The Exeter Advocate, 1923-8-9, Page 1ass • •
Our Corner
1'4 Wealth iS not hiethat has it, but.
his that enjoys it.
Exeter Ilish School halaiwon an en-
viable r,eputatteon among the Second-
aryt Schools of Huron County, and d.ts
rapid development has meant much
to .the citizens of the southern p•ortion!
of the County.. Ilintil a comparatively!
recent date the. work was carried sm
as a Continuation .School, but it bee
camel appareat that large opportunities
were opening out an this community
for a really progressive High School.
A small beginning, was made as a three
teacher :school .but in1 1921 it wasere-
alized that a fou-rth teacher was- re-
quired to properly cover the course
tal studies and to give •efficiency to
the teaching staff which would bring
the best results. Consequently anew
science laboratory. was :equipped and
a science master placed in charge.
The ;wisdom of thksl step io advance
was apparent in a stalking manner
when the 1922 Departmental Examin-
ations were reported. Although Up-
per ,School classeshad been organized
for the first time• just the previous
September out of 59 papers written an
'The man who is close'usually finds
that his deeds are distant:
"Rastus. are You a married man i"
Nassah, boss, ah earns mah own
Two• pe,reo,ns cannot long, be frien,ds
if they cannot forgive each othea's
little!. failures.
It is often 'difficult to tell which are
more neglected -the childrent of the
Wry rich 'or the ohildrient of the very
poor.; . •
He who, tells a lie not sensible
haw great a task he undertakes; for
he must invent twenty more to main-
tains that ,00e.
Not very long ago it required a
little bit of brains to learn to dance.
Now, any sort of motion that has no
useful purpose .its called dancing.
Tbe Brussels Post ,editon, Mr. W. H.
Kerr on August 1st passed his 43rd
milestone as ,editor of that paper, May
bet sive to continue as seditor of that
live weekly far mane' mare years is
the wish .of The Advocate.
Orrice snore we aisle to remark that
although rains have fallen in many dis-
tricts around Exeter, we are still
without a shower for s,ame• weeks. One
is needed sassy soon to save the gar -
dee stuff and the pastures.
The merchant who doesn't use the
local papers to invite business is ten-
couragIng further encrouchment of
the mail-order houses, and has no right
to expect co-operation from the press,
in. urging the people to buy at home.
Manitoba recently .went dent" by a
majority of about 40,000 and the legis-
lature Es being summoned to give ,ef-
feet to it. Theirel is a fly, in tha oiat-
ment, however. The province three
ycare ago went "dry" under the Carn
ada Temperance Act. It can be re -
Pealed only by a new rcfrendum un-
der th•e act itself and the Manitoba
vote recently was not a Canada tem-
perance referendum. The opinion
was expressed en high legal circles
that Manitoba must amain dry until.
• erndee a federal plebiscite, the vote. of
three years ago is eevoked as the stat -4
utet provides.
The revisions of the Federal War
,..k.esrenu,e, Act came into force Aug. 1.
eab.e act as it new reads, calls for a
, two cent stamp on every recatipt,
sight draft, letter or acknowledgemetnt
post card aecelpt, and in fact every
farm which case lie, classed as a receipt
for value ar currency to the amount
of $10, or over. In, the smaller amounts
the act is practically unchanged, ex -
rept that a larger number of forms
are classed as receipts. The most rad
ical change is that instead of running
a maximtun tax of, $2 on receipts, far
amounts of $.4,940.01 and over, the tax
inerease stops when a maximum of $1
has" been Teethed,
EXETER BOWLING TOURNEY I Mrs. Johnston of Toronto is visit- at All Saints' Church parsonage on
.Thursday, August and, svh,ea, 'Miss Lily
,Mrs. Thos. Pryde. Crediton
iviass Frances 'Murphy ot Wardsvgle
Ideal weather was an tap far the is visiting Miss Manion Woods
E. Lawson. daughter of Mr. and Ws.,
The Misses Carrie, Dorothy end Inez Eli Lawson, •of Crediton, was united
marriage to Mr. George En Wright,
annual sink bowling tourney an Wed- . , Fahner have returned home, after a
. semi of W: E. Wright of Windsor, the
nesday of last week. The number of Dr. Margaret Kinsman of Sarnia is ' week's visit in Toronto
entelea, twenty-two, was not as large. visiting her uncle and aunt, Dr, anal me. and Mrs. Dafenen. and, family of eeremony being pealornied by Rev.
as usual, so that the. games were anade Miss Kinsmaa, I Lansing, Mich., are visiting Mr, and Braw*n. Tbe bride was assisted by
of 15 ,ends ,rathelr than. tsvelre, as is Mrs. G. K Braun. Miss E. Currie, while the groom was
Mr. Beverley Acheson of the Mai- I supported by Ma Reginald Jennings.
usually the cases
The wenrung of the. Haman Trophy
by R. N. Creechrs rink makes e th,e
third win, of this trophy by Exeter
howlers, and it new becomes the
property of the Exeter Club.
hotel the past week. 1
After all rinks had played their four ging by motor,
qualifying games it was found that the Mrs. A. Sheere, son and daughter, Sir. Horner Guenther of the Bank I
of 'Commerce is spending his holidays
two high rinks were C. B. Snell's: Ex. and Miss Blake and Mr. Parker re -
rink, and int the finals . the latter al,e- watts 'Mrs A.. Sheiere.
tur.necl to Lansing, Mich., after a visit he Das/awood.
eteit four and N. R. Feibig,'s Stratfoid
Miss Martha Wenzel of Detroit :s
Wm. Wenzel. Death of William H. Veal. -The
don Free Press Trophy and • , first Rev. Jobn Veal, fifty years ago a
passed away at the bome of his sone
manister on the Elimealle circuit, now att.. and Mrs. J. G. Meer of Cleve -
prize, and Snell's rink was awarded Snalavr, Mr Philip Murch, Cotre 6, Use
'second pr i ze • superannuated, preached in James St. land, Ohio, are visiting with Ma and .Fridaye
Air. Lloyd Fahner has been. atform- borne, • s 3, - ..
The finals for the Major Heamart Methodist Church Sunday. Mrs. ,Chas Eilber for a few days.
trophy were played by, Parnell Morris -1 'ears. Thos. Nelson left on Friday William Henry Veal, at the age of
Landon Rowing Club rink and R. N. 1 to take a trip. down tha„ Thousand Is- ed that he. has been successful :n his 67 years, 7 moths end 21 days. The
deceased was a victim of creeping
Creech's Exeter rink, the Exeter four 'lands to Montreal 'with her tmele, Capt. ,Entra.nce Examse His name did not peralysie from which heel suffered •for
sans Bank staff, Griensby, is holidaying! Miss Edith Guen,ther and friend .af ' Tbe bride is well and favorably known
aria ener N..S4 e Mrs. aloor.
at bis home a large circle of friends here, who
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Treble and child aver the week 'ead. will join in wholeehearted coogratulae
and Mrs. Ed. Treble accompanied them Mr, and Mrs. Buckley and family tions for her future happiness anti
returned to Toronto Saturday. Mr. visited 'Alr. and Mrs. Ed. Fahner at the prosperity,
feated the former, winning the Lon-. • visiting with her pare•rits, Mr.. and Mrs.
winning the trophy and third prize,' McGee of the steamer "Keeport.'" I appear among the successful pupas
, about four years, but was able to be
60 per cent were successful. In Mid- The special prize donated by John- coDiprp.atedE,bJyohemirs.ton..\4, ol Hirelltervion ac- wnting here'
' .. 1 \Liss Dorothy Fahner of London' around until a few months ago, when
ar,..le the farmer gat fourth.
die School out of 231 attempts 78 per eton & Barbour of Landon Was won W. , al • ms
I spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs he,wat compelled to take his bed and
• e the finals by N J Dore's zsxeter wife of Brantford, visited, over thi ' gradually. sinking he passed away aiS
cent. were successful and of these 56Ed
holiday here with the former's parents, Fahner
Mr. and Mrs. We H. Johnston.
took honors. In Lower School out of
316 attempts 86 p. c. were successful
and of these 60 per cents took honors.
Over 80 per c•exta of all papers written
an throughout the four form were pas-
sed, with honors in, 54 per c•eat of
these. Little wonder that this re-
markable. showing w -as the talk of the
whole *distActe
. .
rink after a liVely battle With A. D.
,Heffeenan's London Rowing Club four
I Dore winning the game with his last
bowl. 1
There were. a lot of picked bowlers
he the game and. Exeter did well to
I wan, one of the IteoPhSes and three out
of five sets cif prizes.
The Exet-er rinks who, were prize
But this splendid demonstration of winners were -E .J. Wethey, W. Hal -
efficiency on the part of the teaching Mr. Preston Dearing lost a valuable of Windsor are visiting her sister,Mrs
boway, Trueman. Elliott and C. B.Snell,
staff .of Exeter High School had an- skin • W. E. Sanderss T. R. Ferguson, orse, and another one, is seriously ill, Lloyd England.
W. . J. heaman, and R. N. Creech, sk'
in; .
' alter getting inta the granary and teat- Mrs. Chas. Zwicker and Master Ger- 1
other result. When th 3 Fall term of n " -
1922 opened there were so many reg- ald are spending a few days in God:r- I
C. W Rivers G, E. Anderson Ed. lag newly threshed wheat.
stated abave, Mr. Vale ivies' a son of
Mr, and Mrs. FredeJames of London, the late Thos. Veal, and was married
spent the week end the guests of •Mrs.
L.. Wein. ' to a Mess Bell by whom he is survive
Mr. and Mrs. Peck of London and ed, together with ,00le son end three
deughters-William Veal of ' Winchel-
Miss Barbara. Finkheater of Pittsburg
. . . "'l sea; Mrs Philip Murch and Mrs.
sa. CC , . andMrs. Chas, , ,
Pym of Usborne and one. married
York, air. and Mrs. Forrestt, Jersey, on Sunday. Mr. Roeszler accompaniet1
la ; ' 0 ' T nt The
them hame to speada day aa the Old' - e •
1 funeral took place to the Elianaille
Boys' Re -union in, London.
Mrs. Lyman vVaghtina,n, and daughter Cemetery an Sunday.
Mr. Chas. Eacrett, Miss Margaret
McMarm Miss Lillian Fuller, Mr. Har-
old Fuller of Sarnia, Mr. 1.-laroltd Young
of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Daly, New
were visitors the lore part of the
week with Ma and. Mrs. R. Welsh.
istratioas of new• students attracted by Harness and N. J. Dare, skip,
the excellent record of the School that
- ;Was Pearl Gais•er who has peen holie Sims -In. Exeter on July 30th, to Mr
the Board was obligt4to provide mar- I 'The following were the results of t LOST -A black silk umbrella. lostor. daying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and :Sirs. S. W. 'Sinn, a daughter.
accommodation and .engagea fifth the four qualifyagi games. +left in a store or home in Exeter. The ,.1. B. Geiser, returned to Toledo on Taylor -In Exeter, on August 3rd, to
teacher. 1 C. B Snell, Exeter, wan 4 plus 11. finder will please Inform Mrs. FissetteSaturday' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor, a son -
P tMorris, on. Re C„ won 3 plus 21! .
accompanied ,.by 'Mrs. Walter 1)umant
Jeffrey-ta Hay Tp., Orli July 31, to
The 1923-1924 term will open on ' N. Feibig ,Strattord, won 3 plus 25 of Brantford or The Advocate. Mrs. Winder and family of Kitchener John Wilfrid.
and childre,n, and Mrs. David Giel mot -
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey a,
ored from Kitchener and spent the
week end the guests of Me. and Mrs.daughtea..
August Hill. alas. eKestle-In Usborne ..on Aug, 2, to Mr.
e'lei .intends to,
remain a couple of weeks. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle, a son.
The Women's Institute held their an-
nual meeting for the month of August
as the Institute Hall last Tuesday af-
ternoon. Miss Orme ot Butlalo gave
a vete interesting talk on her last sum-
lOrpe-Gunning-At Kuhkton, on. July
mere. trip abroad. Miss Gladys Roed- 6th, Mary Beatrice, daughter of Mr.
ing of Landon. played an :lastrumental
and Mae. Arthur Gunning of Kirk-
svhich was enjoyed by all and Miss'
tan, to Albert J. Doupe of Tor -
Stock of Tavistock gave a demonstrEva 0.estreich•er sang a solo. Miss onto son ,of•Robert Doupe, Kirktons
non on reed work which proved very Wright -Lawson. -At All Saints' par -
very daterestin,g, At the close of the sonage, Windsor, by Rev. Brown, an
meeting a dainty lunch was, served by Aug. 2, Mr. George E. Wright of
the hostesses of the day -Mrs. Wm. Winches, to Miss Lily E, LaWSOITI,
Morlock, Mrs. Jacob Schwartz, alrs. H. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' ilii Law-.
Young, Mrs. (Dr.) Orme and Miss Oes- san of Creditors.
treicher. .
, .
Mrs. Dan. Mclsaac, Miss Helen and
Master Lester., and Mr. and Mrs. M.
Morley motored to Detroit on Tues-
day. • L
Mr. and •',Irs. Thomas Hedden of
Branttord and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
kenzley of Kitchener spent the weeks. Sullivan, aged 47 years.
end with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Mott.
29, Alfred Wilken, aged 67 years.
',Wilken-In Clinton, on Sun,day, hely
Sept -ember 4th, with only two changes
in, the. Staff. Mr. E. J. Wethey, M.A.
the; principal, continues at the head of
the. Department of Mathematics. Miss
Rose will not only take, the Latin. -and
French as formerly but will also teach
'Upper School Latin and Miss Dorrance
will again. teach the subjects she had
last year, The Board, has been partic-
ularly fortursate in filling the vacancj,
an the staff for the positioo, of head
of the Science Department. Mr. Henry
Bowers, B. A., an honor graduate and
Specialist in Science and Mathematics
of Trinity College, Dublin, and a Spec-
ialist en Science of Toronto University
has been secured. Mr. Bowers is a
young man of gnat promise and Exe-
ter High School is to be congratulated
upon this acquisition toits staff. The
other vacancy will be filled by the
appointme,nt 1 Igie. J. H. McQuarrie,
B.A., an honor graduate, of Queens
University. in History.
The a,ppodntment of the new Pro-
vincial Government .calls attention
again to an obsolete rule which re-
quires to be abolished„ It -is absurd
that when a man hesbeen elected a
member of Parliament, or of the legis-
lature, he should be made to have the
trouble of another election. Surely if,
'the people think. he is good enough
far a member they should have faith
enough in, him to consider his being
a 'Minister and ..delighted that the new
Premier has deemed him to be. It es
generally only Party rancor that is •
desirous of fallowing• the rule. The
public and the press have declared
themselves against it, and, it is high
time it was darie away, with.
. •
hervesters • than ever will be
this year, in Western Canada,
on account of the. bumper crop Special MUSKOKA LAKES
trains will be run, by the Canadian
Pacific R.ailway, which is advertising Alreadv vacationists are off to the
the usual law rate of $15 to, Winnipeg land of gleaming lakes -Muskoka, the
?Ana beautiful with its. cool green foe -
plus a ha1f-cent per nide beyond to
d do • Manitoba Sa,skatchesvan ests, sparkling, lakes and shadowy wind
R. N. Creech, Exeter, won 3 plus 16
N. J. Dare, nxeter, won 3 plus 9 1FORD PICNIC AT BEND
A. 1). Heffernan, L.R.C., won3 plus 8 ,
E. J. Claris:tie, axeter, won 3; minus 1 1 DRAWS BIG CROWD
G. Singleton, Ailsa Craig, won 3
The annual Ford picnic at Grand
mini's Z.Bend on Wednesday of last week in
J. Beattie, Seaforth, won 3 minus 3
R. E. Gregory, Lon. Elmwoods, won which Ford dealers .and their friends
from all parts of Western Ontario
2 plus 14.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter, won 2 plus 1 ! was an unqualified success from ev-
R. N. Rowe, Exeter, wen 2 plus 0. ery angle. The weather was ideal
J. G Cochrane, Exeter, wan 2 minus and the many races and events of the
3. day provided no small measure of
F. Smmons iHeosall, won 2 minus 5
diversion for the thousands who
C. A. Down, Stratford, won 1 plus 5
crowded the village.
Dr. Burrows Seaforth, won 1 plus 4
A.Whiteside, tiensall, won 1 minus 7 The baby show was marked by
Dr. 'Darning nucan, won 1 minus 15 many entrants and the judges had
F. Hunt Goderich, won 1 minus 20 difficulty in selecting the best from
S. Caxon„ Granton, won, 1 minus .26 1 such an array of pulchritude, but
Dr: Kennedy, Ailsa Craig, wan none after every aspect had been weighed; 20. Audrey Lorne Willis, of Grand Bend,
t was declared the winner. Eugene
The Friday ,evening bowlin,g tourney Sherwood Rodd, of Superior,
Exeter High ,School is now • fully was won by E. J. Wethey, C. B. Snell came second, and Loris Tort, of the
equipped so that whether the student and G. E. Anderson, 'with three wins,
is seeking the Teacher& Certificates' f 12 S d t same city, third.
ar a University education he willfind
at Exeter the hest facilities far his
career. Mareover, Exeter High School
will aim to, give a good generad. educa-
tion to those who may desire to im-
prove their latiowledae, irrespective of
the professions.
The Board has provided.a list of at-
tractive Scholarships for each Form
s•o that effort may be stimulated and
encouraged and ability recognized.
Railway connectio.n and acoommod-
atians are good.,. and, many fin books
of reference are to be foune-in, the
Hige School and Public Libraries.
Tbe. Board of Education cordially
vetes the students Exeter High
School D,'strict to avail themselves of
the facilities provided here, and un-
dertakes Ito use every •endeavor to
keep the -standard of efficiency high,
so 'that s with application, on the part
of the student the best results may
be obtained.
Hegh School trai.ning is a necessity
-not a luxury.
. .
and Albeeta. Returning the faze will ng rtvers. .
be $20 from Winnipeg, plus abalf-cent This summer wonderland is famous
per mile from starting P•oint. Going the, ,entire continent over, and year af-
clates are August 13, 15, 22, and '24, tar year tired city dwellers frosn as1
• parts ,of Canada and the United States
according to the territory in Ontario. • •
° join
Onl the lunch cars food and refresh- comn.e• to s .
ments inlay . he obtained at reasonable and enjoyment. It is so close to the;
..prices. Special cars will be provided commercial centres that even those
far ladies; dbild,re,n, (full' fare) and with the briefest vacation time at
thea escorts. First special train will their disposal may enjoy its•delights.
leave: Toronto on •eech date at 10.00 . A fleet of eight modern steamer4
am., a.nd last special * 10.30_ p, ni,. Offers glorious water trips to all points
on each date. • • ,• • on Lake Rosseau,. Muskoka and. Jos-
.Full information May be secured
from any Careadien Pacific ticket
office. . '•.
t •
During June, July and August 007-
. respondents are requested to send in
news budgets a day ,eaelier than be-
fore, as we will issue The Advocate
eine day earlier. See that all news
arrives at The Adaocates office by
Tuesday morning. '
e,ph.There is every apportuarty for
motor -boating, and tbe, canoe trips are
inekbaustible. rThe bathing and fish-
ing is unexcelled and there is hotel
accommodation to suit every taste and
every purse
There is the gay feel:deniable hotel
with its golf course, tennis, bowling
glorious week -ed dataces, regattas;
etc., jut the place for those who
need livening up a bit, while, foe those
who are tired ,of the 'social whirl them
is the quieter hotel and boarcling house
offering just as enticingsont-door,
sports, but ;where, you may alv,e as)
quietly as you please
Canadian National Railways make
direct connections with lake steamers
anni -a p „
to C. Pil,ore, Dr.s.Roulston and W. W. Another leading feature of the
Taman, after defeating T. Elliot, R„ day was the annual endurance race
Ferguson, and E. Harness in the play-' for Ford cars through the sand on
off each having won, 2 games with a the beach. In this event Harold
plus& of 2. Merrel, of London, navigated a dis-
tance of -600 yards before he was
W. C. Rivers R. MawhirsneY; G. E. forced to drop anchor.
Andersen and ,Ed. Harness attended
St. Mathews bowling tourney, London Stanley Patterson, of Stratford,
ox Civic Holiday, and won: and lost came second and Daniel Vincent,
two games. , third.
• 1 Mrs. Heard Schroeder, of Dash -
Woods, J. A. Stewart, WM.' wood was declared the best looking
Taman and R. G, Seldom attended the 1 mother on the grounds.
alintee Cup •bawlingetourney at the 1 Below are the results of the races
Thistle Club, London, on Monday and
and other events.
won two and losttwo games.
Boy's race, 10 and under—C. 011 -
ver, W. Desjardine, L Desjardne.
Local News
Mr. Miltan, Pfaff was in Milverton
this week,
Miss Weekes .of Guelph washome
for a few days. •-•
Mise Gladys Harvey was home from.
.Guelph this week.
Mrs. Wm. Burke and children: are
visiting in London: °
Mr. H. J Fuke of Toronto was home
over the Week end.
H. T. Reeve and Miss Mildred
are •visiting in Toronto.
Misses Nancy and Mary Tom were
'in Goderich over .Sunday. •
Miss Fern Short was home from
London for the week end.
Girls 10 and under ---.-E. Sterling,
D. Heffernen, E. Herbert.
Boot and shoe race—E. Howie, D.
Auto owner's race—S. Robinson,
R. Smith.
Lady auto owners' race—G. Sterl-
ing, H. Revington, P. Sterling.
Married couples race—R. Smith
and E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Con-
Fat men's race—S. Armstrong, N.
Special fat men's race—R. Hayter,
R. Pollock.
• Ford dealers' race—S. Robinson
E. J. Ward, B. Holt.
Wheelbarrow race—W. Oliver and
L. Desjarline, J. Dawson and H. Mc-
1 Boxing in barrels—Ware Oliver.
Mr. Mervyn 3amm was home from
London for the week ,encl.
as ,
Mae, Cliff Spackaten and family of i
Guelph are visiting relatives here. • •
, •
After a visit at Mr. W. Rivers, Miss
Alice. Mowatt Inc returaed to Tor- 1
onto •- •
:Miss Mildred Hardy of Windsor is
visiting -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.'
Hardy. . I
Nothing is so •dangerous as an ig-
norant friend, Better is 'it to have a
wiseenemy. --
aIrs. Bert Sh-eere o.f Pieasant Vale,
'Sask., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
W. F, Abbott.
at - Muskoka Wharf, ,Bala Park ande
Lake Joseph stations.
Ask any agent for literature and,
Mr. Gould Ferguson of Pontiac,isdich.
motored here on Friday to, visit his
EXETER aunt, Mrs C. B. Snell. His sister;
Mrs, Hitchcock returned with him
Phon.e 70. On.
M ad Ms Latimer Grieve and
family of Strathroy were *kers ltv
town this week.
Mr. Will Manson of Toronto and
Miss Jessie Manson, of London visited
their parents h,e,re this .week.
• Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, and daughter
lime of Windsor are visiting Me. and
Mrs. Milton Pfaff and other relatives,
Mr. Isaac Dunsford and sister, Mrs.
Gould, motored to Stratford Sunday.
Mrs. J. Armstrang of that city and sister,
Mrs. Moore of Edmonton returned with
them and spent a few days.
n r .
Bun -eating contest—Carl Jones,
Cameron Jones.
Prize for fox trotting—Della Belt
and Arnold Rozelle, Florence Vincent
and R. E. Russell.
Prize waltzing—Mildred Lewis and
Thos. Ranker, Delia Belt and Arnold
Rozelle. •
Swimming race—Lloyd Conaehey.
Tug-of-war—Won by team cap-
tained by Emery Desjardine and in-
cluding E. A. Edwards, F. Barrett,
B. Sentinels, W. Brieber, B. O'Brien,
P. Boa, G. Bennerby and R. Elliott.
A baseball game between Grand
Bend and Dashwood teams was won
by the fornier by a score of 17 to 5.
About all you can s y for the groom
is that he holds a responsible position,
A lucky farmer is one who raises
enough corn to buy gasoline to run biz
tractor to plow the field next year,
Philanftbropy is the, busineiss of giv-
ing, it back to the people, you took it
from. •
A, sucker ms a marnt who believes ev-
erything. A grouch is a man who
dcsesnit assy more.
Sullivan -In, Stanley Tp., at the home
of John McCowan,, ,ors July 30, John
Mrs. He Sheardawn an Mrs.
Thos. Edwards are visiting friends at
Wedded in Windsor. -A quiet but
vary pretty wedding was solemnized
• •
Usborne, on Aug. 3rd,
lian Henry Veal, aged 67 ye,ars, 7
months, and 21 days,
MictSummer Sale
Bays' tan running shoes, heavy poles, b -est quality, ..... ....... $
Ladies white canvas slippers, values up to $4.00 -all sizes $1.98,
Ladies rubber -soled white outin g shoes -all sizes on sale at $1.49
Ladies new Colonial Slippers in patent & kid $4.S0 value for $2.98
Mersa mulesk:n harvest Shoes -real value at .$2.48
Ladies' white silk lisle stockings witb fancy black clocks 48c.
Ladies white silk stockings a goad weight & very special at 98c.
Black cotton stockings ,plain, or ribbed, sizes 5 1-2 to 10-25c.
alea's cotton sox for heavy shoes -a le* dozers at 25c. pair.
Our big range of English and C anedian Ginghams on sale 24c. yd
Special Gingham atterned Prints in light colors worth 30c. for 20c
Sponge Crepes in five pretty sh ades. To be cleared at 45c. yd.
Special prices on alil cotton, and pure silk Paisley materials.
Ric-Rac Braid, white and colors 30. per yd.
25 dozen Odd White Cups ,on 'sales at 10c. each
, 3 far 25c.
15 dozen god strong water' glasses
Meeds $1.25 work sheets, khaki or blue •chambray for 98c.
Quality Groceries
'anyai Yeast Cakes . .... Sc. Maple. Leaf Salmon half lb 26c.
Choice Seedie.s-s Rankle. 15c. Maple Leaf Salmon 1 lb-. 47c.
Sunmaid Seeded Raisins, 2 f or 35 Guaranteed Red Salmon 1 Ib 25c
3 doz. white jar rubbers for 25c Cascade Selman, half lb 10c
Laundry Soap less than 7c a bar Cascade Salmon, 1 lb 15c.
Christie's Soda Biscuits 15c lb. 3 IVIelsarents Jelly -Powders 25c,
Bose Che,ese fre,sh cut ..,... 25c. Our Spec. Biend Tea still. 55c
Pure Cane Su•gar, 10 lbs far $1,10 or $11.00 a. hundred.
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