The Exeter Advocate, 1923-6-28, Page 8EXETER A!III DGA'TE, ,TB1ITBSnirY !TUNE 28ft92B Exeter Markets CH \NGE;} EVERY WEDNESDAY Local Doings air, Henry Caultis is confined to his Wh at ..,.. 1.15 home through illness, OAT' ' ' 55 Thursday haat was midsummer day, Barley hillongest day of the year, s. elle . ua , i; est Flour .... ,.. ..,.. 3.85 Fanny Flour 3.70, The, Normal students are, home after Pastry v Fleur 3,10 " :.t4' ' the year's course, Feed x'citr 2.10 asresseaam is to celebrate, in a line of Brae 1,70 CaIedoniran spores on July 2nd. SarE;;gs 22 Watch your orchards for, the fly or Creamery '!'utter .,....... 36 to 38 moth that are stripping, off the• leaves. Daisy Butter 28 Entrance axams. to the High School Lard ...... 17 to 20 will be held this week, June, 27, 28, 29. Potatoes Hogs I,00 - sae Huron County Councillors will hold their annual picric a'f Goderich Thurs- day. Mrs. W. H. Johnston spent the. last week in. Hamilton and Toronto, re- turning* Saturday„ accompanied by her daughter. Dr. Glary, and Dr, \Zabel Bray of Hamilton,. air. 'Win. Leavitt of, the Dom; Rink has a curiosity in the shape of a rose bush that vast year yielded a small number at red roses' and this year 's covered with almost white roses, Mr. Lessvist £s puzzled to account for it, The department of Agriculture dur- i.ag the past month has placed signs along the roads in different localities in this. disr i"t notifying the farming public that the section is quarantined for the export of Indian corn owing to to rava e..3 of the European Corn borer, ORANGEMEN ATTENTION. Special County Orange Service next Sunday attennoort at 3 o'clock in. Trivitt Memorial Church. Rev. A. A. Trumper, County Chaplain, will be the preacher. The brethren will m.e,et in, the Lodge, Roam at 2.30 CARD OF TIL4.1aRS firs, A, K. Ford and. family wish Ito thana their friends and relatives for the kindness shown them in their re- cent sad bereavement. Strawberries Fresh Berries, right off the vine, delivered the day ordered. Popular Pr1ees. Special rates to socials in quantity orders. Phone or write Geo Hay, Phone 29-12, Crediton, Ont. WANTED -A ;reliable man to act as local representative at $2.00 and dis- trait, for "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries", to solicit orders for high- class fruit and ornamental stock.. New season's business just starting; a splen- did opening for the right man, Write for full parti_ulars Stone & Welling- ton„ Toronto, Ont, PROPERTY FOR SALE, Consisting of house, stable, and 8 lots of land, situated in Exeter North on Main Street. Apply to H, Bier - ling, Hay P. O. HOUSE AND LUMBER FOR SALE A frame house, 18x24, in good con- dition„ situated on Lot 18, Con. 9, Tp. of Stephen, to be moved; also quantity, hemlock lumber, all sizes; doors and door frames; about 300 feet of dress- ed pine lumber., quantity of lath, and 8x10 cedar timbters. J. S. ARMY, Hay P.O. FOUND. -A. place where you can but British. American gasoline at 30c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North G S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 'Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontaritorl, and Un- iversity of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Malta ary .District Number one, Landon, Ont, Bain Office-Dicksaon Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont, Hours -9 an. to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zurich Ont., Thane 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 am. t(a. 5 pan atartiang a't Eatetex oat Saturday, the 26th inst. T,FrT ELLIOTT & JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for there and deliver them. We are out far business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples, OUR MOTTO -Service to the Public. Cartage & Livery 'We make trips to London each week, 1eav: your orders, at aur office or at the Central Hotel. Cars for hire at all times BAGSHAW & EASTON We Carry A Big Stock of Furniture AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEAEN. SATISFACTION` GUARANTEED R N.W Ft0 E -Conductor of Funeral Services Phones -Business 20vr; Rcsidenaa lei Dominion Day, July 1st, falling on Sunday will he observed on Monday July 2nd, On. Friday night, June Z2nd, Mrs. . D. Yeo eieceseed the sad news :9f the death of her eldest brother, Wm, H. Tom of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Partirulars have not yet been received aria will be gimen in; a later iss'tie, Sails Blanche Senior of Exeter on Monday .evening took partin a Vaca] Recital Ln the Assembly Hall of the London Institute of Musical Art, as a pupil of -Miss Nora Little, singing three ,numbers fin excellent voice and with very pleasing effect, Rev, A. A, Trumper has received an invitation from Holy Trinity Church \Vaauupeg, to take charge of the ser- vices thexe Sin July and August. Rev. Trumper supplied in this church for several weeks .last summer, He has again accepted the invitation and will leave here on July 23rd. The new _Methodist ministers, Rev-. Donnelly at the James Street Church and Rev.. Clysdale at Main Sttrte-t Church arrived here this week, and will occupy their new, pulpits on Sun- day unday next, Rev. Wilson and wife have gone to Atnherstburg, and Rev. and 'firs. McAlister have gone to reside near Preston. DIED AT MORDEN, MAN. The ,death occurred ors June 17th. at Morden, Manitoba, Hospital, of Samuel Brooks, of Manitou, Manitoba, at the age of 72 years. Deceased had been afflicted with cancer for some years, and had undergone faur opera- tions. Mx. Brooks used to lice in Exeter, but left about 40 years` ago, since residing in Western Canadaana the United States, Mr. C. T. Brooks Uof Exeter is a brother, and the last of the family. BOWLING. E. J. Wetliey, W, J. Heaman and T. Pryde were winners of first prize at the regular Friday ,evlening bowling tournament, with 3 wins, plus 5, J• Pryde, N. J. Dore and C, Wares won second prize, with 2 wins, plus 14. Thepairs of Exeter bowlers attend- ed the. London Thistle Scotch Doub- Ies on, Wednesday of last week, but after losing a couple games each they came to the canclusi!on that it „was too hat to bowl and returned home rather than to continue: the second day lE A.TH OF AIRS, KERNICK. There passed away at her home, Exeter North, on Wednesday, June 20, Ellen Gibson, wifel ofa Mr, Thomas T. Kernick, aged 65_ years. She had been in poor health,for same time,.but there was no change In her condition until ten days previous! to her demise, when .she took worse and gradually sank until the end carie, Mrs. Ker - nick was born in; the. Township of Usborne, Thames Road, being a daughter of the late Mr. and *Mrs. Robert Gibson,_ She qualified far a school teacher, and for .a number of years taught successfully at Grand Bend. About 42 years ago she was married to her now; bereft husband, and her whale life has been spent luny this neighborhood, -being respected. and esteemed by a, large circle of friends, , She was a, memib r of the Presbyterian Church and was constant M her attendance a£ grace,, when health and 'strength would permit. Besides her husband she Is survived by one adopted daughter, Miss Annie, also one brother, Andrew Gibson of Thames Road and one sister, Mrs. AI. -1 � exander, of Usbo,rne, The funeral was held to the Exeter cemetery on Fri- day last.. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday. S ervic es in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting 7 p.m. -Salvation Meeting, 2.30 p.m.-Su,nday School and Bible ' Glue Cottage meetings in North End 'on Tuesday night ?. Robbins, Captain, Trivitt Memorial Church 0. 10 a, m, -Sunday School. 11 a.m.-"An Incarruptiible Crown." 3 p.m. -Special Service to Orange Mme'• NO EVbNING SERVICE. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN DMIRCH. Rev. James Foote, B. A. Minister 10 a. m.-Stthday School and Bible Classes: 11 a.rtassa 7 p.m. Boy Scouts meet Friday e' ening, JAMES ST, METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J Wiasoaa, B,A. 11 a.m.- 3 para -Sabbath School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. All axe tv ctome.. .1liss 31ay Arinstroag left on Monday for Toronto:, This district has experienced several days of extreme heat during the past week, and the shower, oat Monday after- noon was very welcome.. Exeter did trot have as much; rain as other plaoes and another shower av ould be welcome to the crops. Capt T. Robbins, who has been the effieie.nt head] of the Salvation Army here for nearly a year, has xerer ed. marching orders to proceed eta Goda erich on July 5th,, and he will be suc- ceedecl here by Ensign arid Mas: Stev- ens of Gaderieh• KICKED IN LbG: Nit Andrew Easton is confined to his home, the result of .art, accident which befel hirn last week, He had ridden a horse to pasture, and it be- coming frightened at an automobile, kicked hint in the; leg as he ditn.ount- e'd, causing a nasty and painful wound. Mrs, Chas, Birney is confined to her home suffering from the effects of a very sore tae, which has been giv- ing her trouble for some 'anat. SUSTAINED STROKE„ are J N, Howard an Tuesday ev- ening while at work about the house was stricken' with a stroke of paraly- sis, theleft side being affected, He was given immediate attention and is novo doing as well as can beexpected. His daughter, airs. A. J McTavirsh, and Mr. McTavish of London, his son, Mr, Case Howard of New York, and nephew, alr, Lionel Howard of Lon- don, were here awing to his illness. FAREWELL SERMONS, On Sunday last Rev, M. J. Wilson, in the James Street Methodist church and Rev, W. G. H, McAlister iin.'Maia- Street Methodist Church, preached farewell sermons, and good congrega- tions were present, despite the ex- treme heat, They are leaving for their new homes this week, and will have the best wishes for their future of both congregations, besides the com- munity in general, among whom tbey have labored. I, 0, 0, F. piT CORATTO,1* The beautiful decoration service of the Oddfellows was held at th.e cem- etery on Sunday afternoon last. D:e- spite the very warm weather quite a Large number of brethren attendedthe service, and many others, were present to da like duty to departed .relatives and friends. The proceldure was a little d;;ffe,re(nt from usual in that the graves of same thirty-four brethren were first decorated, after which all gathered in the centre of the ceme- tery, where excellent addresses were giv"en by Rev, A, A. Trumper and Rev. Bra, James Foote. Mr, Will Gardinerspent Tuesday iau London. Mass Vi,na Fisher of Hamilton is visa icing relatives here. Mrs. A. McAvoy returned Sunday frons a two weeks' visit in. Wingham. Mrs. Oakes, of Chicago, is visiting uenol u> aao2aa0 •y .sans '.taglom aatt Mrs. Charlie Dale, of London, iS visiting her sister, ears. T. Acheson, Mr, Frank Ross ands family of Lon - were visitors in town during the week east 2dr, and Mrs. Austin Hewitt of De- s troitripiit es, ,spent a few days here with rel Mr. Bert Gardiner has returned from London, where he has been for some weeks, Miss Hattie Sweet returae,d Tues- day from the Press Convention at Haliafax. Mr. and _airs. Hopper of Belgrave visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Birney Sunday,. aer. Gordon Taiylar of Windsor is visiting hi sparents, Mr. and Mrs, John W. Taylor. Mr, George Armstrong and Spay Fred of Paris spent Saturday 'and Sunday with Mr. and l\Irs. 1. Armstrong PMr, Frank Howard of Detroit is; h ere after many years' absence., owing to the illness of his rather, Mr, :J. N. Howard. :VIr.and airs, W, Zl. Wood of Wimcl- sior are here vis ting w,th relatives, guests of Miss I B. Gillespie,,and.oth•- e r relatives. Mrs, Emma. Welsh of Clandebaye;,, Mari,, arrived here last week, and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Creech and other relataive;s. Mrs, J, C. W, Agnew, of Winnipeg ain•d two children, are, spending several weeks with the formrer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John, W. Taylor, Mr. Frank •tam and family of To- ledo, Ohio, were in town on Friday fou' afew hours ore their way ;to God- erich to spend the summer months. Mr, J. J. White of Outlook, Sask.,. spent a few days wiath his sisters, bere last week. Mrs. White is vis- iting in, Detroit and will y'isi't in Ex- eter later ora, Mr. and Mrs. Viktor Freach of Wet- uakiwin:, 'Alta., arrived here Tuesday after attending the Press Convention in Halifax, to visit relatives an fawn PHONED 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 :ooi 'Wearing Apparel For Hot Weather ti LADIES VOILE BLOUSES (AT 98c, 5 doaen Ladies, ueautiful Quality Voile Blouses, sizes 36• to. "44, form- erly said as high as $2.75, Slightly, soiled, to clear at 98c. each. COTTON WASH DRESS GOODS Vo' We have e It, beautiful range of Cotton Wash 'press Goads in Crepes, aI Ra, asses, Etc., in all popular colors-maass 1iiee at greatly re- duced pricers. LARGE BUNGALOW APRONS AT 79c, Only, fear left; of these large roomy aprons, SP sae offer the balance of them, at oneprice, 79c. each. CLEARING OR LADIES' KIMONAS AND DRESSING SACQUEs. Extra.. SBecial this 'week Ladies' Short Japanese Patterned Dressing Sacclues, Regularly 51,75, clearing at98c.; ,also the same materials in long R%mo,nas, regularly $2,75; clearing at $1.54, SILK POPLIN SK1R.TS AT $x,95, Z oily, Lardles;' Silk P,apliltii Skirts -colors, tlalyt grey ae c3broy'rn: Tliesre, are odd lines, fortmcr^,,y, sold, at $7.50 each; to clear this vveiek at only $2,95 la-acli, MEN'S SUMMER DRAWERS, 3$c. PAIR 3 pAIR for $1. 3 dozen, only .Ken's Short Summer Drawers in Bakroskn¢it Material, the skixts to match axe all sold we offer the drawers regularly sold 75c, for 35c, parr, or 3 pairs for - $1.00,, . SUMMER SWEATERS FOR LADIES. We have just received another shipment .of •beautiful Summer Sweat- ers in the new Jacquette• Style in silk and wool materials. Call and in- spect these beautiful garments, 5.1 aaaa as at BOYS' WASH SUITS Sizes, 2 to 6 years, mice range oaf styles and, colors, $1.00 to $1,40 suit GIRLS' WASH DRESSES. 2 to 14 years, clearing at greatly reduced prices. CLEARING OF LADIES & MISSES SUMMER DRESSES All our Summer wash Dresses including Ratines, etc., must be clear- ed out at once, so we are .Cffering GREATLY Rb,DUCED PRICES on these lines to clear them ata, MEN'S FURNISHINGS Cool Athletic Underwear, Straw Hats, Belts, Invisible Braces, Wash Ties,, Garters, Arm Bands, Etc., at attractive, prices. Shipment of neve, Ties b the very popular polka dots, tweeds stripes, eta. - MONARCH KNITTING YARNS IN STOCK. THIS STORE CLOSES EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JONES & MAY OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regis:tared Lave Stock, Mercharidase, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices, Satisfaction assured, Write or wiire 18-93, Zurich. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont, ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEI,R FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Adviacatea or at the Central HoteL Prices neasOnabie, Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES DR. A, E. TENNANT . Veterinary Surgeon McDonel.i's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately ocouoied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w - alaawillaaellasaesamearaelemepialleadat ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Farm and stock sales a specialty. Four years experience. FRAN'IC TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Elution and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 "Billie Burke" Dresses 7'IiIS WEk1 eve are showing a New statue The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known Oat applrcatloaa Stray Animals --Orale insertion 50c., three insertions 51,50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than fire Wee', Floc- Salve, To Renft, Wanted, each inas'ealtiion 50c. Last and Found locals 25c. an. insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c, per line, per insertiona No noltace less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction ,Sanies 53 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if ander I e inches in Iengtb. Legal advrertisiaxsg 10c. and 5c. a line. Farm par Reaag. Estate for sale 5.0c. each insertion fort one ma'ncth of Lour insertions, THE DOUBLE TRAOK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car tordee, Sep cans on night trains aad Pastor cars on principal day train gnu infoamextiroen fta any Gre! Truth Ticket Agent, or C. S, Hetes • District Passenger Amt, Taro N. J. DORE Mow 44w, A lli of these popular and j moderately priced Gingham Dresses /Priced .at $,5,00 $6,00 and 3.7.50, for few days, LADIES' SUMµVMR VESTS AT 45c. VIr, J. H. Dore and two daughters pf Mitc,hell, Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Dare This its an +exceptionally good quail- arnd family of Lucan Mrs. Robertson vest ; in strap or minify cut styles' and two children, of Stratford spent Special price , 45c. Sunday with 'var. aa&Mrs, N. J. Dore: Mrs. 11Matherweil, wife of Hon, Mr. Mother:nnell,Do.max eim Minister of Ag- riculture, and Mass ' Alma; visited at the home of Ma. Jahn', Bell, Sr, An- drew' street, the gue,st,, of MIs, _Ketch--' Messrs. S_ .M,:Sanders, and L. Peaybale, viisated•the Forest. and Strath- r,oys factories and attended a meeting of the factory managers and .process ors of the Canadiian Canlners'at A.yl• mer Iasi.w'eek Mr. Wnrrean B .: Ross, 'af Cedar Ra ild Iowa'. soh of .the la ll,. Pi, R'ass together with his wife>,andl twoa..soins,' rriatored here en..Thursday and:' spentt a .,few days an business ixf Connecttoat • with the: -estate. • LADIES' BLACK & WHITE HOSE Hose, with double toe, h eel • and f oot. This, line we have been selling at '75c. Reduced for quick sale per pais- 49c: LADIES' WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS 8t SHOES PER PAIR $1.98; 75' pairs ,of White Canvas Oxfords and Shoes regular '$,3.50, $4.00 and 55,00 values, . we place on our counters this week at greatly reduced price; of $1.98. 98c. ',PAIR CHILDREN'S ' WHITE ORF.OR.DS` ,8t STRAP SLIPPERS 98c, Thos week ' we place on SALE 100 pairs of Chaldren's;'White Shoes an,d Fleet=foot Running Shoes, regular p_licef on this line linea up to $2,00., Come and' ,let -us ';save you mono : While: the' last, o Y, a Y 1 , ourych�auae; for -en. 98C.. Southeott Bros. L. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Sol,iics"tor, Ric Loans; Investments 1ssurainod Office, Calimg Block, Main St. '14x' tea' I w Offices D. G. F, Routston, L. D. S.,D. DENTIST J Office ' over Carling's La Cloned Wednesday afternoons. • Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S, AILS Horton` Graduate Toronto University Office -over . Madman & Stanbury'i Office, Main Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN Wie' basie a large amount of private funds to Bonin on farm and viilage Property at low rates of interest. GL.ADMAN & STAF uatY' 8 elite a, &tailor., Ll+ IMO -r TV p1 tc ba st tC vv b ill c s v t I