The Exeter Advocate, 1923-8-23, Page 8EXETER AB UC A,TE, T'STJBHL&Yr, LTG, Exeter Markets Local Doings CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAYy eta qp A. telephone pay tion, has been in - Wheat Oats: , 35l stalled in the ' 2eteepolita Hotel,, Barley a .. • 48 Barberae to r. little thn -year-oId n?•tn'tohas Best Flour ,,..,..,, 3,75 daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos D:at:- F; n� lY Flour 3,60 nilly. was pa:rnfully injured by being Pastry Flour 3,20 struck in the forehead by the board Feed Flour 2.00 oat oae efthe swwin,ss being used ‘'by Bran, . „., 1.50 another ,girl at '1'2z. , bbo'tt's, play Carts cam ry Butter 37 to 38 grounds on Friday".evenrattg, Fobs- �pLcals ,and extras 28 After completing 31 years of faith- Eggs -No. 1, 1 23 fel service for Landon, Township in Eggs -No 2 I8 the capacity of township engineer, F. gButter 28 W. Farncornbe, C.E,, widely known in Western Ontario, and a former' resi Creamery Mutter 37 to 38 dent of Exeter, !has been "forced' alto Lard „t 18 to 20: Hogs , „ 10.00 361 Richmond Street, London. Give individual instruction an Tele- grapby Bo•okkeep',ttg, Shorthand (Pit - mart & Gregg), Cost Accounting, and General [Office Work, Register rove for Fall Classes, start- ing Sept. 4th. W J. O'Brien, Commercial Special- ist, Princpal, FARMS. FOR SALE. 100 acres, being lots. 5 and 6, Con. 2, 'Osborne, all .n first-class state of cultivatian, [keit underdrained• with tile, 7 •acres hardwood bush ora each Placa. Los 5 all in pasture. Good brick house and two bank barns on bot 6. Arundance ,of water. A young orchard just starting to bear. 3; miles from Exeter, 3 miles from Centralia, civartee mcie ,from school, Apply to Richard Coates .Centralia P,O, PROPERTY FOR SALE. Consisting of house, stable, and 8 lets of land, situated rat Exeter North on main Street. Apply to H. Bier ting, Hay P. O. FOUND —A place where you can but British American gasoline at 30c. -R. Mackenzie & Son,. Exeter North CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS, VOTERS' LISTS 1923 MUNICIPAL' 1.-Y OF THE VILL-; AGE OF EXETER, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that have complied with Stection 10 ,M the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Exeter a i the 14th day of August, 1923, the Udt of all persons entntrled to votie 'inr the said Municipality at Municipal: Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection and the last day for appeals being the 3rd day of September, 1923. And 1 hereby call, upon all voters to take immediate pi' Feedings• to have any errors, or omissions corrected according to law. Dated at Exeter this 14th day of Ausust, 1923. .. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk of Village of Exeter, Exeter, Ort G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of, Dental Surgeons of Ontariroit, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late Dustr:ct Dental Officer, :1IjIit-,, any District Number one, London, Ont, \Iain Office -Dickson Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont. I -lours -9 am. to 5.,30 p.m. Phone 34 Ex:e ter. Office at Zurich Ont., Phtone 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m, tin 5 pen, starting at Exeter on. Saturday, the 26th inst. aaall ELLIOTT & JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call fortthem and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public. Cartage & Livery We make, trips to, London .each. week, leave your; orders at our office or at the Central Hotel. Cars for hire at all. times BAGSHAW & EASTON We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEAEN. ' SATTSF'ACTION GUARANTEED R XR` O W Ei Conductor of Funeral Services T'homeee-Buiiaess 20w; Residence '2oj tender his resignation on account o the increasing pressure of personal business"• Toaoatta Exhibition opens an 5at- urday' next, 1; , 'tilr, Milton Hod eet moved this week into the residence he recently pur- chased'krom the Misses Sweeteen, Hur- on street Mr: Harvey. Bowers, B, :A.., • the re- cently aptaois ed ,ecien;ce m aster of Ex- eter H S, has abtaim,ed his Pbysical Culture certificate, - Wei 13ong, one of the prop.rietaxs at the Rex Cafe .d spes'ed, of his .inter- est itt the bustiiess last' week to autoth- ex• celectial and left .on Friday la,st'for China, where he* Will''viisit- his mother for sone nine. e. 23, 11323 f i REV, H. J. FAIR DEAD, BOWLING, Oa Wednesday of last week three rinks of bowlers, from here aMended the Blyth tot•narnent and report a splendid day The , rink comprised of Messrs. E. j' Wethey, Gieo, Snell, 1Qr, R'oulston and C. B. Snell, skip, captur- ed first prize in one event, winding four games with a plus of 24, . The olostherers, rinks from here Sgerd among the Some fourteen bowlere from. Lucan joined the Exeter bowlers on Friday night at the regular .bowling tourney, and Robert 11lawhitrney's rink Wan first parize, while Mr. Welk of Lucan and his players wan, second prize, R. G. Seldon('s rink of howlers who attended the London Hospital tourney last' week, did not vvin;, but were only a few points off, Exeter bowlers are attending the St. Marys tourney this Wednesday, The regular meeting of the far- mer's club, will be held in Senior's Hall, Wednesday evening, August 19th. THANKS TO WATER CONSUMERS The Public Utility Commission de- sires to thank the water 'cuseorenes for their compliance, to their request to curtail the use, of water during the dry spell, and we are pleased, to state that the service is again normal. Public Utility ,Com. BUNGALOW FOR SALE. A new brick Bungalow, apply at this office, CARD OF THANKS Having disposed of my bakery bus- ness ;in Exeter I wish to thank my marry customers for their liberal ,pat- ronage since coming to town, and would ask that the same liberal pat- ronage, be accorded my successor, Mr. Kabler. HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATION, Students wishing to attend Exeter High School neat term will da well to register with Miss, MacFaul, stating previous- standing at once, as the list rs ra11id1Y filling up. HONEY ,FOR SALE, Any person or persons wishing to procure a'quantity' of honey at reas- onnbie rates phonic or, cal, on JOHN CARRICK Lake .Rd' ,Stephen, Hay P.O. WANTED -More salesmen • (whole oar, spare time) to sell our high-grade Treees, Shrubs and Plants, over 1000 varieties to select from,. Lowest prces excellent commissions weekly. Free outfit and instructo- ,si, steady respect- able' employment. iMelland Nursery -Co., Welland. ESTRAY CATTLE. Where, strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, Lott 26, Con, 3, Us - borne, five two-year-old stock;e,rs- three heifers and two steers. Apply to Beckler' Bros., Heasall P.O. DR, H. H. COWAN, L.D;S., D.D.S. .Dental Surgeon, Hartleb Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. SALVATION ARMY `J:`,ERV ICI,S Servicesas usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 am--Higlines's Meeting 7 p.m -Salvation Meeting. , 2.30 p m,-Sundajy School and Bible Cottage . meetings in North End 'on Tuesday night. -T. Hfabhnmist Captain. Trivitt Memorial Church 11. a.rti. 7 pini,-- ale W. H. Crump in charge for August. Rev A, A. Trumpet, Rector, CAVEAT PRESBx'n RIAN CSURCH Rev James Foote, IL A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.- 7 p.m. - The Minister. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Bev,' We E. DonnelliJ,'B. A, Pastor 10,15 a rxr,-4111oratctpg class. 11 a,'r ' th Surr.day, `Schou p m, e Pev..Ft. J. Fair, a superannuated minister of the Methodist Church, who during his active MitretrY, occupied many pulpits in the London, con,fere/tee among then being .Elizrivi11e'jnj this dig- trict, died in Toronto Thursday. He was barn in Onondaga Township 68 years ago and w ll 'graduate 'of• Vic- toria College. About 40 years ago he marred Miss 'Eliia'laetth Nicholls of Brantford Tp., who died three years ago. He is survived by tied brothers, John; of Brantford, and Peter ,of Park Ave., London, end three children. BUSINESS SOLD, 4Ir. Everett Betts, who established the bakery and confectionery in 'Carang's old block over a year ago, last week sold the business to NLr, F, H. Kohler of Stratford, who tolok irnrmediate pos- session. Mr, Betts has •enjoyed a; large and liberal patronage during his stay here, and he succeeded in work- ing up a splendid business. Mr. Betts has not yet decided where he will lo - cater and will store his belongings here far a time. During the family's resi- dence here they have made many warns friends, who will regret to hear of their departure. Dr. and lire. McGillicuddy of Lon - were in town Saturday. )fist Hellen Davis of Torontot as vis- iting with Mrs. Fred May. Mrs. A, Jones and daughter Gladys %lsited Mr, and Mrs. H. C, Clark last week. Mr, Bert Doyle spent a few days do Detroit and Windsor during (th-e week, 1)r. F. P. Swartz and wife of To- ronto have returned, after visiting rel- atives; here, Miss Effie. M. Bawey spent;. a few days with relatives in Detroit' and Wi,ndser ,'luring the week. Ceeil French, who has been; visiting with Mr. I. Sims, returned to his home. ion. London Friday night, Mr Lorne Eedy, publisher of the Walkerton Telescope, gave the, Advo- cate a pleasant call on Saturday. Mrs. McTavish of near. Shakespeare visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor,- during the- week.', Mr, C. H. Russell of WetaskawinL Alta., is spending a few- days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Musselle Mrs. Arnold and soca Harold,artd lvliss McSkea, of Kansas visited, at the hone, of Mrs G. A. K, McLeod last week, Jr, Beverley Acheson of the Mol - sons Bank, •returned last week to Grimsby, after holidayeng at his home here. Mr. Louis Day and daughter, Mazy, after spending several weeks at they Ca„nadiaur Soo with his son -int -law rex- tirtneti home on Saturday, last, \frs. Clark Fisher and family, Mrs. Wm. Baker, Mrs. G. Hiz tzel, Mrs, Al viii Baker and daughter are camping at "Detroit" cottage, Grand Bend. Mfrs John Snell, who .has'beea on'a motor trip of 1700 miles and who has aisa [teen visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. 13 McDonald at Grinnell, Iowa, re- turned home on. Friday. 'tlr, and Mrs, W.. W. Taman left tt nday on a motor trip to Toronto, Beriev_ite, lsingstone and elsewhere. Te.e.y were accompanied to Toronto by Mrs E. J.- Spackman. Ctrs, Br -dal and two children, who has been visiting at the home Of het med)er, Mrs. Redden; for seV.nee months, left Tuesday for Winnipeg, where she ,will join her hasba,ntit. lir. and Mrs. Avery and daughter, Ruth, of Ingersoll, and Mrs. Wickett and daughter, Greta, of Bowmanville, motored from Ingersoll and spent a day with their uncle • and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gill st Mar and Mrs. E. J. Spackman of To- ronto, formerly or Exeter, visited in town, last week, vLr. Spackman remain- ing aver Friday oigbt, and} Mrs. Speck- ing tilt 'Monday with, Mr. and Mfrs. W. Taman, Both are enjoying good health and their many friends )Jere were pleased to greet them. • Mr. and Mrs. Bence and daugh- ter, Florence, of Buffalo, N, Y,, vis- ited over Sunday at the,. Central Hotel. They left Monday morning by motor for Port Franks to visit theij nephew, ivir. Geo. Auden, and from there ;they will motor to D,eckerviiie, Mich, to visit Mr. Thos, Jeckell. ".Lt. Roland Balkwill of St. Thomas and a farmer Exeter Old- B,oy, -was in twrar, on Friday shaking, hands with a few of his old-time friends. He and a party of friends of St. Thomas were motoring to Stokes Bay to spend the week -end. Hs stay was short, . hut as her put tt, he wanted to see the old town, where he had the time of his tife,:as a echool.•boy In addition to •chose, mentioned last week lea tang .otta the . Harvest Help ex- cursion, are the following :-111. Amy, A, 'Brown, W. E. Aleleve ►rth, Frank Suns, A. !Ling„ T. ;Hetheringt'on, Win„ Webster, : Cliff. Webster, H, 'G..:Sch- feeder, John. Ford, E. Alekander, Wm. Hot1 ert,. F. Coley Jas. Price, Mrs„ Jas. • Ferri, Nelson Wein, Emerson Roesz er . Wm. R.Taylor, R Ratcliffe john Ratter; Rich. Baker, Ma Greb, Al bert E- lelaad, Wne Webber, . Moses Unto, Mr, Tipper Anderson and Wife and son Jack, Leonard faint, • tl FtlQi�l$r ' 3Z JONES & MAY rat Clearing Sale of Gfloioe iflf1affls We 'wish to clean out our entire stock of Giperitauns inside the next twe, weeks. In order' to da so we offer Greatly Reducied Prices an all G,anghahes. These are divided Into threle lots, LOT N. e -Good quality Canadian Gingbams, 27 inches wide, in large range of colors and patterns, to Clear at 22c. *aid. LOT NO 2 -Good quality Canadian Ginghams, 32 inches wide, regular 35 and 40c, in checks and plain colors to clear at 29c. yard. LOT NO. 3-Andeeen a's Celebrated Scotch, Giunghams, 32 and 3$ inches -wide all they new colorings in; checks! and, piein olors, regularly 45e. and 50c yard, all at route -clearing price 39c. yard, Get your sttpply early, Pure Linen Towelling 25ce yd. 5Q0 •yards• xeala good quality pure Linea, Towelling, suitable for roller and dish 'Towels, Get a good supply at this price, ,only, 25,c1 yard. Clearing of Ladies' Voile Blouses All Ladies' Voile Blouses must ;;o, so we offer our ,entire stock of these line ' at real Bargain! P,rices-many half end 'less than helf ;regular prices, at 98c., SL95 and .$12:95. Clearing of Ladies' Silk and Silk and Wool Sweaters We place c Saler at Greatly Reduced prices all our:Srlke Silk and Wal Sweaters in T,usedo and Pull -war styles. 'We have a Woe range of color: and styles, at greatly reduced prices. Ladies' & Misses' Fall & Winter Coats Dont forret the. Fail and Winter Coats are here. New styles, new cloths, new colors. Pnice.s much, rower than last seas,oet. Call early and look thein over. We also have a a&,ce'rang,e of Coats for Girls. Get Ready for School EXTRA VALUES' IN Boys' School Suits, Odd Bloomers, Khaki, Bloomers, Runming Shoes, fine Black or Braila Leather Shoes, Caps, Sweaters, Etc. Growing Girls' Slippers for School Buy ,,Slippe,rs that will wear, reliable makes. We are offering Big Val- ues im both OSaords and Strap Slippers in Patent, Brown Or Black. All stamped makes, at $3.75- aatd ,$4,50. We are local Selling Agents forPictoriat Review Patterns.. THIS STORE CLOSES EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES OSCAR KLOPF' AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioateering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regieetered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping math prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured, Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klapp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel, Prricces .reaapnable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St„ Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Four years experience, FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer Son. Counties of Mum and Middles= Prices Reasonable and. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 a PHONE 134 Ladies' Aprons and Dresses. - About 5Q in the lot. These sold for $1.75 .$2.00, and $2,25, For quick selling we have 'seduced them to the low price of $1.25, White Canvas Black Canvas Oxfords , Oxfords 98c. la Smart styles and good lasts. Regular $3,50 values. Cleaning at "per pair $2.48, it ting tl. very comfortable Slipper for wearing arotead the house Comes With' 'rubber sole; and heel -pair 98c, New Dresses and - Coats We are :'showing anew range of dress -es and coats for• FalL . The earlybuyer will find here theenewest styles in ,a splendid assartmertrt of reateniel a • Southoott Bros. The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on apellIcation. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c„ three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, Fper Sale, To Rent; Wanted, each ireSerition, SOc. Lost and Found lol,s 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion) No np lee less than 2Sc. Card' of Thalalter 50c. Auction Sales 33 for one insertion and $1;50 for each subsequent in- s•ettion if under flvle inches. in length. Legal advertising 10c: and 5c. a line„ Farm pr Real Estaite for sale 5Qc, each insert'sian fee ane month of four insert? cent, THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUT1b< Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unezcrel6ed; diming car service: Sieepinrg cars an might Oaten aari Parlor coo oaf principal day trains., Ftdi imfonnatiion from any Gr 9 Thi Ticltert Agent, in C. E. HOMO. la. District Pse+s*s er Agent, Toroktp N, I. DORE Pbons 4$w fit. I. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc • Loans, Investments Insurann6 Office, Calling Block, Malin, St. Exeter Dr, O, F, Routstom,, L. D. S., DDR. DENTIST - Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wedmresday afternpoms. Dr, A, R. KINSMAN, L. D, S,, D, rt Honor Graduate Taranto University Office -,over Gtadman & Sta lintj11 Office, Main 'Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds tO ,loam an farm and stlagre Property at low inch► 'o& intermit. GLADl!i.A:N & STANBURit AInktera. %Meiioev% gaitNt. ee/e be. L