The Exeter Advocate, 1923-9-20, Page 8EXETER AIIITLIE ATE., Tti ITR SD A Y. SEPT. ❑1 18E3 /xeter Markets \\GED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wh-•tt ..,...... a Birle °l n noes Best Flour Fen :Y Flour` ................ ........ 1'a: ry Flour Feed Flour Bran, ......, • 35 48 3:75 3.60 3,20 1.90 1.40 Sh its .....,...... 1.60 Eggs-Spec:al and Extra 36 E. <, .--N o. 1 .,,,..... 27 Eggs No 2 ,•............. '1 Creamery Butter 41-42 ba!:y Butter ...... ... •32-33 Lard ............... ; 18 to 20 Hogs 9.00 Local Doings HYNDMAN-JOHNSTO`N, z Aui interesting event took place at , ;1.30 cit the afternoon of 'Thursday,' W. R. Goulding A. T. C. X. Organist and Choirmaster James St, Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music kin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXbTER. CARD OF THANKS The L.O.L. No. 924, of Exeter., wish to express their appreciation to the Quarterly Board and the Pastor' of James St. Methodist church for the use of the church for Mr. Ma- loney's address. I( Wm. Lutman, W.M. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. Comfortable Brick House, well sit- uated ; pride reasonable. Apply to F. J. Delbridge Exeter. IVIHOI,�I FARM. Potatoes for sale. Also Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Chicks any age up to!4 months. Phone your wants. L, V. HOGARTH Exeter, Ont. Phone Crediton 18-31. FARM FOR SALE 150 acre choice farm, being L•st 11 and 12, Con. 15, Township Stephen, situated 5 west of Crediton, on good gravel road. Good two story brick house, two bank barns, good imple- ment shed and garage, never failing rack well, 10 acres good bush, well fer}.ced and underdraiaed. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply on premises. -Jessie McKenzie, adminstra- trix, Dashwood, R. R. 2, \Vatford's tax rate. ,for 1923 has been, • Septetnber 13th,. at • Trivitt Memorial f set'at' 62 it is.• •' Miss Ruth Fraser, daughter of Mr, and •'4\gym. Frailer, Was taken ill last Wednesday. Mr. • G. J, Dow, shipped a car of hors�es.:It'o 'Montreal last Friday ;; also a car. to: ;Sudbury. We: have been in receipt of renewals from a -number of subscribers recent- ly, ..and we would bet pleased to hear from, others. Two• factors are absolutely necessary to a newspaper correspondent; 1 Be prarnf t`iirt sending in newsi and 2nd; Be sure of t'•e facts. .Exeter,—....Zurich, Ailsa Craig - and Parkhill are among the 129j tnunicipalit- les to have their hydro] rates decreased according .to the statement of the hy- dro conmmssion, Lucan tied Win.gham in_ the s•econ:l game of baseball et Winghann 112onclay with a score of 10-3 and this Wed. afternoon they will play at Clinton to decide a winner. Mr. Jas Kung of Fo.re.st, on Fair Day .Paid.. his 35th subscription to the Advocate, his first subscription being pad in .1889, and during all these years his subscription has always been paid in advance, At . Landon Fair last week, Mr. G. W. ,14lrtners of Usborne, took many..of the prizes for hogs -about four firsts, nine .seconds and four! thirds. In, stan,- dard.bted horses John Decker, of Zurich 'got six firsts. The former se- cured. $180 in. prize money and the latter $162 The annual Finacctai District meet- ing of Exeter District s held this I Thursday ,in the Methodist Church at Clandeboye. A missionary conference will be head in connection with the District meeting, addressed byRev, S. E. Artnls, missionary from China, and Rev, W. E. \li11s•on, President of Lon- don: Conference. Rte Rev. David Williams, D. D. Bish- or, of 'Huron; chairman of the miss- ionary soc;ety of the Church of Eng- land in Canada, which gave signal a; d to the starving people of China, dur- ing the famine that visited Chiina a year ago has been; notified by the Pek- in Gov't that the Republic of China bas been pleased to decoralte- him for the. part he b;ad ;in the rendering of, assistance to the people of that country. During the rain of Thursday evening about• 8 o'clock, two cars driven by ` Albert Etheriii ton and Mr. John Peart,,,,,.goit g iii opposite directions, came together with a crash a few yds. sontli of the corner at Exeter North, • Mrs, A. Dearing and • Mrs. Frank Mall- ett, who, with other members of the i Salvation Army, were holding service ori :the street, were struck by one of the! cars and considerably bra,isfed. The owners of the cars, were not hurt. 1u.. R.eart's daughter teas somewhat b,rttes•ed., •. • • The cars were damaged, Un.. Peart's car having' a tire, two 1en- dens, axe axle and a runnxa;n,g board i brekeat while Mr. Etherington's fender was (smashed, FARMS FOR SALE. 200 acres, being lots 5 and 6, Con. 2, Usborne, all .n firstfclass state of cultivation, well, underdrained with'• tile. 7 acres hardwood bush on each place. Lot 5 all in pasture. Good' brick house and two bank barns on lot 6. A.hundance of water. A young orchard just starting to bear. 3j6_ miles from Exeter, 3 miles from Centralia, quarter mile from school. Apply to Richard Coates Centralia P.O. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY FOUND. -A place where you can but British American gasoline at 30c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental. Surgelan,s of Ontariioi, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late. District Dental Officer, Milit- ary District Number one, Landon, Ont. Main, Office -Dickson Block, Mj Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zurich Ont., Phtone 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. tp .5 p.m, LET ELLIOTT & JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. DLrR MOTTO—Service to the Public. 01.11111111110 ';WINTER POTATOES -Order your winter potatoes from J. H. Grieve and get god Cons_• ---- DARK HONEY FOR SALE. E cellent quality, 6c. a lb, until sold, JOHN CARRICK, •Lake Road, Stephen, Hay, P.O. HOUSE FOR SALE. Two storey brick residence o4 Will- iam Street, Exeter, in first-class con- dition;: modern conveniences, good garden. . Apply Mrs. W. J. Russell. BABY BUGGY FOR SALE.- In first class condition. Apply at this office.. DR. .H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Hartleib :Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holia,ess Meeting 7 p.m: -=Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sundae School and Bible Clam, Cottage' meetinngs in North End on Tuesday night. •.,. T. HabbinLs, Captain, LOOK! LOOK! TO LONDON EXHIBITION F ARE - $1.50 Our truck will leave Central Hotel Wednesday, Sept. 12th, and Thursday Sept, 13th at 8.30 awn. Arrive Exhibition Grounds' 10.15 a.m BAGSHAW & EASTON WeCarry A Bn, Stock of Furniture AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BJ~AEN. SATISFACTION • GUARAN,TEED $, *IV Conductor of Funeral Services homes Business 2Ow; 'Residence 20j Trivia Memorial Church 11 a. m-`tCommon Sound" -a :di- vine sign. 7 p. m. -"The Enchantment of Life" Rev A, A. Trumper, Rector: OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN (:).11U CB Rev. James Foote, 13. A., Minister ill. 11. 991 and Bible Classes, {'11 ani, "THS Imortality of Influ- ence," 7 p.m.t--%Phe Woman's Missionary Societ 's AnniversaryService. y NOTE—Caven Anniversary Octo- ber "21st Tire Minister. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES; ST:.',METHODIST CHU?.CH fi5onnelly,13. A...Pastor • � 10.15 a.' Pa-Morrn,ng !Class:. 11.D0-,normalg ' •WarsP,lsi A.. 7 'T'Ii5" ,Sailer ' 8f Hall i °§," 3 p.m: -Sunday School, and Bible Class 7 p,m.-"Life's Essential 7.1en1s. Church, • Exeter, when Mary Vrctoria: C Johnston, daughter of Mr. and :Mrs.! James W." Johnston of Hillsdale ave., Toronto, was married to Dr. Hulh Kennedy Hyndman 'Of Exeter. The ceremony was attended by immediate relatives of both parties, and was per- formed Iby R,e,v. A. A. Trumper,, the vector, Owing to recent bereavement in both families, the weddings was alery quiet The 'bride is a, graduate of Victoria Hospital, London, and fon several years had charge of Dr. Hynd- man's hospital here„ Dr. and Mrs. Hyndman will reside in Exeter,. and will havei the best wishes of their many friends. • GARDINER-PARSONS A. euiet but pretty wedding was sol - ern 1: •ed at the Jamas 't.:eet Met o•= °dist parsonage at nine o'clock, cn, '•'at- urday morning last, when. Rev \V, E. Donnelly. 5, A., united in maaJlage IMI• Wiliam E. Gardiner, son of Mr and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner of town, and Miss Corsiria Olive Parsons, daughter) of .Mer, and Mrs. Samuel Parsons, Lon- don, Road, south, Both bride and groom were unattended,, The bride was beautifully attired in a blue suit of tricotirte, with bitter-is,weet crepe blouse and hat to match, and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia 'rosies. The ceremony o,iar the young couple, accompanied by. iVLrs, Parsons and' Mrs. Gardner, motored to London, where a beautifully planned reception was held at the home of,tlle groom's uncle;; Mr, W. E, ¥Vlnitchell As the brideaund groom entered th,e home Kenneth Tay - lore, cousin :of theoroorn, played the wedding march, followed by Miss .Daisy Mitchell siwging, 0, Promise Me." The young couple, will spend their' honey- moon at Chatham, Detroit and Essex, and on their return they will take up thea' residence on Simcoe street. HYDRO RATES IN EXETER. Reductions have been made in the domestic and commercial hydro rates in Exeter, while the power rates have been slightly increased, with lesser discounts, owing to the power rate beim,; increased S9 to the local com•- miss.on.' The following changes have been made, Domestic Lighting -The service charge remains the sam', 3c, per 100 sq, ft. The rate is reduced from 4c. to 3.5c. per k.w.. for first amount, and from 2c. to 1.75c. per k,w. for balance, Commercial Ligh'inr,-Reduced from, 8c. to 7c. for first 70 hours use, and from 4c. to 3.5c. for. next 30 hours use, and frons .8c. to, -.7.c. for balance. I,o, both of above, for prompt pay- mens a discount of 10 per cent, while the ninimum net monthly rate' is 75c. Power -Service charge remains the same, $1.00 per h.p, ; increase from 3.8 to 4.2 for first 5II hours use; from 2,6 to 2.8 for second 50 hours, and .15c for balance, Prompt payment discount 10 per cent. The 10 hour restricted use discount was 331-3per cent, nos it is 20 per cent. The, 18 hour restrict- edi use discount was 25 per cent., now it is 20 per cent. Street Lighting -Remains the same 200 k. w. lamps, $20 a year; 100 k. w. lamps $70 a year. Mr. Thos. Harton of London was in town for Fair Day. Mr. and- Mrs. Richie of Cambray vis, te.d Mr. ani Mrs, Samuel Parsons.- 1Lr. -and Mrs. W. H, Martin of Lon- don were visitors in Town Tuesday. Mr, :Robert Coates of London, was here ,visiting old friends on Fair Day. lZr, and Mrs. Chas, Dunsford of Sud- bury are visiting the former's parents h ere. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Rusk of Burl- ington are vsiti,ng Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Hockey. • Geo Smallacombe, ,of Stratford, mot- ored 'to Exeter and spent .the week end with relatives, :Irs, Mack, sister of Mrs. Thomas, Gregory, returned to hier home in Guentb on Saturday. \lss"M. E. Brown, nurse, of Toronto is visiting with friends in town, the guest of ,'Ess Jeckell. Mr, Ted Tate of London, spent the week pend at th.e home! of his father -in, - law 4,r, J. Preszcator, Mr, 'and Mrs. Frank Hill of Detroit are visiting among relatives and Jriends in and around Exeter. Mr. A J. Rollins( of Detroit spent a day or two here last; tve,ek, a guest at tha !tome of Mr. Wrn., May. lr, and Mrs. Nelson; Hill :of Toronto are holidaying for twq weeks with the tforme: s parents„ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hili, Mr. N.. W. Trewa,rtha and Mr. Chas, Middleton of Cl.n,tb; -and J. J. Meaner of ,Seaforth were im town for Fair Day Air. and Mrs. Chas: Locket of Boston were. guests of. Mr, and, Mrs. W. 1'. Acheson, - over the vreek end, Mrs. Locke is a sister of Mrs, Acheisiop , Mr, Jos. Baden of London spent several days here during ;the week, gr•eet;ng old friends, Mr, Bawden Tam „A, , hack tot the old town for the .Farr, da r. P,,ecl Sanders .auto son jack, Toronto,. motored to Exeter on Thurs. last to spend a few days w:1:h •MIr. Sander's parents, ,Mr and Mrs. Thos, Sa¢nd,ers, - Mr, and Mrs. James, W. Johrnstan of Toronto and Mrs, Strangway of Tot- tenham, were here, last Week, attending the marriage of Dr Hyndman and Miss Johenstost 11r, and _Mrs , R, G. S,eldon, leave this week" on a motor trip' to Kinigs•t,00 to visit; tl jeir daughter, Mrs; Ntewmah, tak- ing • 3yzth tt them their soak Harry who will'a;ttend Queen's 'University. Mr4 ,Bedford., who has been visiting her soar, . Mr. ',japan Redford, f' re. d Papids; 1Vtn;ch., for, two' anent -us,' re turned home last 'week, acconmpan,:ed i by Mir Bedford, wha,spernt a day two here, returning home Friday. t PHONE 32 JONES .8t:. MAY PHONE Stout Women Need Have No Figure Worries Any stout woman can wear her clothes with grace and distinction through the simple expedient of wearing a Nemo Self -Reducing Corset. When you put one on there is an immediate and remarkable transformation. Lumpiness melts into delicacy of line and the whole figure is rejuvenated. And that's not all! For the patented Self - Reducing features actually massage away the excess flesh, reducing and reshaping your figure and producing slim -looking, youthful, grace- ful lines. The Nemo Self -Reducing Cot; set will end your figure worries. Wonderful Values in Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses. $25 Coats See our Special Coats at 525.00 in Burberry and Fur Collared Styles. A large range of Ladies' and Miss es' Dresses ready for Fall Showing. Children's Coats ages 3 to 14 years ar reasonable prices. PICTORIAL PATTERNS -We are ocal selling agents for Pictorial Review Patterns, Pictorial Fashion Books and Magazime,s in stock, JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER ;Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regijsitered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands, Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with, Advocate or at,the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter -- Ontario DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stock sales a , specialty Four years experience. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Creditors. - Ontario. • SOUTHCOTT.BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Visit Us This Week WE WILL BE DELIGHTED TO SHOW YOU OUR NEW MER- CHANDISE FOR FALL AND WINTER. WE .BELIEVE THAT OUR PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY COME IN AND MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME. LADIES' COATS • LADIES' SERGE AND SILK • DRESSES , Our Shov.rirng for this Season is an exceptionally. finie one. A►l, we ask We can always show, new, styles 's the pleasure of showing you the en Salk and Serge Dresses. Qux new models, prices al ti2di 'interest you, Boys' and Meld's bve t oatLA . The Cloths are the very latest in coldrin , The, styles are snappy. It will pay you to see, them. Specials for This Week 1.8,2, 'Tea Towelling, reduced to 12c. 25 pr, Boys' School Schoes, red, to x1.98 151,00 Ladies' :Winter Vests • and 30c, White Flasnel;ntte.reduced to 24c Drdwers reduced to 85c. 151,50 and 11.75 Boys' V. Neck The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made kaon en application, Stray Anu,mals-One insertion 50c., three insertions 11.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than fivelines, For Sale, To Rent,Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c _per line per insertion, No notice less than 25c. Card of °Tharrkk 50c. Auction Sages 13 foc OSAinsertion and 11.50 for each subsequent in- sertionif underfivle'i.nches 'ie. length. • Legal adwerticsjurng 10c.. and 5c. a line. Farm pr Real Estate for sale Silo.each insertion for, one modth of four insertions, TEE DOUBLE TRACK "ROUT k Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT _ and CHICAGO Unisateel,ed diming car service Sleeping cars am oight trains sae Parlor cam on principal day train', Ful information froin any Grsad Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Ham - hit District Pasas3nprer Agent, Toro) bo N. J. DORE Photo 46w, Agent, Esteier I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. ., l kla¢1:�, 1nv@sbihn+s insurance-` ' Office,Calirng Block, Main, St. Exeter Dr, 0, F. Roulstom L. D. S., D.' 1E1, el DENTIgT Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wedanesday afternoons. Dr A A. R. 'KINSMAN 'L L. D. S., D. D. S. Roller Toweling reduced to 18c. Sweaters, reduced to,...75c. SPECIAL, IN . N' .'SWEATER`: mI✓ s COATS '. A •feeior'tlY atthe specialtwice. txi'ice. these 'a,,i extra value at 11,,9"8. M N S W RK .:r O 89c R alar 'X.25 wes. S4s'zes iia this Iyt, s,.' oQs� c'; :'.. Southoott Bros. Honor Graduate Toronto Universitli Office -over Glpdman .& Stanburril Office. dlasm Street Exeter. ter. .MONil�'Y "Cid''LOAN We boneJ a- htrge amount `o,fJ.ara.ts tam funds ,bo t -on farm and ae pop ty et low rates of ii_atemit. GLADMAN & STANSURY. 8arluisrs. B ittw"a,$1t t