The Exeter Advocate, 1923-9-27, Page 1arcevieuvagosarm
To get sone :idea, of the true value
of money, .try to buy somebright-eyed
youngster's baby brother or sister
Any amount no matter, how staggering
would ehemost cases,, get, only a look of
•1110°` Conservatives will banquet Hon,
Howard Ferguson some time in Nov-
ember. It will be a big party affair.
The. Right Hon. Arthur Nieighen and
other Dominion leaders will be pres-
Airedy there is talk that the King
Government contemplates an appeal; to
the country after the. next session of
parliament. The redistribution; will be
given as justification Lar a dissolution
after tate third session.
The London Ttiunes says that Brit-
a'sn 5s not buying largely 'of Canadian
wheat ,for the same reason that they
are otos buying elsewhere—they have
not got the money. That its the real
explanation ,of the low, price of wheal
—lack of purchasing power, and it
shows how intimately the fortunes of
the Canfadian farmer are. bound up with
the, situation. in Europe.
We often wonder if the people of
this town appreciate their surround-
ings, if they note thesurpassing
beauty to be seen almost everywhere.
An early morning walk along Huron
street noticing tete well -kept lawns,
will raise your estimation of your
home town. Other streets look just
as well. On one short street almost
every residence and grounds attach-
ed make a picture. One lady visit-
ing in town from a large and beauti-
ful city says, "Exeter is the most
beautiful little town I know of. We
haven't anything like the variety
and numbers of flowers in Washing-
ton that you have here."
During the severe electrical storm
of the night of Sept. Zeth, the barn
and contents of Mr. Lawrence D. Ful-
ttore on the, boundary near Farquhar,
were totally destroyed. Threshing had
been completed just a few, days be-
.lorei and the 'entere season's crop was
in the building. The drive shed and
most ,of the farm, implemefts, and the
house were saved. •The calves and
several pigs were saved, but thirteen
twigs and one hundred hems were; burn-
er.d. The loss is partly, covered by in-
The Confesenc e was largely attend-
ed on Thursday oe last week is Clan-
rleboye Met bod'nst Church.
The, officers aree--Rev. G. W. Riv-
ers of Parkhill, chairman; Rev. Art.hur
Sinclair of Herne% financial secretary;
Rev, W. E.. Donnelly, Exeter, chair-
man of the district nvissiionlary com-
Addresses were given by Dr. Dob-
son ,of Alma College on .the work
of the college; by Rev. Prof. Potter
of Victoria College,out education,; by
Rev. S. E. Annus. B, Ae returned
missionary from West China, on the
work in that cotmery; by Rev. W. E.
Matson, president of thetLondon Con-
ference, on +evangelistic and social
An .exchange of pastors will be
made on Educattional Sunday, and
November was
as the month
to launch a campaigns for missionary
an/ evangelistic work.
A vote of thanks was tendered the
1adees of the church: for the bountiful
dinner and supper provided for every-
one present.
Exeter Council
Monday, September 24th, 1923..
A regular meeting of the Municip-
al Council, the members being all
present. The minutes of the meeting
held Sept. 10th, were read and con-
• A letter was read from the Roads
and Roads Construction: A Monthly
Record, London England. Filed.
Mr. John R. Hind, a member of
the Public Utilities Commission
Board addressed the Council asking
for a grant of Two Hundred Dollars
for expenses re waterworks supplies,
per Francis—Davis That the request
be granted. Carried.
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid:
McCiary Mfg. Co. Sign, $5.40; Dr,
Booming, B of H 39.50; I: R. Carl-
ing, Treasurer Guarantee Bond $8;
Kanstine Co. Ltd, acc't, 15 6.76; Jno,
parsons, labor, 25,75; Win. Smith,.
425; John Morlejt 9.501 Thee, San-
ders, 14.5.0; John Hunkih, 5,50
Ernest Oollingwood, $e; Clyde Hey-
wood, team 16,50; R: E. Davis, 5.75
Thos, Houlden, 5.50;, Fred Bawden,
5.50; Fred Corniele tie(); Wm. Gil-
lespie, 2.75; Peter Coleman, 2.75;
Jonathan Kydd, 7,70.
Adjournment by I?avil§.
Jos, Senior, Clerdt.
Phone 70.
Officials of the hydro commission,
Warden Beavers, J. R. Hind and ef.
I W. Doerr. spoke on, thet hydro• at Blyth
last week.
ostponeaces' I
A. beautiful clear sky, e good
field of horses, and dev!erything point-
ing to ideal conditions for racing, i
brightened the prospects for pulling i
off the Fair program, of races, post-
poned the day previous, owing to the
continued down pour of rant. Short-
ly after noon the; crowd began to•;;a::-.
rive from all directions untie a large
,number bad gathered, and it may ba
said that not in the; history of the town
has there been a better ail;-rround I
program of races. Every race was
contested ,with keen competition ant
there was not a loafer on the track.
Every was a race, ante every drc!r-
er; was out to win the mon;eee., 1
The first was a race for the boys
and was finished in two heats. David
Taylor winning first money, Sand El-
liott second and Louis Davey third.
The. Green Trot or pace' was finish-
ed M. three heats, Elsie Grattan, own-
ed by F. Reeder of Centralia, winning
but she had to go some, as Hal Jean
was a very close second end all push-
ed well to the fret t, In this race I
Exeter's veteran horseman, Mr. Alex,
was a cofestanto d d
rove with
remarkable skill, notwithstanding the
fact that bi,e is about 75 years. of age,'
Few drivers can handle a horses with
as good results as i\ir. Dow, and he
is a genuine good sport when it comes
to a horse race,
It took five heats to complete the
2,18 class, Joe McKinley, owned by
W. Cudmore of Seaforth winning .fi=st
honors. This was a race for blood and
was watched tvith more 'than, ordinary
;interest, Hal T. was a close Gond
and after winning the first heat kept
Joe McKinley on the; hustle to win out,
Tom Yearley's favorite racer, Sidney
B„ also a favorite, in local racing cir-
cles took first honors and money In
the 2.30 class, Denny Worthy and
Baby Gold took second and third
money 'respectively, This was a real
races and from start to finish was fol-
lowed with keen interest in. every heat,
Following is the summary --
Elsie Gratton, F. Reeder 1 1 1
Hal Jean, D. Alien 2 2 2
Roy Paschen, A. Cunningham 4 4 3
Little Bahe A Dow 5 3 4
Tony McKinney F Taylor 3 5 5
Trine -2,29, 2.30 F.
2.30 1-4.
2,18 CLASS
Joe 'McKinley, W. Cudrnore 4 211.1
Hal 'I., I. T. Harris 142221
Lady Spenkxmore Docks tater 213 33
May Wright, T. E. Haggitt • 3 3 4 4 4
Time -2,21, 2.23, 2,20, 2.21, 2,21;.
2.30 CLASS
Sidney B., T. Yearley 1 1 1
rne,nny Worthy, T. E. Haggett 2 2 4'
Baby Gold, T, H. Hall 3 3 2
Louis Patche,n, B. Hodgins 4 4 3
Lucy Thompson, S. Riddle 6 5 7
Krtinghtrider Fe Taylor 7 7 6
William F„ A. Day 5 8 8
Time -2,29 1-4; 2,91-2; 2.29 1-4,
Local News
The town council es rebuilding the
sidewalk in. front of the. Advocate Off!
ice, Kirk Bros. and the Ford Garage.
The old walk was dangerous, to pedes-,
tr.'.ans in. slippery weather for some
Mr. Morris E. Neil, who has been {
for some time on, the( staff of the Mo1-
sons Bank here and at Ceneraliai left
on Wednesday evening for Detroit, to
accept a position with the Detroit
Savings Bank.
Tae earlier arrival of the morning
train from the north, wiill be of partic-
ular benefit to the, students from Hen-'
sal. and vicinity attending, Exeter' High'
S+thool. They ivul,l n,ot now miss the I
first study period each day.
The first of the. phonatiraph demon-
strat•ons was held en the public school 1
on Tuesday afternoon when several ,oi
the members of the, board of Educetison
were present to see the effect of ;mu -I
sec on thework of the pupils. Mr,, W.
J. Powell put on the demonstration,, 1
Tee League of James Street Meth -I
Geist Church •an Tuesday everting en-
,terta.ned the teaching staff and stu-
dents of the Exeter High School to,,a,
sa.:41 .evening in the basement of the;
-ce erch. A large number were present
and a good program was given and a,
lunch was served,
James Walker enters on his final
year in . Dentistry in Toronto this
week and his brother, Bruce and
wife have also gone to Toronto
where he has a fellowship in the Uni- +
versity and in connection with it
hopes toconeinue•.his studies expect -,1
ing to add. to his degree of ,13:,4, that I'.
Of. BSS. also.. , 1
Mr, , W nl. ' Love 'of, Parkhill, the gen-
eral agent forthe Ma,sssey-Harcus Col
for ibis district, waken' town this week
adjusting matters of the company pre-
l:aratory to severikg.connectioa with`
the. firm. ;Mr, Love bate been with the
connpany for the past 34 years and
was popularly, kmiown by nearly .ev-
ery' farther throughout the, district, A
ee, arrangernent of the -various ten--
ern-Stories is blein,g arramgeld by the Co;
A gentleman from Toronto with a
large experience in real estatein
Montreal; made this remark one
morning -last week: "What a pretty-
rettyplace you have with all esour flow-
ers." "Is. it not pretty little. town?
askedy.a listener, "Really,,,, said he,
`+L never saw anything prettier in. elle
my life',:" Now, won't you help to
beautify your town more than ever
and help it retain its paramount
Acting under instructions from De-
troit, a coronex's jury was impanel -
led, here on Tuesday,, and on Wednes-
day they viewed the exhumed reamer
of Dr, Vivian Harrison who •died sud-
denly, a few weeks ago in Detroit and
was buried here. The meetin,e, of the
jurors was then adjourned to a future
date Apparently the Detroit auth-
,arit.e,:; are doubtful as to the caus,s
of hie death.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johnston and
child leave this week for their home
in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Johnston
has been here for the past three
has been here for the past 3 weeks
on his return from San Diego, Cal,
where lee load been making observa-
tions at the time of the Solar eclipse
on the 10th inst. He and his asso-
ciates were delighted with the suc-
cess of their observations in magnet-
ism and atmospheric electricty.
At Clinton on Wednesday of last
week the Wingham team, defeated Lu -
cant in the semi-finals of the N.W., B,
A., after the two teams had tied in
' home and home games. rhe score was
3-1. Owen Sound and Wingham now
play , n, the finals,
Mount rim;
Mr, Stuart and sister, Miss Camelia,
xreturned to thee home at Detroit,
after several days here and
at Seaforth,
'.Miss Elsie Brandon, left this week
for Stretford where she will attend
Miss Marie Carey of Drysdale, was
visiting at hex home this week.
Mr, Joseph Guinan, accompanied by
Miss Winona -eel left on Monday for
sign a e a i `. od J
The local banks have bean author -
iced by the Red. Cross Society to ac-
cept subscriptions toward the Japanese
ReFund, Any one wishing to su b -
sr rib'e' will please do so at an 'early
date, so that the greatest good maybe
acconpplesh ed.
The .Nome sof lir, and Mrs, John C.
Srneil, Carting street, Exeter, has been
saddened by the death of the'r young•
est on, Jack Glenn, aged 11. days, the
little fellow hating passed away 'on
Tuesday morning. He had poor health
front the time of his arrival.
era! kook place We.lnesday to the Ex•
eter Cemetery.
CLEAN CHIMNEYS.From the fire martial of Ontario's
office there has been sent out a c._r-.
cular letter to the various cities and
t owns in the province, pointing out
the. dangers of using hard coal subsii-
tutes, and advising that chimneys be
built wider, that no woodwork ap-
proach, or he indi direct commun,zeaa on
wall the chimney; that the brick work
of the ch!annney be: increased an w ;elite
and that all chimneys be, kept scrupul-
ously clean.
For some time leer. Wes. Dearing
of the 3rd of Stephen had miasad a
numb•'ee of chicken from a wire •sn-
closure ,near ,his housetand he thought
to keep watch for the thief, Mrs.
Dearing the otherg
night hearing a
none near the chicken pen called Mr.
Dearing, when he discovered; .e huge
owl tackling one of ,his choice chicken
which his owlship bad rendered al-
most lifeless. Being disturbed •at the
approach of lir. Dearing he dropped
the chick axed flew, up on a nearby
post, and her. Dearing securing his
gun. laid the. intruder low. It was as
fat as a seal and meesured from tip
to tip of the wings, 51 inches,
A pretty autumn, wedding took place
on Friday afternoon; Sept. 21, at the
home ,of tth,e brides mother, e: rs,+
Vance of the thied line of Piympton,
when hoer daughter, bliss Jean. Vance,
was uunited in, marriages to, Mr, Thomas
G. Wilkie, Rev. airs Stone. of Wyom
ing performing the ceremony. The
bride was attended by her sister, while'
the. groom was supported by A. W,
Joyce. The happy` couple left amid
the, best wishes of all for a motor trip
to OwenSound S, o '
:and elsewhere
on their return will take up their res-
idence at Grand Bend. Mr. Wilkie,
and his companion, Mr. Joyce, conduct -
e3 meet?sngs en the tent west of Vic-
;coria Park during tee stunmer and
while here made many friends; who 'will
join in wishing far Mr. Wilkie and
his beide many years of happy wed-
ded life,
Contrary to all expectations there
are still some p:eopsee in Exeter o1 'he
opinion that the town pays for alf'the
expenses of the High school. To a
large, extent this nation gets into the
heads of the p.e;ople, from thefact'that
panels from the country, are o longer
required to pay fees to attend abigh
school in a neighboring munscipality.
The: payment of feces ;;s no longeµ' aa -
lowed by the law sof the educat,anas.
department at 'Toronto. But this con-
dition does not affect the, situation a;n,
any way. A few yearsia.go pupils film
municipality in which the highschool Snell -1n Exeter, a- n: Sept. 25,
was situate. Now the county treasur Glenn, infant sail of Mr, and
er pays the amount of the grant in John C. Snell, aged 11 days.
full. This grant is based on the pro-
portion, of :pupils attending the school
from the outside municipalti.ties,
For instance—In Exeter, without be-
ing exact, there are, about 60 Exeter
students and 140 outside pupils, Then
out of every $200 expended for. all
high school purposes Se.,49 gis payable
by the county and, $.6a by the villages.
60 it will be seen ;that the county
pays all costs of pupils coming frons
the district ouutside of the vjllegne. The
same rule applies to pupils coming from
other counties.
MITCHELL -Thursday reght the
large barns belong?'n,g' to W, J, .Murray IN MEMORIAM
a fete miles east of here, in which were
ail tluh seasonrs crops, a eine team of
horses,,l'our calves, a'nuniber of pigs,
and all the rn'ipiememr s were 'destroy,
ed, '1 m e blaze e tar ted en the ' maw and
as none of the geaSse from more 'than
100 acres had been threshed, spontan-
eous` combustioe ,u thought to have
been the cause. The loss is partly
covered by !insurance,
1Jrs. George Either is visiting for
a couple weeks 'me Datroit, -
Mrs. Roy Bentreet return el to her
home ,n Windsor on Monday, ac-
c p s.1her xt +ao London by rnathe
who returned home Tuesday e:en'ng,
+ • Jr Lorna Brown, B. A. occupied
the pulsate or the Evangelical Church
on. Sunday evening. He left for New
York on Monday to resume his studies,
Miss Pearl Holtzman has recei:•.d
word ,of her appointment es assistant
supt of the Evangelical Deacon., 5s
-iospittj in Chicago;
During the severe storm oitlast week
the tower on the Evangelecal Churce
was struck by lightning and some dam-
e=;e was done to the tower. It burned
out :one circuit of the lighting system
n, the church,
Mr. H. K. Eilber ,has at last received
unbroken a part of the switch to be
used in the shed for the turning •on
and off the lights. It has been order-
ed for nearly a year but has been dam-
aged theec threes.
Miss Lillian Haut underwent an op-
eration for appendicitis in the, Victoria
Hospital • on Monday. She is reported
:o be ding nicely.
Mr. Albert Wolf is able to be about
ageeni after being laid; up Lor a'couple
of weeks from a kick in the knee; from
a, horse
Llr. Arthur Sanbrook of Toronto, re
newel• qld acquaintances lie the village
on eloivday:
llr, and Mrs, H. K. Sieber and Mre.
.elaynneel motored to London the past
Mfrs. A, Oakes returned home last
week after visiting her parents Mr,
and Mrs. G. K. Braun; for a ,couple of
ler. Walter Smith. of Torontoy is vis-
iting his parents. Mr„ and Mrs. William
Smith, Sr,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Zwicker, motored to
London on Tuesday.
Miss Lulu Gamer has returned to
New York after visiting her parents
the past two months.
Mr. and Mrs, Jacob \Lessner of
Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr, and
1In•, Henry Motz,
'lir, and Mrs, Jos, Br okenshire and
children, and lir. and Mrs. George
Wright returned to Windsor last
week, after spending their holidays
with Mr., an,d Mrs,. Eli Lasws:oo.
Mr. Henry Motz left this week for
London, where he has accepted a
position n wrth the e brverwoJ
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly of Lon-
don, spealr Sunday wash Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mote.
Knight—Inn. Exeter, - on Sept., 21, to Mr.
and vers. R:egin,ald Knight, a son.
'Schroeder—At Dashwood, on Sept. 9,
to Mr. and Mrs, Wry. Schroeder, a
s on.
��r1>.iams—sn Usborne, on Sept, 22, to
her. and Mrs, Roland Williams,
daugbter —Ha zel , BeWilliams,
Marrectt—White,—Iii Hensal'1, •on Sept
17, Mess Mary Elizabeth. White,. to
John Wilburt Marriott, bot h of
the country paid fees, but the total
of such fees was deetu,cted try, the
county ;officials .frons the; grans: to. the
Luxton—ln Loving Memory of Fred
Luxton, who died one year ago.
This day brings back sad memories
Of oave who ha,s; goner to rest,
. And those who think of him 'to, -day
Are the ones who 1qved him best,.
Oft and of our thoughts do wander
To the place not far away,.
Where we laid our darling loved one,
Just one ,year ago to -day.
—His sons and daughters,.
Penrice -1n proud and loving. memory
.of Pte.. 13rmest Penrice, killed in ac-
tion in the battle of •Cambrar,Frsasnc•e
Sept . 28, 1918.
'Jae : life- beyond setae thrs ,11fe fear•
transc end,
Asst deech is the beginnint—not the
--Moe-Sere Brothers and Sisters.
t d
James Street Methodist Church
Monday, October lst,
at 8 o'clock
Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A.,
will give a recital of Victor Hugo's famous
masterpiece "Jean Valjean". - The most charm-
ing story of all fiction.
Admission 25c.
Public and High School Pupils 15c.
K. Cider/1 .� .
Apple Butter Factory.
will run every day.
Phone 115
Main Street, Exeter
The Kirkton Fair
Tuesday and Wednesday
October 2nd and 3rd, 1923
St. Mary's Juvenile Band will be in attendance
James Stephen Amos Doupe
Are combined in the New Coats and Wraps which we arc
showing for Ladies and Girl. Prices are considerably lower
than you would expect for such attractive garments and we
would suggest that you would pay our store an early visit, so
that you may see our display while it is complete,
We Offer
Burberry, Styles with self collars, B.everene collars, or Coon
Collars, new tube style Wraps with one side effects in Velours
and Bolivia Cloths with, self collars, fur collars, and fur collars
and cuffs of Beaveriae, Isabella Sable, or American, Sable.
We have a big aange of sur collared Coats in conservative
styles and also ' several Novelty garnets for those who prefer a
distinctive style.
For Fall Wear
New Sweaters New Sweater Coats • Sport Hats
Tailored Skirts Individual Skirt Lengths
Sport Flannels One and Two-tone Homespun'
Brocaded ,Canton Crepes Paint Twills
Soie Milan—the new knitted ,Silk metered in all shades
Pa slsey- Crepes Papisley Silks
English Stockings in the New Shades and Rib effects.
Men! See Our Display Of
Grocery:Specials .
Seedless. Raisins , 15c. lb.Cascades. Salmon 15c. lb.
Chesst.e's Soda, , 15c, Ib.3 Jelly Potvaers for ......••• 25c.
Royal Yeast ...,,., ...,Sc: pk,Extr•a Special Broom 75c.