The Exeter Advocate, 1923-7-12, Page 4ere and There 1 l'heExeter Advocatel Sanders & Cree.:h, Proprietors, Subscription, Price-Itt advance, $1 50 per year in Canada; 52.00 ]n the United States. All subscriptions not paid in advance 50ci. -etre charged, 091414414.1414..nosammonarma.womab 4.411i• THURSDAY JULY 12th„ 1923 Crediton r loads, $31,20; to Wm. Moodie for! TIJCKERSMITH work by otherson Tae roads, $143 { ---a- • 140; Carried: l L)eatli of Mr. Enrea-Depale,came still - Mr, aid hes, ' 1i;`dig'haffer and 'three Council adjourned to meet Satur- vlonday. morning, July 9, to Mr. three children of Chicago are visiting .dayAug4th, at 1'cloek, Silas Ere, li billy ,este mod resident t ,'the Home of Me and alts. Joseph ,. , of .this iowvnshtp bice had,,:been tai good Henry Strang, Clerk. .health apparently and a,lenn with iris ffaiat• Ret*. Otto Brown and son, Harry,. .. family attend byter service in the. 'retiirtsed to their „Iiiem.e'in Fremont, r >n1ondvklle . Prestxyteriaai Church, e- Ind., last Friday. N O REDUCTION IN DEBT, which • i4e . `wvas a menuberi Al her re- ;sir, and ears Otto Limbach of Wat- y turningthey retired in the levet-Ong as usual, and aboet 2 o'clock on Monday erlc�o, visited the latter'a sister, lets. The session of Parliament that lids g day pioraldmMr. Eyre expired unex- pectedly K. Braun, over the eve;ek enrcd. ; just closed was not impressive for a I pettedly iu itis sleep from heart fail - ?airs, Ed.. Beaver and Miss Edna area .resolute handling of the, financial pea_ three. The deceased, who, was an his ,t on of th s countr3 D ere ww°as a 70th year, was born, an Brockville in rati)er distre,ssitig absence of any ef- fort 1854 and afterward lived with ,his lam- a). Chiselhurst. He was married 35 Revenues were increased through fur- years ago to \Liss Janet Wren, Later ther taxation on sales, but the presenia \Ir. Eyre purchased a farm in Tuck- Goverminena t has utterly failed�soofat I erswith, where they have lived for the to l p e , in -cutting wvn, past 12 years. Besides Ins widow lout expenditures.' The apparent apathy c soars survive -Harry in Sarnia; Wren slang. these lines is i,,. marked contrast tai 'i' dsor and William noel Charles spendtng a .feww days m London, this Dashwood week. airs. Fred. Cowley, Dr, and Mrs. Eme erson. and two. children,,. and Mr. Clar- R v. Arad Mrs. P. Grammer and ence EiI-ber of Detroit are visiting at daughter, Martha have returrned from the homes of 14Ir. and Mrs. Chas.:Eil- a three wveeks° va.,ation, a Fort\•\Wayne bar and other relatives in the vicinity; Mrs, "L. Hamacher aid son, Eddie,„.tiers: C. Zwicl er is visitingin Lon - left on stuzday for a visit with relate don for a few days. riven in Detroit. ens Clar',ssa and \Valburg t Hill to. the policies and, practices, ,of the I i at home, The funeral takes lace to - Mass r _:lir lac its of Exciter sprat a. .7Detroit :tie c stung tbe'.r parents, British and United States, Goverrunents�day (Wednesday) • to 1IeTaegart's cem the week -end with kiss Hilda Snell. \rr. "and airs, August H-il e where ,hi ge •sums -..already Have .been ,etexy, b The. \forlock picnic held at Grand lopped orf the national debts, 'De- 1Lss Verda Fassold has returned to Bend en Tuesday was a success and pertmen,tal outlays and writes for pub- --- -- ij ▪ borne l.•er., after spending the the ' cay was much enjoyed by all lie Works are still excessive and the past ;v snotntlas aa Gattis_present, concurrence in the item of branch ]3I1]DULPH \ runs E. Tiernan ea London ie. visiting .. • ales, C::c11 Hamliltoa. •of Sarnia and line expenditure that eght have run \tri and '11rs. . deaau Isaac and .am relatives in town i.:aileren spent the weeek-end with Mr: up to $.50,000,000, or ee-e.n $75,000,00o, fly were visiting friends - and relatives ;Hiss L. Hooper of London is v t- ,abet airs. Matt. England. • came as somewhat of.a shock to those here on Sunday last, trig her sister, _Mrs, E Guenther. Mrs. Chris, Heist, Mrs. Dan_ \[cls air. and lits. Robt. Reville, alas- su1.r, Mrs. Schwartz and Mrs. Rev. '1 and 'Miss , F Stire o' Detro4t Drier were delegates to the Eva. ng.eli- s '`a ` iiaY last Fztday, Saturday and dun towns. Mr. and Mrs. F. \Valert, Mr. and, ,Mrs. C Stade end :Mrs. E. F. Kraft spent S :;Italie: .n Lond'oi,. 1L, Hr:demaa of Stratford s vitt- nave at the home: of a1. W. Shenk. The usual Band concert which our Brass Band gives on Saturday eeen- teas wv11 be postponed this we;:k an - til Sunday everting and Will be e v - en at Grand Bend at 3.30 p.m. ' Barn Unroofed, -During the severe eleetr el .ws_ c'. and rain storm that passed + over tins section, Monday night a part of- the roof on, the barn of the. Sanders estate, just east of the village and rented by Messrs Wein brothers, •vias ,.nvy:, ori Cry thettweek end with reien s. ea net W. \f, S. convention held in Rod - clay. , day. flee \lisses Loretta and Clara Heist have - xeturned from visiting r-elatives Centralia en Detroit. One. of the landmarks of our village the blacksmith shop situated on the property owned by ;11r. as. Hodgins, is iae,ng torn down. 1t'e t:ongratulate Miss alerts Clark in having passed her A,T.C.\I. ,exam- ;,nation in piano, also her pupil, Miss Elsie Thompson 'n passing the elem- " 1 "y piano. 117. ;and Mrs. H. E. Rapley and'Miss Norma of a1a#'ietta, Ohsa, are at the nam. of \Lr. and. 'airs, F. 'W. Clerk. Rev. Mathew Morlock occupied the saes.' of the Eve:igeLe L church on Sunday evening and delivered a very xbr•'. address .Iiss Vera Holtzman has returned to c ar• duties at Victoria Hospital, Lon - :ion., after holidaying with her parents .Ir. and .Mrs. J. In -Holtzman \I ", \\'iltred Hak- We. regret to say the small ,son o1 Fact: Badly i u Th.s. E hmme of APFIeton, Wis., who table had the. r,r• + o t,rae to have. the a a n with Mr. and _lits. J. H. side fT ` ° r>.' bean- 2 cut last week Holtzman, ;s :ll with pneumonia. ev.-.s. load._.,- sena: .u. fiber, n_4essit- ars, C. Trick and grandson, Kenneth at,ng several stitches to close. the L,l?.ow are visiting in Detroit. zv:zuad \Ira. Harry Wind and daughter, and Mira. F. Robinson and three sons' the, Misses Stott and Ouelette of De - from Aylmer visaed utth her ancle Itro t are visiting relatives here. Mr Wm. Moffatt last week. Mrs. John Willisand Miss Lily Wit- ' ----r- lis o: Marlette, alieh., visited a fewv` Whalen days with i1.. and Mrs Thos. Willis; lent weea., M Leann Einn t of 'Detroit s! • SCHOOL REPORT OF S, S. NO, epain.na a ner dese at her bonne: 12, USBORNE, for June, 'larks nee - 'nee G i i r a) - Marys is %peed.: essary for promotaarrt, Jr. 4 to Sr, '4, lea a ,zw days at home of hett435; 3rd to 4th•, 495; Jr. to Sr. 2,350 h ow' er, Mr. _h. -McLean. I JT. 4 to Sr. 4 -Elva,' Morley 493, Haze Vie sees \leneets left a fees days el Webb 460, Ross Duffielen 404, 3rd ;n> .' 13 wi'., vclaar he is trans to 4th=Dorothy Parkinson 642, hon- fe1 t Bank n :last city. Mr, ars; Dorothy Stevenson 600, John . Neil is lar the vacan ylrare Ryna 587, Harold Hazlewood 512, Ra ph a r_ w e1at iark.nson 498, Howard Morley 497 } ev ie' . a_,. We i.e.. writ -- Sr .a -Edna Squire 455. Jr. 2nd to t en tits wv Tho d Sr. ..nd-Rota Squ res 385, Harvey • v - Lein: 1, i i now tin St. Thom- Hobbs Sieh. lst to Jr. .2nd- Cine ;Dobbs, Ruth Morley, Malcolm Jonea1 l Elmer Webb. Primer to First-Willn' Dobbs, Fern Jones. Jr. Primer -Mary Morley, Grace Webb, Lloyd Dobbs, I Granton Jones. Number tried 17; number passed, 15.-W. B. Stewart .,..,7:...• +'.1 nton won. first teacher, , ,vniea TL, -am ament here ,,..r...,.day d , week, k with four l plea. . R rn_e's Hen- I USBORNE COUNCIL . wen seeeend. aith four v iris H ensa.il el 5 I . nnon'a Hefner, --- July 6th, 1923. Tee.-; , . E to art?, d of ` A special meeting of Usborne a l a plus rf ,19.'• Council was held on June 2nd, to T :, : . eui ty ks hear and consider the Scott Drain ' omirg prom 1 Improvement Report and By -Law. oto a dthree j All the members were present. The f t 11-, at'o p esenit 1 clerk reported that no appeal had and Ix `eflow. I been received by him. None of the liana c+ r.` i ere: 1 einni o Itlof I assessed parties being present, the l,,err i I l s r pony v. as per ' '• Council resolved to finally pass the J °, McConnell atBy-Law as it stood, at its next meet - t oyin's brother, Mr rag, July 7th. aHeddee. awl his wife of St. The Municipal Council of the " e -,, �c . ,. .00awsma: and Township of 'Usborne, met at the brinsaesed, Atter he ceremony the Town Hall, on Saturday, July 7th. linger ,_•r :r .1 r r end ,.o Seaforth. 1 A11 the members were present. Min - J. C. Clausen of Detroit, a .forayer utes of the meeting of June 2nd were buciDess, nr,n here, is visiting aid read and approved on motion of f ri en cis . Stewart --Ballantyne, together with I,4s Zl y Bu r a:.n of :' agara, is that of the special meeting on July eenedine nee .lio;idays at the parental en . horn Correspondence— Hydro Electric .: +ander '\lcMurtrie is very ill Power Commission, communication, fo•'C ev„,. , s::vera1 trakes of paralysis_ r re date of completion of 'Collector's w Laramie „_-etur,,era +-....., .Roil. The clerk was instructed to give' the required . information. Til- bi rp Brick .and Tile” Comihunication filed. Communication from Corru- era and lits, Glias, 'Troyer and gated Pipe Co ,- ,noted. The Scott. ch:Irrren of Toronto. are here visiting brain Improverneni By -Law having Mr. '4royer's mother, and 'elf. and ebeen read and considered in its entir- H s, George Hudson. eta*, it was finally passed on motion mess Florence Reynolds of Calgary, of Hanna -•Skinner. A committee of Alta., u•ho .has ben teachiuug there, ratepayers waited on the Council for a number of years, is home here r3 wing their attention to the dan- ger to life and property at cross roads by reckless motorists and re- questing action. Stewart—Ballan- i1ir. Percy Glenn of Toronto visited< tyre That permanent signs be post - , here. - etle,at dangerous crossroads within Miss Amy Laramie of Brantford in the ;,Township, warning motorists. here visiting her mother, Mrs. Wan, Carried. Lammie. Hanna— Skinner.—That Council - Miss Elva Bolton, left for Guelph liars Stewart and Ballantyne be a left Soy Guelph Co5leg.e to take a committee to secure information re second year course in Agriculture. price of same with power to act. :\iT, and Mrs, T. H. Higgins of Rose- .Stewart-Skinner—That the the fol• burg, Oregon, ,accompanied by Mr; lowing bills be. passed and orders is- . Sem; are : here visiting Mr. and t.ti41 for payment of same, Mrs, Robt. Higgins. They rho • tiered, all, Albert Etherington. and others, the way. gravelling Rd `4, $42. 50; John Lux- T•iie`and Drain rd. '5, $,.1:50; James ' = Heywood, pallia_' in Culver g t, draw- -i gravel,. BIbiS.U`'LPH • � g refund come state ; abor ,�.... 1,9.22',, - $7,2"5John'Davis R. Droughts 'le 't -',be 1.. 1. a h 1 de tai a 92 a., . ccurr..d :gat `us 3 Stat"1abor $'$r5 0 Mills;': & Wyxn 1& `Can 2 . aiddulph. Tp, ora Mon. plaaik-for 'brid e; 'road 7, $ 35.65 ; Ad -•das',f'uty' 9th;. oanSencisARyanhevocafe• Printing;Go' Municipal snpbus 77 c1 7i7,e $7,28 E,.. Robinson & So on Vv ednesday' tu'Lder th, . auspic:esu : GI'... ns,' .� tylefor Blan. Bey. $41.4.4 Jas. Wha_ CS L.O,L,; service, b% imp ,Meld at, nglyr:elo•< . Trinat " Church "L ucaii and inti a> gravelling Bidd. Bdy. our share, ,. y .r rr ne .2,5, 0 , , 1s�a.n,"� made a:t �St'."'J'am,es .ozm�etery��at ;� � 0, Hikrbert Bdy ace t, our share Clandeboye, ;•�t ex$ $..50;' Wm. Moodie, work on Tp:H v,,st i.. Brantford and Hamilton., le and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston of Windsor are visiting the -r relatives in •Hensall .and vicin ty for the holidays. Miss L. McKay, teacher of, Windsor is holidaying at her home, t outside the political atmosphere at Mr, Farnet Isaac had the misfortune Ottawa on Monday morning of having a hay The increase in the,stet debt of Can- fork run into his side. We trope ne ada during the month, of Julie, amount- serious results win follow. leg to $2,602,062, is shown in. the mon-' Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hodgen, Irs. thly statement.- issued through the Finarry McFalls and her two ;youngest ance Department. On June 30 Cane 'daughters visited relatives in London ado's net debt was $2,409,001,572, as on Sunday. compared With $2,406,399,510 on May Mr, Gannet Isaac is at present laid 31, r • up with blood poison( in iris arm, Miss Pneda Isaac is 'visiting with rel - The present Government must de velope a stronger leadership along lines of economy, otherwise they Will serve the same fate as the Drury gov- ernment. The band -writing will soon he on the Wallin such glaring charact- ers -that their obliteration, will be .m - possible. They have been warned of it, - - - 1 Each acre of corn grown in Ohio costs on an average 46.26 hours of labor. Canada is now second on the list as an exporting land, the per capita being $100.63 per annum. A new station is being built by the Canadian Pacific Railway at Fredericton at a cost of $50,000. Half a million Canadians look to the forests each day for their meals and lodging, and more than 100,000 Canadian Workmen are engaged in converting forest products into one form or another. The large party of Hebrideans who were brought to Canadaonthe Canadian Pacific Steamships "Meta - game" and "Marloch" have gone to Red Deer, Alta., where they will form an agricultural colony. Seven hundred farmers and farm laborers arrived in Canada recently on the Canadian Pacific steamer. "iMontcalrn." These colonists are proceeding to Ontario and western points where they will take up farm work. The project of a ship canal across Scotland from the Clyde to the Firth of Forth was brought to the fore again at a recent meeting of the Mid-Scotlan"d Ship Canal AAs- sociation, and there is a possibility of something being started in this connection in the near future. A single pair of potato bugs would, without check, increase" to 60,000,000 in one season; the hop aphis, developing thirteen genera- tions in a single year would, if un- checked to the end of the twelfth generation, have multiplied to ten sextillions. Canadian air pilots flew 294,449 miles carrying 9,153 passengers and 77,850 pounds of freight in 1922, according to a report of the Cana- dian Air Board, Saskatchewan pilots led in the Dominion, carrying 3,622 passengers. Manitoba pilots irried 1,622 people, and British liolumbia pilots 1,122. - A. company has been formed in London to exploit sunken treasure in Navarino Bay, off the west coast of Greece. The promoters state that there is a matter of $45,000,000 in bullion and other forms still at the bottom of the Bay, where it was sunk with the united fleets of Egypt and Turkey by the united British, French and Russian . fleets an 1827. Last summer 4,00b forest fires cleared away at least ten times as many trees as were cut down for. lumber, pulp and paper, and all: oth- er industrial purposes. A very large percentage of the fires were caused. by careless campers and sportsmen who "thought it would die out" or cast away a lighted match or cigar- ette end. - Improvement of camping facilities at Banff forautomobile tourists is now being made: The Mount Run- dle camp site is being improved 'and enlarged, and will be equipped ` with all modern appliances. It is ex- pected that as a result of the open- ing of the Banff-Windermereroad this year, the tourist traffic through Banff will be the heaviest ever re- corded. atives an Forest, • Mr Harold Mitchell who has been very all is improving nicely. Miss Flora D+irtniey is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sboldice(s. Bliss Verne Daws is visiting relat- ives in London Township, Some of our boyhave a great at= traction arouund Claaideboye. e rend of Business TO forecast correctly trade develop. ments is of vital importance to the .. man of business. - Our Monthly Commercial Letters, which will be sent on request, con- tain ontain analyses of agricultural and trade conditions of great assistance in reaching sound conclusions. 672 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $ 15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 • • M. R. Complin, Manager - G. G. Maynard, Manager • G. G. Maynard, Manager Exeter Branch • Crediton Branch • Dashwood Branch LOOK AT THE LABEL, The Advocate is gong to make a determined ,effort to clean up the subscription list. The labels were all marked up on May 3rd. If, by any ses �►N "wp ' mere~ a mew: oW► rebs e► •� neaM chance, your label is not as it should he, let us know at once. We are •go- I inn to give all those who are. years been this one chance to pay` up, .and then it will net be our fault if some, are asked to pay 52.00 per year, and ' perlrai>s some .costs. We know it is simply neglect on tate, part of many. - ft but we carurot live on. neglect. . INCORPORATED 1855 Capital andJReserve 59,000,000 Over 125 ,Branches, THE MOLSONS BANK COURTESY TO ALL In all departniients ev•erw' effort is made to eliminate unnecessary formalities and to assure speedy and courteous service to customers. Savings Departments at every Branch EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business Gaily. Remember The Advocate liar a ,1 newspaper clubbing list that includes any daily or weekly newspaper or any F monthly journal. We save you the trouble of .sending for them, and in ' most cases save you a little money besides. -S t Send The Advocate to your dis- tant frien& for a year. It will 'be' appreciated. t1h• _ (y �• ben -?.?;y% \\.,,.;-"":ter/ \ :; r41 - \�Yfii \-c0�":=.^F:r"". \�• n7 t.'.��1��+.��\\ /%a5t•��/:w�\�% w\im �\�.G:�:A��•G:�'•�v\'�•0:.:�\\��\�la:.•`�`�-a�•'3 Social Service Convention To be held in - 41AIN STREET CHURCH, EXETER; WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING JULY '18th Under the Auspices of THE HURON COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICE CO UN°CIL The Public:, is Invited. Banquet at the Church at 6 p.m. J. A. IRWIN, President W. Tickets 50c. H. WILLIS, Sec'y V iA3 At the annual meeting of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Presi- dent E. W. Beatty pointed out that prospects, for the immigration into Canada of the ;class of colonist urge,. ently needed to - develop the ;; cotirr- r try's natural 'res' ources:wereLs. m u�her -brighter than th had bee te,! :..:�•, . past two. or three,: years, and; an in . r c eases] traffic; from, Great gz�itarnr ,�,=.;, ;wa E P s <si and Northern uro e� .i di`ated-is c by the "largely increased western;. movement on the company's ships during the past four months of this. Spring=time Revelry in Garden City 1. -Mrs. 'Walter Nichol, placing the commemoration wreath. 2. --Parliament buildings at Victoria as seen from veranda of Empress Hotel. 5..—queen of the Mnytime Frolic at Victoria B.C.,: in her royal coach. 4.—Queen Dora Bolls enthroned at the entrance to the Parliament Buildings. - THJS year the citizens of Victoria B. C., celebrated the eightieth 'birthday of this garden city and for tie days beginning with the twenty-fourth of May the cifrolicked. :During the previous week the May Queen had been chosen and with her maids of Honor had travelled to neighboring cities inviting her sisters and brothers front Nanaimo, Vancouver and New West- minster, and her cousins from Seattle, Bellingham and Portland to loin in a three day frolic in her delighful gardens. The neighboring cities responded to her bidding to the extent of sending their Mayors and {hundreds of their 'populace to take part in the spring- time revelry. The initial oerenlony of the threwe day fete was per - ;formed when Mrs. Walter C. Nichol, wife of the Lieu- -tenant.:.:Governor of the province of;, British Columbia laced a. beautiful floral wreath nen the ::.p s,;l tisorea }bronze statue • ot Queen :.Victoria ` -hich stands. before' ithe rlianient but dangs,e eine the ue of the 'i+in" "tial^ d r „Daughters; the. ire " O e h E .��he, landing l r., ,.�&h i3.,.9f% .....N -I? <,.. & af• the Nfay..Queens ;from H,M;C,S. •; Patrician folioweii tlii5` 'cerepiony, a tender b_earing•.their M'jesties'to the broad esteps eadin it 1 i cion d ct to the rl amen l e t buildings: .S y "' 'Here they, were ven the ;freedom BOE the' citya Y � by M yor' , Maynard and were crowned by His Honor the Lieu= t.'nnnt Governor; 01 British Columbia. ' 'Then came the Grand Parade, enteredinto by almost fiery `*ptoiaobtle in- the ""efty• and ,participated in b7 every public spirited . firm and individual of Victoria. Bellingham Wash., Nanaimo, ` and Esquimault sent picturesque fldata:. and the recently 'inaugurated Can- adian Pacific_ motor ferry plying between Vancouver Island, and the former city gave hundreds of .Americans au opportunity to enjoy a real twenty fourth of Masity celebration, • During the three days' many ..sports events were arranged and on the Thursday and Friday evenings elabdrate balls were given in the armouries and at the Empress Hotel, Amid the histo ical surroundings of Beacon' Hill, where as the name implies beacon fires were built in the early days for the: guidance of sailors off the Islapd coast, the picturesque Frolic Pageant was .staged on Friday. The Passing of the Pessimist was +;the title given this Much heralded event which portrayed theindictment .and reforpiation of many ,types,of civic grouch. :i • ' Saturday,- as other° days; witnessed band concerts given throughout .the' city - streets from- early m ,rrtaing until late ;t. n4 :: :: and a , night.'A .home-mtta ride cirous- provided matinee 'entertai'nanent „at tae e a +the is es i ,. a, i1 „erg i at p ttax que� "night attack TYy"'Indians staged tn4 those natural-.sourroundings recalled very' vividly the ppoiaeer days of Vancouver `Island and "brought 1» a close a civic carnival of brilliant sPlendaur when the eget Of the: Pacific •Cities pard lioinage to. the memory bey tonal' `snare sakes, Vleto fa the''Good-.