 4+me in keeping my little one well and I
A Personal Instrument. I would not be without them." Thou -
The general popularity of the piano, sands of other mothers say the same
that instrument which has long been a thing. They have learned by actual
classic unit of the furniture of the experience the value of the Tablets in
home, is not the result of some arbi- regulating the bowels and stomach;
trary choice of the householder. Ac-
* constipation and indiges-
cording to a famous pianist the setas- tion; breaking up colds and simple
faction which the listener finds in this fevers; and keeping the baby free
from the many simple ailments of
instrument is the result of the corn-
plex tonal effects which it is capable childhood, The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
of producing, and also of its peculiar cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
adaptability for conveying fully and Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
directly the message of the performer.
What a remarkably personal instru- The Two Lovers.
meet the piano is. It is capable of im• „How do you know you love me?"
pressing upon auditors with unique
thoroughness the personality of the The modest maiden said.
artist or the character of a work. If The lover's ayes were big, round eyes,
And high he held his head.
gun to bear.
The rocks halted, and O'Grady rub-
bed his eyes. What had happened to
him? He had glanced back over his
shoulder toward camp. A rock directly
behind him was coming toward his.
Ah! Sneaking up to bolo him in the
back! O'Grady rushed madly at it
and dashed the butt of his gun against
its hard surface. Then he mopped his
forehead— Just a common rock on the
He looked up and down the shore.
There they were again! Rocks every-
where were moving toward the water
—edging, creeping, crawling by ones,
by twos, by threes and in large
groups! Then the sentinel's nerves
gave way. The whole battalion was music has any value that fact may be
awakened by his yelling like a Corn- determined by playing it over on the
pianoWe frequently hear composers
say that their compositions for orches-
tra show to advantage only 'when pre-
sented by an orchestra, and that they
should never be judged when played
upon the piano. This, it seems, is only
but innocent turtles making their, an excuse for hiding utterly worthless
stuff under a maze of orchestral color-
ing. if a composition has real musical
attributes these may be easily discern-
ed 'when played upon the piano. In
fact the piano is• such a peculiar per-
sonal instrument that it is possible
for the works of certain composers to "
"Because when e'er I knot my tie,
In roaring market -place, or tranquil be properly set forth only by their I always think of you.
MOM ; creator.-
Let me but find it in my heart to say, • I wonder if you'd like the red,
When vagrant wishes beckon. me seee,e Or would prefer the blue.
• astray--- t 1�(Af Because whene'ei I shave myself,
"This is my work; my blessing, not (!t Your face comes in the glass,
my doom;
Of all who live,IaiAnd I am sure to out myself."
., m the one by He Won the little lass!
. ,�••
whom r —Gelett Burgess -
This week can best be done, ' in the R
right way." Speculation and Respectable Graft.
isto do.
Then shall I see it not too great, nor ness ere
merelyty workwofork Speculationuis
anche as his rifle spat fire in the dark-
ness. _
When it was safe to approach him
it took half an hour to calm him and
to prove to him that his treacherous,
traveling rocks were only immense.
nightly visit to the water in search of
Let me but do my work from day to
• day,
In field or forest, at the desk or loom
"Because you're fair as angels are,
Because your eyes are dreams!
Because without you all the world
But tame and empty seems.
Because when I am far from you
Life seems but Death, alway.
I cannot live without you, dear!"
She sent the man away.
"How do you know you love me?"
Again the maiden said. '
The lover's eyes were sleepy- eyes,
And down he cast his head.
To suit my spirit andto prove my �� ' ti things ready produced—that is not
powers; ?fit 'i `��Y business. Itis just. more or less re -
ea r...•.. ►4111 ��illl�nr' spectable graft. But it cannot' be leg -
laboring hours, islated out of existence. Laws' can do
Then shall I cheerfully greet the
And cheerful turn, when the long very little. Law never does anything
shadows fall Evidence Lacking. constructive. It can never be more
At eventide, to play and love and rest. "Why did she fail in her breach -of- than a policeman, and so it -is a waste
of time to look to our state capitals or
Became I know for me 'my ' work is I promise suit?" •to Washington to do that which the
best. ' "She made the mistake of letting law was not designed to do; As long
—Henry Van Dyke. him make love to her by radio instead ,
Z•-- of through the mails." as IVO look to legislation to cure .pow-
Keep Nilnard's, Liniment in the house, erty or to abolish special privilege we
What is wisdom but having a great
deal to say and keeping silent?
are going to see poverty spread and
special privilege grow.—Henry Ford.
Pays a Man to Wed. Her So
She Can be Briton.
It takes less effort to , make good Some people's idea of taking ,.life
impressions'rhere axe more. ways than one of L__ t_ re -ma;-, --- :-- easy seems to be making it hard for
the rest of us.
becoming a British subject, and one pressions.
of the strangest y -et revealed --that is,
for a foreign -boric woman to pay: $150 Relieved Rheumatism, .
for the privilege of going through a
marriage form with an Englishman, t
whereupon she automatically takes on®����`���'���
her husband's nationality.
It is said that recently an Austrian Thousandsof people everywhere weeks with this rheumatism and a bad
woman, who had difficulty in becom- have - learned of " Tanlac througL the case of grippe.' I •lost about eight
lag naturalized and wished to take the statements of others and havetaken pounds and felt miserable.:
short cut, • offered an elderly and ; im- the treatment with such splendid re- "TIiree bottles of the Tanlac treat-
pecunious bachelor of her acquaint- .sults' that they in turn deem. it only .meat, besides greatly improving my
ante about $150 if' he wqu1d' marry fair to relate their experience for the rheumatism, has made my eating and
her. On his, agreement the ceremony benefit of suffering humanity. Such is digestion better than they ever were.
took place at the Regitry Office, the the case with L. Desormeaux, well- 1. have regained my lost weight, and
br""ids and bridegroom agreeing, as known electrical contractor, living at ate feeling extremely well, 'Tanlac is
they left the building, never to -see 1066 Berri St., Montreal, who says: great."
each other again. - "I couldn't do otherwise than pub- Tanlac is for sale by all good di•tIg-
T?.i,e Home' Office states that several holy endorse Tanlac for I was lucky gists.' Accept no substitute. Over 37
marriages of this sort have taken to find out about the medicine 'the million bottles sold.
place recently: same way myself. For nearly a,year
? I suffered from, indigestion, and also Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Nature's
Teailuxe is the only high road to had •rlieuinatism in my legs. About a own remedy for constipation.' For sale
success. I month ago I was laid up in bed tar two I everywhere.
She—"It's hard to realize there are
thousands and thousands of people in
Europe of the lower classes only half
Rector—"Yes! And there arethous-
ands and thousands in this country of
the upper classes in the same condi-
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order. Five
Dollars costs three cents.
Oysters are nervous creatures, and
it is said that a sudden shock such as
a loud thunderclap will kill many him-
dreds of them.
Two-pronged forks were introduced
into England in 1608. They were first
made in Sheffield. Three -pronged
forks came into use in 1750.
Classified Advertisements
(Booklet). Nine year,' experience ranchini
foxes. 35 "cents. for. Randall. Truro, Nova Scotts
TON Hand Press that will take ; papa o:
I columns, ions. 'Wilson Y'ublIeeia/ en., Ltd.. Ii
Adelaide Rt. W.. Toronto.
'NI Fill your pipe
'ai,; with.
12 1111.
toll your
o n%
QQa� (P(O ll'
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One Neighbor of Another.
Old Mistress ---"So you are going to
my friend over the way, Bridget? Did
you tell her that you have been with
me only two months?"
Bridget—"Yes, ma'am, and she said
if I could: stay with you two months
that was a good enough reference for
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
You have heard of the old lady who
always had something good to say
about everybody, and when someone
was slandering the devil, she protested
that at least he had something com-
mendable, and that was his per-
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies.
Book on
and 11ow to Feed
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Caused Loss of Sleep.
"I was troubled awfully with pim-
ples on my face. Little white spots
formed at first which later broke out
in large, red pimples that festered
and scaled over. They itched and
burned causing loss of sleep, and
my face was disfigured.
"Other remedies were used with-
out success. A friend recommended
Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I
purchased some, and after using
them about a week I got relief. I
continued using them and in a
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(Signed) Miss Lilian Warner, Wil-
liamsburg, Ontario.
Daily use of Cuticura Soap, Oint-
ment and Talcum helps to prevent
skin troubles.
Sample Eaeh•FreebyMall.Address: "Lymans,L)m-
Med, 344 St. Pani at., W., Montreal. " Sold every-
Soap25e. Ointmentffiandsoe.Talcnm25e.
Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
UNLESS you see the name `Bayer on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago . Pain, Pain
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of iia,yer manufacture of Mono-
ncettcacidester of. Galievltcacid. White It is Well known that Aspirin means Bayer
manufacture, to assist the public against imltatiens, the 'i' ablate of Bayer Company
will be stamped with their general trade mark, the 'mayor Cross."
White Rhino's Handicap.
African travelers tele us that the
, white rhinoceros frequently dies from
eating poisonous plants which have no
effect on the black one, probably be-
cause the line scent of the latter tells
him it is dangerous.
Cleanses and Beautifies
for Free Book on. Eye Cara
Attraetiva Proposition
yor matt with all round weeks
vowspapar experience and $400
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Street West.
Minards, applied fre-
quently, dries up ;and removes Warts.
Harmless, purely vegetable, Infants' end
Children's Regulator, formula en every label,
Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic.
The Infants' and Children's Regain ar
Children grow healthy and free
from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency,
constipation and other trouble if
givenit at teething time.
Safe, pleasant—always brings re-
markable and gratifying results.
At Alt
a -
ar et.
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WJ1tU !"J $[JFEEt
Weak and Nervous. Made
Well by Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound
Webbwood, Ont. —" I was in a very
weak and run-down nervous condition,
always tired from the time I got up
until I went to bed. Sleep did not rest
me at all. My sister recommended
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound to me and others told me about
it, but it was from my sister's advice
that I took it. It did not take long
until I felt stronger, headaches left
me and nip appetite cane back to me,
I am a farmer's wife and have many
things to do outside the house such as
mining, looking after the poultry, and
other chores. I heartily recommend the
Vegetable Compound to all who have the
same trouble. I had forst is a fine medi-
chic for women."—IVtrs Louis F. ELSAS-
sun, Hillcrest Farm,Webbwood, Ont.
Another Nervous Woman Rinds Relief
Port Huron, Michigan.—"I suffered
for two years with pains in my side, and
if .I worked very much .I was nervous
and just as tired in the morning as when
I went to bed. I was sleepy all the day
and didn't feel like doing anything, and
was so nervous I would bite my finger
nails. One of my friends told me about
Lydia E, Pink ham's Vegetable Com-
pound, and it helped me so much that I
soon felt fine, "—Mrs. CHARLES Bieermt,,
501 -14th St., Port Huron, Mich.
Women who suffer from any feminine
ailment should try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. C3
ISSUE No. 58—'23.